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6 Chinese Emperors quizzes and 85 Chinese Emperors trivia questions.
  Chinese Emperor: Qin Er Shi    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
Qin Er Shi's reign only lasted for three years. How much do you know about him?
Average, 20 Qns, LuH77, May 27 24
May 27 24
36 plays
  Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
The first emperor of both the Qin Dynasty and a unified China, Emperor Qin Shi Huang is a fascinating character. How much do you know about him?
Tough, 20 Qns, LuH77, Apr 06 23
Apr 06 23
62 plays
  Chinese Emperor: the Zhengde Emperor    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Known to be one of the most juvenile and irresponsible emperors in Chinese history, the Zhengde Emperor is a bizarre and interesting character. How much do you know about him?
Tough, 15 Qns, LuH77, Apr 23 23
Apr 23 23
31 plays
  Ten Great Chinese Rulers    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
The ten most important rulers in the Chinese history.
Average, 10 Qns, sw11, Aug 29 19
sw11 gold member
Aug 29 19
201 plays
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the Chinese king or emperor with the appropriate dynasty. Note that each leader was associated with the rise of the dynasty, but was not necessarily the founder.
Average, 10 Qns, bernie73, Aug 08 21
bernie73 gold member
Aug 08 21
96 plays
  Great Rulers of China    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ten of the greatest rulers in the history of China.
Tough, 10 Qns, wilfredwee, Dec 23 17
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Chinese Emperors Trivia Questions

1. The Zhengde Emperor was born in 1491. What was his birth name?

From Quiz
Chinese Emperor: the Zhengde Emperor

Answer: Zhu Houzhao

Zhu Houzhao was born in Shuntian Prefecture, which was a province of China during the Ming and Qing dynasties, the area of which is now modern-day Beijing. The baby born as Zhu Houzhao would later become the Zhengde Emperor, reigning between 1505-1521. The Ming Dynasty was active from 1368-1644.

2. Emperor Qin Shi Huang was born around 259 BC. What was his birth name?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: Ying Zheng

Also known as Zhao Zheng, Ying Zheng was born while his father was being kept as a hostage in the state of Zhau. His mother was once a concubine of a wealthy merchant, and his father was King Zhuangxiang of Qin, who ruled the Qin state (an ancient Chinese state prevalent during the Zhou Dynasty, which is now the modern day Shaanxi province of China).

3. He usurped the throne from his young nephew and moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing. During his reign, the Forbidden City was constructed and the famous Admiral Zheng He made more than twenty sea voyages with his fleets.

From Quiz Great Rulers of China

Answer: Yongle Emperor (Zhu Di)

Zhu Di, Yongle Emperor (1360-1424, reigned 1402-1424) was the fourth son of the founder of Ming Dynasty. He was given the title of Prince of Yan to govern Beiping(now Beijing). As Liu Biao the Crown Prince died before his father, his son Emperor Jianwen (Zhu Yunwen) took over the throne from his grandfather and started to execute and remove his more powerful uncles. Having survived the killings, Zhu Di attacked Nanjing in 1402 and successfully overthrew the Emperor Jianwen.

4. The Hongzhi Emperor of the Ming Dynasty was the Zhengde Emperor's father. Who was his mother?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: the Zhengde Emperor

Answer: Empress Xiaochengjing

Also known as Empress Zhang Hongzhi, Empress Xiaochengjing (1471-1541) was consort of the Hongzhi Emperor. She was of the Zhang clan and was born in what is now Hebei Province. She married Prince Youcheng in 1487, who would become the Hongzhi Emperor three years later. Empress Xiaochengjing was made empress dowager when her son became the Zhengde Emperor in 1505.

5. King Zhuangxiang of Qin was Qin Shi Huang's father. Who was his mother?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: Zhao Ji

Zhao Ji was from a wealthy an well-connected family of Zhao, one of the seven main states during the warring states time of China. She was the concubine of a wealthy politician and businessman who gave her as a gift to Zhuangxiang (while he was still known as Prince Yiren of Qin, and not yet king of the state). Zhao Ji and her husband both lived in Handan (now in modern day Hebei Province) when Zhuangxiang was being held as a hostage. When the forces of Qin invaded Handan, her husband was rescued by the rich politician whom she was a concubine of, but Zhao Ji and her son had to hide in the city. Thanks to the intervention of this politician, Zhuangxiang was able to become leader of the Qin state.

