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Quiz about Collision
Quiz about Collision

"Collision" Trivia Quiz

When the tail end survivors meet the fuselage group, two worlds collide.

A multiple-choice quiz by RiriFairy. Estimated time: 7 mins.
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7 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
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Avg Score
7 / 15
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Question 1 of 15
1. At the beginning of the episode, the scene opens with a pistol being fired. How many gun shots are seen fired by Ana throughout this episode? Hint

Question 2 of 15
2. Which number is not seen on Ana Lucía's LAPD badge? Hint

Question 3 of 15
3. When chaos erupts for the tail section survivors just after the tragic shooting, Ana takes control of Sayid's gun. In a panic, she points the weapon directly at several of the other survivors present. Who is not among them? Hint

Question 4 of 15
4. On the beach, Rose approaches Jack outside and is pleased to find that he is away from the confinements of the hatch. Rose gives Jack fruit (and a few health tips) and tells him that the fruit is, "Good for the ________________." Hint

Question 5 of 15
5. Did Kate win the golfing bet against Hurley and Charlie?

Question 6 of 15
6. Mr. Eko tells Ana, "I'm doing it for _______." Hint

Question 7 of 15
7. In Ana-Lucía's flashback she and her partner receive a call while on patrol in Westwood, which alerts to a domestic disturbance. At the residence where a couple is bickering, a sign reading which is above the lot? OR... On which street is the residence of the bickering couple located? Hint

Question 8 of 15
8. Jack's second swing lands the golf ball in a stream in the middle of the jungle.

Question 9 of 15
9. On Locke's crossword puzzle, which letter is Locke seen filling in the box (just before Kate, Jack, and Mr. Eko bring Sawyer into the hatch)? Hint

Question 10 of 15
10. After carrying the gravely ill Sawyer into the compound, why does Jack say he needs to put Sawyer in the shower? Hint

Question 11 of 15
11. Sayid says (about Ana), "She has no plan. She has only her _______ and her gun."

Answer: (One Word)
Question 12 of 15
12. In an attempt to stop Michael and Jack from taking guns to "solve the problem" in the jungle, Mr. Eko questions Jack about what he really wants. Which is not mentioned to Jack? Hint

Question 13 of 15
13. During his conversation with Ana Lucía, Sayid relates back to an event which occurred in which episode from season one? Hint

Question 14 of 15
14. In Ana-Lucía's last flashback she follows Jason out of a Los Angeles bar where she had been waiting for him. All but which seen in this sequence are red? Hint

Question 15 of 15
15. By the end of the episode, the rafters and the tail section group return to the fuselage survivors and many reunions simultaneously occur for the first time since the crash/raft departure. Several of the survivors are seen to still be wearing items from the beginning of the time on the island. Which is not correct? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. At the beginning of the episode, the scene opens with a pistol being fired. How many gun shots are seen fired by Ana throughout this episode?

Answer: 17 shots

The opening of "Collision" began with a bang, literally, and brought an immediate sense of tension to the sequence. It is here we discover that Ana's harsh, tough personality on the island stemmed from her former occupation as a Los Angeles police officer back in the "real world". Just after having shot and killed Shannon in the rainy jungle, Ana is seen in possession of a pistol throughout the episode and her flashbacks.

She fired 10 rounds at the firing range in the beginning and ultimately shot Jason six times at the end. On the island, Ana fired one warning round after ordering that none of her fellow survivors move after the shooting.
2. Which number is not seen on Ana Lucía's LAPD badge?

