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7 Luxembourg quizzes and 70 Luxembourg trivia questions.
  Cities & Towns of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg    
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Can you identify the municipalities of Luxembourg?
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Sep 14 24
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  We're Sailing to Luxembourg!   best quiz  
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Ahoy there me hearties! No sailing here, for Luxembourg is a landlocked country, but I hope these ten questions will nevertheless provide you with a journey to remember! Quiz title courtesy of kyleisalive.
Average, 10 Qns, Jennifer5, Feb 05 12
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  Tour around Luxembourg   great trivia quiz  
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Luxembourg is a very small country, but it has a lot to offer. Find out more!
Average, 10 Qns, beatka, Mar 19 20
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Mar 19 20
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  Lamp Unto Luxembourg    
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Come travel with me while I shed some light on a lovely country which I have visited more than once. Luxembourg may shine for you, as it surely does for its citizens and visitors.
Average, 10 Qns, Irishrosy, Sep 18 13
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  Geographically Speaking -Luxembourg    
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Luxembourg is one of Europe's smaller countries. Do you know much about it?
Average, 10 Qns, minch, Sep 18 23
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Sep 18 23
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  Luxembourg - True Or False    
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Ten questions about Luxembourg. What do you know about this small country in Europe?
Average, 10 Qns, Vermic, Nov 05 09
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  Luxembourg: Tiny Quiz about a Tiny Country    
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Luxembourg is a tiny albeit beautiful place, whose greatest claim to fame is that, statistically speaking, it is the richest country in the world.
Average, 5 Qns, Beatka, Aug 26 13
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Luxembourg Trivia Questions

1. Which World War II battle in the European theater was fought in the winter of 1944 through to the spring of 1945?

From Quiz
Lamp Unto Luxembourg

Answer: Battle of the Bulge

The Battle of the Bulge, which took place between the winter of 1944 and the spring of 1945, was fought in both Luxembourg and Belgium. It was Germany's last crucial offensive after their defeat at the battle of Normandy. The territory where the Battle of the Bulge was fought was in the area known as Ardennes. This geographic area covers most of Belgium and Luxembourg, with a small part of it in France and Germany. Walking the Main Square in Bastogne, Belgium on a Sunday afternoon in the late 1990s, it was hard to imagine that Bastogne had been ravaged by war throughout the centuries. It gladdened my heart to see Bastogne families walking happily, Mom, Dad, children and pet dog. Only an Eisenhower tank memorial near the entrance to the square reminded me of the atrocities of war. We shopped for Belgian chocolates, of course.

2. Luxembourg is politically divided into three districts. These are then divided into cantons. These cantons are further divided into units called what?

From Quiz Luxembourg: Tiny Quiz about a Tiny Country

Answer: Communes

There are 106 communes in Luxembourg, responsible for the administration of local services rather than national mandates. In 2011 the population of Luxembourg was a smidge over 500,000, and the population of Luxembourg, the capital city, was about 89,000.

3. Luxembourg is unique in that it is the last monarchy of its type left in the world. Do you know by what title the ruler of Luxembourg is known?

From Quiz We're Sailing to Luxembourg!

Answer: Grand Duke/Duchess

Luxembourg is a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy which was established as a Grand Duchy in 1815. It is ruled by a Grand Duke or Duchess. In 2000 HRH Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, succeeded to the throne following the abdication of his father, HRH Grand Duke Jean.

4. Which famous French author's landmark statue is in Viandan, Luxembourg beside the river Our?

From Quiz Lamp Unto Luxembourg

Answer: Victor Hugo

While in exile from France, French author Victor Hugo resided in the town of Viandan, Luxembourg. He later had a summer house there. The statue of Victor Hugo stands aside the bridge over the River Our. From that vantage point, you can look up to a very high hill. Almost to the top of the hill is the Castle of Viandan, and beyond it, much higher up, the rocky outcrop of the hill. From this vantage point, if you do not want to climb up to the castle, you can use the chairlift which can take you up instead. Summertime concerts are held in the castle, which has been restored. I found this one of the most charming towns in Luxembourg.

