Author Biography: LadyNym
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LadyNym has been a FunTrivia author since
Jun 23 15 and has written
406 quizzes.
LadyNym writes for many different categories, but is most active in
General Knowledge, and
Humanities, and has won
27 Editor's Choice awards on submitted quizzes.
- has earned 13,898 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
- has adopted / renovated 56 quizzes that required editing work to date.
- last seen online Dec 14 24, and most recent quiz went online Dec 07 24.
Bio: Semi-retired foreign language teacher, art and geography buff. Originally from a certain boot-shaped country, but a resident of the good ole US of A since November 2008.
Hobbies: Reading, music, cooking, crafts, art, traveling, languages