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Quiz about 24 Hours to Save the World
Quiz about 24 Hours to Save the World

24 Hours to Save the World Trivia Quiz

Not so much of a whodunit as a who's going to do it. You have just 24 hours to sift ten suspects and prevent the world's destruction. (Warning : You should score well on this quiz but it will demand a lot of your time and attention.)

A multiple-choice quiz by glendathecat. Estimated time: 14 mins.
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14 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
# Qns
Avg Score
21 / 25
Top 5% quiz!
Last 3 plays: Guest 79 (22/25), papabear5914 (24/25), blaster2014 (18/25).
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Question 1 of 25
1. It is midnight (CST) and you have been called to the office of President Terry Triviaballer. The President has startling news. "In just 24 hours," he says, "the world could be destroyed. Not long ago, we received intelligence that the evil genius, glendathecat, and his team are plotting to detonate a massive bomb. The code name for this operation is "Revenge of the Llamas". They are insisting that each of them be rewarded with a Lucky Ducky badge but we can't give in to these threats. It would destroy the very fabric upon which our civilised world is based. You must foil their plans. You are our only hope."

It's too much to take in. For a moment, your attention is distracted as you survey your surroundings. Is this office oval? Or elliptical? Or ovoid? Or all of the above? You also notice the President's pets, a Hyacinth Macaw, an Eclectus and an African Grey. There seems to be evidence of them wherever you look. What kind of animal are they?

Question 2 of 25
2. 1am (CST) : An email is received. It is from glendathecat's team.

"We don't want bucks. We want lucky ducks. Give us what we want or the world will die at midnight (CST). From the heights of the Himalayan peaks to the depth of the Mariana Trench, all will be laid to waste. Communications will continue via a series of quiz questions. Get each one right and there will be more. Get one wrong and there will never be more again. To test your mettle, every subsequent question will come from a different FunTrivia category.

Here is the first question. In which country is the action set in the movies "Die Hard", "Reversal of Fortune" and "JFK"?"

Question 3 of 25
3. 2am (CST) : Your team has scattered to work on the case and the quiz challenge. Thank heavens, you think, for Google. You call for a list of suspects and are presented with the names of possible bombers and their locations: sierot (Poland); flopsymopsy (England); maninmidohio (Ohio, USA); RahulR (India); qoolgal (Philippines); baban (Wales); alifin_may (Scotland); PDAZ (Arizona, USA); madkeen4 (Australia) and deputygary (South Dakota, USA).

You know that glendathecat is far too clever to get his hands dirty with the bomb, so it must be one of his lieutenants. What worries you is that they're scattered all over the globe. It's like looking for a needle in a well-written hidden words question. You survey the names. Deputygary is, presumably, a deputy named Gary. You know that flopsymopsy is an amalgam of two Beatrix Potter created rabbits whilst PDAZ sounds like laundry detergent. But what does baban mean?

Question 4 of 25
4. 3am (CST) : A further message is received and printed out. You all gather round.

"Congratulations. You do at least get to see another question. Before that, though, there's one important ground rule. Keep away from us. If any of us even begins to suspect a tail, then we'll blow that bomb quicker than the fastest finger can attempt a "Piece of Cake" game.

This is the question. Which of the following fish, when pickled, is much used in Russian cuisine?"

Question 5 of 25
5. 4am (CST) : You put a trace on the email address but, of course, glendathecat is far too clever to be that obvious. Your only hope is to try and track down the individual members of his team but right now, you presume, they're lying low. A new question arrives. It's signed by qoolgal.

"Good morning Starsky, or is it Hutch? You Americans are our friend and ally, our neighbour in the eastern sea. We rejoice every day as our sun sets over you. But no longer! Tonight, that sun will set for a final time.

This is the question. What was the former name of Taiwan, the neighbour to the north of us?"

Question 6 of 25
6. 5am (CST) : Now comes your first piece of good fortune. Interpol agents have been monitoring CCTV footage from around the world and believe they've got a sighting of madkeen4 in Southern Europe. You look at a grainy image. There's no mistaking that it's the suspect. Behind him, you can just make out a large rock, a Union Jack flag and some monkeys. Where, you wonder, is he? Hint

Question 7 of 25
7. 6am (CST) : Here comes another email. This one is signed by sierot.

"I, too, wish to follow in the footsteps of my Polish countryman and strike out at those who oppress us by maintaining the Lucky Ducky badge for the privileged few. My inspiration is the glorious man who was able to kindle revolution in the hearts of the striking miners of Gdansk.

This is the question. What is the name of the man who founded the Solidarity movement?"

Question 8 of 25
8. 7am (CST) : You have the President on the phone. He's flown to the Department of Defence building where he's been entertaining the British Prime Minister. The President enquires about the progress of the operation and then suggests bombing the Chain Gang as a diversionary tactic. You assure him that, to the best of your knowledge, those scurvy pirates aren't involved but, hey, if it makes him feel good! For a moment your attention is distracted as you picture his surroundings. Is this building a pentagon? Or a polygon? Or a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides? Or all of the above?