5. What is the national language of Luxembourg?

From Quiz Luxembourg: Tiny Quiz about a Tiny Country

Answer: Luxembourgish

Luxembourgish is a language in the High German language family and has a few dialects within Luxembourg and surrounding regions. The language has French roots as well as German. French and German are administrative languages within Luxembourg but not the national language.

6. Which upland region covers the northern part of Luxembourg?

From Quiz Geographically Speaking -Luxembourg

Answer: Ardennes

The Ardennes form a high wooded plateau which extends into France and Belgium.

7. Which famous American general is buried in the American Cemetery in the city of Hamm, Luxembourg?

From Quiz Lamp Unto Luxembourg

Answer: Patton

Visiting the American Cemetery right outside Luxembourg City, in the small town of Hamm, is quite a moving experience. Row upon row of white grave stones, marking the casualties of the Battle of Bastogne, face their commanding officer, General George C. Patton. The headstone of Patton faces his fallen troops of which there are 5076 in headstone count. Patton's headstone is flanked by two flags. When I first viewed this cemetery, an elderly couple stood by the balustrade looking down at the graves. The man, seemingly a veteran of World War II, stood there holding his wife's hand, tears sliding down his face.

8. The oldest town in Luxembourg was founded in the 7th century AD by a monk. What is its name?

From Quiz Tour around Luxembourg

Answer: Echternach

Echternach was founded in 698 by St Willibrord, a monk of Irish origin. Every year on Whit Tuesday, the dancing procession in honour of the saint takes place there. Echternach has a lot to offer: apart from the Benedictine abbey and St. Willibrod basilica, you can see the remains of a Roman villa by the lake.

9. Luxembourg is a part of an organisation called BENELUX. What does it mean?

From Quiz Luxembourg: Tiny Quiz about a Tiny Country

Answer: Union of three nations: Belgium (BE), the Netherlands (NE), and Luxembourg (LUX)

Benelux was created in 1948 as an economic (customs) union between Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. It was established in order to promote economic prosperity, but it is not reflected in the name of the organisation. Benelux is also an acronym for these three countries considered together.

10. What is the approximate population of Luxembourg?

From Quiz Geographically Speaking -Luxembourg

Answer: 550,000-600,000

580,000 (April 2018 estimate)

11. Immediately prior to adoption of the Euro, what was the currency of Luxembourg?

From Quiz We're Sailing to Luxembourg!

Answer: Luxembourgish franc

Whilst Luxembourg has had a few different currencies over the course of its history including the French franc, Belgian franc and Dutch guilder, it was the Luxembourgish franc which was the nation's currency prior to the Euro. Its value was tied to the Belgian franc, and it remained Luxembourg's currency from 1854 until 1999, apart from a brief spell during World War II when the Reichsmark was the legal tender following German occupation. In 1944, following Luxembourg's liberation from Germany, the Luxembourgish franc was reinstated as the currency and remained so until 1 January 1999 when the change to the Euro took place. The old currency, however, remained in use for cash transactions until the issue of the new Euro notes and coinage in 2002, in line with other Eurozone countries.

12. Vianden is one of the most visited cities in Luxembourg. Which renowned French writer lived there briefly in the 19th century?

From Quiz Tour around Luxembourg

Answer: Victor Hugo & Hugo

The house where Victor Hugo lived in 1871 has been turned into a museum. The picturesque town, close to the German border, boasts a magnificent medieval castle. It is popular especially among Dutch and German tourists.

13. Luxembourg has become one of the three European Union capitals because:

From Quiz Luxembourg: Tiny Quiz about a Tiny Country

Answer: They couldn't agree on any of the formal candidates

It was Germany's chancellor Konrad Adenauer who suggested Luxembourg as a "provisional" seat of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC - first of the three European Communities, created in 1952), when the ECSC Treaty signatories could not choose between the formal candidates: Liege, Nice, and Turin. Later Luxembourg became home to other European Community institutions, including the European Court of Justice and the European Investment Bank.

