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Civil War Battles Trivia

Civil War Battles Trivia Quizzes

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Fun Trivia
51 quizzes and 600 trivia questions.
  Civil War Tourism   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
For history buffs, nothing could be better than a historically theme-based vacation. I took a Civil-War themed vacation once, and it was great! This quiz tests your knowledge of Civil War sites that now are also good tourist destinations!
Easier, 10 Qns, ben3, Nov 12 13
9952 plays
  Battles of the Army of the Potomac   best quiz  
Ordering Quiz
 10 Qns
The Army of the Potomac was the United States' main army in the eastern theater of the American Civil War. Put the battles below in chronological order.
Average, 10 Qns, ertrum, Apr 05 23
ertrum gold member
Apr 05 23
249 plays
  Battles of the Civil War: Name The Battle   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Try this quiz on several famous battles of the Civil War. How many do you know?
Easier, 10 Qns, airsammy51, Apr 13 11
8276 plays
  Civil War Battlefields   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz about Civil War battlefields. Some are well known, others obscure. I will give the State and some information on the battle give me the name of the battle.
Average, 10 Qns, Ramses22, Jun 28 08
Ramses22 gold member
4517 plays
  The Battle of Fredericksburg editor best quiz   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
A detailed quiz on the Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Difficult, 20 Qns, WFlanigen, Jan 11 13
4488 plays
  Average Civil War Battles Trivia    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This should be an interesting quiz for the Civil War student, but not too tough for the novice.
Average, 10 Qns, BAMAREB, Aug 19 05
6026 plays
  The Maryland Campaign   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In 1862, during the Civil War, the Confederate army invaded the north for the first time. Historians have named this invasion the "Maryland Campaign". Several important events happened during this time period. Students of the Civil War might find this
Average, 10 Qns, Jack212, Nov 06 12
2296 plays
  U.S. Civil War Battles   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the battles in the U.S. Civil War (1861 to 1865).
Easier, 10 Qns, acrosby1861, Aug 02 13
1424 plays
  Civil War: Lesser Known Battles   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Battles like Gettysburg, Shiloh, Bull Run, and Antietam get all the attention. But they were not the only battles to be fought during the war. This quiz is about some of the battles and skirmishes folks are unlikely to learn about in school.
Tough, 15 Qns, F6FHellcat, Feb 26 10
1456 plays
  Match the Opposing Commanders to the Battle   top quiz  
Match Quiz
 15 Qns
Do you know the commanders of these 15 important Civil War battles? I'll give you the Confederate and Union commanders, and you place the appropriate answer in the box. Good luck!
Average, 15 Qns, Cleburne, Jul 24 16
433 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What was the name of the Union major that was 1st in command at Fort Sumter?

From Quiz "Fort Sumter"