6. The Zhengde Emperor faced no opposition in his family in ascending the throne in 1505 when his father died. Why was this?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: the Zhengde Emperor

Answer: His father had no concubines and was loyal to his wife

The Hongzhi Emperor is the only emperor known to be monogamous throughout all of Chinese imperial history, with his wife Empress Xiaochengjing remaining the only Chinese empress whose husband did not seek the company of concubines. The couple had a younger son after the Zhengde Emperor, however he died young. Although it was not the reason that he ascended the throne, the boy who later became the Zhengde Emperor was proficient in his studies, and was particularly adept at Confucianism. He also had a talent for learning different languages, mastering Sanskrit and Portuguese because of his own genuine interest. His success in education mislead advisors of his father to believe that he would become a wise and effective leader like him. This was not the case.

7. There were rumours that Qin Shi Huang's father was actually the politician and wealthy merchant whom his mother was a concubine of. Who was he?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: Lü Buwei

Lü Buwei (291-235 BC) was a rich Chinese businessman and politician. He was savvy enough to implement Zhuangxiang, Qin Shi Huang's (purported) father onto the throne of the Qin state, despite Zhuangxiang not being the original successor. Although Qin Shi Huang's mother was a concubine of Lü Buwei, many historians assert that the idea that Lü Buwei was Qin Shi Huang's biological father, is nothing more than slander to bring scandal to his family. After Zhuangxiang's death in 247 BC, Lü Buwei became regent to Ying Zheng, who would later become Qin Shi Huang.

8. King Zhaoxiang reigned for fifty-eight years, laying a strong foundation for the state. At the age of thirteen he was crowned King of the state of Qin. The prime minister acted as the regent until he was ready to reign at the age of twenty-two.

From Quiz Great Rulers of China

Answer: Qin Shi-huang (Ying Zheng)

Qin Shi-huang (Ying Zheng, 259-210 BC) was known as the first Emperor in China. From 230-221 BC, he took nine years to complete the conquest of all the six states to unify China. During his reign, he unified China economically by standardizing weights and measures, the currency, the length of the axles of carts, the legal system, and the Chinese script. The Great Wall, Mausoleum and Terracotta Warriors are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. After ten year of rule, his cruelties led to the downfall of his kingdom in 206 BC, shortly four year after his death in 210 BC.

9. How old was the Zhengde Emperor when he ascended the throne?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: the Zhengde Emperor

Answer: 14

With no other siblings to object or challenge his impending ascent to the throne, the Zhengde Emperor was immediately made emperor upon his father's death when he was 14. By 1506 he was married to Empress Xiaojingyi (1492-1535) who was from Sang-yuan District (which is now modern-day Nanking). She was a lady during the time of her future father in law, the Hongzhi Emperor, going by the name "Lady Xia." Her father was the wealthy Xia Ru. However, the Zhengde Emperor was not particularly interested in his wife. The couple had no children.

10. How old was Qin Shi Huang when he became king of the Qin State?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: 13

Qin Shi Huang was only 13 years old when he ascended the throne to the Qin state in 246 BC. Qin was already the most prominent state of Warring China at the time. The central states regarding the Qin State as savages and barbarians, however, Qin's territory in that time encompassed areas that are now the modern centre of Shaanxi Province, and mountainous areas on the western edge. The Qin state was in a strong position to unite the entirety of China under one rule. This was however, a difficult time to rule China when war was rife. This was a time when Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" was particularly popular in China. Qin Shi Huang was not yet of legal age to impose his rules, therefore Lü Buwei acted as his regent until he came of age.

11. He was chosen to rule China at the age of seven and was presented the throne at age sixteen. His fifty-five year reign were marked by many successful war campaigns against the northern nomadic, tribes which his predecessors could not match.

From Quiz Great Rulers of China

Answer: Emperor Wu (Liu Che)

Liu Che, Emperor Wu (156 BC-87 BC) was the seventh emperor of Han Dynasty. He ruled China from 141 BC to 87 BC and was famous for his accomplishments that gained China new and vast territories. During his reign he organized a powerful and highly centralized state. He also opened up the silk route between China and the Western Region to Persia (present-day Iran) and Rome. Chinese history regarded him as the greatest Han emperor.