The President reminisces about some of the quoted foreign affairs goofs of his predecessors. There was George W. Bush and the man who was Vice President to George's father. They seemed to get some things so wrong you'd almost think they were doing it deliberately. Who is the Vice President to whom the President is referring?

Question 9 of 25
9. 8am (CST) : Just as you finish speaking, a further message is received. Another of the llamas has made contact. This one is signed by baban.

"In Anglo-Saxon times, a great dike was built along the England-Wales border. Naturally, the Welsh did not want any English immigrants!

This is the question. Solve the following brain teaser and you'll discover the name of which king after whom that dike is named?
My first is in bomb but never in blast; My second's in fireball and also in fast;
My third is in final and also in foe; My fourth's in damnation - that's where you will go!"

Question 10 of 25
10. 9am (CST) : Nine hours in and you've only had two measly leads. Sadly, as it turned out, one of those belonged to Quiz_Beagle and had to be given back. You've got all your best brains working on this case but they seem barely a match for glendathecat and his bunch of renegades. It took them so long to work out that a dike can mean a large ditch! Now, they must face up to the next challenge. It's a message signed by deputygary.

"South Dakota - home to Mount Rushmore and the Grand Canyon - is the archetypal American state. The Dustin Hoffman movie, "Little Big Man", was filmed here.

This is the question. Which word completes the film's tag line? "Either the most neglected hero of the American West or a liar of insane _________ .""

Question 11 of 25
11. 10am (CST) : You've been on this case since midnight so decide to pop out for a shot of caffeine and a donut, just to get a breath of fresh air. As you return, you take a bite from the donut and catch a glimpse of a newspaper headline - "We'll go together when Glenda's llamas harm ya by blowing the biggest bomb". Suddenly, you lose your desire for the donut. Too much grease for your liking.

Like many people, the press are assuming that Glenda, the "Llama bomber", is a woman but you know otherwise. This deed is far too dastardly for a woman - or a cat. Which word, when added to cat, gives you the description of another ne'er-do-well?

Question 12 of 25
12. 11am (CST) : You return to your team to find pandemonium. A new message has been received and no-one can solve it. It's from madkeen4.

"This one's guaranteed to make you stew! Being a great sports fan, I'm going to set you a sporting challenge. The battle to win the Oceania qualifying group and go through to the finals of the FIFA World Cup, always comes down to a struggle between Australia and New Zealand. Give us our Lucky Ducky badges and that struggle can continue.

This is my question. Which southern hemisphere country is the location for the finals of the 2010 FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) World Cup tournament?"

Question 13 of 25
13. Noon (CST) : Interpol have been busy. They've learned from baban's neighbours that she was brushing up on her French and has travelled to mainland Europe. An Interpol operative has caught her on camera although there's no record of where these photos were taken. The pictures have been digitally enhanced. In one, there's a sign behind her in a café window that reads, "Moules et Frites - 5 Euros". Another shows the statue of a small boy who is, um, passing water. Which capital city is baban in? Hint

Question 14 of 25
14. 1pm (CST) : Meanwhile, things are not going well. The minutes are ticking away. Then, one of your detectives touches down. You all groan. How were you supposed to know that football meant soccer?

A new message is received. The signature on this one belongs to flopsymopsy.
"In 1485, Henry of Lancaster triumphed at the battle of Bosworth and became Henry Rex, Henry VII of England. His son, Henry VIII, used to lop off his wives' heads. Henry VII, though, was more happily married. Here, in my home county of Northamptonshire, we claim his wife as one of our own as her mother was born locally. She is Elizabeth of _______?"

Question 15 of 25
15. 2pm (CST) : Interpol are producing more results. Earlier today, they were able to attach a small video camera to alifin_may's jacket. They are aware that she has been on the move but technical malfunctions prevented them seeing anything. That fault has now been corrected and you look upon the first available footage. Through the lens you catch a cathedral dedicated to St. Basil, a "Red Square" and a newspaper called Pravda. You deduce that, in the available time, she can't have travelled too far and is probably still in Europe. But where has she gone? Hint

Question 16 of 25
16. 3pm (CST) : This time, it's maninmidohio who has been in touch.

"Greetings from Ohio. This is your final warning. We sense Interpol involvement. Keep those grubby police paws away from us. Now, on with your challenge. You'll be aware that Tamla Motown, founded in our very own city of Detroit, has produced some of the world's finest records. "Nights in White Satin" isn't a Motown hit but it's still a classic.

This is the question. Who originally had a hit with "Nights in White Satin"?"

Question 17 of 25
17. 4pm (CST) : You think back to the hippie daze of the sixties when you weren't so much raised as raised hell. Fortunately, you can remember just enough to nail the challenge. If only you could nail that evil glendathecat. A little flight of fancy takes you into a world of Roman soldiers and crucifixions, but this reverie is rudely interrupted. The theme of brutal killings, though, is maintained in a new message. It's signed by PDAZ.

