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Dallas Season 2 Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Dallas Season 2 Quizzes, Trivia

'Dallas' Season 2 Trivia

'Dallas' Season 2 Trivia Quizzes

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Fun Trivia
24 quizzes and 245 trivia questions.
  2.12 "Fallen Idol"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Intriguing title for this episode. Most of the Ewings have put themselves so high on a pedestal who could they possibly idolize? We have seen those who collaborate with this family would have far to fall, indeed, no matter from where they begin.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 18 17
cowboybluedog gold member
151 plays
  2.22 "The Outsiders"    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Since moving to Southfork as a teenager ranch foreman, Ray Krebbs, had settled into an unusual kinship with the Ewing family - especially with Jock. Yet, he was rarely included in their inner circle for more than servitude. Could that change?
Tough, 15 Qns, cowboybluedog, Apr 12 18
cowboybluedog gold member
Apr 12 18
90 plays
  2.10 "Act Of Love"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
We have already seen more than a little love, or loving, (a-hem) in this series. But real love may involve sacrifice. Some of the Ewings have proven less willing to sacrifice than love often requires. What did this episode reveal?
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 19 17
cowboybluedog gold member
121 plays
  2.23 "John Ewing, III, Part 1"   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
As do many family units those within the Ewing family looked to each other for support - even when bad behavior was involved. This episode was centered around it. Lucy and Sue Ellen both needed their family. Who was there for them? How did they help?
Tough, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Apr 15 18
cowboybluedog gold member
Apr 15 18
118 plays
  2.4 "Bypass"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Interesting title for this episode. From what we have learned of J.R. and his approach to life, where others are concerned there is no bypass - only roadblocks for those who are in his way. As with most TV titles there is probably more to it.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 22 14
cowboybluedog gold member
125 plays
  2.1 "Reunion Part 1"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Season 2, Episode 1 - was never intended to be! The creators of "Dallas" wrote the five episodes that are now Season 1 as a mini-series. Its popularity was undeniable. After five weeks we thought the Ewings had more to say and do. A reunion, perhaps.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 17 17
cowboybluedog gold member
149 plays
  2.20 "Call Girl"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Things were rarely as they seemed for the Ewings. Something as innocent as becoming friends with a co-worker could prove to be a big mistake. Fate seemed to be working for J.R. to drive a permanent wedge between Bobby and Pam. But, then, maybe not.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Feb 28 18
cowboybluedog gold member
Feb 28 18
88 plays
  2.5 "Black Market Baby"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
As the old saying goes, there are things money cannot buy. Leave it to the very wealthy to try, though. Apparently, one's progeny is no exception - at least as long as you can keep your plans a secret.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 19 17
cowboybluedog gold member
145 plays
  2.16 "Julie's Return"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Julie Grey had been J.R.'s secretary (and, lover!) at Ewing until she betrayed him and told Cliff Barnes "company secrets". She left Dallas - presumably in disgrace. Why on earth would she want to return to Dallas? The answer may be in this episode.
Tough, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Mar 18 17
cowboybluedog gold member
98 plays
  2.21 "Royal Marriage"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Lucy (Ewing) was in love - with the son of another successful independent oil baron. He was attractive, he was smart, he was an only child. What could have been more perfect for this royal marriage? Well, there was that one thing ...
Tough, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Mar 15 18
cowboybluedog gold member
Mar 15 18
99 plays
  2.7 "Runaway"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Many times - even for our favorite TV characters - situations seem so overwhelming that the only solution would be to escape. The Ewing family deals with the consequences of such a trauma/drama in this episode.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Aug 06 14
cowboybluedog gold member
124 plays
  2.11 "Triangle"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
