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Home: Quiz List: Commission #15

You could very well work through these quizzes in a quarter of an hour if you really put your mind to it, but if you're more interested in pushing that time crunch onto someone else, then maybe our Author Lounge members will take the challenge. This Quiz Commission from February 2011 featured quizzes starting with the words 'Fifteen Minutes'.

List created by player kyleisalive.

This list has been completed and claimed by 41 players.

The most recent players to claim this list: calmdecember (Jan 04 24)   bigwoo (Nov 02 23)   Rizeeve (Jul 26 23)   Andyboy2021 (Sep 21 22)   sw11 (Sep 07 22)   wellenbrecher (May 18 22)   EmeraldEmpress (Apr 04 22)   federererer (Feb 15 22)   griller (Oct 15 21)   marianjoy (Oct 10 21)   masfon (Sep 09 21)   comark2000 (Jul 04 21)   haydenspapa (Apr 26 21)   twlmy (Apr 07 21)   andymuenz (Mar 13 21)   
  Fifteen Minutes to Midnight    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It's fifteen minutes to midnight and I can't sleep. I decide to watch a little TV but 'lo and behold, there is a plethora of 'Midnight' movies on. Can you figure out from the clues given which movies I have to choose between?
Average, 10 Qns, lones78, Feb 16 11
868 plays
  Fifteen Minutes in the Future   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
All it takes is fifteen minutes of investigation into some of the most unique science fiction futures to get a feel for the films. Can you name the movies based on these quick visits? Watch out for spoiler territory, and good luck!
Easier, 10 Qns, kyleisalive, Jun 05 22
Jun 05 22
1755 plays
  Fifteen Minutes on the Red Carpet   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Some actors spend many years on the red carpet, idolised for breathing life into a myriad of memorable characters. Others, however, are there for fifteen minutes with a career defined by a single persona. WARNING: Terrible puns ahead.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, May 10 18
May 10 18
2281 plays
  Fifteen Minutes of Shame   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This morning, I had my 15 minutes of fame. Nothing went my way. Can you answer these questions about my horrible day? NOTE: This story is fictitious.
Average, 10 Qns, salami_swami, May 05 11
2299 plays
Fifteen Minutes Is All It Took
  Fifteen Minutes Is All It Took   top quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
You might be surprised what you can do in fifteen minutes! The pictures may provide some extra clues.
Easier, 10 Qns, looney_tunes, Jul 10 17
2931 plays
  Fifteen Minutes to Meltdown   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Accidents Involving Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is a thing of the future, however, there have been several setbacks in our quest to harvest the power of the atom. Test your knowledge of these nuclear or radiation accidents from around the world.
Tough, 10 Qns, LeoDaVinci, Dec 13 22
Dec 13 22
756 plays
  Fifteen Minutes of Germ Warfare   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice. Researching, I've learned of other possibilities, all of which could suffice.
Tough, 10 Qns, adams627, Sep 04 23
Sep 04 23
761 plays
  Fifteen Minutes in the Oven   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In this quiz we're going to have a look at the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were thrown into a fiery furnace and lived to talk about it. All references are from the NIV. Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, j-zilch, Feb 27 11
1327 plays
  Fifteen Minutes of Notoriety    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These celebrities got slightly more than they bargained for when they were asked to appear at (or just plain disrupted) various television shows. How many of these notorious "it's all going horribly wrong" incidents can you remember?
Average, 10 Qns, Rowena8482, Jul 16 19
Jul 16 19
1244 plays
  Fifteen Minutes of Falling in Love    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
As part of the "Fifteen Minutes" commission, I have decided to take my title in a musical way. All song titles include the word 'love'. Good luck and have fun :-)
Average, 10 Qns, runaway_drive, Oct 27 20
Oct 27 20
474 plays
Fifteen Minutes in the Cell
  Fifteen Minutes in the Cell   best quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
You've read about cellular biology, but can you identify cells and structures from electron microscope images? In fifteen minutes, you'll know if you take this quiz. I'll give you some hints, too!
Tough, 10 Qns, WesleyCrusher, May 05 20
May 05 20
8302 plays
  Fifteen Minutes and "Count"ing   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz has 15 questions about Counts and Countesses. Some are about specific people, some are about fictional characters and some may just be about the word "count". Come play the quiz and then we will "count" up your score!
Average, 15 Qns, dcpddc478, Mar 02 24
Mar 02 24
832 plays
  Fifteen Minutes of Law Enforcement    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Do you remember these incidents from film and television where the characters ended up on the wrong side of the law?
Average, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Mar 20 11
574 plays
  Fifteen Minutes to Kill editor best quiz   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Daisy has about fifteen minutes to kill. She decides to use them to wrap up her school project. Can you help sort out her notes about some very deadly animals, who might not need as much as fifteen minutes to kill.
Easier, 10 Qns, James25, Oct 01 22
Oct 01 22
1756 plays
  Fifteen Minutes and 9 Microseconds, To Be Exact   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz will self-destruct in exactly fifteen minutes and nine microseconds. Join me as I attempt to salvage a few mementos from several FunTrivia categories on my way out of here!
Easier, 10 Qns, darthrevan89, Aug 26 17
681 plays
  Fifteen Minutes To Rock The World    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Whether it be for fifteen minutes or a couple of hours, these music video games are sure to get you tapping your feet and rocking along. How many can you identify?
Average, 10 Qns, eburge, Aug 25 18
Aug 25 18
486 plays
  Fifteen Minutes of Fun   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you like playing games but get really bored of the ones that drag on and on like Monopoly or Scrabble, this quiz is for you! All of these games, or at least a few rounds of them, can be played in fifteen minutes or fewer.
Easier, 10 Qns, guitargoddess, Apr 29 11
4684 plays
  Fifteen Minutes Could Save You 15 Percent or More    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Faced with a quiz commission title homaging a certain insurance company's marketing slogan, I have done the obvious and invented my own country! Welcome to Fintruvia and ten teasers focusing on the number 15. Calculator, pen and paper may be needed.
Tough, 10 Qns, glendathecat, Feb 27 18
Feb 27 18
639 plays
  Fifteen Minutes to Clean the House   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Your mother is coming to see you and you have cleaned the whole house since she called. However, the kids didn't keep their rooms clean and you have to clean it up again before your mother arrives. She's coming in fifteen minutes, so hurry!
Easier, 10 Qns, mathking97, Oct 13 23
Oct 13 23
3675 plays
  Fifteen Minutes to Takeoff    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
There was a lot that happened in the final fifteen minutes before a space shuttle went up! Here's a look at some of those things.
Average, 10 Qns, George95, Jan 14 16
491 plays
  Fifteen Minutes Too Late   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Or perhaps ten minutes or ten hours... Regardless of the time span, nothing is worse than realizing it's too late to do something. Or is it? Here are ten quotes on being "too late".
Easier, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Feb 07 14
1794 plays

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