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Quiz about Gabriel Knight 2 Part 3
Quiz about Gabriel Knight 2 Part 3

"Gabriel Knight 2" Part 3 Trivia Quiz

Questions on Chapter 3 of the game "Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within"

A multiple-choice quiz by cbingham. Estimated time: 5 mins.
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  9. Gabriel Knight

5 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
# Qns
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10 / 20
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Question 1 of 20
1. How does Gabriel get Leber's attention? Hint

Question 2 of 20
2. What kind of animal does Leber suggest may have caused the killings? Hint

Question 3 of 20
3. How many days before day 3 of this game did the first killing take place? Hint

Question 4 of 20
4. Leber has evidence of how many possible killers? Hint

Question 5 of 20
5. Gabriel believes which one of the killings is different from the others? Hint

Question 6 of 20
6. Does Von Glower have any kids?

Question 7 of 20
7. The four club members that Gabriel hasn't talked to yet are a banker, a lawyer, a politician, and an owner of a butchery and a brewery. Which members are which (put them in the order that their profession is mentioned in this question)? Hint

Question 8 of 20
8. Which club member is "going through a rough spot lately" according to Von Glower? Hint

Question 9 of 20
9. The club philosophy is similar to "The Language of Death," which Gabriel learned from whom? Hint

Question 10 of 20
10. The mask in Von Glower's house was built where? Hint

Question 11 of 20
11. Who was listed in the address book of one of the victims? Hint

Question 12 of 20
12. When was the hunting club formed? Hint

Question 13 of 20
13. How often does the club go hunting together as a group? Hint

Question 14 of 20
14. How does Gabriel get in the basement? Hint

Question 15 of 20
15. Which of the following is one thing Gabriel finds in the basement? Hint

Question 16 of 20
16. Who finds Gabriel in the basement? Hint

Question 17 of 20
17. Who says "I was not in on the discussion but I am sure there was more thought behind [Dr. Klingman's] acceptance than [Gabriel's]?" Hint

Question 18 of 20
18. What is Preiss addicted to? Hint

Question 19 of 20
19. According to Preiss, what happens to a person who doesn't conform to society? Hint

Question 20 of 20
20. Who is the only person who tells Gabriel anything about the black wolf? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. How does Gabriel get Leber's attention?

Answer: He talks to the media

Trying to talk to Leber and show him your business card doesn't work. Showing him the lab report and the evidence still doesn't work. He doesn't want to listen to some American civilian. Gabriel goes to his last resort choice and talks to the media. On camera, Gabriel talks loudly to Leber about the evidence eh found and the lab report he got. Leber angrily comes up to Gabriel and pushes him, furious that Gabriel is making him look bad.

He agrees to meet Gabriel in the station later.
2. What kind of animal does Leber suggest may have caused the killings?

Answer: Pet

Leber admits he did not really think the zoo wolves were the killers because the evidence on the killer doesn't match the zoo wolves. He just wanted the press to believe that because he didn't have any better ideas. Leber's best guess is that the reason he hasn't been able to find the animal is because it's going into someone's home.

When Gabriel asks Leber if he thinks it might be a werewolf, Leber just gives him a skeptical look that says it all. Gabriel then realizes that, once again, he will have to do the police's job for them.

Leber is open to the idea that it could be a wild wolf, but that answer is wrong because because Leber didn't make that suggestion. It was Gabriel who made that suggestion, to which Leber responded "Could be."
3. How many days before day 3 of this game did the first killing take place?

Answer: 32

Leber says the first killing was 32 days ago, two days after the zoo wolves "escaped." With this information, Gabriel realizes that the zoo wolves were probably released from the zoo on purpose as a scapegoat. This should also make you feel even worse than you already felt for the boy at the zoo who was fired.

Not only was the boy not at fault (How is a boy supposed to stop grown men? Especially since one of them was his boss?), but he too was treated as a scapegoat.
4. Leber has evidence of how many possible killers?

Answer: One

Leber has found evidence of only one animal, yet two wolves escaped from the zoo. This is even more proof that the zoo wolves are innocent.
5. Gabriel believes which one of the killings is different from the others?

Answer: Grossberg

Gabriel finds it odd that Grossberg was killed downtown while the others were killed in forests. Leber says "It has to fit. It happened." What Gabriel knows that Leber doesn't know is that this killing was right next to the hunting club, which Gabriel already believes the killer is a member of. According to Gabriel, wolves don't kill so close to their lair unless they are forced to.

This leaves Gabriel to believe that Grossberg was a targeted victim. The other victims were random victims who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
6. Does Von Glower have any kids?

Answer: No

One rule of "Gabriel Knight" games: try to remember ALL of the information that you get. Re-listen to Gabriel's tapes and review Grace's notes if you forget stuff. Because you never know what might be important. This piece of information about Von Glower may sound like ordinary small talk, but it's actually important.
7. The four club members that Gabriel hasn't talked to yet are a banker, a lawyer, a politician, and an owner of a butchery and a brewery. Which members are which (put them in the order that their profession is mentioned in this question)?

Answer: Von Zell, Preiss, Henneman, Von Aigner

All of these people came from wealthy German families. All of these people have also been personally successful.
8. Which club member is "going through a rough spot lately" according to Von Glower?

Answer: Von Zell

This is an important piece of information. It will also be important to find out why Von Zell is "going through a rough spot lately."
9. The club philosophy is similar to "The Language of Death," which Gabriel learned from whom?