"Listen up and listen carefully because I really want my Lucky Ducky badge to display, here in my house in Arizona. President Kennedy was assassinated in our neighbour state of Texas but born here in Phoenix.

This is the question. When the Warren Commission investigated President Kennedy's killing, how many people did they conclude were responsible?

Question 18 of 25
18. 5pm (CST) : You're called to see the President again and, this time, he's back at his primary residence. For a moment, on entering, your attention is distracted as you survey your surroundings. Is this house white? Or pearly? Or milky? Or all of the above?

The President is struggling to do the crossword in a newspaper left by the British Prime Minister. "One word of 8 letters", he says, "that means an article of clothing worn to cover the legs. I just can't make pants fit." Remembering that the newspaper originated in Britain, what is the answer you give him?

Question 19 of 25
19. 6pm : The President wants up to date news. He's meant to be going to a concert by the Russian National Orchestra who will be performing Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture". Should he get dressed for tonight's engagement or board Air Force One? You're thinking that, whatever happens, his evening is going to go with a bang, but what can you tell him? The case is far from solved. In fact, any of the eggs from the culinary quizzes in Hobbies are far closer to being cracked.

Thankfully, the President gets distracted by his next clue which reads:
"Initially, the gorilla's a prime example - 3 letters". What is the correct answer?

Question 20 of 25
20. 7pm : Next up, is a challenge from RahulR.

"I'm sending this from the Indian capital, Calcutta. It's a question about the amazingly versatile spice of cinnamon which originated in this part of the world. It's been much in demand through the centuries, so much so that it's mentioned in the Bible.

This is the question. A recipe is provided, in the biblical book of Exodus, for the fragrant anointing oil to be used in the Israelite tabernacle. The oil includes cinnamon and was to be made up according to the art of which professional?"

Question 21 of 25
21. 8pm (CST) : Time is running out so you resort to your religious specialists. Rather than reintegrate them into the team afterwards, you ask them to continue in prayer as nothing else seems to be working.

After the sixties came the seventies, a decade in which you used to drink like a fish. Is that, you wonder, an idiom, or a simile, or personification or ...? Whatever it is, it means that the incoming challenge is going to be crushed instantly beneath your size 10/10 feet. It's from alifin_may.

"Welcome to Scotland, home to such creatures as the Loch Ness monster, the golden eagle, the "wee, sleeket, cowran, tim'rous beastie" (mouse) and the humble haggis. But it's not an "Animals" question that I'm going to ask you.

This is the question. Palomino grapes are mostly used to make which alcoholic drink whose name is also the title of a Four Seasons chart topper?"

Question 22 of 25
22. 9pm (CST) : A call comes through from secret agent Exit10. For the past two years, she has been a sleeper, embedded in glendathecat's team. She has a cell phone number for flopsymopsy. Frantically, you ring the number. An irate flopsymopsy answers. She wants to know why you've woken her up at just past 4am in the morning. Everyone is asleep, she says. The streets are deserted and all she can see from the window of her Montmartre hotel is the city lights and the illuminations on the Eiffel Tower shining brightly. It's her birthday and she's here to celebrate. No, she doesn't know where any of the other llamas are. Having wished her a very happy birthday, you hang up. You realise that you only have her word for it but, from her description (and your knowledge of international time zones), you conclude that she is alluding to which city? Hint

Question 23 of 25
23. 10pm (CST) : Another email leaps onto the screen in front of you. It is unsigned.

"Hehehe! You're going to fail! The bomb is packed in the boot of my car which is parked on the pavement outside my flat. In under two hours, I'll be going to the car to press the detonator button. There was a time, in my teens, when David Soul's "Silver Lady" always seemed to be the slow song played at the end of a disco. The lights would go down and everyone would hold on tight. Well, hold on tight again because, in less than two hours, the lights will be going out and staying out. Goodbye cruel world.

But I can't resist leaving you losers with one last question. There's no need to get back to me. I merely leave it for your dissatisfaction. Which of the following sentences is correct?"

Question 24 of 25
24. 11pm (CST) : It literally is the eleventh hour and you sit back to review the day's events. You put the Interpol evidence on one side. That can be trusted as categorical proof. You then reread the messages from individual llamas. Suddenly, they all start to make sense. Initially, this case had you foxed but you've come to realise that's one key to its solution. The sun of truth is beginning to rise and usher in the dawn of enlightenment. From which direction does the sun rise? Hint

Question 25 of 25
25. 11.30pm (CST) : You weren't dealing with ten suspects. You've been communicating with just one person, probably under the sinister gaze of glendathecat, who's been desperate to avert the carnage. That person's been slipping you clues with every message - little details, almost imperceptible, but not quite right. That person's also been giving clues by their use of language. You know they're at their home address and you've just minutes to contact the local police and get them to swoop. Let's hope you've chosen correctly because one false move could blow the whole operation and the world of FunTrivia. Who do you go for?