12. What was Qin Shi Huang's first act as emperor of the Qin State when he came of age?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: Execute his mother's lover

Qin Shi Huang saw his mother's lover as a potential threat to his now fully established kingship. He not only executed him, but his entire clan. Sima Qian, author of "Records of the Grand Historian" (the historical accuracy of which has been questioned by historians) asserts that Lü Buwei introduced Qin Shi Huang's mother, Zhao Ji, to a man disguised a eunuch, Lao Ai. Lü Buwei was worried that his continuing affair with Qin Shi Huang's mother was about to be exposed, and gave her Lao Ai as part of a plot to dispose of her son. He also realised that Lao Ai was not a real eunuch, and hoped for Lao Ai to impregnate the Queen Mother in order to shake Qin Shi Huang's claim to the throne. Sima Qian asserts that Lü Buwei and Lao Ai organised a rebellion with the assistance of the nearby Wei whilst Qin Shi Huang was away. Qin Shi Huang was made aware of this. He is purported to have Lao Ai executed by having his hands, neck and legs tied to separate horses who were commanded to sprint in opposite directions, decapitating him. Qin Shi Huang apparently forced his mother to watch as her lover was ripped apart. Lao's children with the emperor's mother were killed, as were Lao Ai's uncles, aunt's cousins etc. Qin Shi Huang spared his mother from death, sending her into a temporary exile. Lü Buwei was permanently exiled, leading to him deliberately ingesting poison as a suicide in 235 BC. Zhao Ji was not killed for associating with would-be usurper, Lao Ai, but she was kept under house arrest for the remainder of her life.

13. He became the fourth ruler of Qing dynasty at the age of twenty-four and reigned as long as his grandfather. His grandfather noticed his outstanding qualities and carefully planned his education to prepare him for the future task as heir apparent.

From Quiz Great Rulers of China

Answer: Emperor Qianlong

Qianlong (Aixin-Juelo Hongli, from 1711-1799) was the fourth ruler of Qing Dynasty. His sixty-one year reign (1735-96) was one of the longest in Chinese history. Under him, Qing Dynasty expanded their territories in the northeast achieved by successive military expeditions in 1755-60. Successful campaigns against Turks and Mongolians eliminated the danger of invasion resulted in the creation of the New Province (Xinjiang) in northwest China, which enlarged the empire by about 1,600,000 sq. km.

14. The Zhengde Emperor was unable to attend court for around a month due to an injury caused by what?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: the Zhengde Emperor

Answer: Mauling by a big cat

The Zhengde Emperor was keen on hunting, taking weeks away from his regal duties with some of these reasons including hunting tigers. One mishap during a hunting expedition led to him being mauled by a tiger so badly he was unable to attend court. However, with the Eight Tigers being eager to use the power given to them by the irresponsible emperor, one must question if he used the injury caused by an actual tiger as an excuse to avoid being in court.

15. After the death of Lü Buwei, who did Qin Shi Huang appoint as his Prime Minister?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: Li Si

Li Si (280 BC-208 BC) was born in the ancient state of Chu in the area of Shang Cai (located in modern-day Henan Province). Li Si travelled to Qin in 247 BC and was proficient in legalism, philosophy and calligraphy. He supplied Qin Shi Huang with heart-hearted but effective ideas regarding how to unite and rule the entirety of China. Li Si was behind most of the implementations of political and cultural nature during Qin Shi Huang's time in power, serving as his prime minister for around 40 years. Qin Shi Huang was impressed by Li Si's intelligence and ruthlessness. Under Li Si's advice, Qin Shi Huang enticed intellectuals residing in other states of China to come to the Qin State, and authorised the assassinations of academics who chose to stay in the other states. Li Si would later be executed, but this was not under the rule of Qin Shi Huang. He was charged with treason under Qin Shi Huang's successor. Sima Qian asserts that Li Si's last words were directed at his son, stating "I wish that you and I could take our brown dog and go out through the eastern gate of Shang Cai to chase the crafty hare. But how could we do that!"