When thinking in terms of a triangle among the characters of "Dallas" it would be a safe bet that it would NOT be a dreamy yet decadent ménage à trios. There are sure to be a few clashes as the lines of those angles intersect.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 18 17
cowboybluedog gold member
112 plays
  2.2 "Reunion Part 2"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The reunions continued. It is the Ewings with Ewings and the Ewings with Barneses and the Barneses with Barneses. Would any of those be a happy reunion? Not sure that word EVER applied when those two families got together.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 09 14
cowboybluedog gold member
133 plays
  2.3 "Old Acquaintance"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Only season two of this series but we can be sure there is NO acquaintance like an old acquaintance - especially if that acquaintance is someone J.R. can manipulate. But will this one from the Ewing clan's past bring trouble or tranquility?
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 17 17
cowboybluedog gold member
142 plays
  2.8 "Election"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You may have heard that politics makes strange bed fellows but with the Ewings of "Dallas" it may be that strange bedfellows makes politics. It is more likely when there is an upcoming election.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 17 17
cowboybluedog gold member
144 plays
  2.9 "Survival"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Although most of the action related to the title of this episode reflected consequences of a tragedy, it also offered a bit of insight as to how Miss Ellie and some of the other Ewings managed to survive within their own family.
Tough, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 19 17
cowboybluedog gold member
117 plays
  2.14 "Home Again"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Author Thomas Wolfe could have advised the Ewings and Southworths with the title of one of his novels: "You Can't Go Home Again". Most who have had relationships with the Ewings and managed to escape decided it would be far better to stay gone.
Tough, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 18 17
cowboybluedog gold member
98 plays
  2.19 "Sue Ellen's Sister"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
We had met Sue Ellen's younger sister before this episode. Since all relationships centered around the Ewing family, we would be reminded Sue Ellen's sister was also "J.R.'s sister-in-law". Other relationships had some intriguing evolution, too.
Tough, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Feb 25 18
cowboybluedog gold member
Feb 25 18
97 plays
  2.15 "For Love Or Money"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
At this point "Dallas" was a relatively young series - only in its second season. Many of the show's characters were still developing. It was intriguing to learn what Sue Ellen (and others!) were willing to do for love - or money.
Difficult, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 18 17
cowboybluedog gold member
102 plays
  2.17 "The Red File, Part 1"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is the next in my series of quizzes - beginning to end, in order - for each episode of "Dallas". This quiz will feature questions which are a bit less detailed. Hopefully, this can be done without sacrificing the continuity.
Tough, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Mar 06 18
cowboybluedog gold member
Mar 06 18
97 plays
  2.18 "The Red File, Part 2"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
As the title would indicate, this episode was a continuation of the events of the previous episode - most revolving around the death of J.R.'s former secretary (and, lover!), Julie Grey.
Difficult, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Feb 22 18
cowboybluedog gold member
Feb 22 18
85 plays
  2.24 "John Ewing, III, Part 2"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This episode is the season finale for Season Two of the series with the first part of this being the previous episode. Much was left unanswered; will those questions be answered in this episode? Some were, some became even more intriguing.
Difficult, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Oct 22 18
cowboybluedog gold member
Oct 22 18
89 plays
  2.6 "Double Wedding"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The title of this episode may be a bit deceiving. As we watched, we learned it was not really about two couples who were getting married at the same time. To what it referred proved to be even more interesting.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jul 27 14
cowboybluedog gold member
122 plays
  2.13 "Kidnapped"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Few things could be more traumatic (or, dramatic!) for a drama series than a main character taken hostage. Oh, the directions it could go. What happened, to whom? Watch and learn.
Average, 10 Qns, cowboybluedog, Jun 19 17
cowboybluedog gold member
113 plays