Here is a reminder of the suspects should you need one:
sierot (Poland); flopsymopsy (England); maninmidohio (Ohio, USA); RahulR (India); qoolgal (Philippines); baban (Wales); alifin_may (Scotland); PDAZ (Arizona, USA); madkeen4 (Australia) and deputygary (South Dakota, USA).

Answer: (One Word - Please enter the name as it appears here. Do not include the nationality.)

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Most Recent Scores
Jul 21 2024 : Guest 79: 22/25
Jun 26 2024 : papabear5914: 24/25
Jun 26 2024 : blaster2014: 18/25

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. It is midnight (CST) and you have been called to the office of President Terry Triviaballer. The President has startling news. "In just 24 hours," he says, "the world could be destroyed. Not long ago, we received intelligence that the evil genius, glendathecat, and his team are plotting to detonate a massive bomb. The code name for this operation is "Revenge of the Llamas". They are insisting that each of them be rewarded with a Lucky Ducky badge but we can't give in to these threats. It would destroy the very fabric upon which our civilised world is based. You must foil their plans. You are our only hope." It's too much to take in. For a moment, your attention is distracted as you survey your surroundings. Is this office oval? Or elliptical? Or ovoid? Or all of the above? You also notice the President's pets, a Hyacinth Macaw, an Eclectus and an African Grey. There seems to be evidence of them wherever you look. What kind of animal are they?

Answer: Parrot

The Hyacinth Macaw can lay claim to being the largest species of parrot. It is found in Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia. The Eclectus parrot originates from Oceania. The plumage is predominantly green in males and red/blue in females. The African Grey comes from the rainforests of ... Africa!
2. 1am (CST) : An email is received. It is from glendathecat's team. "We don't want bucks. We want lucky ducks. Give us what we want or the world will die at midnight (CST). From the heights of the Himalayan peaks to the depth of the Mariana Trench, all will be laid to waste. Communications will continue via a series of quiz questions. Get each one right and there will be more. Get one wrong and there will never be more again. To test your mettle, every subsequent question will come from a different FunTrivia category. Here is the first question. In which country is the action set in the movies "Die Hard", "Reversal of Fortune" and "JFK"?"

Answer: America

The phenomenally successful 1988 film, "Die Hard", starred Bruce Willis as New York cop, John McCain. It also stars an office building and Alan Rickman leading a group of criminals that McCain has to foil. "Reversal of Fortune" (1990) dramatised the story of Claus Von Bulow and his trial for the attempted murder of his wife, Sunny. Jeremy Irons won an Oscar as Von Bulow, with Glenn Close playing his wife. "JFK" (1991) won two Oscars and featured Gary Oldman as Lee Harvey Oswald.
3. 2am (CST) : Your team has scattered to work on the case and the quiz challenge. Thank heavens, you think, for Google. You call for a list of suspects and are presented with the names of possible bombers and their locations: sierot (Poland); flopsymopsy (England); maninmidohio (Ohio, USA); RahulR (India); qoolgal (Philippines); baban (Wales); alifin_may (Scotland); PDAZ (Arizona, USA); madkeen4 (Australia) and deputygary (South Dakota, USA). You know that glendathecat is far too clever to get his hands dirty with the bomb, so it must be one of his lieutenants. What worries you is that they're scattered all over the globe. It's like looking for a needle in a well-written hidden words question. You survey the names. Deputygary is, presumably, a deputy named Gary. You know that flopsymopsy is an amalgam of two Beatrix Potter created rabbits whilst PDAZ sounds like laundry detergent. But what does baban mean?

Answer: It's Welsh for baby.

Related words that might come in handy sometime include dillad baban (baby clothes), iaith babanod (baby talk), babanaidd (infantile), babaneiddiwch (childishness) and babanladdiad (infanticide). (Source : Y Gwe-eiriadur - An Internet dictionary of Welsh for speakers of English)
4. 3am (CST) : A further message is received and printed out. You all gather round. "Congratulations. You do at least get to see another question. Before that, though, there's one important ground rule. Keep away from us. If any of us even begins to suspect a tail, then we'll blow that bomb quicker than the fastest finger can attempt a "Piece of Cake" game. This is the question. Which of the following fish, when pickled, is much used in Russian cuisine?"

Answer: Herring

Recipes that feature the herring include the evocatively named, seledka pod shuboy ("Herring under (or in) a fur coat"). This is a layered salad involving beets, potatoes and eggs, among other things.

In the context of the quiz, this was a red herring.
5. 4am (CST) : You put a trace on the email address but, of course, glendathecat is far too clever to be that obvious. Your only hope is to try and track down the individual members of his team but right now, you presume, they're lying low. A new question arrives. It's signed by qoolgal. "Good morning Starsky, or is it Hutch? You Americans are our friend and ally, our neighbour in the eastern sea. We rejoice every day as our sun sets over you. But no longer! Tonight, that sun will set for a final time. This is the question. What was the former name of Taiwan, the neighbour to the north of us?"