Answer: 4

In Ana's first flashback, she is seen in a therapist's office (with whom she had been meeting for four months). The therapist inquires about Danny, who was most likely in a relationship with Ana prior to the incident, and who apparently left her. Ana expresses disappointment over a family with a noisy baby moving away-- another instance of her reactions towards children-- and insists that she is better off alone. Her therapist grants her permission to go back to work and hands Officer Cortez her LAPD badge, with the number 68631.
Ana is then seen entering the police station-- passing a wall full of "Wanted" posters-- with the captain (her mother), to whom she persists that she needs to go back on patrol. Her mother reveals that Ana had been in an officer-involved shooting prior, which resulted in her being out of work.
Ana's motives-- both as an officer and on the island-- become clear as the episode progresses.
Note: In addition to being in therapy/out of work for four months, Ana had been shot four times, and four survivors of the tails section now remained.
3. When chaos erupts for the tail section survivors just after the tragic shooting, Ana takes control of Sayid's gun. In a panic, she points the weapon directly at several of the other survivors present. Who is not among them?

Answer: Mr. Eko

Immediately after the fatal accident, Sayid drew his gun and moved to attack Ana. He was tackled by Mr. Eko and a fight ensued before Sayid was knocked unconscious and Ana repossessed the gun. Ana raised the gun and ordered that nobody move, pointing the gun at Michael and firing a warning round.

While Bernard and Libby protested and Jin and Michael were stopped from advancing by gunpoint, Ana ordered that Sayid be tied. When Mr. Eko refused, Ana pointed the gun towards Libby and ordered that she use the vines from Sawyer's stretcher as the rope. While Michael continued to dispute and Libby insisted that Sawyer needed a doctor, Ana maintained, "I know what I'm doing."
4. On the beach, Rose approaches Jack outside and is pleased to find that he is away from the confinements of the hatch. Rose gives Jack fruit (and a few health tips) and tells him that the fruit is, "Good for the ________________."

Answer: Constitution

On the beach, Rose approached Jack as he was filling a water bottle. She offered him some chopped fruit, noting that it was "good for the constitution" (and probably also a healthy alternative to hatch food). An object dropped from the sky into the water where Jack had been filling the bottle and he retrieved a golf ball hit by Kate.
Further down the beach he found Kate, Charlie and Hurley placing bets on Kate's swings and Jack offered some tips of his own.
5. Did Kate win the golfing bet against Hurley and Charlie?

Answer: Yes

Hurley is heard challenging Kate to hitting the ball past the "hanging tree" for double or nothing. Kate jokes that it would cost ten thousand dollars and Charlie cannot help but interject a comment about Hurley's $150 million (which he believes is a bluff). Hurley's reaction to Kate's swing indicates that she had won the bet. (So Hurley now seems to owe Kate ten thousand for golf and Walt twenty thousand for a long-ago game of backgammon.)
Jack approaches and contends that golf is merely "accuracy", which leads to a new bet between he and Kate for three holes.
6. Mr. Eko tells Ana, "I'm doing it for _______."

Answer: me

Tensions are high among the stalled group in the jungle as Ana Lucía deliberates what to do next. Sayid awakens and is infuriated at being restrained, while Jin and Michael are kept at a distance with the other restless survivors. Meanwhile, Mr. Eko attempts to give water to a shaking, ill Sawyer.

He proceeds to lift Sawyer onto his back and leave, against Ana's pleads. As he heads for the camp, Mr. Eko tells Ana, "I'm not doing it for him. I'm doing it for me." Saving Sawyer's life is most likely a sense of retribution for Mr. Eko, possibly relating to his strong sense of religious commitment, after he had taken the lives of the two "Others" several weeks earlier.
7. In Ana-Lucía's flashback she and her partner receive a call while on patrol in Westwood, which alerts to a domestic disturbance. At the residence where a couple is bickering, a sign reading which is above the lot? OR... On which street is the residence of the bickering couple located?

