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Insects Trivia Questions and Answers
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1. The titan beetle is a really long beetle. Where does it live?
Answer: Amazon rainforest
Interesting Information:The Titanus giganteus, or titan beetle, is the largest known beetle in the Amazon rain forest and one of the largest insect species in the world. They can grow up to 6.6 inches (16.8 cm) in length. They have very strong mandibles that reportedly can snap a pencil in half. They can also rip into human flesh. When it is threatened, it sends out a very loud hissing noise which makes it even more frightening.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: Big Creepy Crawlies
Some incorrect choices:
African savannah, Gobi desert, Hawaii
2. What ant shares its name with a type of ammunition used in guns?
Answer: Bullet ant
Interesting Information:The bullet ant is found in the rainforests of Central and South America. It is a large bug, typically ranging between 0.7 and 1.2 inches long. The bullet ant lives in colonies of several hundred individuals, typically found at the base of trees. The ant gets its name because its sting is very painful, similar to the pain experienced when one is actually shot.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: It's Not Too Easy to Kill An Insect!
Some incorrect choices:
Shotgun shell ant, Grenade ant, Hollow point ant
3. Dragonflies and damselflies belong to the order Odonata. What does the name Odonata mean?
Answer: Toothed jaw
Interesting Information:Both dragonflies and damselflies possess a fearsome battery of mouthparts of a type unique to their order. The lower lip, or labium, has been modified to consist of a pair of hinged spines that move in a sideways manner to impale its prey. When not in use these modified palps are folded away below the insect's head. Should the nymph capture large, struggling prey, dragonfly larva will use the sharp spines on the tip of the abdomen to subdue it further. As a nymph, their prey consists of the larvae of other insects, water fleas, snails, small fish and tadpoles.
The labium are easily capable of piercing the exoskeletons of their prey and their powerful mandibles make short work of the relatively soft flesh of vertebrates. Adults catch their prey on the wing and it is not unusual to see a dragonfly dismember its food in flight with their wings bitten off and discarded, fluttering to the ground whilst the dragonfly devours the insect's body. As nymphs, both dragon and damselflies will only take moving prey which they sense by touch or by sight.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Skimmers, Darters, Chasers and Damsels - Odonata
Some incorrect choices:
Paired leg, Large eye, Slender body
4. Able to pull more than a thousand times its own bodyweight, which is the world's strongest insect?
Answer: Dung beetle
Interesting Information:The horned dung beetle, Onthophagus taurus, is the world's strongest insect. It can pull 1,141 times its own bodyweight. A 70kg man lifting six full double decker buses would be the equivalent.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Stand Aside Superman, Here Come the Superbugs
Some incorrect choices:
Ant, Snail, Cockroach
5. What is the taxonomic classification of the silverfish?
Answer: Lepisma saccharina
Interesting Information:The insect called a silverfish is found in the genus Lepisma. The species name of the silverfish is saccharina. Silverfish were classified as Lepisma saccharina by a system devised by Carl Linnaeus in 1758.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: My Grannie Was A Silver Fish
Some incorrect choices:
Thermobia domestica, Afrochilis insularis, Limnognathia maerski
6. What type of insect is the boll weevil?
Answer: Beetle
Interesting Information:The boll weevil's scientific name is Anthonomus grandis. It is about a quarter of an inch in length, has a long snout and is a gray/black color in adulthood. Researchers believe that it is native to Central America and Mexico. This insect migrated into America during the latter part of the nineteenth century.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: That Evil Weevil!
Some incorrect choices:
Locust, Grasshopper, Moth
7. Approximately how many species of flies have been discovered and named by scientists?
Answer: Over 100,000
Interesting Information:Some examples of fly species are the common house fly, the bush fly, the horse fly, the cluster fly, the blow fly and the gnat. All flies have two wings and the group has been given the name Diptera, which is Greek for "two wings". Fly wings can beat up to 200 times each second, which is faster than a hummingbird. Each fly's eye has over 4,000 facets for sight and flies can smell things over 680 metres away (750 yards). Most other insects have four wings.