Answer: Formosa

The name Formosa originated with Portuguese explorers who called it Ilha Formosa, meaning beautiful island. It became a Dutch colony and then, from 1662, was under Chinese control until 1895 when sovereignty passed to the Japanese. This continued until the end of the Second World war when it briefly became part of China again. Since 1949, it has been governed by the Kuomintang following their defeat in the Chinese Civil War.

The statement that the sun goes on from the Philippines to set over America is incorrect as America lies to the east of the Philippines.
6. 5am (CST) : Now comes your first piece of good fortune. Interpol agents have been monitoring CCTV footage from around the world and believe they've got a sighting of madkeen4 in Southern Europe. You look at a grainy image. There's no mistaking that it's the suspect. Behind him, you can just make out a large rock, a Union Jack flag and some monkeys. Where, you wonder, is he?

Answer: Gibraltar

Gibraltar lies on the southern tip of Spain and has been governed by Britain since 1704 (1713 if you go by the legal treaty). The monkeys in question are often referred to as Barbary apes but are, in fact, Barbary Macaque monkeys.
7. 6am (CST) : Here comes another email. This one is signed by sierot. "I, too, wish to follow in the footsteps of my Polish countryman and strike out at those who oppress us by maintaining the Lucky Ducky badge for the privileged few. My inspiration is the glorious man who was able to kindle revolution in the hearts of the striking miners of Gdansk. This is the question. What is the name of the man who founded the Solidarity movement?"

Answer: Lech Walesa

The statement that Solidarity developed from striking miners is incorrect. They were striking ship workers at the Lenin shipyard. Walesa went on to become Polish President from 1990 to 1995.
8. 7am (CST) : You have the President on the phone. He's flown to the Department of Defence building where he's been entertaining the British Prime Minister. The President enquires about the progress of the operation and then suggests bombing the Chain Gang as a diversionary tactic. You assure him that, to the best of your knowledge, those scurvy pirates aren't involved but, hey, if it makes him feel good! For a moment your attention is distracted as you picture his surroundings. Is this building a pentagon? Or a polygon? Or a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides? Or all of the above? The President reminisces about some of the quoted foreign affairs goofs of his predecessors. There was George W. Bush and the man who was Vice President to George's father. They seemed to get some things so wrong you'd almost think they were doing it deliberately. Who is the Vice President to whom the President is referring?

Answer: Dan Quayle

Dan Quayle was Vice President to George Bush from 1989 to 1993. Prior to that he had been a Senator representing Indiana.

It is questionable whether all so-called "Quaylisms" are genuine but he certainly developed a reputation for misarticulating things he was trying to say. The list of quotes attributed to him includes the following:
"I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change."
"I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have was that I didn't study Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people"
"We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."
9. 8am (CST) : Just as you finish speaking, a further message is received. Another of the llamas has made contact. This one is signed by baban. "In Anglo-Saxon times, a great dike was built along the England-Wales border. Naturally, the Welsh did not want any English immigrants! This is the question. Solve the following brain teaser and you'll discover the name of which king after whom that dike is named? My first is in bomb but never in blast; My second's in fireball and also in fast; My third is in final and also in foe; My fourth's in damnation - that's where you will go!"

Answer: Offa

Offa was an eighth-century king of Mercia. The dike was built by the English and not by the Welsh as stated in the message.
10. 9am (CST) : Nine hours in and you've only had two measly leads. Sadly, as it turned out, one of those belonged to Quiz_Beagle and had to be given back. You've got all your best brains working on this case but they seem barely a match for glendathecat and his bunch of renegades. It took them so long to work out that a dike can mean a large ditch! Now, they must face up to the next challenge. It's a message signed by deputygary. "South Dakota - home to Mount Rushmore and the Grand Canyon - is the archetypal American state. The Dustin Hoffman movie, "Little Big Man", was filmed here. This is the question. Which word completes the film's tag line? "Either the most neglected hero of the American West or a liar of insane _________ .""

Answer: Proportion

"Little Big Man" (1970) starred Hoffman and Chief Dan George who was Oscar nominated for his role. It tells the story of a white man brought up among the Cheyenne tribe.

The statement that the Grand Canyon lies in South Dakota is incorrect. It is located in Arizona.
11. 10am (CST) : You've been on this case since midnight so decide to pop out for a shot of caffeine and a donut, just to get a breath of fresh air. As you return, you take a bite from the donut and catch a glimpse of a newspaper headline - "We'll go together when Glenda's llamas harm ya by blowing the biggest bomb". Suddenly, you lose your desire for the donut. Too much grease for your liking. Like many people, the press are assuming that Glenda, the "Llama bomber", is a woman but you know otherwise. This deed is far too dastardly for a woman - or a cat. Which word, when added to cat, gives you the description of another ne'er-do-well?