  Battle of Shiloh   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
My second in a planned series of Civil War battle quizzes. This one is on the Battle of Shiloh.
Average, 15 Qns, DarthNefarus, Oct 10 17
2469 plays
  The Great Locomotive Chase   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
On April 12th 1862 the civil war turned one year old. The Great Locomotive Chase was perhaps the most daring raid of the war. The first Medals of Honor were awarded to the raiders for their bold actions. How well do you know the story?
Tough, 25 Qns, Ft. Brooke, Apr 24 13
Ft. Brooke
943 plays
  Battle of Fredericksburg, 1862    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a short quiz on the gruesome and bloody battle of Fredericksburg, VA during the American Civil War, in December 1862. Good luck and have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, liszkaj, May 02 10
2205 plays
  The Farms of Antietam: Their Role In The Battle   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
September 17th of 1862 was the date of the bloodiest one-day battle in American history. It was the Battle of Antietam (known as Sharpsburg in the South). Discover some little-known details about the farmsteads on the battlefield during that fateful day.
Tough, 10 Qns, stephgm67, Dec 14 16
stephgm67 gold member
213 plays
  Civil War Battles and Leaders    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This moderately difficult quiz will test your knowledge of Civil War trivia.
Average, 10 Qns, charlemagne, Nov 30 09
6954 plays
  The Losing Commanders: Eastern Theater    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
This quiz deals with the losing commanders in battles of the U.S. Civil War. I will name a battle, and you need to supply the name of the leader who lost. Be careful, the losing commander may not necessarily be the overall commander of an army.
Tough, 25 Qns, TheJay, Jan 19 11
1579 plays
  The Battle of the Wilderness   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This quiz covers the Civil War Battle of the Wilderness. There is a mix of questions - some easy, some hard. Hope you enjoy. Good Luck
Tough, 20 Qns, whi1400, Jan 03 18
Jan 03 18
1141 plays
  1st Manassas    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is on the first major battle of the Civil War.
Average, 10 Qns, cobain3355, May 14 13
1468 plays
  Battle of Antietam   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here are ten questions about the events and the people involved in one of the most tragic days in American history, September 17, 1862.
Tough, 10 Qns, fja0485, Aug 19 05
1960 plays
  Early Battles of the Civil War   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I will tell you the name of a battle of the American Civil War that took place between 1861 and 1863, followed by four statements about it. Three are incorrect, and one is true. You need to identify the true statement.
Average, 10 Qns, daver852, Feb 17 16
daver852 gold member
347 plays
  Fight For Fort Sumter    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the fight for Fort Sumter and events leading up to it.
Average, 10 Qns, foxgap, Sep 24 10
3274 plays
  The Battle of the Crater    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Battle of the Crater took place during the Richmond-Petersburg campaign in an attempt to shorten the siege on Petersburg finish the war earlier. How much do you know about this battle?
Average, 10 Qns, bookaddict, Jul 04 11
1144 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Have fun. It just a little quiz about Antietam!
Average, 10 Qns, liszkaj, Aug 19 05
3301 plays
  Battlefield Nicknames   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I will supply the nickname of a *part* of a Civil War battlefield and you work out the name of the battle.
Difficult, 10 Qns, supermanbhc, May 02 10
1916 plays
  Seven Days' Battles/Peninsula Campaign    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz on the series of battles fought in the spring of 1862 on the Virginia Peninsula.
Average, 10 Qns, DarthNefarus, Jun 29 14
1207 plays
  Rivers of the US Civil War   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Rivers were the scene of many important battles and location of major cities during the American Civil War. In 1860s America, rivers were often used much as super highways are used today for travel, communication and logistics.
Average, 10 Qns, HRS51851, Dec 08 14
392 plays
  Chancellorsville: What Went Wrong?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Chancellorsville is considered Lee's best battle. But what happened to Hooker's plan that made it fail so badly? Take this test and see the other side of the story.
Tough, 10 Qns, Teej417, May 11 18
May 11 18
2274 plays
  The Final Days of the U.S. Civil War    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Most agree that the Civil War effectively ended on 9 April 1865 with the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia to Federal forces at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia. Yet there were other events that happened in April and May 1865 ...
Average, 10 Qns, liszkaj, Jun 28 08
3585 plays
  The Last Days of the Civil War    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
The end of the Civil War was a heart-rending defeat for the South and a bittersweet victory with the North, with a crushing surrender and the death of Lincoln. See if you know these events.
Very Difficult, 20 Qns, gizmo61, Mar 31 14
Very Difficult
521 plays
  Fort Sumter    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a quiz mainly about Fort Sumter at the prelude of the Civil War. No trick questions here, just Fun Trivia!
Average, 10 Qns, unclereed19, Dec 06 15