'Dallas' Season 2 Trivia Questions

1. As the episode began we saw J.R. and Bobby had (apparently) disregarded their differences long enough for some competition and exercise. What racquet game were they playing at the local club? Hint: It was an indoor court.

From Quiz
2.20 "Call Girl"

Answer: Racquetball

This episode originally aired in February, 1979; at that time racquetball was extremely popular in the U.S.A., especially among those affluent enough to afford membership in the private court clubs. Much could have been said about the opening scene with its obvious competition and that aspect was not lost. Bobby could not "beat" J.R. at home but he could surely give it a try on the court.

2. The actor who played Ray Krebbs on "Dallas" was shown in the opening credits for the show - in its own unique three-way split of flash video - beginning with this second season. Who was that actor?

From Quiz 2.22 "The Outsiders"

Answer: Steve Kanaly

It was Steve Kanaly who played Ray Krebbs for much of the entire series of "Dallas". Kanaly had modest success with various television parts; not surprisingly many of those were cowboy-type roles. Most likely, he would be remembered for his participation in the original "Dallas" series and its later (rebooted) series. Kanaly has credited both Barbara Bel Geddes and Larry Hagman (his co-stars of "Dallas") as being his mentors. By the way, all four of the gentlemen given as possible answers were born the same year - 1946. Now that was a very good year!

3. After a night of drinking and dancing at what must have been the hottest (and, coolest!) discos in Dallas, Lucy was ready to call it a night. What did she suggest she and her date do?

From Quiz 2.21 "Royal Marriage"

Answer: Go back to his place

Lucy's main focus in her life was to assure herself that someone - often, anyone - loved her. At this point in the series, "Dallas" was still relatively young; it was still in its second season. Yet, we had already seen Lucy demonstrate her yearning for love many times. This had often been manifested as a physical affection long before any real love could grow. True to that character, Lucy was ready to go to bed with this latest boyfriend.

4. The opening scene of this episode is that of a couple strolling on an expansive pier, arm-in-arm, sharing champagne. We soon recognize the couple; J.R. Ewing and his former secretary, Julie Grey. Who portrayed Julie in this episode?

From Quiz 2.17 "The Red File, Part 1"

Answer: Tina Louise

Tina Louise reprised her role as Julie after a brief absentee. Julie left Dallas (the city, and thus the series) when J.R. learned she had shared Ewing Oil secrets with arch rival, Cliff Barnes. J.R. was never one to hold a grudge if it meant he could use the errant friend or relative as a pawn in HIS own game. As they were enjoying this lovely, romantic get-away, Julie was (apparently) naive enough to believe J.R. had no ulterior motive. That would have been highly unlikely. Yet, Julie got right to point and admitted to J.R. she had given "tidbits (of information) to Cliff rather than the entire Red File". BTW, watch for Morgan Fairchild to play Jenna Wade (on "Dallas") during a future episode.

5. This episode began with a scene inside an upscale apartment. Julie Grey had not been seen in Dallas for a while but we learned very quickly she had returned. She was on the phone with a place well known to "Dallas" viewers. Where had she called?

From Quiz 2.16 "Julie's Return"

Answer: The Cattleman's Club

The opening scene showed Julie on the telephone with the maître d' at The Cattleman's Club. Her request seemed a bit strange - given the character's history with the series. She asked to be alerted the next time Jock Ewing - yes, Jock, not J.R. - made a reservation. Although the maître d' mentioned she may wait a while to be called because Jock was not in the Club as often as he once had been, it would not be long until Julie would get a return call about a reservation.

6. The opening scene of this episode showed Miss Ellie and Sue Ellen as they discussed a bit of re-decorating at South Fork. What room was to receive the updates?

From Quiz 2.14 "Home Again"

Answer: A nursery for Sue Ellen's baby

Miss Ellie appeared to be thrilled to assist Sue Ellen with the plans for a new nursery - one befitting the latest Ewing heir, of course. Sue Ellen seemed to be more than just a bit devious as she made comparisons of her baby with those Miss Ellie made of J.R. We the viewing audience were led to believe that Sue Ellen knows more about the baby's (possible) inherited characteristics than she is willing to share with Miss Ellie.

7. As this episode began Bobby grew tired of waiting to have lunch with J.R. and left the Ewing Oil building without him. Soon a football is hurling at Bobby from the crowded sidewalk. A guy named Guzzler had thrown it. How did Bobby know The Guzzler?