Answer: Burglar

Apologies for a terrible misquotation from "Grease". The original is, of course, "We go together like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dong" from the song, "We Go Together".
12. 11am (CST) : You return to your team to find pandemonium. A new message has been received and no-one can solve it. It's from madkeen4. "This one's guaranteed to make you stew! Being a great sports fan, I'm going to set you a sporting challenge. The battle to win the Oceania qualifying group and go through to the finals of the FIFA World Cup, always comes down to a struggle between Australia and New Zealand. Give us our Lucky Ducky badges and that struggle can continue. This is my question. Which southern hemisphere country is the location for the finals of the 2010 FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) World Cup tournament?"

Answer: South Africa

The finals tournament of the 2010 FIFA (soccer) World Cup involves 32 teams. This comprises the host nation, South Africa, and 31 teams from qualifying competitions.

The statement about Australia and New Zealand struggling in the Oceania qualifying group is incorrect. For the 2010 tournament, Australia transferred to the Asian group.
13. Noon (CST) : Interpol have been busy. They've learned from baban's neighbours that she was brushing up on her French and has travelled to mainland Europe. An Interpol operative has caught her on camera although there's no record of where these photos were taken. The pictures have been digitally enhanced. In one, there's a sign behind her in a café window that reads, "Moules et Frites - 5 Euros". Another shows the statue of a small boy who is, um, passing water. Which capital city is baban in?

Answer: Brussels

The official languages of Belgium are French, Dutch and German. The official currency is euros. Moules et Frites (mussels and fries) is one of the most popular Belgian dishes, with mayonnaise accompanying the fries. The Mannekin Pis is one of the tourist attractions of Brussels.

It's a seventeenth-century bronze sculpture and fountain. Mannekin Pis is Dutch for ... well, I'll let you work that one out for yourself! Various legends exist as to its origin, many of which involve creative uses for urine.

The less evocative French title is Petit Julien.
14. 1pm (CST) : Meanwhile, things are not going well. The minutes are ticking away. Then, one of your detectives touches down. You all groan. How were you supposed to know that football meant soccer? A new message is received. The signature on this one belongs to flopsymopsy. "In 1485, Henry of Lancaster triumphed at the battle of Bosworth and became Henry Rex, Henry VII of England. His son, Henry VIII, used to lop off his wives' heads. Henry VII, though, was more happily married. Here, in my home county of Northamptonshire, we claim his wife as one of our own as her mother was born locally. She is Elizabeth of _______?"

Answer: York

Elizabeth of York has a record that is unlikely to be surpassed. In terms of her relationship to English kings she was a daughter (Edward IV), sister (Edward V), niece (Richard III), wife (Henry VII), mother (Henry VIII) and grandmother (Edward VI). Her mother, also named Elizabeth, was born at Grafton Regis in Northamptonshire in about 1437. Geographically speaking, York is nowhere near Northamptonshire.

The epithet has more to do with title than geography.
15. 2pm (CST) : Interpol are producing more results. Earlier today, they were able to attach a small video camera to alifin_may's jacket. They are aware that she has been on the move but technical malfunctions prevented them seeing anything. That fault has now been corrected and you look upon the first available footage. Through the lens you catch a cathedral dedicated to St. Basil, a "Red Square" and a newspaper called Pravda. You deduce that, in the available time, she can't have travelled too far and is probably still in Europe. But where has she gone?

Answer: Russia

Red Square and St. Basil's Cathedral are both located in Moscow, where the Pravda newspaper is also read. Pravda is Russian for truth. It was founded in 1912 and, for many years, was known for being the mouthpiece of the communist government. Boris Yeltsin brought the original paper to an end in 1991 but it has subsequently been relaunched as an independent publication.
16. 3pm (CST) : This time, it's maninmidohio who has been in touch. "Greetings from Ohio. This is your final warning. We sense Interpol involvement. Keep those grubby police paws away from us. Now, on with your challenge. You'll be aware that Tamla Motown, founded in our very own city of Detroit, has produced some of the world's finest records. "Nights in White Satin" isn't a Motown hit but it's still a classic. This is the question. Who originally had a hit with "Nights in White Satin"?"

Answer: Moody Blues

Motown is an abbreviation of motor and town recognising Detroit's nickname as a major centre of US car production. The record label was founded in 1959. Many famous careers have been launched by Motown. The list is far too long to reproduce in full but includes Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Marvin Gaye, Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder and Smokey Robinson.

"Nights in White Satin" was a 1967 hit for the Moody Blues. It peaked at Number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 and Number 9 in the UK.

The statement that Detroit is in Ohio is incorrect. It's over the border in Michigan.
17. 4pm (CST) : You think back to the hippie daze of the sixties when you weren't so much raised as raised hell. Fortunately, you can remember just enough to nail the challenge. If only you could nail that evil glendathecat. A little flight of fancy takes you into a world of Roman soldiers and crucifixions, but this reverie is rudely interrupted. The theme of brutal killings, though, is maintained in a new message. It's signed by PDAZ. "Listen up and listen carefully because I really want my Lucky Ducky badge to display, here in my house in Arizona. President Kennedy was assassinated in our neighbour state of Texas but born here in Phoenix. This is the question. When the Warren Commission investigated President Kennedy's killing, how many people did they conclude were responsible?

