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10 Hospitality quizzes and 105 Hospitality trivia questions.
  A Pub With No Beer   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Theft is rampant in the normally idyllic town of Casualville. Deputygary and Lieutenant Leelee are on the case. What could be worse than a pub with no beer? Choose the best answer for the blank.
Easier, 10 Qns, Squisher, Sep 14 24
Sep 14 24
5342 plays
The Perky Occupation of the Barista
  The Perky Occupation of the Barista   great trivia quiz  
Photo Quiz
 10 Qns
I tried eking out a living as a barista. The pay wasn't great by there were plenty of perks. It was at this time that I learned how difficult this job truly was and how long it took to master the skill.
Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478, Jun 06 23
Jun 06 23
946 plays
  Careers in the Hospitality Industry   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
A simple quiz of observations made in the hospitality industry. Have fun.
Easier, 10 Qns, sir67, Jun 06 23
Jun 06 23
6710 plays
  Langoustine Picks or Artichoke Forks   best quiz  
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
As a waiter who works at a range of different catered affairs, you need to know which utensils you must provide in a wide range of situations. Are you up to it?
Easier, 10 Qns, looney_tunes, Sep 10 16
looney_tunes editor
644 plays
  Everything and More -- Hotel Linens   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Here is everything you ever wanted to know about hotel linens, and then some! I thought this Housekeeping Science class was going to be boring, but it's actually pretty neat! Enjoy the quiz! :o)
Tough, 15 Qns, LadyCaitriona, Jun 20 14
LadyCaitriona gold member
3095 plays
  The Waiting Tables' Life   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I work in the service industry, so I thought it would be fun to make a quiz based on things from work that some people may have not know about behind closed doors at restaurants! It's my first quiz! So enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, jennymyers888, Sep 20 18
Sep 20 18
476 plays
  The Reality of Room Service    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you have ever thought it might be fun to deliver room service in a nice hotel, take this quiz. It's funny and informative, with just a dash of anti-social attitude.
Average, 10 Qns, seth_a_baker, May 25 19
May 25 19
878 plays
  Food Handler Safety Part 1    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is just a quiz to test your food safety knowledge. There is a little bit of everything in here, ENJOY!
Average, 10 Qns, Pitre29, Apr 02 18
Apr 02 18
4431 plays
  Wanna Be a Chef?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These questions are drawn from the experiences of a culinary school student.
Average, 10 Qns, ignotus999, Nov 06 13
540 plays
  Food Handler Safety Part 2    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here are some more questions to test your food safety knowledge.
Average, 10 Qns, Pitre29, Jun 17 08
4307 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Like other industries, hospitality has its own jargon. Of the positions listed, which is known as a 'Uniformed Position'?

From Quiz "Careers in the Hospitality Industry"

Hospitality Trivia Questions

1. What does it mean when something is "86'ed" in the food industry?

From Quiz
The Waiting Tables' Life

Answer: The restaurant is out of the item

When an item is "86'ed" it means the restauraunt is out of the item. When they have more then they will "68" it back on the menu.

2. "Dagnabbit!" drawled Deputygary. "First our pub has no beer and now this!" He sensed something evil was astir, even though the investigation had just begun. "Whut in tarnation?" exclaimed Lieutenant Leelee. "The town vintner has no ____."

From Quiz A Pub With No Beer

Answer: wine

A vintner is a wine merchant or a winemaker. Take Lee's advice; treat yourself to a daily glass of red wine and enjoy its health benefits!

3. What does it mean when a waiter has been "stiffed"?

From Quiz The Waiting Tables' Life

Answer: No tip has been left for the waiter

When a waiter has been stiffed, it means that no tip has been left for that waiter. In the U.S. waiters and waitresses are paid low wages and depend heavily on tips for their income.

4. Lieutenant Leelee started taking notes as they walked up the street to another crime scene. "Well, that just dills my pickle!" declared Deputygary as he scratched his goatee. "Arcane's Tack shop has no ____."

From Quiz A Pub With No Beer

Answer: saddles

A tack shop is an equestrian supply store. Things such as riding equipment, riding apparel and horse care products can be purchased. And, if you need to know anything about horses just ask arcane62.