From Quiz 2.12 "Fallen Idol"

Answer: From college

After Bobby caught the football - and, apologized to the people he bumped while catching it - he saw Guzzler. Bobby told Guzzler rather than have a college reunion on the sidewalk they should go get something to eat. To which Guzzler responded, "And, drink!" Probably set the tone for this episode. Here is my blooper comment for this episode: When a close-up showed the football Guzzler had thrown to Bobby (which according to Bobby he had "kept this ball ... for all these years") it showed: TEXAS 14, COLORADO 7. Many other times during the course of the series it was mentioned that Bobby was the quarterback for SMU (Southern Methodist University) which is in Texas but is never referred to as: TEXAS.

8. The opening scene of this episode showed a promotional sign from The Mustang Club as it proudly presented an up-and-coming local singer. Her given name was Garnet. What did the sign show her family name (her last name, that is) to be?

From Quiz 2.11 "Triangle"

Answer: McGee

We met Garnet McGee very early in this episode. Pamela, Bobby, Lucy and Joe (Lucy's date for the evening) were enjoying a night on the town in The Mustang Club. Everyone - except Pam - seemed quite smitten by the talent and the charm of rising star, Garnet McGee. Pam had crossed paths with Garnet before she became a Ewing. We would learn some bridges were not yet burned.

9. In the opening scene of "Double Wedding" we the viewing audience saw Pamela and Bobby in their bedroom at Southfork. What were they doing?

From Quiz 2.6 "Double Wedding"

Answer: Pam was giving Bobby a back massage

We can only imagine that moments alone for Bobby and Pam were few and far between at Southfork. The ever ebullient couple was taking advantage of one of those rare moments to discuss some of their plans for the future. Pam wanted to continue to work at the clothier and Bobby wanted to "branch out on his own" as soon as his dad was able to return to "working the ranch".

10. This episode opened with the Ewing family in their sitting room. It was not just another evening at Southfork, though. With toasts to be made and gifts to be opened, it was a special occasion. What?

From Quiz 2.5 "Black Market Baby"

Answer: Miss Ellie and Jock's wedding anniversary

Yes, it was a festive evening as the family joined Miss Ellie and Jock to celebrate their wedding anniversary. J.R., never one to miss the opportunity to make a snide comment to and/or about Pam, had a bit of egg on his face when he (J.R.) chastised Pam for omitting the card on one of the gifts for his parents when, indeed, it was his and Sue Ellen's gift that had no card on the outside. But the very best line was from Jock, who exclaimed amid puzzled and curious expressions from the other family, "What the heck is it?" when he opened the gift from J.R. and Sue Ellen. It was a statue - priceless artwork, no doubt.

11. In the opening scenes of this episode, Pamela was on her way to the hospital to visit a family member of hers. Who was in the hospital?

From Quiz 2.2 "Reunion Part 2"

Answer: Her dad, Digger Barnes

Near the end of the episode just previous to this one, we the viewing audience heard Pam receive a phone call (from her Aunt Maggie) telling her that her father, Digger, was in the hospital - "the drunk ward", as it was called by them. Of course, Pam hastened to go to the hospital to see for herself and to show her daddy she cared for him even if he had refused to see her at all.

12. Regular viewers of "Dallas" should have recognized Lucy's date. We had seen him in previous episodes(s) and his family was very well known to the Ewings. What is Lucy's date's name for the evening "on the town"?

From Quiz 2.21 "Royal Marriage"

Answer: Kit Mainwaring

Kit Mainwaring was the only son - thus heir - to Mainwaring Oil. Mainwaring Oil was an independent oil company from Texas much like Ewing Oil. J.R. had tried (and, failed) many times to involve Mainwaring Oil in his power-plays in the oil business. Mr. Mainwaring viewed J.R. as an undesirable business partner. Lucy's interest in Kit gave J.R. illusions of many wonderful possibilities; wonderful for J.R. and Ewing Oil, that is.

13. With Pamela estranged Bobby refused to join the Ewing family for breakfast. Miss Ellie took Bobby coffee to his room. Who was the topic of their long and heated discussion?

