seamax has been a FunTrivia author since May 15 03 and has written 11 quizzes.
seamax writes for many different categories, but is most active in
Sports, and
has earned 407 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
One of my favorite films spawned a slew of knockoffs in the 1970s. This 1970 movie starring Burt Lancaster and Dean Martin set the bar high for the disaster blockbusters that followed.
A quiz not about Frank Sinatra but about the people who would be friends to the Chairman. See if you know the names of these famous, and not so famous folk Sinatra called pallies.
There are only so many names in this world and some of our most famous cities have lesser known relatives in other states. Can you figure out what major cities appear in states other than the ones they are famous for?
"Ball Four" was the first book ever written to expose athletes for what they really are - human beings. First published in 1970, this behind-the-scenes account of life in Major League Baseball was written by Jim Bouton.
The world's premier sports magazine, "Sports Illustrated", began in 1954. The November 10, 2003 issue recapped the first 50 years. How much do you know about those famous covers that lured us in each week?