The size of a fly can be from half a centimetre (1/20th of an inch) to as big as 6.2 centimetres (three inches). A fly can travel up to 300 times its own body length in one second. A jet plane travelling at the speed of sound, can only travel 100 times its body length in one second.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: You Want Flies With That?
Some incorrect choices:
Over 10,000, Over 1,000, Over 1,000,000
8. What is the name for the opening on the abdomen and thorax of an insect through which oxygen passes in and carbon passes out?
Answer: Spiracles
Interesting Information:The spiracles have muscular valves which are closed most of the time and open only to allow gases to pass in and out.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Entomology ( the study of insects)
Some incorrect choices:
Mesothorax, Dorsal tube, Oviduct
9. Termites live in colonies where they can find food, moisture and shelter. Colonies can be subterranean, but where might you find termite mounds?
Answer: Africa and Australia
Interesting Information:Termite mounds can be as large as 30 feet high for some species. Termite nests can also be found in tree stumps, hanging from tree branches, or inside wood piles.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: Termites: The Silent Invader
Some incorrect choices:
Iceland and Greenland, Russia and Poland, Greece and Italy
10. Turtles would love to have this insect group's unique technique for righting themselves when they take a tumble and find themselves on their backs.
Answer: Click beetle
Interesting Information:Answer: Click beetles can snap their heads forward past a resistant part of the thorax, with enough force to send them into the air. They keep doing it until they land the right way-something it's easy to show off for friends once you recognize the click beetle family's distinctive shape.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: The Buzz About Bugs
Some incorrect choices:
Flip-flop beetle, Gymnast beetle, Beat-the-reaper beetle
11. The earliest intact writings about cockroaches refer to using them for what purpose?
Answer: Medicine
Interesting Information:Pedanius Dioscorides, an early Greek physician, prescribed the use of ground cockroaches for open sores, earaches, and female problems in his writings.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: The Amazing Cockroach
Some incorrect choices:
Food, Aphrodisiacs, Clothing
12. Why are camel crickets named after camels?
Answer: They have slightly humped backs.
Interesting Information:Camel crickets have long antennae and can jump high. They can be light or dark brown with darker spots and can grow up to one and a half inches long. They eat almost anything and are found on most continents.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Camel Crickets - What's up with them?
Some incorrect choices:
They don't need to drink a lot of water., They live in the desert., They live on camels and around camels.
13. What order contains butterflies and moths?
Answer: Lepidoptera
Interesting Information:Lepidoptera means "scale wing."
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: Entomology
Some incorrect choices:
Isoptera, Homoptera, Hemiptera
14. Love isn't always easy. Female water striders have developed spikes on their backs to dislodge males attempting to mate with them. If you were a male water strider, what would you have to overcome this?
Answer: Claspers to hold onto the female
Interesting Information:Different species of water strider females have different sized spikes, basically the larger the male's "claspers", the larger the female's spikes.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Mating Tactics of Creepy Crawlies
Some incorrect choices:
The ability to mate within 0.25 seconds, Good aim, A hole in your chest to accommodate the spike
15. The name for the mosquito comes from the Spanish language. What does it mean?
Answer: Little Fly
Interesting Information:"Mosca" is the Spanish word for fly and mosquito is its diminutive form. The first recognised usage of "mosquito", according to the OED, appears in 1572 and was coined to distinguish the mosquito from the house fly. Prior to this point, the Spanish referred to mosquitoes as "biting flies".
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: The Humble Mosquito
Some incorrect choices:
Swamp Dweller, Biting Fly, Disease Carrier
16. The workers of siafu colonies are all female. When these female workers come across a "sausage fly" they bite its wings off and capture it. Why do they do this?
Answer: it is a male of their own species that the queen can mate with
Interesting Information:The "sausage fly" is the largest ant in the world. Since nearly the entire colony is female the queen needs a male to mate with to keep the colony going.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: All About Ants
Some incorrect choices:
it is a predator, they feed it to their young, none of these
17. Fruit flies are members of the Insecta class of the animal kingdom. How many wings do insects have? Choose the answer that best describes insects in general.