14. Until the end of the 20th century, Luxembourg had won only one gold medal at the Olympic Games. Their victory came in 1952 with a winning performance by Josy Barthel. In which discipline was he a winner?

From Quiz We're Sailing to Luxembourg!

Answer: athletics

Josy Barthel (1927-1992) won the Men's 1500 metres event at the 1952 Summer Olympics held in Helsinki, Finland, bringing home the only medal for Luxembourg that year. After his retirement from active sport he served as President to the country's Athletics Foundation and also their Olympic and Sporting Committee. He had a successful political career too, serving as a Minister in the Luxembourg Government. Luxembourg's sports stadium, which is home to both their national football team and athletics club, was renamed in his honour in 1993, a year after his death.

15. "The Family of Man", a world-famous photo collection by Edward J. Steichen, originally assembled for New York's Museum of Modern Art, is hosted by which Luxembourgish city?

From Quiz Tour around Luxembourg

Answer: Clerveaux

Advertised as "the biggest and most popular photographic exhibition of all times", it was created by Edward J. Steichen in 1955 for the Musem of Modern Art in New York. It included 508 photographs from 68 countries. Nowadays its home is the castle in Clerveaux, a medieval town in the north of Luxembourg.

16. What is Luxembourg's main industry?

From Quiz Luxembourg: Tiny Quiz about a Tiny Country

Answer: banking and finance

Luxembourg is famous for its banking services. As of 2006, there were 156 banks from 25 countries operating there. Luxembourg is also the second largest, after USA, investment fund center.

17. Which three countries border Luxembourg?

From Quiz Lamp Unto Luxembourg

Answer: France, Belgium, Germany

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a landlocked, triangularly shaped country. It is bordered by Belgium to the north, Germany to the east, and France to the south. Besides being neighbors, the four countries of Luxembourg, Belgium, France and Germany have some major things in common. All four countries belong to the European Union and have adapted the Euro as their official currencies. Christianity is the major religion in each country; however Islam is the second major religion in Belgium. Lutheranism after Catholicism is second in Germany. France has three major religions other than Christianity, which are Judaism, Islam and Buddhism. One of the major differences for Luxembourg, which is one of the smallest countries in Europe, is that it is surrounded by France, the third largest country in Europe and Germany the seventh largest country in Europe. Although I did not visit the largest cities in the bordering countries of Luxembourg, I felt so privileged to travel to some delightful towns, such as Thionville in France, Trier in Germany, Boulogne in Belgium and the three cities of Luxembourg, Viandan, Ecternach, and Remich.

18. In which town on the banks of the Moselle river was an important agreement on the abolition of border controls within the European Union signed?

From Quiz Tour around Luxembourg

Answer: Schengen

The Schengen Agreement was signed on 14 June 1985, aboard the MS Princesse Marie-Astrid, named after the sister of the Grand Duke Henri. Excursions aboard this luxury cruiser are possible nowadays. The departure point is Grevenmacher, a town close to the German border. The ship can also be hired for special occasions.

19. Luxembourg does not have an official religion, but do you know which religion is followed by the majority of the population?

From Quiz We're Sailing to Luxembourg!

Answer: Catholicism

Luxembourg is a secular state and as such does not have an official religion. There are, however, many religions which are represented. Roman Catholicism is the most widely practised, with an estimated 87% of the population being followers, including the Royal Family. Protestantism is understood to be the second largest denomination, and Jews, Muslims and Eastern Orthodox Christians are also well represented. No exact figures are available because it has been illegal for the government to collect statistical information on people's religious views since 1979.

20. Which tributary of the Rhine forms part of the eastern border of Luxembourg?

From Quiz Geographically Speaking -Luxembourg

Answer: Moselle

The Moselle rises in the Vosges mountains in France, and flows 314 miles through Luxembourg and Germany to enter the Rhine at Koblenz.