Answer: Pay Here

Location, location, location-- a matter of significance in this episode. While patrolling in Westwood, Ana picks up the call for a domestic disturbance 3 blocks away on Veteran Street. Notice the voice on the radio is identified as "8-Adam-16". (Not only the cursed numbers, but also yet another name repetition-- Shannon's father was Adam also.)
Also observe a multitude of RED (color of impending trouble) vehicles and a red light pass by both windows and even approach in Ana's side view mirror.
While dealing with the couple, Travis and Shawna, a sign reading "Pay Here" vertically is seen in the background. Ana points her gun at Travis after seeing the baby, and is reprimanded by her partner later in the LAPD parking lot for overreacting. They are interrupted when Captain Cortez announces that they had detained the man responsible for shooting Ana (notice they had just walked beneath a yellow "Caution" sign while heading towards the building).
The man is identified as Jason McCormick, and he had been picked up in Echo Park (located just northeast of downtown L.A.) for an assault. The location name is probably no coincidence, nor is the fact that Kate was also involved with a criminal named Jason (with whom she robbed the New Mexico bank). Double appearances of names in flashbacks are not uncommon-- among others previously are Brian, Thomas, Ed, Randy (actually the same person), Mark, and Frank-- and are probably to show similarities among the survivor connections.
Although Jason had confessed, Ana attests that it is not the right person and so Jason cannot be convicted-- yet.
8. Jack's second swing lands the golf ball in a stream in the middle of the jungle.

Answer: False

After accepting Kate's proposal for a three hole golfing competition, Jack watches Kate take a first swing and land near the target. On his first swing, Jack sends his ball sailing into some far trees.
In the jungle, Jack and Kate manage to track the ball to where it landed in a rocky stream. As Jack is about to take his second swing, Kate's expression turns from enthusiasm to horror. They encounter Mr. Eko coming through the bushes, carrying Sawyer, and Jack raises his gulf club in defense as Mr. Eko asks for the doctor.
9. On Locke's crossword puzzle, which letter is Locke seen filling in the box (just before Kate, Jack, and Mr. Eko bring Sawyer into the hatch)?

Answer: A

It seems to be Locke's shift at handling the doomsday button, and he is entertaining himself with a crossword puzzle just before the group enters. The camera shifts quickly but a clear glimpse can be seen of the puzzle (which most likely contains encrypted clues). Notice Locke is working on number 42-Down, the clue for which is "Enkidu's friend". This refers to an inscription thought to be the oldest story in existence, the "Epic of Gilgamesh". The theme centers around loss and death, telling the tale of a half God, half human being (Gilgamesh) whose friend Enkidu- champion fighter- fought beside him. Other clues seen and suspected answers are; "Belgian Port" (Locke entered "Ghent"), "Robbed" (he wrote "Ransacked"), "WWII Movie Feature" (most likely "D-Day"), and "Less Brazen" (unknown). A clue with the word "African" is seen as well, though incompletely.
The intriguing observation which can be made is that, upon entering the correct answer "Gilgamesh", all of the intersecting words become INCORRECT. It is suggested that, when the correct words are accommodated into the puzzle and the letters replacing "Gilgamesh" are inserted, a code word is found: "SCRIPTURE".
(Share, sCend, acoRns, imItative, laP, etc.)
Also notice that each of the clue words could be significant to some survivors (Hurley, Kate, and Sayid knew people had relations to the military, Mr. Eko is Nigerian, we know of some robberies, etc.) Following the recurring religious theme, the word "covet" is seen on 38-down.
Also, some of those words-- "ran sackers", "group", "tiers"-- seem to describe the "Others". This cleverly constructed puzzle may offer implications of misconceptions or false assumptions by the alternate words, (we know things on the island are not always what they seem) or even present a warning of what is to come when the answers are found.
10. After carrying the gravely ill Sawyer into the compound, why does Jack say he needs to put Sawyer in the shower?