Answer: The number can vary
Interesting Information:One of the things defining an insect is the number of legs (six, or three pairs). The number of wings can vary: fruit flies normally have two (one pair); butterflies have four (two pairs); fleas have none.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Fruit Flies Like a Banana
Some incorrect choices:
More than one, More than two, More than zero
18. When butterflies emerge from their chrysalis, they hang upside down for a time. Why is this?
Answer: They are taking advantage of gravity.
Interesting Information:When butterflies first emerge, they hang upside down for a while so that gravity will help draw blood into their wings. This causes the wings to unfold and stiffen.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Really Bugging Me
Some incorrect choices:
This is the direction they develop and they must readjust., They are still too vulnerable to go to far from the chrysalis opening., They are strengthening their legs before they leave home.
19. There are more than 2,000 species of the family Cicadidae, and cicadas are represented in every continent of the world except Antarctica. Cicadas with a seventeen-year life cycle are a little rarer. Where can these species of Magicicada be found?
Answer: Eastern North America
Interesting Information:Although cicadas are well-known around the world, most species are annuals, emerging every year with a life cycle of about two to five years. The seven species of the genus Magicicada are periodicals with much longer life cycles: thirteen years (four species) or seventeen years (three species)! What's more, individual populations of these species are synchronized: almost all the cicadas in the state of Virginia, for example, will emerge as adults at the same time. Their huge numbers dominate night noises and conversations for weeks.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Seventeen-Year Cicadas
Some incorrect choices:
Southern Africa, Southeast Asia, Southern Mexico
20. How many wings does the common housefly have?
Answer: two
Interesting Information:At adulthood, the housefly has two wings. This is why the housefly has been placed under the order: "Diptera" meaning "two wings". The fly's halteres were once their second pair of wings, but evolution reduced them to just stubs that aid in balancing during flight.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Pesky Houseflies
Some incorrect choices:
four, six, eight
21. Which commonly named insects does the order, Hymenoptera, comprise?
Answer: wasps, ants, bees
Interesting Information:This order comprises the Formicids, the ants; the wasp superfamilies, Apocrita and Symphita; and the Apids (bees).
Dragonflies are order Odonata, sf. Anisoptera and mosquitoes are Dipterans under the family, Culicidae.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Hymenoptera Part 1
Some incorrect choices:
ants, bees, dragonflies, bees, wasps, dragonflies, bees, wasps, mosquitoes
22. To what phylum do all insects belong?
Answer: Arthropoda
Interesting Information:Domain: Eukarya. Kingdom: Animalia. Phylum: Arthropoda. Subphylum: Uniramia. Class: Insecta.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Entomology
Some incorrect choices:
Invertebrata, Insecta, Uniramia
23. The family name for robber flies is what?
Answer: Asilidae
Interesting Information:Robber flies are order Diptera, family Asilidae in the class Insecta. Pentatomidae are stinkbugs and Culicidae are mosquitoes and such. I made up Fasilidae.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Robber Flies
Some incorrect choices:
Pentatomidae, Culicidae, Fasilidae
24. Mayflies belong in what order?
Answer: Ephemeroptera
Interesting Information:The order name for mayflies comes from the Latin word "ephemera," meaning "for a day" or "short lived." They recieved this name because the adult lifespan of a mayfly is often one day long or less.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Insect Orders
Some incorrect choices:
Odonata, Grylloblattaria, Phasmida
25. Spicebush swallowtail
Answer: Butterfly
Interesting Information:A greenish caterpillar and a beautiful brown butterfly. Found in North Carolina.
Difficulty: Average.
From Quiz: Damsel, Dragon or Butter....
26. What would you use an aspirator for?
Answer: Collecting small insects
Interesting Information:An Aspirator is two rubber tubes connected to a jar. Place one tube end over a delicate insect and the suck the other tube. Voila- the insect is sucked painlessly into the jar.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Preserving Insects!
