Author Biography: ozzz2002
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ozzz2002 has been a FunTrivia author since
Nov 30 01 and has written
238 quizzes.
ozzz2002 writes for many different categories, but is most active in
Brain Teasers,
General Knowledge, and
Music, and has won
6 Editor's Choice awards on submitted quizzes.
- has earned 13,909 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
- has adopted / renovated 4 quizzes that required editing work to date.
- last seen online Feb 17 25, and most recent quiz went online Feb 04 25.
Bio: A trivia buff, an Aussie and bloody proud of it, and a Scrabble junkie. I love playing with words. I am honoured to be a Moderator and an ex-Editor on FunTrivia. Often found in the Tipping Threads forum.
Hobbies: Scrabble, philately, crosswords.