Answer: To bring down the fever

After their encounter with Mr. Eko in the jungle, Jack and Kate bring Sawyer into the hatch compound. Jack instructs Kate to head for the bathroom, where he proceeds to put Sawyer under the shower faucet and douse him with water to bring the fever down. Kate asks how she can help and Jack instructs her to bring medicine and supplies, as well as to make sure the bed was clean. Kate stood frozen for a moment, gazing at Sawyer with the same reaction she had when Jack had been operating on the gravely injured Boone (at which time Kate was also sent for medical supplies).
When Kate returns, she realizes that Sawyer is shaking badly and Jack reveals that the infection had reached the bloodstream. After an unsuccessful attempt to give Sawyer the much-needed medication, Jack watches uncomfortably as Kate holds Sawyer and coaxes him into swallowing the pill. Kate remains with Sawyer while Jack goes to meet the stranger.
Meanwhile, Mr. Eko is seen examining the "Dharma" logo as Locke resets the timer. The two have a face-to-face encounter, during which time Mr. Eko informs Locke of the accident and reveals that Shannon is dead and the other survivors remain in the jungle. When asked if he could lead Locke to the other survivors, Mr. Eko took a long gaze at the stockpile of rifles in the hatch and said, "No."
Another disclosure: When Locke asked Mr. Eko about the five survivors of the tail section, Mr. Eko quickly corrected the response as "four". This indicates that the unfortunate Cindy is officially MIA and probably considered gone with the "Others" since her disappearance. (Somehow it seems likely she isn't lost forever, though.)
11. Sayid says (about Ana), "She has no plan. She has only her _______ and her gun."

Answer: guilt

While the group of survivors continues to wait, exhausted and desperate to return to the camp, Michael defies Ana's threats in order to bring Sayid water and tell him about the tail section survivors. Bernard and Libby press Ana for a plan and receive frustrating responses. Sayid calls Ana on her guilt and in response she finally assembles a plan to send Michael back to camp in order to collect supplies in exchange for Sayid's release. Michael initially refuses, vowing that their group stayed together, but upon Jin's insistence he reluctantly complied. Libby continued to raise question to Ana's intent, gently reasoning that Ana could not live alone in the jungle. To this, Ana turned sharply and replied, "I'm already alone."
12. In an attempt to stop Michael and Jack from taking guns to "solve the problem" in the jungle, Mr. Eko questions Jack about what he really wants. Which is not mentioned to Jack?

Answer: Resolution

Immediately after departing from the tail section group, Michael makes his way through the dizzying maze of jungle until he stumbles upon Sun's garden. Shocked to see one another, Michael assures Sun that Jin is fine and he needed to find Jack right away.
It seems that Mr. Eko and Locke are positioned firmly on the same philosophical plane (regarding a solution to the current problem in the jungle, for starters). A direct comparison between the voices of reason from either group-- as well as the notorious black/white contrasting-- is brought to the center when Michael and Sun enter the compound. Jack and Michael share a friendly embrace before addressing the problem, and loading guns in preparation to use force if necessary. Locke objects, and defends Mr. Eko (to Jack's annoyance), but it is Mr. Eko who stops them from leaving by raising his voice for the first time. Attesting the guns, he asks, "Peace? Revenge? Justice? And you are going out there with all these guns? What do you want?"
Jack challenges Mr. Eko's request, until hearing Ana Lucía's name (at which point he finds himself in complete turmoil-- this was not at all what he had expected). Mr. Eko agrees to bring only Jack, but with no guns.
13. During his conversation with Ana Lucía, Sayid relates back to an event which occurred in which episode from season one?

Answer: "Confidence Man"

Not long after Michael's departure, Ana saw Bernard picking up his bags. Bernard expressed gratitude towards Ana for keeping them alive but was desperate to get back to his wife and wanted no further part in what would happen to Sayid. He said kindly (yet firmly), "I'm going, Ana." Libby, too, asserted that Ana was not "the best judge of character" (relating back to the Nathan incident). Ana was fed up and ordered the two-- and Jin-- to leave. Bernard and Libby passed bleakly and headed into the jungle, as did Jin after Sayid's nod. With only Sayid and Ana remaining, a heavy silence lingered while Ana toyed with the gun and contemplated her options.