16. Which ancient state of China did Qin Shi Huang conquer first?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: Han

The Han State was located in the centre of China, between modern day Shanxi and Henan. The Han State's capital was Zheng. Han was arguably the weakest of the seven Warring States of China at the time, and Qin Shi Huang was well aware of this. In 230 BC, Qin Shi Huang's army (led by Neishi Teng) attacked the Han State by heading southerly across the Yellow River, forcing An, King of Han, to surrender after around a year of fighting. Two years later in 228 BC the Zhao State fell to Qin, and others would follow.

17. A fire was caused in the Imperial Palace as a result of the actions of the Zhengde Emperor. How did the fire start?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: the Zhengde Emperor

Answer: Gunpowder stored at the palace during a lantern festival

The Zhengde Emperor was never known for his high levels of responsibility. A lantern festival took place during his reign, and he did not think it would be a problem to have barrels of gunpowder stored in the palace courtyard. The barrels caught fire and exploded during the festival, resulting in the palace being completely burned to the ground.

18. Who was the first person who tried to assassinate Qin Shi Huang?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: Jing Ke

Jing Ke's birth year is unclear. Alongside Qin Wuyang, Jing Ke became the first would-be assassin of Qin Shi Huang after being recruited by Crown Prince Dan of Yan, son of Xi, King of Yan. Dan of Yan wanted rid of Qin Shi Huang, who has commanded his troops to invade and conquer Qin's neighbouring states of China. Han State had already fallen and after the fall of Zhao, Qin Shi Huang's army was directly on the border of the Yan State. Suspecting the invasion from Qin State was coming, Crown Prince Dan of Yan spoke with Jing Ke about assassinating Qin Shi Huang. They realised they needed a ruse to get close to Qin Shi Huang. They decided to pretend Jing Ke was a nobleman who had a map of potential territory for Qin Shi Huang, and the severed head of a traitor to the Qin State: Fan Yuqi (also known as Huan Yi). Fan Yuqi was a general of the Qin State. In 233 BC, Fan Yuqi had defected to the Yan State due to losing to the Zhao State in battle and being fearful that returning to Qin would result in his execution. Qin Shi Huang ordered that Fan Yuqi's clan be executed for this and also put a reward out for anyone who could bring him the defector's head. Fan Yuqi felt such hatred and a desire for vengeance against Qin Shi Huang that Jing Ke was able to persuade him to sacrifice himself so that his severed head could be presented to the Qin leader. Fan Yuqi committed suicide for this purpose.

19. What method did Qin Shi Huang's first would-be assassin use to attempt to kill him?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: Stabbing

Jing Ke had wrapped a dagger in the strategic map he pretended to be interested in presenting to Qin Shu Huang. He and Qin Wuyang approached the Qin leader under the guise of being ambassadors for the Yan State. Qin Wuyang was so nervous about the plan he could not conduct himself inconspicuously, and Jing Ke had to make excuses for him such as that he was nervous about seeing Qin Shi Huang in all of his magnificence, and that he was from the country and was suffering a culture shock in such a cosmopolitan area. Qin Wuyang was so unable to compose himself that he was told to wait outside while Jing Ke saw Qin Shi Huang alone. Jing Ke presented the severed head of Fan Yuqi and the map to Qin Shi Huang and then attacked him with the concealed dagger. He only managed to sever the emperor's sleeve, who then fled his assailant. The guards were stunned and unsure of what to do - they were unarmed as there was no swords allowed in the emperor's presence. Qin Shi Huang had a sword, however it was a long ceremonial sword which he had difficulty removing from its scabbard whilst running for his life. Xia Wuju, a physician working at the palace, decided to defend Qin Shi Huang and threw his medicine bag at the would-be assassin. This bought the emperor enough time to remove his sword and slash Jing Ke in the thigh. As a last desperate attempt to slay the emperor, the wounded Jing Ke launched his dagger at Qin Shi Huang but missed and instead hit a nearby pillar. Qin Shi Huang stabbed King Je around eight times to make sure he had killed him. King Je remained defiant even in death, with his legs spread apart and forward (considered very vulgar in China during this time). Qin Wuyang was then found and killed. The attempted assassination did not bode well for the Yan State. Facing a Qin Shi Huang who was feeling even more murderous than before, King Xi of Yan ordered the execution of his own son, Dan of Yan, who had originally organised the assassination, in an attempt to appease Qin Shi Huang. This was to no avail and the Yan State was conquered by the Qin State in 222 BC.

