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Georgia History Trivia Quizzes

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6 Georgia History quizzes and 60 Georgia History trivia questions.
  Capital Cities of Georgia   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Georgia has had five official state capitals, but Atlanta serves as the 17th location of the Peach State's government. What do you know about the history of Georgia's capital cities?
Average, 10 Qns, a_d_p, Sep 30 23
a_d_p gold member
Sep 30 23
107 plays
  Georgia: Basic History   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Georgia is one of the thirteen original colonies. It has one of the longest histories of any of the states. These questions are about prominent people and events that make up Georgia's history.
Average, 10 Qns, Destroyinators, Feb 26 19
Feb 26 19
2468 plays
  Atlanta, Georgia: Yesterday and Today   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A short quiz on Atlanta, Georgia, then and now.
Tough, 10 Qns, gwn16722, Apr 15 07
1578 plays
  The Charm of Historic Savannah, Georgia.    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I was squired around this beautiful city by a special friend and I'd like to share the historical knowledge I gained from this spectacular part of the world.
Tough, 10 Qns, peasypod, Oct 25 06
743 plays
  Savannah History by Its Squares    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Savannah, Georgia, is home to 24 city squares that identify the city from a historical perspective. Many tourists have come to know and love these squares for their historical importance as well as their beauty.
Difficult, 10 Qns, ralzzz, Sep 01 05
ralzzz gold member
566 plays
  Georgia's Native Americans    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The state of Georgia has a rich and diverse Native American history going back thousands of years. Many of the sites in the questions and answers are now Georgia State Parks or Historic Sites.
Difficult, 10 Qns, iwishiknew, Oct 05 12
298 plays
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Georgia History Trivia Questions

1. James Oglethorpe was the founder of the colony that became the state of Georgia. Upon his first arrival near Savannah, what chief of the Yamacraw tribe did he meet with (and eventually become good friends with)?

From Quiz
Georgia's Native Americans

Answer: Tomochichi

Nocahoma was the mascot of the Atlanta Braves for a time. Chattahoochee is the Cherokee name for a major Georgia river. Sequoia was the creator of the Cherokee alphabet.

2. Who is the Founding Father of Georgia?

From Quiz Georgia: Basic History

Answer: James Oglethorpe

Oglethorpe founded Georgia in 1732 and was royal governor for the next 22 years. Britain granted a charter to Oglethorpe and his trustees on the basis that Georgia would be settled as a colony that did not allow slavery. Unfortunately, landowners soon began to purchase slaves illegally, and in 1752, the Crown reclaimed its charter and the ban on slavery was lifted.

3. What year were the Olympic Games held in Atlanta?

From Quiz Atlanta, Georgia: Yesterday and Today

Answer: 1996

The Centennial Olympic Games were held in Atlanta in 1996. (The first revived, modern Olympic Games were held in 1896). The Atlanta games will always be remembered for the Olympic Park bombing.

4. Which Native American tribe were the first people to settle in what became known as Savannah?

From Quiz The Charm of Historic Savannah, Georgia.

Answer: Yamacraws

Around the 18th century, Leader Tomochici met the arriving European settlers with grace and honourable charm, portraying the unique beginnings of true 'Southern Hospitality'.

5. When Europeans first arrived there were two major tribes that controlled most of what is Georgia today. Who were they?

From Quiz Georgia's Native Americans

Answer: Creek and Cherokee

The Seminole tribe was in Florida - The Yamacraw were a smaller off-shoot of the larger Creek tribe.

6. Who was the Civil War general who led the Confederate troops in the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain?

From Quiz Georgia: Basic History

Answer: Joseph E. Johnston

General Johnston was noted as a master of strategic retreat. Faced with the daunting task of holding off William Sherman's march to the sea, Johnston's leadership effectively slowed Sherman's progress with a minimum of Confederate casualties. The Battle of Kennesaw Mountain is considered a Confederate victory, even though Atlanta fell not long afterwards.