1884 plays
  Where Did These U. S. Civil War Events Happen?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These aren't just battles! Just choose the state or foreign country. I hope some of these events will be a bit different and challenging, but Civil War buffs are hard to stump.
Difficult, 10 Qns, littlepup, Nov 30 16
315 plays
  Army of the Potomac    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A quiz on the various commanders and battles associated with the Army of the Potomac.
Average, 10 Qns, DarthNefarus, May 02 10
1413 plays
  Civil War Battles Quiz Challenge    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here is a quiz on some of the battles of the American Civil War. Please enjoy and rate if you want!
Difficult, 10 Qns, Dreessen, Jul 20 14
Dreessen gold member
402 plays
  Battle of Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Battle of Pittsburg Landing which occurred on April 6-7, 1862 was one of the worst battles in the western theatre. More casualties were sustained during this two day battle than in any other battle previously fought in North America.
Tough, 10 Qns, OldBedfordNo1, Aug 12 09
514 plays
  It's Old Jack, or a Rabbit: Valley Campaign    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about Stonewall Jackson's Valley Campaign, one of the most pivotal in the American Civil War. Good luck and have fun!
Tough, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Mar 25 14
DeepHistory gold member
265 plays
  The Ultimate Civil War Battles Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Trivia questions about several Civil War battles.
Tough, 10 Qns, 3kittyluver3, Apr 10 11
1091 plays
  The Battle that Saved Washington DC    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
Most people know the names Antietam and Gettysburg, but how many are familiar with the name Monocacy? How much do you know about the Army of Northern Virginia's third 'invasion' of the North that lead to "the battle that saved Washington".
Tough, 20 Qns, hohohaha, Dec 02 06
800 plays
  Streight's Raid (1863)   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
On April 7, 1863, Union Forces under Colonel Abel Streight left Nashville, Tn. on a famous raid towards the manufacturing town of Rome, Ga. and the Western & Atlantic RR. He didn't count on Nathan Bedford Forrest following.
Tough, 10 Qns, Cleburne, Oct 14 08
529 plays
  When did it Happen?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about when important U.S. Civil War battles occurred.
Average, 10 Qns, provisogirl, Mar 23 14
411 plays
  The Last Citadel    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz deals with the last phase of the Siege of Petersburg, starting with Chaffin's Farm and ending with the capitulation of the beleaguered city. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Mar 23 14
DeepHistory gold member
178 plays
  Battle of New Market    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Battle of New Market, VA, is one of the best-known smaller engagements of the Civil War due to the participation of the Corps of Cadets from Virginia Military Institute. It was also one of the last Confederate victories in the Shenandoah Valley.
Tough, 10 Qns, reenactorman, Dec 27 08
449 plays
  The Battle of Chickamauga    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Though often overshadowed, the Battle of Chickamauga (Sep. 18-20, 1863) was the second bloodiest engagement of the U.S. Civil War. Test your knowledge of it.
Average, 10 Qns, benwolk, Apr 16 13
328 plays
  Name the Civil War Battle    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Can you name the Civil War battle from the brief description given?
Tough, 10 Qns, Stalin1879, Mar 29 11
2113 plays
  Ready, Fire, Aim!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz deals with one of the last but not least Civil War campaigns: the Siege of Petersburg. Of course, it is only the first part. Good luck and have fun!
Difficult, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Feb 22 14
DeepHistory gold member
341 plays
  Civil War Battles: Shiloh    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a relatively hard quiz on the Battle of Shiloh in the Civil War. Good luck and test your Civil War knowledge. You have been warned!
Average, 10 Qns, TheJay, Aug 19 05
2091 plays
  The Battle of Fort Sumter    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
You may know Anderson and Beauregard, Moultrie and Pinckney, but how well do you know some of the details of this battle?
Average, 15 Qns, DanielWebster2, Feb 19 11
336 plays
  The Civil War - Part K    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Ok. Some up front questions about battles only. Have fun. This should be easy.
Tough, 10 Qns, Colmosby, Aug 19 05
1421 plays
  Stonewall Jackson's Manassas Return    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Northern Virginia Campaign was a very important one both for the Confederacy and Stonewall Jackson. See what you know about it!
Tough, 10 Qns, DeepHistory, Aug 23 13
DeepHistory gold member
228 plays
  The Battle of Wilson's Creek    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you know about the Battle of Wilson's Creek? Come take my quiz and we'll find out. :)
Average, 10 Qns, moinfantry, Feb 04 23
Feb 04 23
702 plays
  1st Battle of Manassas/Bull Run    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my first quiz. It is on the first major battle of the American Civil War.
Difficult, 10 Qns, DarthNefarus, Dec 02 13
1149 plays
  Civil War Parks/Battlefields    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about Civil War parks/battlefields. Have fun trying it out.
Tough, 10 Qns, colmosby, Aug 19 05
1638 plays