20. The Zhengde Emperor's rule was the first in which Europeans made contact with China. Which European country were they from?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: the Zhengde Emperor

Answer: Portugal

In 1513, a Portuguese man named Jorge Álvares became the first European to visit China, starting in the Pearl River. After he arrived he was informed that nobody was allowed to enter China with the Zhengde Emperor's permission. Rafael Perestrello, also from Portugal, would arrive here a year later. Foreign trade was permitted but only in specific locations, such as an island at the mouth of the Pearl River. The Portuguese explorers were happy to do this, and sold spices and wine to the Chinese with the Zhengde Emperor's approval. While the original Portuguese traders in China were respectful and weary of the Chinese, afraid of Portugal becoming embroiled in a war with the formidable Ming Dynasty, some Portuguese explorers were less cautious, such as Simao de Andrade, a captain who set up forts, assaulted a Chinese official and did not pay any Chinese taxes. This changed the view of the Portuguese as amicable traders into belligerent potential invaders. Relations between Portugal and China were businesslike and friendly for six years after Jorge Álvares landed in the area, until Simao de Andrade's aggressive and antagonizing behaviour ruined it. It took decades for China and Portugal to have amicable trade relations again.

21. Who was the second person who tried to assassinate Qin Shi Huang?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: Gao Jianli

Gao Jianli was an associate of Jing Ke and wished to avenge the death of his friend. Gao Jianli was an excellent lute player and could usually be found playing for the public in the marketplace of Ji, the capital of Yan State. Jing Ke would sometimes join in the performance by singing along. Some sources state that Gao Jianli even played encouraging music with his lute to serenade Jing Ke as he left Yan to assassinate Qin Shi Huang. After Yan State was completely annexed by 222 BC, Gao Jianli made himself scarce. He suspected that Qin Shi Huang would not take kindly to a friend of the person who tried to murder him. Gao Jianli did not want to draw attention to himself, so stopped playing the lute in public and became a labourer. However, he could not stop himself from commenting on how others played the lute and his co-workers began to have suspicions that he was knowledgeable in music. His boss asked him to play the lute during a gathering and Gao Jianli could not resist. His performance was well received and his became more and more famous for his talent. His newfound fame brought him to the court of Qin Shi Huang. Unfortunately for Gao Jianli, he was recognised as Jing Ke's friend at the emperor's court. Qin Shi Huang ordered that Gao Jianli be blinded, however, the emperor appreciated his music and still wished for him to play at his court. Gao Jianli wanted revenge for his treatment and for the death of Jing Ke. Although blinded, he could still hear when the emperor was in his proximity. He hid a weighty piece of lead inside of his lute and attempted to bludgeon Qin Shi Huang to death with it. He missed his target, and Qin Shi Huang ordered his execution.

22. The Zhengde Emperor died in 1521. What led to his death?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: the Zhengde Emperor

Answer: Falling out of a boat

The Zhengde Emperor was 29 when he died. Although it was a disease that killed him, it was not sexually transmitted. He was sailing a boat after drinking a large amount of alcohol, fell out of the boat, nearly drowned but had been infected with illness from the waters of the Jing-Hang Grand Canal. He was buried within the Ming Tombs in Kangling, in Huan County, Qingyang, China.

23. Who was the third person who attempted to assassinate Qin Shi Huang?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: Zhang Liang

Zhang Liang (251 BC-189 BC) was an aristocrat from the Han State who joined Liu Bang (also known as Emperor Gaozu of Han) who was established the Han Dynasty, in rebelling against the Qin State. Zhang Liang wanted revenge on Qin Shi Huang for annexing his homeland. He gathered his inheritance and general riches to buy the services of an assassin. He was so hellbent on revenge that he spent all of his money on this assassin and did not have the means to give his dead brother a respectable funeral. He enlisted the help of a physically formidable man with the plan of bludgeoning Qin Shi Huang to death with a large hammer. This hammer weighed around 160 pounds, or just over 70 kilograms. Zhang Liang had it personally made to kill the Qin leader. In 218 BC, Zhang Liang was informed that Qin Shi Huang was travelling around what is now modern-day Henan Province. Zhang Liang and his large hired assassin waited for Qin Shi Luang and his fleet of carriages to arrive in the area. They mistakenly believed that the most decorated carriage was carrying the emperor, a possible ploy from Qin Shi Huang should an assassination attempt occur. Thankfully for Qin Shi Huang, he was in the following carriage and fled the scene as the assassin smashed the hammer into the neighbouring carriage, with the occupants inside dying upon impact. Realising his plan had failed (and the potentially dire consequences for him because of this) Zhang Liang ran. He remains the only would-be assassin of Qin Shi Huang who was not executed on the orders of the Qin emperor for his attempt. Little is known about his later life and death, and several places in China still stand purporting to be his tomb, including tombs in the provinces of Henan, Jiangsu and Shangdong.