Answer: Dr. Klingman

The philosophy of the club is getting back in touch with your animal self, which leads to the subtitle of the game "The Beast Within." According to Von Glower, what makes man different from any other animal is civilization. Von Glower says as men became city dwellers, they stopped using their senses of smell, sight, hearing, etc. the way animals do. As a result, human beings' senses became weak compared to animals. Von Glower wants to regain these senses and he wants other people to regain these senses. Von Glower says that this has worked, that he himself has felt his senses improving although he can't prove it in a documentable way.

This is similar to the "language of death" we learned about from Dr. Klingman. So when Dr. Klingman says that he has found others who share his philosophical beliefs, the hunting club are the "others." It is probable that Dr. Klingman joined the club because of the philosophy.
10. The mask in Von Glower's house was built where?

Answer: India

The mask itself is Indian, but Von Glower picked it up in Brazil. This is important because the lycanthropy book mentioned Manos del Sol in Brazil (the Brazilian equivalent of Schattenjagers). Maybe Von Glower has some connection to the case mentioned in that book?
11. Who was listed in the address book of one of the victims?

Answer: Von Aigner

Gabriel writes down a phone number he sees at the police station. Then he calls that number. He tells the woman that he as an associate with Grossberg. The woman had been calling people in the address book to let them know that Grossberg has died. When she asks Gabriel his last name to cross him off the list, Gabriel says "Knight." When the woman doesn't find the name "Knight" in the book, Gabriel says that he is "von Knight." Then he hears the woman listing the names she is reading and she mentions "Von Aigner." Gabriel has to learn more about Von Aigner's connection with Grossberg.
12. When was the hunting club formed?

Answer: 1970

In 1970, Von Glower came to Munich with a new vision. He hired Xavier in 1972.
13. How often does the club go hunting together as a group?

Answer: Once a month

The group hunts together in a forest once a month. Sometimes they also go to the forest whenever they want by themselves.
14. How does Gabriel get in the basement?

Answer: He puts a cuckoo clock in a plant

Arguably the most absurd puzzle of the game, Gabriel finds a locked door in the hunting club. To get through the locked door, Gabriel buys a cuckoo clock. The cuckoo clock has an alarm clock that's a woodpecker knocking on a little door. Gabriel sets it so that the alarm will go off soon, so as to make Xavier think that someone is at the door. With Xavier away from his desk, Gabriel explores his desk and finds the key to the basement. Gabriel uses this same distraction to put the key back before Xavier notices it missing.
15. Which of the following is one thing Gabriel finds in the basement?

Answer: Exotic trophies

Gabriel finds trophies of lions and tigers in in the basement. Gabriel does not believe that there are lions and tigers in Germany.
16. Who finds Gabriel in the basement?

Answer: Von Zell

It has to be Von Zell who finds Gabriel in the basement because nobody else in the club would object to Gabriel being in the basement. Even though the door to the basement was locked, only Von Zell has any secrets to keep from Gabriel. To point of chapter 3 is to make it so that Von Zell is your chief suspect.

Actually, Xavier would also probably object to Gabriel being in the basement, but he never leaves his area unless he thinks someone is knocking on the back door, and Gabriel is done with the cuckoo clock thing.

Von Glower, being the owner o the club, arguably has as such reason as Von Zell to keep the basement a secret, but even Von Glower is perfectly fine with learning that Gabriel was in the basement.
17. Who says "I was not in on the discussion but I am sure there was more thought behind [Dr. Klingman's] acceptance than [Gabriel's]?"

Answer: Xavier

Three people are jerks to Gabriel in this chapter: Leber, Von Zell, and Xavier. Leber is a jerk because Gabriel makes him look bad. It'll become clearer and clearer why Von Zell is being a jerk to Gabriel. Xavier, on the other hand, is a mystery. It made sense in chapter 1, when Gabriel was just some American who walked off the street into a private club. But now that Gabriel is officially a member of the club (Xavier himself heard and saw Von Glower invite Gabriel into the club) it's a mystery why Xavier is still being a jerk to Gabriel.

It would make much more sense if Von Zell had said this quote. But, believe it or not, it was Xavier.
18. What is Preiss addicted to?

Answer: Women

Preiss tells Gabriel that he is obsessed with women. When Gabriel asks Preiss what he does with women once he's "hooked" them, Preiss replies "Oh, you know." Later in the game, Henneman tells Gabriel that Preiss is in the bathroom, "and he isn't taking a bath."
19. According to Preiss, what happens to a person who doesn't conform to society?

Answer: He or she is killed

Gabriel begins to suspect Preiss as being the killer when he admits that he loves to follow his urges. "What if you get the natural urge to rip someone's throat out?" asks Gabriel. Preiss says that nature takes care of that situation itself. According to Preiss "In the wild, when a member of society does not conform, he is hunted down and executed." This is a pretty good description of how morality evolved.
20. Who is the only person who tells Gabriel anything about the black wolf?

Answer: Leber

When Gabriel asks Leber about the black wolf, Leber digs up an old case. There had been a bunch of wolf killings years before the case in the game. A woman saw a black wolf, but nobody believed her. Nobody had ever even heard of wolves in Munich, much less a black wolf. Now that this case has come up and Gabriel asked him about it, Leber realizes that the woman was telling the truth all along.

Preiss says he's heard of the black wolf, but he says he doesn't know anything about.

When Gabriel asks Von Zell about the black wolf, he replies "No," but the game follows this up with some ominous music that makes it clear he does know something about the black wolf.

When Gabriel asks Von Glower about the black wolf, Von Glower spills his drink. Von Glower doesn't say anything about the black wolf though, he just talks about the killings.
Source: Author cbingham

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