From Quiz 2.19 "Sue Ellen's Sister"

Answer: Digger Barnes

It would seem that Bobby shared Pam's assessment of just exactly where her family - the Barnes family, that is - could place the blame for their failures. Bobby told his mother, Miss Ellie, he believed his daddy had destroyed Digger just as J.R. intended to destroy Pam's brother, Cliff. Miss Ellie quickly reminded Bobby that it was she who knew Digger Barnes "better than anyone in this family" and it was Digger Barnes who destroyed Digger Barnes. Miss Ellie may have won a few points about the Jock/Digger rivalry but Bobby was not to be dissuaded in his suspicions about J.R.

14. With Pamela estranged Bobby refused to join the Ewing family for breakfast. Miss Ellie took Bobby coffee to his room. Who was the topic of their long and heated discussion?

From Quiz 2.18 "The Red File, Part 2"

Answer: Digger Barnes

It would seem that Bobby shared Pam's assessment of just exactly where her family - the Barnes family, that is - could place the blame for their failures. Bobby told his mother, Miss Ellie, he believed his daddy had destroyed Digger just as J.R. intended to destroy Pam's brother, Cliff. Miss Ellie quickly reminded Bobby that it was she who knew Digger Barnes "better than anyone in this family" and it was Digger Barnes who destroyed Digger Barnes. Miss Ellie may have won a few points about the Jock/Digger rivalry but Bobby was not to be dissuaded in his suspicions about J.R.

15. A man named Garrison and a woman named Cathy were shown in a hotel room. There they received a delivery that per their discussion was to go to Ellie Ewing. What was the gift?

From Quiz 2.14 "Home Again"

Answer: A painting

Garrison was initially excited to receive the painting. His elation turned to ire very quickly when he explained that the artwork looked nothing like the photo he had given the artist to do the work. At this point in the story, we did not know who Cathy and Garrison were and we did not know the significance of the painting.

16. Lucy received communication from her mother, Valene, that boosted her mood immediately. How was Val's message to Lucy delivered/received?

From Quiz 2.7 "Runaway"

Answer: Lucy received a letter (at the ranch) from her mother

Lucy did receive a letter from her mother. Close-up shot shows the address as: Ms. Lucy Ewing, Southfork Ranch, Braddock, TX. Guess that was enough info for the USPO to deliver! Ray was the only person with whom Lucy initially shared the news of Val's contact. Ray cautioned Lucy to tread softly around the other family members with any news from Valene. Would she heed the warning? We know her better than that.

17. A mysterious man was shown (first) watching (Pam's) Aunt Maggie's house. Then he approached Aunt Maggie to ask her questions about Pamela. Who was this same man shown to be "stalking" next?

From Quiz 2.6 "Double Wedding"

Answer: Digger

Obviously Digger fell "off the wagon" - one more time. His drinking and lack of money to continue his binge were of very much interest to the (younger) man shown to be following him. The mystery man wasted no time in supplementing Digger's funds - to continue his drinking binge. Digger (apparently) had no idea who this generous stranger was or why he wanted to keep Digger drinking.

18. After Pam finished her morning swim she joined Bobby who was working by the family pool. When Bobby asked Pam her plans for the day she told him she was planning to have lunch with Liz Craig. Who was Liz Craig?

From Quiz 2.4 "Bypass"

Answer: Pam's boss when she worked at a clothier

Bobby expressed mixed emotions about the possibility of Pam going (back) to work for Liz, while Pam remained uncommitted. Pam did admit to Bobby it was mainly an excuse to "avoid another one of Sue Ellen's boring luncheons". The part of Liz Craig became a recurring role played by Barbara Babcock who would go on to be featured in many favorite (American) TV shows. A few of those are "Hills Street Blues" (1981), "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" (1993) and "Pasadena" (2001).

19. J.R. and Sue Ellen had argued about J.R.'s "carrying-on" and the scene at the Ewing family breakfast table made it clear Sue Ellen had spent the night away from Southfork. Where did J.R. go - first - in his search for Sue Ellen?