7. During the Civil War, on what day was Atlanta surrendered to General Sherman?

From Quiz Atlanta, Georgia: Yesterday and Today

Answer: September 2, 1864

When Sherman entered Atlanta the city was on fire. Union shells and retreating Confederate soliders both set the City on fire.

8. Which philanthropist from England is considered founder of the State of Georgia?

From Quiz The Charm of Historic Savannah, Georgia.

Answer: James Oglethorpe

Oglethorpe sailed for Charleston, South Carolina, on the ship 'Anne' and settled in 1732 near the present site of Savannah, Georgia.

9. Where did the Cherokee Nation establish their capital after creating their own sovereign government and constitution?

From Quiz Georgia: Basic History

Answer: New Echota

New Echota is located in North Georgia. There is now a memorial and state park on the site. In 1820, the Cherokees decided to create a Republican-based form of government. In 1827, they formally became known as the Cherokee Nation and placed their capital in New Echota.

10. The land that Atlanta now stands on, originally belonged to which two Indian tribes?

From Quiz Atlanta, Georgia: Yesterday and Today

Answer: Cherokee and Creek

The land was given to the state of Georgia in 1835.

11. The city of Savannah was founded on which date?

From Quiz The Charm of Historic Savannah, Georgia.

Answer: February 12, 1733

This is the date in which Oglethorpe and his settlers landed at Yamacraw Bluff.

12. As the inland communities began to grow, the center of government shifted away from Savannah. What city, now famous for hosting The Masters, officially became the state capital in 1785?

From Quiz Capital Cities of Georgia

Answer: Augusta

The second capital city of Georgia was used as a meeting place for the government as early as 1778, during the American Revolutionary War. Following the end of the war, but preceding becoming the official capital, the legislature rotated meeting between Augusta and Savannah. Augusta would serve as the capital until 1796.

13. In the 1829 gold was discovered in North Georgia, resulting in the eventual removal of the Cherokee Indians from their land in Georgia. What city, named for the Cherokee word for Yellow, was the center of the Gold Rush?

From Quiz Georgia's Native Americans

Answer: Dahlonega

Dahlonega eventually had a U.S. mint established there for the minting of gold coins.

14. What event in Atlanta, Georgia captured the world's attention on December 15, 1939?

From Quiz Georgia: Basic History

Answer: The premiere of the movie "Gone with the Wind"

"Gone with the Wind" premiered at Loew's Grand Theater on Peachtree Street in Atlanta. The showing capped a three day celebration that included a limousine parade filled with stars from the movie, storefronts decorated like antebellum mansions, and the largest costume ball ever held in Atlanta.

15. Atlanta became the capital of Georgia in what year?

From Quiz Atlanta, Georgia: Yesterday and Today

Answer: 1868

Henry W. Grady, the editor of the "Atlanta Constitution", promoted Atlanta as a city of the "New South".

16. Of all the squares in Savannah, Johnson Square is the oldest. It was laid out by James Oglethorpe in 1733 as a tribute to his great friend and future governor of South Carolina. Which man this square was named for?

From Quiz Savannah History by Its Squares

Answer: Robert Johnson

Robert Johnson was the British colonial governor of South Carolina from 1717-1719 and then again from 1729-1735. The square is the final resting place of Nathaniel Greene and his son.

17. Louisville was designated as the third state capital of Georgia the same year Augusta became the second state capital. But the state government did not move there for another ten years. What "first" occurred at the third state capital?

From Quiz Capital Cities of Georgia

Answer: Capitol Building

The first permanent capitol building was built in the red-brick Georgian architectural style. However, no renditions of the building exist other than as a backdrop to the burning of the Yazoo Act (1795). The building was later condemned and torn down after being used as a public arsenal, lodge, and county courthouse. On the site today stands the Jefferson County Courthouse with a plaque honoring the site of the first state capitol building.

