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Quiz about Evil and Suffering
Quiz about Evil and Suffering

Evil and Suffering Trivia Quiz

All world religions have something to say about evil and suffering. This quiz takes a look at these heavy issues and surveys some different viewpoints.

A multiple-choice quiz by skylarb. Estimated time: 5 mins.
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5 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
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Avg Score
9 / 15
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Question 1 of 15
1. Say I believe evil exists because there are two opposite, equal powers ruling the universe, and one of them is evil. What religion am I? Hint

Question 2 of 15
2. Say I believe that God is in everything. Since God is in everything, evil, as such, does not really exist. What religion am I? Hint

Question 3 of 15
3. Say I believe that suffering is the result of desire. What religion am I? Hint

Question 4 of 15
4. Say I believe that my present suffering is the product of my past deeds either in this life or a previous one. Which of these religions am I most likely to be practicing? Hint

Question 5 of 15
5. Christians believe that all suffering is caused by personal sin.

Question 6 of 15
6. In the Hebrew Scriptures, what answer does God give for the suffering of Job? Hint

Question 7 of 15
7. Which of the following religions does NOT have a concept of sin that is a central part of the religion? Hint

Question 8 of 15
8. Which religion refers to Satan as Iblis? Hint

Question 9 of 15
9. Members of many different religions feel an obligation to work to alleviate human suffering. But, according to a major survey conducted in the year 2000, are church members more likely to give to charity and do volunteer work than non church members?

Question 10 of 15
10. In which two religions does Satan have the most prominent role in the existence of evil? Hint

Question 11 of 15
11. Which Christian apologist attempted to tackle the problem of evil and suffering in his books "A Grief Observed" and "The Problem of Pain"? Hint

Question 12 of 15
12. Which Jewish thinker wrestled with evil and suffering in the book "When Bad Things Happen to Good People"? Hint

Question 13 of 15
13. What do we call the attempt to reconcile the existence of a just, all powerful God with the existence of evil and suffering? Hint

Question 14 of 15
14. Christians often struggle with the problem of suffering because Christ promised that if Christians have faith, they will not suffer.

Question 15 of 15
15. Three of the following religions teach, more or less, that suffering is an illusion (or caused by illusions). Which does not? Hint

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Most Recent Scores
Oct 12 2024 : MK240V: 8/15
Sep 12 2024 : Guest 104: 9/15
Aug 31 2024 : mulligas: 10/15

Score Distribution

Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. Say I believe evil exists because there are two opposite, equal powers ruling the universe, and one of them is evil. What religion am I?

Answer: Dualist

While many Christians do believe in an evil, supernatural power (Satan) they do not believe this power is equal with God. Rather, Satan and the devils are subservient to God. But dualists view the world as a kind of battlefield where the good and evil powers combat one another.
2. Say I believe that God is in everything. Since God is in everything, evil, as such, does not really exist. What religion am I?

Answer: Pantheist

In his book "Mere Christianity," C.S. Lewis describes the primary difference between the view of Pantheists and that of the other three religions listed here: "[Some] people would say that the wiser you become the less you would want to call anything good or bad, and the more clearly you would see that everything is good in one way and bad in another . . .The other and opposite idea is that God is quite definitely 'good' . . . a God who takes sides . . .

The first of these views--the one that thinks God beyond good and evil--is called Pantheism . . .

The other view is held by Jews, Mohammedans and Christians."
3. Say I believe that suffering is the result of desire. What religion am I?

Answer: Buddhist

Buddha taught that life was full of suffering which was perpetuated by desire. If desire ceases, he taught, then suffering also ceases. The goal of the Buddhist is to be free from desire and to achieve Enlightenment.
4. Say I believe that my present suffering is the product of my past deeds either in this life or a previous one. Which of these religions am I most likely to be practicing?

Answer: Hindu

According to the Hindu Website (, "While this logic leaves a pessimist with a sense of desperation, an optimist finds in it a great opportunity to turn the tide over and recreate his future through careful planning and deliberate action."
5. Christians believe that all suffering is caused by personal sin.

Answer: False

While sin is the cause of much suffering in the view of Christians, it is not the cause of all suffering. The Old Testament, for example, tells of Job, who is the prime example of a man who suffers despite his righteousness. In John 9, Jesus heals a blind man.

He is asked by his disciples whether the man is blind because of his own sin or the sin of his parents, and Jesus answers "Neither." Rather, he is blind "that the works of God should be made manifest in him."
6. In the Hebrew Scriptures, what answer does God give for the suffering of Job?