Answer: One person - Lee Harvey Oswald

The Warren Commission was established in November 1963, following Kennedy's assassination seven days previously. Its (to some) controversial conclusion was that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone. One member of the seven man commission would go on to become US President. Gerald Ford was Vice-President to Richard Nixon and assumed the role of President upon Nixon's resignation in 1974.

The statement that Kennedy was born in Phoenix is incorrect. He was born in Brookline, Massachusetts.
18. 5pm (CST) : You're called to see the President again and, this time, he's back at his primary residence. For a moment, on entering, your attention is distracted as you survey your surroundings. Is this house white? Or pearly? Or milky? Or all of the above? The President is struggling to do the crossword in a newspaper left by the British Prime Minister. "One word of 8 letters", he says, "that means an article of clothing worn to cover the legs. I just can't make pants fit." Remembering that the newspaper originated in Britain, what is the answer you give him?

Answer: Trousers

A tricorne is a three cornered hat; a tanktop (or tank top) is a sleeveless sweater or shirt, whilst a necktie is, believe it or not, a tie worn around the neck.
19. 6pm : The President wants up to date news. He's meant to be going to a concert by the Russian National Orchestra who will be performing Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture". Should he get dressed for tonight's engagement or board Air Force One? You're thinking that, whatever happens, his evening is going to go with a bang, but what can you tell him? The case is far from solved. In fact, any of the eggs from the culinary quizzes in Hobbies are far closer to being cracked. Thankfully, the President gets distracted by his next clue which reads: "Initially, the gorilla's a prime example - 3 letters". What is the correct answer?

Answer: Ape

In classic cryptic crossword clue fashion, "ape" is produced from the initial letters of "a", "prime" and "example".
20. 7pm : Next up, is a challenge from RahulR. "I'm sending this from the Indian capital, Calcutta. It's a question about the amazingly versatile spice of cinnamon which originated in this part of the world. It's been much in demand through the centuries, so much so that it's mentioned in the Bible. This is the question. A recipe is provided, in the biblical book of Exodus, for the fragrant anointing oil to be used in the Israelite tabernacle. The oil includes cinnamon and was to be made up according to the art of which professional?"

Answer: Perfumer

"Then the Lord said to Moses, "Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant cane, 500 shekels of cassia-all according to the sanctuary shekel-and a hin of olive oil. Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer." (Exodus 30 v. 22-25 - NIV translation)

Cinnamon is a small tree, originating in Sri Lanka, whose bark is used to produce the spice of the same name.

The statement that Calcutta (or Kolkata) is the capital of India is incorrect. It was the capital, under British rule, until 1911. Subsequently, the capital was moved to Delhi and then to New Delhi in 1931.
21. 8pm (CST) : Time is running out so you resort to your religious specialists. Rather than reintegrate them into the team afterwards, you ask them to continue in prayer as nothing else seems to be working. After the sixties came the seventies, a decade in which you used to drink like a fish. Is that, you wonder, an idiom, or a simile, or personification or ...? Whatever it is, it means that the incoming challenge is going to be crushed instantly beneath your size 10/10 feet. It's from alifin_may. "Welcome to Scotland, home to such creatures as the Loch Ness monster, the golden eagle, the "wee, sleeket, cowran, tim'rous beastie" (mouse) and the humble haggis. But it's not an "Animals" question that I'm going to ask you. This is the question. Palomino grapes are mostly used to make which alcoholic drink whose name is also the title of a Four Seasons chart topper?"

Answer: Sherry

Palomino grapes constitute approximately 90% of the grapes grown in Spain for sherry production. The name sherry is derived from "Jerez", the name of a Spanish town in the province of Cadiz. Legally, wine labelled sherry must come from Jerez and its surrounding area.

"Sherry" topped the Billboard Hot 100 in 1962. It reached Number 8 in the UK. The fact that the song is about a girl and not a drink is illustrated by the list of possible names that were first suggested for its title - Jackie, Terri and Peri.

The statement that haggis is a creature is incorrect. It is a Scottish dish consisting of sheep's offal, oats, onion and suet, served up in a sheep's stomach.
22. 9pm (CST) : A call comes through from secret agent Exit10. For the past two years, she has been a sleeper, embedded in glendathecat's team. She has a cell phone number for flopsymopsy. Frantically, you ring the number. An irate flopsymopsy answers. She wants to know why you've woken her up at just past 4am in the morning. Everyone is asleep, she says. The streets are deserted and all she can see from the window of her Montmartre hotel is the city lights and the illuminations on the Eiffel Tower shining brightly. It's her birthday and she's here to celebrate. No, she doesn't know where any of the other llamas are. Having wished her a very happy birthday, you hang up. You realise that you only have her word for it but, from her description (and your knowledge of international time zones), you conclude that she is alluding to which city?

Answer: Paris

Montmartre is an elevated area on the north side of Paris. Its major landmark is the church of the Sacré Coeur. The Eiffel Tower was built for the World's Fair held in Paris in 1889 and takes its name from its architect, Gustave Eiffel.