From Quiz 2.15 "For Love Or Money"

Answer: To her mother's rented residence

J.R. (of course!) lied to his family when he told them Sue Ellen had left (Southfork) very early that morning to do "some sort of ladies' affairs" with her mother. He may have convinced his family but he, himself, wondered about Sue Ellen's whereabouts enough to check with her mother. There he saw Sue Ellen's sister, Kristen, too.

20. Ray (Krebbs) was setting the prospect of a sub-plot within this episode when he visited Jock (Ewing) in what was a quiet, early morning scene on the Southfork patio. What did Ray tell Jock that caused concern for both of them?

From Quiz 2.14 "Home Again"

Answer: A ranch hand had seen a truck near Section 40 of Southfork

In previous episodes, we the viewing audience had learned that Section 40 of Southfork was (apparently) rich in underground oil but Miss Ellie's father had been very emphatic that there would NEVER be oil drilled on Southfork land. This is also the section Bobby had wanted to use for commercial development. This is also same section that J.R. is using to entice some of his acquaintances into doing his bidding with the promise of oil in the future from that section. In others, for many reasons concerning to the Ewings - but each for have different intentions for it.

21. This episode was set in the late 1970s. Many of the oilmen of Texas were still enjoying a rich life from their oil fields. Willie Joe and Jeb did not want their status to change. What were they pressuring J.R. to do?

From Quiz 2.12 "Fallen Idol"

Answer: Drill for oil on Southfork

J.R. had dangled "carrots" in front of the two other oilmen, Willie Joe Garr and Jeb Ames for (apparently) years. It was obvious their relationship with J.R. was one of necessity rather than desirability; of course, J.R. had no use for them beyond doing his bidding. Both Willie Joe and Jeb were adamant that J.R. use the authority (supposedly?) given to him in a codicil of Jock's will that would allow oil to be drilled on a certain section of Southfork. J.R. was not ready to confront his family with the idea of drilling oil on Southfork - yet.

22. Considering the Ewings' status in the community, service professionals, of course, visited Southfork - rather than a family member travel to an office. Who was at Southfork to see Jock while J.R. and Bobby were en route to the ranch?

From Quiz 2.9 "Survival"

Answer: Jock's physician

We heard more than just a bit of familiar banter between Jock and his physician during the examination. This exam was mostly a follow-up to Jock's recent heart attack and bypass surgery. (This complication was seen as the theme of a previous episode of the series). In a serious moment the doctor did recommend that Jock "Go easy. If not for yourself, for Ellie". Although, Jock was very reluctant to do so, he finally admitted to Miss Ellie that the doctor had, indeed, recommended he "take it easy". Miss Ellie took this advice very seriously and her worried look (away from Jock's eyes) indicated she knew she had a difficult job if she were to limit Jock's stress.

23. Early in the episode it was obvious which office Cliff Barnes was seeking - more from the visual display of campaign materials than from mention. What office did Cliff seek?

From Quiz 2.8 "Election"

Answer: State Senate

Cliff was campaigning for a seat in the Texas senate. There was close-up shots of many of his campaign materials that were very obvious even if the dialog failed to be specific. The seat had been vacated by long-time Ewing ally, Senator Orloff.

24. J.R. was shown playing another game of the same sport at the racquet club but with a different opponent this second time. His opponent was Ben Maxwell. Mr. Maxwell was very powerful in Dallas. What was his title/office?

From Quiz 2.20 "Call Girl"

Answer: Head of the OLM

We "Dallas" fans had been introduced to Ben Maxwell in previous episodes as the Head of the OLM (Office of Land Management). Maxwell had been responsible for procuring the appointment as Director of the OLM for Cliff Barnes. This association was enough to cause friction with J.R. alone but there was even more. Maxwell was determined to retard the growth of independent oil companies in Texas and he was happy to allow Cliff to do the same. J.R. wanted Maxwell out of the OLM and he would do whatever necessary to remove him but J.R. had his challenges - Maxwell was described as "squeaky clean".

25. Once again it was soiree time at Southfork. Ray brought Garnet to the party as his date but who was first to be her dance partner there?