5. No room service waiter should ever:

From Quiz The Reality of Room Service

Answer: Drink leftover mimosas when picking up the morning's dirty dishes.

However delicious, mimosas are not to be imbibed whilst on the job. No, no, no!

6. What is meant by 'Back of House' in a hotel operation?

From Quiz Careers in the Hospitality Industry

Answer: Positions that usually do not deal with guests directly

Back of House positions include accounting and office workers. Some hotels consider housekeeping, reservationists and maintenance workers as 'back of house'.

7. There are two main types of weaves when referring to linens. One is plain, what is the other one?

From Quiz Everything and More -- Hotel Linens

Answer: Twill

Plain weave looks like the lines in tic tac toe, with the warps (horizontal threads) alternately passing over and under the fillings (vertical threads). Twill weave is similar to plain weave, but the fillings are diagonal, rather than perpendicular, to the warps. Leno is another type of weave, loopy with large air pockets. It is not a common weave for linens, it's more something you would see in a thermal blanket.

8. The purpose of a 'Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point' (HACCP) system is to?

From Quiz Food Handler Safety Part 1

Answer: Identify and control possible hazards throughout the flow of food

The HACCP system is based on the idea that if significant biological, chemical, or physical hazards are identified at specific points within the flow of food, they can be prevented, eliminated, or reduced to safe levels.

9. Who does the waiter sometimes have to tip out (give a percentage of their tips to) at the end of their shift?

From Quiz The Waiting Tables' Life

Answer: The bartender

In restaurants, it is custom for the waiter to tip out a percentage of their own tips to the bar, bussers, hosts, and sometimes dish washers.

10. "These thieves are dumber than stumps," bragged Deputygary as he dusted some fingerprints. "Look at all the evidence they left behind". "And lookit all the stuff they took," added Lieutenant Leelee. "This chandler's shop has no ____."

From Quiz A Pub With No Beer

Answer: candles

A chandler is a person who makes or sells candles. In a more generalized form, a chandler can also refer to a dealer in a specified trade or merchandise. Casualville isn't a hick town; they sell energy efficient light bulbs too.

11. To what does the acronym 'FAT TOM' refer?

From Quiz Food Handler Safety Part 2

Answer: The conditions supporting the growth of microorganisms

FAT TOM stands for food, acidity, time, temperature, oxygen, moisture.

12. Which item could not be re-served at a restaurant?

From Quiz Food Handler Safety Part 1

Answer: Plate Garnishes

In general, only unopened, prepackaged food can be re-served.

13. In the US, do you have to have a special license to serve alcohol at the tables?

From Quiz The Waiting Tables' Life

Answer: Yes

You have to have a license to serve alcohol. In the U.S. you should NEVER serve minors alcohol. The restaurant itself has to obtain a liquor license as well.

14. One of the courses was entitled "Garde Manger." What did our culinary student most likely learn to do in this course?

From Quiz Wanna Be a Chef?

Answer: Prepare a terrine

The French term "garde manger" literally means "food keeper." It's really a refrigerated case or area where cold foods are prepared and stored - such as salads, cheeses, cold appetizers, pates (food, not bald heads) and terrines. The garde manger staff may also create ice carvings and lard sculptures. Seriously. Lard doesn't melt so fast. It's covered in an advanced course.

15. The duo continued to follow their trail of clues. "Well butter my biscuit!" stammered Deputygary. "Take a look at this, lieutenant!" Lieutenant Leelee peered in the window to discover that Paul's Pâtisserie had no ____.

From Quiz A Pub With No Beer

Answer: pastries

A pâtisserie is a bakery that specializes in pastries and cakes. In France, for a bakery to legally use the title of patisserie, it must employ a master pastry chef (a maître pâtissier). The laws are less stringent in Casualville.

16. Which item would NOT be found in a room service waiter's pocket?

From Quiz The Reality of Room Service

Answer: De-crumber

Between courses at nice restaurants, a waiter will often scrape or brush the crumbs off the table with a small brush or flat-edged metal scraping utensil known in the food service industry as a "de-crumber". Since room service is limited to dropping off and picking up food orders, de-crumbers are unnecessary.

