AuroraBoreanaz has been a FunTrivia author since Jul 28 13 and has written 31 quizzes.
AuroraBoreanaz strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Celebrities, and
has earned 943 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
last seen online Jan 22 25, and most recent quiz went online Dec 24 13.
The quiz covers many different Disney movies from different generations. I grew up watching and loving Disney movies and the quiz is about some of my favorites.
I visited Washington, DC this past summer and loved the trip. I noticed people taking tours of the city and decided to do a quiz that would act like a virtual tour of Washington, DC.
This is one of my favorite "Bones" episodes so I decided to make an extra long quiz about it.
I made 25 questions but can only submit up to 15 at a time in this category so please keep a look out for part 2 of the quiz.
I have a serious sweet tooth and this quiz is all about some of my favorite sweets. I also included some history on the sweets in my extra information sections.
Miley Cyrus made a name for herself the Disney show "Hannah Montana", but when "Hannah Montana" ended she started getting more attention for what she wore.
Cordelia was in seasons one through three of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and seasons one through five of "Angel".
Cordelia's transformation from a spoiled brat into a kick butt character was one of my favorites.