Civil War Battles Trivia Questions

1. Ten thousand people worked here by 1863, making everything from gunpowder to cannons, ironclad hulls and steam rams. Where was it?

From Quiz
Where Did These U. S. Civil War Events Happen?

Answer: Alabama

The Selma Ordnance and Naval Foundry, in Alabama on the Alabama River, supplied the Confederacy with a wide variety of materiel. There were molds and gun lathes in a gun foundry, blacksmith shops, a nitre works and gunpowder manufactory, and the ability to build and transport ships down the Alabama River to Mobile Bay. Raw materials were brought in by railroad. The workers consisted mostly of women and children, as well as slaves and some conscripted men and German craftsmen. The central location of Selma protected it from the enemy, and in fact Gen. James H. Wilson's successful Union cavalry raid on the town occurred April 1-2, 1865, just a week before General Lee's surrender in Virginia.

2. The city that was the capital of the Confederacy for most of the Civil War lies on what river?

From Quiz Rivers of the US Civil War

Answer: James

The James river flows past Richmond, Virginia. Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy for most of the war. Montgomery, Alabama was initially established as the Confederate capital in February of 1861. Due to the importance of Virginia to the new country's survival, Richmond was named the capital in May of 1861.

3. Which Union General's forces attacked the Confederate position known as the Bloody Angle at Spotsylvania Court House in May 1864?

From Quiz Civil War Battles

Answer: Winfield Scott Hancock

Hancock's forces lead a successful assault to take the position, but could not completely dislodge Lee's forces from the battlefield. General Edward "Allegheny" Johnson was captured along with many of his men.

4. The Valley Campaign began with the Battle of Kernstown on March 23, 1862. Who was the Union commander at this battle?

From Quiz It's Old Jack, or a Rabbit: Valley Campaign

Answer: Nathan Kimball

Despite his religious beliefs, Stonewall Jackson fought the battle on Sunday, after having been provided with information by his leading cavalier, Turner Ashby, that the Union forces in the Valley, with Nathaniel P. Banks in overall command were heading for Harper's Ferry, possibly to link up with McClellan and help him make a drive against Richmond, the CSA capital. Thus, Jackson decided to fight.

5. On what dates was the Battle of Gettysburg fought?

From Quiz When did it Happen?

Answer: July 1, 2, 3 1863

This battle was not planned. The Union army was looking for the Confederate Army, who was known to be in the North. Lookouts spotted Confederate soldiers, and then the battle commenced. The battle resulted in around 50,000 casualties between the two armies before the battle ended.

6. In the Battle of Chaffin's Farm, who was the Union Brigadier General that was killed during the Federal attack at Fort Harrison?

From Quiz The Last Citadel

Answer: Hiram Burnham

The Battle of Chaffin's Farm was composed of two segments: The Battle of New Market Heights and The Battle of Fort Harrison. The Battle of New Market Heights started on September 29, 1864 when Union General David Birney made a rush against Fort Gregg, at the center of the CSA lines protecting Richmond. The assault was utterly repulsed, with very heavy casualties for the attackers. Simultaneously, at the Fort Harrison front, Union troops under E.O.C. Ord took the fort, despite Burnham's death and casualties. Birney, reinforced by General Alfred Terry, took some of the earthworks at the New Market Heights and pressed, but they were driven back. At the same time, the Federals inside Fort Harrison lost consistency and failed to renew the attack, ending the US drive for Chaffin's Bluff. On September 30, the Confederates attempted to recapture the position, but they were checked. According to Civil War historian Shelby Foote, Grant paid too high a price for a rather useless strip of land.

7. The first battle of the siege of Petersburg took place on June 9, 1864. The city was protected by Confederates under General P.G.T Beauregard, but who commanded the southern forces at the Dimmock Line sector, when the battle began?

From Quiz Ready, Fire, Aim!

Answer: Henry A. Wise

The battle and the campaign itself were inaugurated by the Federal General Benjamin F. Butler, who, appalled by his failure at Bermuda Hundred, was seeking to strike the Confederate defenses somewhere in order to help Grant undo Lee's army. The US forces almost took the city, but the Confederates, both regulars and militiamen, managed to repulse them. The battle is also known as "Battle of Old Men and Young Boys".

8. Stonewall Jackson's men first saw action during the Northern Virginia campaign. What was the location of their first battle?

From Quiz Stonewall Jackson's Manassas Return

Answer: Cedar Mountain

At Cedar Mountain, Jackson again defeated his old foe, Nathaniel Banks. Mount Jackson had been his headquarters during he Valley Campaign. At Stone Mountain, there is a honoring monument to him, General Lee and President Davis.