She questioned Sayid as to whether or not he had children, and both had a negative response. Sayid revealed to Ana that forty days ago on that island he had tortured a man (Sawyer) as he had tortured many while serving in the Republican Guard. With guilt, he added that he still heard their voices-- this leads us to question whether the mysterious "whispers" are in fact the inner voice of a guilty conscience still haunting the survivors of their past by some island force. So far to hear the whispers, aside from Sayid, included Sawyer (the voice of the man he mistakenly killed, with intent to kill another), Shannon (the voice was unknown but it uttered words Boone had once said to her, and she had much to feel guilty about considering their tempestuous past), and Danielle Rousseau who first mentioned them (one can only wonder what she had done, aside from killing her team and shooting her love, Robert). Sayid deliberates that perhaps Ana was "meant" to kill him, at which time Ana revealed what happened in the shooting by Jason which had cost her work, Danny, and worse.

She and Sayid seemed to nearly connect on one level-- they both felt dead already, having lost everything of which they once had.
14. In Ana-Lucía's last flashback she follows Jason out of a Los Angeles bar where she had been waiting for him. All but which seen in this sequence are red?

Answer: Drapes on either side of a window in the bar

The notoriously ominous color makes frequent appearances throughout Ana's turbulent past, forecasting impending peril (as usual). In the final flashback, during which the audience learns the closure to the turmoil with Jason but Sayid does not, Ana is seen at the counter of a Los Angeles bar. The light over pool table (at which she observes Jason and a friend) is glowing red, as a woman wearing a red shirt steps in and out of view. Ana's face is stern and solemn as Jason passes (putting ON a red jacket) and Ana downs her drink (see the two red candles burning on either side of her?) before following him to the parking lot. Jason is about to open his (red) car door when Ana approaches and calls him by name before shooting him dead.
Now we understand why she persisted to set him free.
Ana shows vengeance and no remorse, but first reveals that what had most likely caused the greatest loss-- she had been pregnant.
Also noteworthy (and open for interpretation): notice that Jason was wearing a cross on his t-shirt, beneath the red jacket. The numbers seen, two on either side of the cross, were "1469". Earlier in the flashbacks, in the shot of the parking complex a large cross is seen on the upper middle of the building wall, yet again reinforcing a religious presence.
Ana steps toward Sayid, drops her weapons, and cuts his bonds free. He stands and they confront one another, but Sayid recognizes that both are dead inside already. Jack and Mr. Eko arrive just as the distraught Sayid carries Shannon's lifeless body back toward the beach. Jack and Ana see each other once again, and everything has changed-- they stand, visually separated by the distance in the camera shot, but facing one another as if mirroring each other. (Perhaps, after both losing their former loves, they will reconnect in their future on the island.)
15. By the end of the episode, the rafters and the tail section group return to the fuselage survivors and many reunions simultaneously occur for the first time since the crash/raft departure. Several of the survivors are seen to still be wearing items from the beginning of the time on the island. Which is not correct?

Answer: Ana Lucía-- leather jacket

At the end of the episode, a montage reveals the first reunion between the fuselage and tail section survivors since the crash.
As Kate tends to Sawyer in the hatch, Michael makes his way back up the familiar beach and Vincent welcomes him back. Michael was quite happy to see Vincent as well (obviously things had changed!). The venturous dog was once again in Michael's care, considering both his former supervisors were absent. (Hmm. Maybe everyone is overlooking something about the vanishing habits of that dog.)
Following the return was a beautiful montage of emotional and touching reunions. As Charlie strummed casually on his guitar, he spotted a trio of travelers coming down the shore-- Jin and Charlie embraced as a crowd gathered around. Rose weaved her way through the commotion and finally-- FINALLY-- reunited with her husband Bernard (whose ring she still wore around her neck since the flight). On the shore, Sun took a double glance before she could believe that Jin was running towards her. They hugged with a new love than that with which they had come to the island, although Jin still wore the broken handcuff as a remnant of the first days following the crash.
(Jack is also seen with the key tied around his neck, while Ana's leather jacket has disappeared by the end of the episode.)
For the first time in forty eight days, the passengers of Oceanic 815 were reunited again. Those who remained of the original 352-- 4 from the tail section, 43 from the fuselage section-- now faced a new challenge in regrouping after the tragedy.
Source: Author RiriFairy

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