nilknarf710 has been a FunTrivia author since Apr 12 08 and has written 24 quizzes.
nilknarf710 writes for many different categories, but is most active in
Movies, and
For Children.
has earned 2,295 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Bio: Christian nurse and grandmother from Northern NJ
Hobbies: trivia, Quilting, crosswords, word games, writing
How well do you remember the words to popular hymns? I'll give you a line from the hymn, and you choose the next line in that hymn from the available choices. The lyrics come from the cyberhymnal site.
This quiz begins with "The Wizard of Oz". Each clue will take one detail or character from the film in the question, and that detail will lead you to the next film. Hope you have fun!
For the purposes of this quiz, you are a vein. These questions will show how much you know about yourself, your structure and your job. Have fun - it won't be in "vein"!
Many TV shows have titles which refer to the main character by a nickname or a name other than their real name. Can you name the title characters of these shows?
The first nine answers to this quiz will give you clues that will lead you to the common bond they all share - and that will be the answer to #10, a comedy movie. Enjoy!
In this quiz, the fictional character Moviella is going on a trip around the USA. To do so, she will take directions from the titles of ten different movies. If you can guess the name of the movie, you will be able to figure out where she goes next.
Lots of Broadway shows have the names of one of their characters in the title. But those titles often have just one name. How well do you know the complete names of these Broadway title characters?
I relied on for show information.
This quiz will have some questions about squid ink and its use - and also questions about foods just as dark (or darker) than squid ink. I hope it makes you curious enough to try something new!
"Right Said Fred" is an English band who gained fame with the song "I'm Too Sexy". This quiz is about other Freds who said interesting things. (The TV shows in this quiz are American TV.) Can you complete these quotes by some well-known Freds?
Carlita is a little girl who got a new doll. She is very excited about this doll and wants to describe every detail. If you know some Spanish, you should be able to figure out what Carlita is saying.
Did you ever hear of Opposite Day? It's a day where everything that happens is the opposite of things that would normally happen. In this quiz, some of our favorite nursery rhyme characters will participate in Opposite Day.
This quiz features verses from the Bible which use the word "money". What do you know about what the Bible says about money? All verses are from the New International version.
Many churches are replacing or alternating traditional hymns with choruses. These are often based directly on Scripture.
I will give you some lines; please choose the correct next line: