3. What is the subtitle of "My Roanoke Nightmare's" sequel season?
From Quiz "Return to Roanoke" (Chapter 6)
Three Days in Hell
"My Roanoke Nightmare" was a major success upon its airing as a television documentary, and because of this, the network asked its creators to make a sequel series to capitalize on their gains.
Sidney, the director of "My Roanoke Nightmare", rolls into a board meeting with the network executives with his camera in tow, asking them to sign release forms to have their faces shown on the footage. This is the start of his next series. People, he claim, are waiting to latch on to more Roanoke, so he's doing something 'familiar, but different'. It's "Return to Roanoke: Three Days in Hell"; the actors from the show are brought together with the real people, and hidden cameras record their visit to the house in the show. There's no reenacting; they live in the house over the period of the blood moon.
The research department, however, was dissatisfied with the original ending of the show and the loose ends. Sidney assuages their worries. He'll find a way to get them all to the house which, he states, he bought from Matt Shelby for $0.50 when he started his documentary.
They agree to thirteen episodes.