Author & Editor Biography: Terry
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Terry has been a FunTrivia author since
Feb 19 00 and has written
16 quizzes.
Terry writes for many different categories, but is most active in
Sci / Tech,
History, and
Brain Teasers.
- is a member of the FunTrivia Editing staff, and is tasked with editing, reviewing, and maintaining FunTrivia quiz
- has earned 6,675 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
- last seen online Feb 12 25, and most recent quiz went online Sep 28 23.
Bio: Terry is the founder, creator, and webmaster of FunTrivia. He can be found running around the site, fixing problems as they arise.
He has a mathematics / computer-science degree and is most interested in science & technology and history quizzes.
Hobbies: science, camping, sports, skiing, hiking