Some incorrect choices:
Breathing after a bite from a deadly spider, Spreading of a killing agent, As a fixative
27. How many body sections do insects have?
Answer: 3
Interesting Information:Insects have a head, a thorax, and an abdomen. Spiders have only 2.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: Insects
Some incorrect choices:
2, 1, 4
28. About how many species of ladybug are there?
Answer: 5000
From Quiz: Ladybugs
Some incorrect choices:
25000, 10, 100
29. The dragonfly, and damselfly, are members of which Order of the Insecta Group?
Answer: Odonata
Interesting Information:The Odonata Order contains two main Suborders - Anisoptera (dragonflies) and Zygoptera (damselflies). Lepidoptera are butterflies and moths, the Hymenoptera Order contains bees, wasps and ants, and Orthoptera members are grasshoppers, katydids, and crickets.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Dragonflies and Damselflies
Some incorrect choices:
Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera
30. It's summer, so the first insect we come across is one that's heard more often than it's seen. It creates noise by stridulation, meaning that it must be a [grasshopper]. We have more luck when we spot Vanessa atalanta, more commonly known as the [red admiral].
Beetles are very common and we see Britain's largest example, known as the [stag] beetle, and some decaying logs encourage us to look for the [deathwatch] beetle. Passing a pond enables us to cross the [dragonfly] off our list as we see one hovering above the water.
Although Forficula auricularia, better known as the [earwig], tends to hide away during the day, moving some damp foliage unearths one or two, who scurry away quickly. Rather more popular with most of us is the [ladybird], a favourite of gardeners as it devours aphids. Also found in gardens, though less welcome, is Lasius niger, called the black or garden [ant], and rarely seen singly.
There are more than twenty different types living in the UK of the next insect we see, with the most common being the white-tailed, tree, red-tailed and common carder all of which have the name [bumblebee] following.
It's getting darker now, so we can see some of the more nocturnal insects. The first one is an ungainly creature which is nicknamed 'daddy longlegs' but is actually a type of [cranefly]. Although it is mainly brown in colour, we also notice a specimen of Cerapteryx graminis, a type of [moth], before heading home, guided by the light emitted by another beetle, called the [glow-worm] in everyday language.
Interesting Information:The grasshopper we are most likely to see, or hear, is the common green variety which lives in meadows, woodland and fields. The characteristic sound is made by the grasshopper rubbing its rear legs along its wings. The wings have slight protrusions to create the noise, rather like rubbing a comb. If you know Vanessa is the genus name for a type of butterfly, identifying the red admiral might have been easy. The red admiral has black wings with white spots and splodges on the wing tips. The 'red' comes from the bands of colour down the middle and base of each wing. The red admiral is found in most temperate regions of the world.
Stag beetles are found mainly in the southeastern areas of the UK and are named for the large jaws of the males, which look very like the antlers of the stag. Although they look quite scary, they are harmless and do not bite humans. Their numbers are dwindling and they have protected status. The deathwatch beetle is a brown coloured, medium sized beetle. The larvae feed on wood, and are one of the varieties called woodworms. They can cause serious damage to wooden furniture and wooden beams in homes. The tapping noise made by the adults to attract mates was considered a symbol of bad luck or a death in the household - instead, it could herald the death of the house itself.
Dragonflies have over 3,000 different species, although most of them live in tropical regions, which rules out the UK. Even so, there are around thirty British dragonfly species and a further twenty of so of the closely related damselflies. Species include the hawkers and the darters. Rather less attractive to many of us, earwigs are mostly nocturnal and hide during the day under stones, rocks and in logs. Moving plant pots and gardening is likely to uncover them as they scurry away for safety. The Common earwig is widespread in the UK, and these creatures scavenge on any decaying matter they find, including plants and animals.
Known as ladybugs to Americans, ladybirds are a type of beetle. We are all familiar with their (usually) red wings and black spots and most of us are happy to see them. Farmers and gardeners normally welcome them as they feed on pests which would otherwise damage crops. Black ants are the common ants seen in the UK and infestations in homes are almost certain to be this variety. They are harmless to humans - they have no sting nor do they produce formic acid - and are attracted to our homes by sugar and other sweet substances.