24. Who was Qin Shi Huang's eldest son?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: Fu Su

Qin Shi Huang fathered around 50 children, but most of their names are lost to history. Fu Su was heir to the Qin throne and the first son of Qin Shi Huang. His mother was from the Zheng State and purportedly liked to sing the Zheng ballad "On the Mountains are Good Trees" which is where Fu Su got his name from, with his name meaning "good trees." Fu Su was said to be a calming influence who regularly counteracted the aggressive whims of his dictatorial father. Fu Su protested the live burials of alchemists and Confucian scholars and attempted to explain to Qin Shi Huang that burying these scholars would surely cause a deep resentment towards the Emperor and his reign. Qin Shi Huang was not impressed what what he perceived as his son's insolence, and sent him effectively into exile to monitor General Meng Tian and his army on the northern border. Hu Hai (also known as "Qin Er Shi" whilst emperor) was the eighteenth son of Qin Shi Huang. When Qin Shi Huang died in 210 BC, Fu Su had become a seasoned army man on the northern bordern with General Meng Tian. However, this would not stop Hu Hai from usurping him. Hu Hai forged Qin Shi Huang's will, littering it false statements that Fu Su was a disgrace, had never helped China and had to die. General Meng Tian objected to the will vehemently, declaring it a forgery. Fu Su likely realised that he would be killed regardless by his brother and those who supported him, and stabbed himself with his sword. General Meng Tian eventually gave in to the pressure and poisoned himself. Hu Hai was the successor of Qin Shi Huang, but his reign only lasted for three years. He slaughtered his siblings out of paranoid, but it was not them he perhaps should have feared. Zhao Gao, a statesman who had helped him usurp his elder brother, forced him to commit suicide in 207 BC, aged 21-22. He was not given a royal funeral. Fu Su is considered a tragic and unjustly persecuted character within Chinese history. He was considered to be the one who deserved the throne of Qin after Qin Shi Huang's death. If he had have taken General Meng Tian's advice and fought the fake decree with a 300,000-strong army on his side, Hu Hai would have been easily defeated. Based on his military proficiency, morals and intelligence his reign that never happened would have likely made the Qin Dynasty last longer.

25. The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor is where Qin Shi Huang is buried. Which modern-day province of China is this located in?

From Quiz Chinese Emperor: Qin Shi Huang

Answer: Shaanxi

Shaanxi is located in the northwest of China. The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor is the size of an ancient great city. It once had a pyramid that stretched to around 330 feet high (100 m) but this has eroded to half of its size with time. There are 8,000 sculptures coined the "terracotta warriors" or the "terracotta army." The figures depict the army of Qin Shi Huang and were constructed to protect the Emperor during the afterlife. The tomb and its striking terracotta warriors were discovered in 1974. However, a thorough excavation is not an option. During the early digs upon the tomb's discovery, the paint on the faces of the warriors curled away after just 15 seconds of being exposed to air. Despite this, elements of the terracotta army were displayed in the British Museum between 2007-2008. The Forum de Barcelona, Spain, also displayed some items of the tomb, making it one of their most popular exhibitions. Items of the tomb have also been successfully displayed in the U.S.A and Canada. This does not however mean that the tomb of Qin Shi Huang can be thoroughly excavated. Sima Qian also asserts that mechanical crossbows were implemented in the tomb to shoot anyone who triggers them. Rivers of mercury are also said to surround the body of Qin Shi Huang, with scientists confirming that the soil in the area contains an unusual amount of mercury. It is clearly a dangerous place for a person to enter due to the potential poisoning, and an ironic so-called protection in the grave, considering that this was the element that likely what killed the first emperor of a united China.

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Last Updated Jul 20 2024 5:50 AM
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