The statement that the Eiffel Tower is illuminated at 4am is incorrect. The illuminations are switched off no later than 2am.
23. 10pm (CST) : Another email leaps onto the screen in front of you. It is unsigned. "Hehehe! You're going to fail! The bomb is packed in the boot of my car which is parked on the pavement outside my flat. In under two hours, I'll be going to the car to press the detonator button. There was a time, in my teens, when David Soul's "Silver Lady" always seemed to be the slow song played at the end of a disco. The lights would go down and everyone would hold on tight. Well, hold on tight again because, in less than two hours, the lights will be going out and staying out. Goodbye cruel world. But I can't resist leaving you losers with one last question. There's no need to get back to me. I merely leave it for your dissatisfaction. Which of the following sentences is correct?"

Answer: You're all going to be blown to smithereens.

The word smithereens derives from the Irish word meaning "small fragments". It only exists in the plural. There is no singular.
24. 11pm (CST) : It literally is the eleventh hour and you sit back to review the day's events. You put the Interpol evidence on one side. That can be trusted as categorical proof. You then reread the messages from individual llamas. Suddenly, they all start to make sense. Initially, this case had you foxed but you've come to realise that's one key to its solution. The sun of truth is beginning to rise and usher in the dawn of enlightenment. From which direction does the sun rise?

Answer: East

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west because the direction of the Earth's rotation is towards the east.
25. 11.30pm (CST) : You weren't dealing with ten suspects. You've been communicating with just one person, probably under the sinister gaze of glendathecat, who's been desperate to avert the carnage. That person's been slipping you clues with every message - little details, almost imperceptible, but not quite right. That person's also been giving clues by their use of language. You know they're at their home address and you've just minutes to contact the local police and get them to swoop. Let's hope you've chosen correctly because one false move could blow the whole operation and the world of FunTrivia. Who do you go for? Here is a reminder of the suspects should you need one: sierot (Poland); flopsymopsy (England); maninmidohio (Ohio, USA); RahulR (India); qoolgal (Philippines); baban (Wales); alifin_may (Scotland); PDAZ (Arizona, USA); madkeen4 (Australia) and deputygary (South Dakota, USA).

Answer: flopsymopsy

Flopsymopsy has tried her hardest to leave you as many clues as possible. As a result, there are at least four different routes to arrive at the answer, five if you include a blind stab in the dark!

Route 1 : If you look at the messages purporting to come from individual llamas, you will see that the initial letters of the answers spell out "flopsymopsy". This idea was introduced with the cryptic crossword clue of Qn.19 and use of the words "initially", "start" and "beginning" in question 24. Flopsy has even ensured that the solution remains the same were you to have got any of the answers wrong, which hopefully you didn't.

Route 2 : This was probably the hardest to pick up. Qn.3 was designed to ensure that you knew that flopsymopsy is a rabbit related name. Qn.1 introduced the idea of different breeds and "evidence of them wherever you look". There is a rabbit related word in each of the messages. "Himalayan", "Polish", "American", "Palomino", "Satin", "Rex", "Cinnamon", "New Zealand", "English", "Lop" and "Silver" all refer to breeds of rabbit. You should also find the words, "tail", "hutch", "kindle", "warren", "bucks", "paws", "stew" (sorry flopsy) and "Welsh". Welsh rabbit (or rarebit) is a British snack that consists of melted cheese served on toast.

Route 3 : The difference between Standard English and American English was highlighted at various points during the quiz. Qn.23 contains the words "boot", "pavement" and "flat" which, in their context, indicated that you were dealing with someone using Standard English. That points you towards the three suspects from the United Kingdom (baban, alifin_may and flopsymopsy) and madkeen4 from Australia. Furthermore, Qn.23 also tells you that you are looking for someone who is still at their home residence. The sleuthing of Interpol should have confirmed for you that this does not apply to madkeen4, baban or alifin_may who, respectively, are in Gibraltar, Belgium and Russia. But, you say, surely flopsymopsy was in France. That, I'm afraid, was a particularly nasty red herring. Had she really been in Paris, she would not have been able to see the Eiffel Tower illuminated after 4am in the morning. These illuminations are switched off at 2am (summer) or 1am (rest of the year). She, therefore, had to be lying about where she was, as was hinted at in the question.

Route 4 : Whenever there was a message supposedly from one of the individual suspects, flopsymopsy made sure to include an error about that individual's home country or state. This was hinted at in Qn.8 which spoke about men who "got some things so wrong you'd almost think they were doing it deliberately" and followed up in Q.25. Each error is so basic that it would be hard to believe it could be made by someone who really came from that place. The only personal message that was error free came from flopsymopsy.

There was also a very subtle hint in the first message (Qn.2) which asked about the movies "Die Hard", "Reversal of Fortune" and "JFK". All of these films have villains played by ENGLISH actors.
Source: Author glendathecat

This quiz was reviewed by FunTrivia editor Exit10 before going online.
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