From Quiz 2.11 "Triangle"

Answer: Bobby

Bobby and Lucy were the first to greet Ray and Garnet. Bobby wasted no time asking for a dance. When the dance was over, Bobby was waylaid by Miss Ellie leaving Garnet to chat with Pam. It was another terse exchange between those two. Soon, they, too were interrupted. This time by Ray and Jock. It was Jock's dance with Garnet that caught J.R.'s eye. J.R.'s obvious interest in Garnet was not lost to Lucy - - - or, to Ray. To nit-pick about this scene: Paper plates were a part of the buffet table. At Southfork? Really! NEVER! We must ask: Wardrobe and props, what were you thinking?

26. While J.R. (and Bobby) were out of town, Sue Ellen decided to visit none-other-than Cliff Barnes - at his law office. What was her guise (excuse) to get to spend some time with him?

From Quiz 2.9 "Survival"

Answer: She wanted Cliff to help her adopt a baby

Cliff was more than willing to share some time with Sue Ellen - if for no other reason than to have "something" that belonged to J.R. Ewing as his own. Even if temporarily. This scene has a bit of blooper, too. As Sue Ellen asked Cliff to help her find the pregnant young lady who had agreed to allow Sue Ellen to adopt her baby. Sue Ellen mentioned J.R. had "sent her away ... he did not tell me" where. In the previous episode, though, we the viewing audience saw and heard J.R. tell Sue Ellen that Rita Briggs (the pregnant young lady) was "on a bus to California". Well, I guess California is a big state ...

27. Jock found J.R. on their front porch and confronted him about Bobby's place in Ewing Oil. The two men argued. There were more than heated words. What was the most moving result of this exchange?

From Quiz 2.4 "Bypass"

Answer: Jock collapsed on the porch as he grabbed his chest

When Jock stopped talking mid-sentence, J.R. looked at him only to see him sinking to his knees, holding his chest and unable to speak. J.R. quickly realized he was the only other family member at the house and panicked. He managed to call the (telephone) operator and request an ambulance. Lucy arrived at the gate on horseback just in time to see the ambulance leave the ranch.

28. J.R. wasted very little time until he visited Julie - at her apartment. What did J.R. have delivered that allowed him access to Julie's front door with ease?

From Quiz 2.16 "Julie's Return"

Answer: Yellow roses

J.R. switched places with the delivery man when Julie went to get a tip for him and it was J.R. who was standing in her doorway when she returned. The flowers were just a ploy - of course. J.R. wanted to learn why Julie had been spending so much time with his daddy. Julie admitted she had initially thought it was the easiest inroad back to him (J.R.) but now that she has spent time with Jock, she believed it was a mutual and enjoyable friendship - beneficial to both her and Jock.

29. Bobby was insistent that he needed Guzzler's expertise as the fledgling Ewing Construction Company expanded. Guzzler finally agreed to the partnership. What did Guzzler do, though, that absolutely offended Pam?

From Quiz 2.12 "Fallen Idol"

Answer: He tried to kiss her while Bobby was passed out (drunk)

Guzzler and Bobby celebrated their new partnership until they were so drunk that walking was a challenge. After Guzzler and Pam were able to get Bobby into his (and Pam's) bedroom suite, Guzzler turned his attention to Pam. At first she rebuffed his romantic comments but when he actually became physical by attempting to hug and kiss her she made things clear that she was not interested. It was difficult to read Pam's concern about the incident. Was she more upset about the approach or unsure of how it would affect Bobby?

30. Pam displayed a stalwart resolve to Ed Haynes that their very brief marriage had been annulled within hours of its vows. Ed was convinced they were still married. Who did Pam solicit to help her begin to unravel the details her first "marriage"?

From Quiz 2.6 "Double Wedding"

Answer: Cliff

Pam found Cliff at his (state senate) campaign headquarters. Cliff was more than just a bit flippant about Pam's concerns. Ever the attorney, he told her they could check the records - tomorrow, since it was too late today - and the copy of the annulment papers should settle any questions about Pam's marriage to Ed. Pam felt she could not wait until tomorrow.

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