The white-tailed, tree, red-tailed and common carder are all bumblebees, with the UK having many different species of bumblebee as well as honey bees, hornets and wasps. Bumblebees are important pollinators but do not make honey. The queen hibernates during the winter and establishes a new colony when Spring arrives. Bumblebees are the ones which create the characteristic buzz when flying around. If you're American, you probably associate the name of 'daddy longlegs' with spiders, but to Brits they are insects. The larvae live underground and hatch into insects in the summer. The adults often fly into homes, fluttering around lights. They are harmless members of the cranefly family.
The antler moth is the common name of Cerapteryx graminis due to the markings on the moth's wings which have a resemblance to antlers. It is a common moth throughout Europe and has been introduced to the USA. Glow-worms live in grasslands and woodlands and, unlike many other animals, it is the female that emits the light for which they are known as she attempts to find a mate. The adult glow-worms are only around for a few weeks during the summer, time which is spent looking for a mate and breeding. The adults don't eat, but the larvae feed primarily on snails.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Spot the Insects on a UK Walk
Some incorrect choices:
, ,
31. The giant walking stick of Southeast Asia is the longest insect in the world. Approximately how long does it grow?
Answer: Two feet (61 cm)
Interesting Information:Stick insects are the longest on the planet. They are typically nocturnal, so have evolved to look like sticks for camouflage. This allows them to hide on forest floors during the day. The giant walking stick is the longest of all of the stick insects. Besides being long, stick insects can use a smelly defensive spray, feign death, or shed a limb to escape from predators.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Big Creepy Crawlies
Some incorrect choices:
One foot (30.5 cm), Six inches (15.2 cm), Eighteen inches (45.7 cm)
32. Why is the bot fly a bug that you might want to get before it gets you?
Answer: It lays eggs on the skin of humans and other mammals for incubation.
Interesting Information:Bot flies lay their eggs on the skin of mammals. The larvae then hatch and burrow under the skin where they develop into adulthood. There are many types of bot flies that are attracted to different types of mammals. One bot fly, named the 'human bot fly', is found mainly in Central and South America, and is attracted to humans to act as its egg-laying host. Once infected, the larvae dig into the skin and develop under there to emerge as adult flies approximately 60 days later. Bot fly victims have reported the feeling of the larvae crawling around under the skin. Yuck! Another good reason to keep a flyswatter handy to get them before they get you!
Difficulty: Average.
From Quiz: It's Not Too Easy to Kill An Insect!
Some incorrect choices:
Its bite often causes allergic reactions. , The dung of the bot fly causes permanent staining on the skin., The bot fly attempts to crawl into your nasal cavity while you sleep.
33. Which beetle, found mostly in the rain forests of Central and South America, has thick plates on its body and a single horn, or pair of horns, that protrude from its head?
Answer: Hercules Beetle
Interesting Information:The Hercules beetle can grow to six inches long including the horns. Some studies suggest that they can lift objects up to 850 times their own weight.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: Bugs Will Live When We're Finished
Some incorrect choices:
Carpet Beetle, Powder Post Beetle, Merchant Grain Beetle
34. Both damselflies and dragonflies live through an aquatic larval stage. What is the most obvious difference between a damselfly and a dragonfly larva?
Answer: Size
Interesting Information:Dragonfly larvae are much larger and more robust than their smaller cousins. Damselfly larvae are more slender and much more daintily built. Additionally, damselfly larvae can be identified by examining the tip of the abdomen. These insects possess three broad paddle shaped appendages known as caudal lamellae which they use for both propulsion and breathing. Many species live in slack or still water which often contains lower levels of oxygen and the broad flat shape of the caudal lamellae enable the nymph to absorb greater quantities of oxygen. Dragonfly larvae, on the other hand, possess five spines at the end of their abdomen. Dragonfly larvae also possess gills for breathing and the spines on the abdomen are primarily used for defence and for subduing struggling prey.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Skimmers, Darters, Chasers and Damsels - Odonata
Some incorrect choices:
Colour, Leg shape, Number of eyes
35. This insect is able to leap two feet in the air, the human equivalent of jumping over the St. Louis Gateway Arch. Which insect is the highest jumper in the world?