Answer: Neither of these

God gives Job no answer for his suffering. Instead, he reprimands Job for daring to question God's justice in the first place, and He asks Job where the man was when God laid the foundations of the world and created all things. God also reprimands those "comforters" who claim Job's sufferings are the result of his sin.
7. Which of the following religions does NOT have a concept of sin that is a central part of the religion?

Answer: Buddhism

Christians, Jews, and Muslims share in common a belief in the reality of sin. Sin, as a theological concept, is more than just an act; it is a state of estrangement from God which cannot be reconciled except through propitiation or divine forgiveness. Though Buddhists speak of "right action" and "wrong action" (for lack of more precise words), they do not maintain a concept of sin as such.

As Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda Maha Thera explains, "there is no such thing as sin as explained by other religions . . .

The wicked man is an ignorant man . . . He is not regarded as violating god's will or as a person who must beg for divine mercy and forgiveness. He needs only guidance for his enlightenment."
8. Which religion refers to Satan as Iblis?

Answer: Islam

Other names used for Satan by Christian, Jews, or Muslims include Lucifer, Shaytan, and Beezelbub. Muslim scholars tend to identify Iblis as a jinni rather than an angel, since in Islam angels are incapable of sin.
9. Members of many different religions feel an obligation to work to alleviate human suffering. But, according to a major survey conducted in the year 2000, are church members more likely to give to charity and do volunteer work than non church members?

Answer: Yes

According to a survey published in "Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community" (Simon & Schuster, 2000), 80 percent of church members give to charity (compared to only 60 percent of nonmembers), and 60 percent of church members volunteer (compared to only 35 percent of nonmembers).
10. In which two religions does Satan have the most prominent role in the existence of evil?

Answer: Islam and Christianity

Satan (and variants of Satan) are mentioned only a handful of times in the Hebrew Scriptures. He plays a much larger role in the New Testament and in later Christian tradition than in Judaism. In Islam, too, Satan is the central Tempter figure, who actively seeks to make men sin.
11. Which Christian apologist attempted to tackle the problem of evil and suffering in his books "A Grief Observed" and "The Problem of Pain"?

Answer: C.S. Lewis

Lewis was one of the foremost Christian apologists of the 20th century, and among the most popular. He also addressed issues of evil and suffering in his major apologetic work, "Mere Christianity." In "A Grief Observed," he struggled with his own suffering after the death of his wife, writing his thoughts in journal form.
12. Which Jewish thinker wrestled with evil and suffering in the book "When Bad Things Happen to Good People"?

Answer: Rabbi Kushner

Kushner's conclusion is not an orthodox Jewish one--he basically concludes that God is not, in fact, all powerful, and that is why evil can exist. (He also employs traditional Judeo-Christian arguments about free will, however.)
13. What do we call the attempt to reconcile the existence of a just, all powerful God with the existence of evil and suffering?

Answer: Theodicy

Theology is the study of religion. A theophany is an event in which God appears to man; the term is often used by Christians to refer to what they perceive to be appearances of Christ in the Old Testament. Theomorphism is depicting man as a god. The question of theodicy is this: If God is all powerful, then He can prevent all suffering.

But He does not prevent all suffering, so is He good? Most theologians tend to focus on free will when answering this question; some refer to a concept of original sin passed down from generation to generation; some argue that evil does not really exist and is an illusion; and some argue that suffering helps to shape and mold us for the next world.

Some circumvent the problem by suggesting that God is not all powerful, and cannot stop all suffering.
14. Christians often struggle with the problem of suffering because Christ promised that if Christians have faith, they will not suffer.

Answer: False

Christians do struggle with the problem, like all people, but not for this reason! Christ never promised Christians freedom from suffering. Rather, He vowed, "In the world ye shall have tribulation." However, he reminded his followers that this suffering was not permanent: "but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).

In one of his sermons to his disciples, Christ said, "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake" (Matthew 5: 11).

The Apostle Paul also taught that suffering would be an integral part of the Christian's life.
15. Three of the following religions teach, more or less, that suffering is an illusion (or caused by illusions). Which does not?

Answer: Judaism

In Judaism (as in Christianity and Islam), suffering is very real, and it is often (but not always) perceived as a direct result of man's sin and as a punishment from God. According to "The Basics of Buddhism" by Pat Allwright, "Buddhism teaches that suffering is caused by illusions, instinctive desires." Pantheism teaches that suffering and evil only seem to exist, but if you could see things from a different perspective, you would see that God is actually in all things. Christian Science teaches that "God is all that is real and God is completely good; therefore, good is real and evil is an illusion/delusion" (from "What Christian Scientists Believe" on beliefnet).
Source: Author skylarb

This quiz was reviewed by FunTrivia editor gtho4 before going online.
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