17. The abrasion test for linens (done in a laboratory with sand paper) tests how much a sheet can be rubbed before:

From Quiz Everything and More -- Hotel Linens

Answer: the threads start to separate.

Your linen supplier will have this information. You should also inquire about the linen's tensile strength: how many pounds per square inch of pressure can it withstand before it stretches or tears?

18. Which condition would cause you to reject a shipment of fresh chicken?

From Quiz Food Handler Safety Part 2

Answer: The wing tips are brown

USDA grading stamp on a product indicates the level of quality and is not mandatory.

19. What does it mean when a waiter is in the weeds?

From Quiz The Waiting Tables' Life

Answer: The waiter is busy or overwhelmed

When the term in the weeds is used in the serving industry, it means that they are busy, and need help from co-workers.

20. In his basic wine course, our culinary student learned to look for legs, curtains and church windows. What do they indicate?

From Quiz Wanna Be a Chef?

Answer: High(er) alcohol content

After taking a sip - please don't chug - a ring of wine may form at the top of the glass. Droplets may then move back down the side of the glass. With a bit of imagination, the droplet streams look like legs, or curtains, or stained glass windows. Alcohol has a lower surface tension than water. The higher the alcohol content of the wine, the more likely you will see this phenomenon, and perhaps others as well. It's not related to the quality of the wine, but it makes for interesting table conversation.

21. A good place for a nap after the morning rush is:

From Quiz The Reality of Room Service

Answer: No naps allowed -- one should be polishing silverware, folding napkins, etc.

I have personally witnessed the failure of each wrong answer.

22. Like other industries, hospitality has its own jargon. Of the positions listed, which is known as a 'Uniformed Position'?

From Quiz Careers in the Hospitality Industry

Answer: Bell Boy

Uniformed positions can include Doormen, Bell Boys, Concierge and Valets. Generally, they are expected to have front line contact with guests.

23. What type of thermometer would not be a "proper choice"?

From Quiz Food Handler Safety Part 2

Answer: Mercury-filled glass thermometer

These thermometers can break and pose a serious danger.

24. Which storage practice is incorrect in the US?

From Quiz Food Handler Safety Part 1

Answer: Storing eggs at room temperature

In the US use all eggs within four to five weeks of the packing date. (In Western Europe, storage at room temperature is safe because the precautions against salmonella poisoning taken are different).

25. In the USA, what is a good standard tip to leave when a waiter does a good job?

From Quiz The Waiting Tables' Life

Answer: 15%

A widely acknowledged standard tip for an overall good experience is 15-20% in the USA.

26. What is NOT an important trait when hiring housekeepers?

From Quiz Careers in the Hospitality Industry

Answer: Height and weight

Nobody's height or weight matters if they can do the job.

27. A circular iron for pressing linens is called a what?

From Quiz Everything and More -- Hotel Linens

Answer: Mangle

Also called a mangling iron. Most are about three feet wide, but some properties have mangles up to eight feet wide!

28. Casseroles and other dishes combining raw and cooked food should be cooked to?

From Quiz Food Handler Safety Part 2

Answer: 165 degrees Fahrenheit

Stuffing should be cooked separately because it acts as an insulator.

29. What do you call the person who sits people in the restuarant?

From Quiz The Waiting Tables' Life

Answer: Host

A host's job is to seat the people who come into the restaurant according to their wishes, the number of people in the group or party and so on.

30. One of our culinary student's first jobs in school was as the "plongeur." It's unpleasant but necessary, and everyone took their turn. What did he do in this position?

From Quiz Wanna Be a Chef?

Answer: Washed the dishes

Washing dishes and cooking vessels is usually the job of the plongeur. A lucky Plongeur in a large kitchen may have a subordinate Marmiton, who washes the pots and pans. Even in modern kitchens, this task isn't completely automated.

This is category 21646
Last Updated Oct 26 2024 5:50 AM
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