Wezroft has been a FunTrivia author since Aug 11 03 and has written 13 quizzes.
Wezroft strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Video Games,
Music, and
has earned 424 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Hobbies: photography, foreign languages, movies, video games, tv comedy, 80's music,
This has to be one of the best television shows ever. The questions will centre around "Steptoe and Son" in general, so a true fan should have no problems. Enjoy.
This is a quiz based on Duran Duran's side-lane music, mainly B-side songs. If you have the singles from '81 to '85, this should be a walk in the park. Enjoy!
There are two reasons why I created this quiz: this is my favourite film and there are no other quizzes on this film so I thought I'd be the first. Enjoy and have fun.