9. On April 12, 1861, the first shots of the Civil War were fired at __________ .

From Quiz U.S. Civil War Battles

Answer: Fort Sumter, South Carolina

Robert Anderson was in charge of the Union troops here, and he surrendered after 34 hours. Surprisingly, only two soldiers died (one when a cannon misfired and the second during a salute).

10. According to legend, what was the translation of the Cherokee word "Chickamauga"?

From Quiz The Battle of Chickamauga

Answer: "River of Death"

Although even some professional historians repeat the "River of Death" story as fact, the real origins of the word are still disputed.

11. Who fired one of the first shots at the Battle of Fort Sumter ( after the initial signal round)?

From Quiz Civil War Battles

Answer: Edmund Ruffin

The battle of Fort Sumter started on April 12th, 1861 and ended the next day with a Confederate victory. Edmund Ruffin was a secessionist from Virginia who had traveled to Fort Sumter to witness the beginning of the war.

12. On which date in 1860 did the state of South Carolina secede?

From Quiz The Battle of Fort Sumter

Answer: December 20th

South Carolina finally decided to secede on December 20th, 1860. They weren't alone for long - by the time the fight for Charleston Harbor took place many other states had seceded as well.

13. What two Union generals associated with the Battle of Pittsburg Landing died at the Cherry Mansion in Savannah, Tennessee, following the battle?

From Quiz Battle of Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee

Answer: C. F. Smith and W. H. L. Wallace

C. F. Smith and W. H. L. Wallace died at the Cherry Mansion in Savannah, Tennessee. Wallace died on April 10, 1862 after being mortally wounded near the Hornet's Nest on April 6 and Smith died on April 25, 1862 from infection in a leg he had scraped getting out of a boat.

14. This battlefield has a position nicknamed "The Hornets' Nest".

From Quiz Battlefield Nicknames

Answer: Shiloh

A Federal position at Shiloh was called the Hornets' Nest after thirteen Confederate assaults failed to take it. After it was finally captured, over 2,400 Union troops surrendered.

15. On what date was New Market fought?

From Quiz Battle of New Market

Answer: May 15, 1864

The New Market Campaign officially began April 28, 1864, when Federal forces marched south from Martinsburg, WV, headed southward up the Shenandoah Valley toward Staunton, VA. Contact between Union and Confederate forces first occurred in the vicinity of New Market on May 13, when a Federal cavalry force crossed Massanutten Mountain at New Market Gap and encountered Confederate cavalry under Brigadier General John D. Imboden.

16. This Pennsylvania battlefield is home to: The Devils Den, The Peach Orchard,The Wheatfield and Little Round Top. Which is it?

From Quiz Civil War Battlefields

Answer: Gettysburg

Gettysburg ended the Army of Northern Virginia's invasion of the North.

17. To whom did Col. Streight submit his plans for the raid, and who approved them?

From Quiz Streight's Raid (1863)

Answer: Brig. Gen. James Garfield & Maj. Gen. William S. Rosecrans

Rosecrans' Command was nearly surrounded and being starved out of Chattanooga by the Rebels. He approved the plan in hopes of disrupting the Confederate supply line from Atlanta via the Western & Atlantic RR.

18. What was the name of the Union captain that was 2nd in command at Fort Sumter in April 1861?

From Quiz Fort Sumter

Answer: Abner Doubleday

Abner Doubleday is said to have created the sport of baseball.

19. The Battle of the Wilderness was fought on which two days?

From Quiz The Battle of the Wilderness

Answer: May 5-7, 1864

The Battle of the Wilderness was fought a year after the Battle of Chancellorsville, in nearly the same location in Virginia.

20. When General George McClellan was appointed commander of the Federal army, what name did he give to the army he personally commanded?

From Quiz Seven Days' Battles/Peninsula Campaign

Answer: Army of the Potomac

McClellan became known as a great organizer of troops, but an incompetant field commander.

21. When did the Battle of Shiloh occur?

From Quiz Battle of Shiloh

Answer: April 6-7, 1862

The Battle of Shiloh was the bloodiest in U.S. history at the time it was fought. But later that year, names like Second Manassas and Antietam would eclipse it.