18. What city became the state capital of Georgia in 1807 after having moved from Louisville, Georgia?

From Quiz Georgia: Basic History

Answer: Milledgeville

Georgia was granted statehood on January 2, 1788. It was the fourth of the original thirteen colonies to ratify the Constitution. The capital was first in Savannah in 1785 before being moved to Augusta and then to Louisville in 1796. The town of Milledgeville in central Georgia was the state capital between 1807 and 1868, when it was moved to Atlanta.

19. During the Great Depression which company helped keep the city of Atlanta afloat financially?

From Quiz Atlanta, Georgia: Yesterday and Today

Answer: Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola would become the flagship company of Atlanta for years after World War 2.

20. In 1740, minister and leader of the Methodist movement, George Whitefield founded the Bethesda Orphanage. What interesting fact surrounds this building?

From Quiz The Charm of Historic Savannah, Georgia.

Answer: It is the oldest orphanage in the USA.

Whitefield raised his own funding for this project by preaching to the crowds.

21. In what Georgia town were the treaties signed that ceded much of the Creek Indian lands to the state?

From Quiz Georgia's Native Americans

Answer: Indian Springs

The second treaty was actually signed in the hotel that Creek Indian chief Mcintosh had built in Indian Springs - it's now part of a Georgia state park.

22. The first government housing project was built in Atlanta. What is it's name?

From Quiz Atlanta, Georgia: Yesterday and Today

Answer: Techwood Homes

Techwood was the very first housing project the government constructed as part of the "New Deal".

23. Driving along the coast now, we come to Tybee Island, formerly known as Savannah Beach. What, specifically, does it have to boast?

From Quiz The Charm of Historic Savannah, Georgia.

Answer: First lighthouse on the Southern Atlantic coast.

Tybee is a Euchee (Native American tribe) word for salt.

24. The statehouse in Georgia's fourth capital city was built in the new Gothic revival style. What feature common to capitol buildings was missing from the statehouse?

From Quiz Capital Cities of Georgia

Answer: Dome

The statehouse in Milledgeville looked more like a castle than a capitol building. Georgia Military College and the Antebellum Capitol Museum now call the building home. In 2000 renovations of the Old Capitol were complete, and in 2001 Milledgeville served as capital for a day to commemorate 250 years of representative government in Georgia.

25. What was the name of the capital of the Cherokee nation located in what is now Georgia?

From Quiz Georgia's Native Americans

Answer: New Echota

New Echota even had the first Indian language newspaper paper published there(in Cherokee and English) - "The Cherokee Phoenix".

26. On October 12, 1958 a Reform Jewish Temple was bombed in Atlanta. Who claimed responsibility?

From Quiz Atlanta, Georgia: Yesterday and Today

Answer: The Confederate Underground

Many belived that the desegregation of Atlanta was due to Northern Jewish people living in the South.

27. Warren Square was named for General Joseph Warren. Warren was a hero of the Revolutionary War who was killed in a terrible battle. In which battle of the Revolutionary War was he killed?

From Quiz Savannah History by Its Squares

Answer: Battle of Bunker Hill

The Battle of Bunker Hill occurred on June 17th, 1775. Bunker Hill was considered to be a tactical stronghold for both sides due to its location overlooking Boston. General Thomas Gage advanced his troops directly into the awaiting American forces and forced the withdrawal of the Americans. Both sides fought a tough battle and were subjected to heavy casualties. In a bit of interesting trivia, General Gage was actually a colonial governor of the state of Massachusetts. His actions towards the colonists, known as the Intolerable Acts, were a factor in the start of the Revolutionary War. Warren Square is located on Habersham Street and faces the Spencer House. The square was laid out in 1791.

28. Considered the richest man in the Cherokee nation, what chief built a beautiful brick mansion near Chatsworth, GA in 1804?

From Quiz Georgia's Native Americans

Answer: James Vann

The Vann House has been restored and preserved and is now a Georgia State Historic site.

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Last Updated Oct 26 2024 5:48 AM
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