21. What is the official language used in Luxembourg for Parliamentary documents?

From Quiz Lamp Unto Luxembourg

Answer: French

In Luxembourg, French is the official language of the authorities, of parliamentary documents, proposed bills, court procedures and administrative and judicial acts. All of these are held and written in French. French and German are the official languages of Luxembourg, with Luxembourghish (the native language) being spoken in the home, shops, and some churches. On my visit to Luxembourg, restaurant menus were in French, street signs in Luxembourgish as well as in German. German is the main language for instruction in elementary schools, with an introduction to French as well. In one small town, I attended a Roman Catholic Mass and the service as well as the sermon was in Luxembourgish. Ninety-five percent of the native citizens of Luxembourg are Roman Catholic. Needless to say, I could follow the Mass, but the sermon was surely a different story!

22. Which small town, on the border with Germany, is called "la perle de la Moselle"?

From Quiz Tour around Luxembourg

Answer: Remich

Remich is a charming little town on the banks of the Moselle river. Its highlight is the esplanade, a walkway along the river. You can also visit the underground wine cellars called "Caves St Martin", a tour at the end of which you can drink a glass of exquisite sparkling wine, offered for free.

23. Luxembourg's industry is based on a very important mineral resource. What is it?

From Quiz Geographically Speaking -Luxembourg

Answer: iron

Iron is no longer mined, but the iron and steel industry is still very important. The chemical industry is very important too.

24. Any port in a storm - an airport, that is! Do you know where Luxembourg's international airport is situated?

From Quiz We're Sailing to Luxembourg!

Answer: Findel

Luxembourg's international airline is Luxair. As well as regular passenger flights within Europe it handles large amounts of air cargo worldwide. Findel Airport is one of the busiest airports in Europe for cargo traffic, and was listed as the 28th busiest in the world in 2010. Air cargo is handled by the Cargolux airline. Luxembourg has excellent road and rail facilities too, including a high-speed rail link to Paris which has cut journey times significantly. The other three choices all lie on rivers that run through Luxembourg and its neighbours. Vianden lies on the Our, Mertert on the Moselle and Esch-sur-Alzette, as its name suggests, on the Alzette.

25. The city of Remich in Luxembourg is a riverside resort city on the Moselle (Mosel) River, but what is the surrounding countryside's main attraction?

From Quiz Lamp Unto Luxembourg

Answer: Vineyards

Remich is a delightful riverside town on the Moselle (Mosel) River. Vineyards dominate the landscape around Remich, and it was a pleasure to take a walk on the hills surrounding this small town. Remich is one of the many small towns along the the Moselle (Mosel) from which Luxembourg wines are produced. Remich has a lovely two mile long park bordering the Moselle(Mosel)River. This charming city is very picturesque with the vineyards sloping down to the river. the trees and walkways of the two mile-long park along the river bank and the boats sliding up and down to pick-up or discharge tourists paint an idyllic landscape. Many of the Luxembourg wines come from the vineyards of Remich. A short distance from Remich, you can visit the Caves de Martin, where sparkling wines are made in the same manner as the Benedictine monks.

26. Luxembourg is a small country indeed. The distance from north to south is only:

From Quiz Tour around Luxembourg

Answer: 82 km

The distance from east to west is even smaller: 57 km! The surface area is 2,586 square km. From Luxembourg you can easily reach the neighbouring countries: Germany, Belgium and France.

27. Which important politician, one of Europe's founding fathers, was born in Luxembourg?

From Quiz Tour around Luxembourg

Answer: Robert Schuman

Robert Schuman, a Frenchman, was born in Luxembourg in 1886. As a French foreign affairs minister he proposed a plan which led to the creation of the first European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community.

28. What crop is grown on terraces above the river that forms part of the eastern border?

From Quiz Geographically Speaking -Luxembourg

Answer: grapes

Wine making grapes are grown. Other important crops are grain and potatoes.

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Last Updated Oct 26 2024 5:45 AM
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