22. On what date did the 1st Battle of Manassas/Bull Run take place?

From Quiz 1st Battle of Manassas/Bull Run

Answer: July 21, 1861

The date of the battle was also the birthday of General Jackson's wife, Anna Jackson.

23. When was the Battle of Wilson's Creek fought?

From Quiz The Battle of Wilson's Creek

Answer: August 10, 1861

This bitter battle was fought on a very hot, steamy Missouri summer's day, on the 10th of August 1861.

24. When did the Battle of Monocacy take place?

From Quiz The Battle that Saved Washington DC

Answer: July, 1864

Monocacy occured on 9 July 1864 during the long period when Union and Confederate forces were stalemated along the Richmond/Petersburg line. Could Washington, DC have been captured by the Confederates? Here's what General John B. Gordon said in his book "Reminiscences of the Civil War" (Chapter 23): "On July 11, 1864, the second day after the battle of Monocacy, we were at the defences of Washington. We were nearer to the national capital than any armed Confederates had ever been, and nearer to it than any Federal army had ever approached to Richmond. It has been claimed that at the time we reached these outer works they were fully manned by troops. This is a mistake. I myself rode to a point on those breastworks at which there was no force whatever. The unprotected space was broad enough for the easy passage of Early's army without resistance. It is true that, as we approached, Rodes's division had driven in some skirmishers, and during the day (July 11th) another small affair had occurred on the Seventh Street road; but all the Federals encountered on this approach could not have manned any considerable portion of the defences. Undoubtedly we could have marched into Washington; but in the council of war called by General Early there was not a dissenting opinion as to the impolicy of entering the city. While General Early and his division commanders were considering in jocular vein the propriety of putting General John C. Breckinridge at the head of the column and of escorting him to the Senate chamber and seating him again in the Vice-President's chair, the sore-footed men in gray were lazily lounging about the cool waters of Silver Spring, picking blackberries in the orchards of Postmaster-General Blair, and merrily estimating the amount of gold and greenbacks that would come into our possession when we should seize the vaults of the United States Treasury. ... While we debated, the Federal troops were arriving from Grant's army and entering the city on the opposite side."

25. On what day did Major General George B. McClellan depart the Army of the Potomac for the final time, having been replaced by Major General Ambrose Burnside?

From Quiz The Battle of Fredericksburg

Answer: November 10, 1862

McClellan was unconditionally loved by his men, who affectionately referred to him as "Little Mac." His departure on November 10 was described as an intensely emotional scene for the Army of the Potomac.

26. The Union army under George Meade managed to repulse a series of fierce assaults by the Confederate army under Robert E. Lee. This defeat ended Lee's invasion of the North.

From Quiz Name the Civil War Battle

Answer: Gettysburg

Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863) - there were over 51,000 casualties in this most bloody battle.

27. Two major Confederate armies fought together at 1st Manassas. P.G.T. Beauregard commanded the Army of the Potomac (Confederate). Who was the Confederate commander of the Army of the Shenandoah at 1st Manassas?

From Quiz 1st Manassas

Answer: Joseph Johnston

Johnston was the commander of the Army of the Shenandoah in this great battle. Robert E. Lee at this time was the military advisor to Confederate President Jefferson Davis.

28. After Fredericksburg, Hooker led an army across the Rappahannock and Rapidan Rivers on a campaign to turn the Confederate left flank. How many men (approximately) did Hooker have under his command?

From Quiz Chancellorsville: What Went Wrong?

Answer: 130,000

By the end of the battle the Union had lost somewhere around 14,000 of these men.

29. Who commanded the Union forces during the battle?

From Quiz Battle of Fredericksburg, 1862

Answer: Ambrose Burnside

Burnside, a native of Indiana and 1847 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point received command of the Army of the Potomac on 7 November 1862, replacing General George McClellan.

30. Who commanded the CSA troops at the battle of "Battery Wagner"?

From Quiz The Civil War - Part K

Answer: Taliaferro

Gen. Taliaferro commanded 1,300 men at the Battery. On September 6, 1863 the CSA troops evacuated the Battery, leaving Morris Island to the Union troops.

This is category 14284
Last Updated Oct 26 2024 5:48 AM
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