Answer: Froghopper
Interesting Information:I assumed the flea was the highest jumping insect. While a flea can jump 18 cm into the air and 33 cm along, the froghopper can jump twice as high. Froghoppers are of the family Hemiptera, which include such species as cicadas, aphids and shield bugs.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Stand Aside Superman, Here Come the Superbugs
Some incorrect choices:
Grasshopper, Flea, Katydid
36. Silverfish belong to the insect order Thysanura. Silverfish are the only species in the insect order Thysanura to contain which anatomical feature?
Answer: eyes
Interesting Information:Most species in the insect order Thysanura, such as all of the species in the family Nicoletiidae, are eyeless. Silverfish have two small compound eyes which are used to detect light.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: My Grannie Was A Silver Fish
Some incorrect choices:
a tongue, a stinger, arms
37. The boll weevil moved into the United States from neighboring Mexico just prior to the turn of the twentieth century. Entry was gained by crossing which river near Brownsville, Texas?
Answer: Rio Grande
Interesting Information:Modern research showed that boll weevil specimens were found near Veracruz, Mexico in the mid 1800s and were likely there for thousands of years. Entomologists first became aware of the boll weevil as a pest in the USA in 1880 and was formally announced in 1894 when firmly entrenched in the state of Texas.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: That Evil Weevil!
Some incorrect choices:
Colorado, Red, San Antonio
38. The common house fly (Musca domestica) accounts for about 91% of all flies in existence and can be found all over the world. What is the common name for fly larvae?
Answer: Maggot
Interesting Information:Maggots hatch the day after the egg is laid and they feed on organic material that is decaying or dead. They are pale white and measure from 3mm to 9 mm in length.
Although it is not a nice subject, sometimes the amount of maggots in a decomposing corpse can help establish the time of death. Specially bred sterile maggots can be used to help septic wounds, as they only eat infected flesh and leave the living healthy tissue alone.
Speaking of house flies, in Australia, one fly in particular is quite famous for his appearances in TV commercials for a brand of insect killer. Louie the Fly has been on Australian TV for over 50 years. It is estimated that at least 90% of Australians recognize him and can sing the Louie the Fly jingle from the TV commercials.
The fly spray company wanted to get rid of Louie as he had been around for such a long time, but a petition was taken up to keep him and so he is still gracing our TV screens. (Us Australians know what's important). In fact, Louie the Fly was suggested as a candidate for a wax model in the Sydney Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum.
It is a little known fact that international best selling South African born Australian author Bryce Courtenay was the person responsible for Louie the Fly, when he worked as a 24 year old in an advertising agency all those years ago.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: You Want Flies With That?
Some incorrect choices:
Grub, Worm, Caterpillar
39. To which order of insect does the European glow-worm (Lampyris noctiluca) belong?
Answer: Beetles (Order: Coleoptera)
Interesting Information:The luminescene is caused by substances known as luciferins (organic compounds which oxidise in the presence of an enzyme known as a luciferase).
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Entomology ( the study of insects)
Some incorrect choices:
Mayflies (Order: Ephemeroptera), Stoneflies (Order: Plecoptera), Cockroaches (Order: Blattodea)
40. The first sign of termites that a homeowner might notice could be a swarm of insects inside the house during the wet spring months. However, winged ants swarm also. How can you tell whether the insects are ants or termites?
Answer: Termites have no apparent waist and straight antennae.
Interesting Information:Though the insects are similar, there are differences. Both have two sets of wings, but the ant wings are generally two different sizes. Termite wings are generally shed after swarming, ant wings are not. The termite appears to have a straight body line and the ant appears to have a waist.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Termites: The Silent Invader
Some incorrect choices:
Only the ants have two sets of wings., Only the termites have two sets of wings., Termite bodies are colored black and green.
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