tdakoo has been a FunTrivia author since Dec 13 06 and has written 56 quizzes.
tdakoo strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Movies, and
Celebrities, and has won 1 Editor's Choice award on submitted quizzes.
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E! Entertainment Channel recently listed its top fifty Chick Flicks of all time. Here's the lowdown on the top ten! (If you like this quiz look for parts 1-4 about the other forty films).
E! Entertainment Channel recently listed its top fifty Chick Flicks of all time. Here's the lowdown on numbers 50-41. (If you like the quiz look for parts 2-5 for the rest of the list!)
E! Entertainment Channel recently listed its top fifty Chick Flicks of all time. Here's the lowdown on numbers 30-21. (If you like the quiz look for parts 1, 2, 4 and 5 for the rest of the list).
E! Entertainment Channel recently listed its top fifty Chick Flicks of all time. Here's the lowdown on numbers 20-11. (If you like this quiz look for parts 1, 2, 3 and 5 to see the full list).
E! Entertainment Channel recently listed its top fifty Chick Flicks of all time. Here's the lowdown on numbers 40-31. (If you like the quiz look for parts 1, 3, 4 and 5 for the remaining movies).
The first three season of "Grey's Anatomy" focused on five surgical interns. See if you can match the intern to the question. For each question the answer is Meredith, Cristina, Izzie, George or Alex.
A turning point in Merdith and Derek's relationship happened after she told him to "pick me, choose me, love me." See what you know about the second installment of their relationship.
I will give you the name of a hero, and you must tell me what that person's power is. Be careful, these aren't the common heroes, but some of the more obscure ones.
"How I Met Your Mother" is a great love story in reverse. We know Ted will eventually marry and have children, but we don't know who the lucky lady is. See what you know about Ted and his friends.
The charming movie "27 Dresses" is about a woman who has been a bridesmaid 27 times, with one ugly dress after another. See what you remember about this film. (Warning! Contains spoilers if you haven't seen the film!)
We all know about "McDreamy" but what other words have the doctors of Seattle Grace added "Mc" to? Fill in the blanks to the following questions about the McLanguage of "Grey's Anatomy."
When Addison Shepherd arrived in Seattle she threw a wrench into Derek and Meredith's budding relationship. Though she was initially hated by viewers she grew to be a fan favorite and became a regular cast member. What do you remember about Addison?
Cristina Yang is the most competitive surgical intern at Seattle Grace Hospital. See what you know about her, and if you can keep up with her competitive spirit.
The ABC series centers around the close-knit Walker family and the various problems that they all have. See what you know about this wacky but wonderful family.
In its sixth season "Scrubs" episode "My Musical," a patient with an aneurysm heard everyone's words as songs. See if you can figure out who sang what.
Seattle Grace Intern Alex Karev may have a terrible bedside manner, but that doesn't mean we don't love him. See what you know about this inter that everyone loves to hate. This covers season one through three.
In the 20th episode of "Heroes" we get a glimpse into the future, what could possibly happen if the bomb is not stopped. See what you remember about the future and the episode "Five Years Gone."
So you've seen all of John Cusack's movies, but have you paid attention to his co-stars? Or are you too busy looking into those nice dark eyes? Test your knowledge about John's on-screen loves.
Here's a quiz about the wonderful little film "Waitress," and its pies. The movie stars Keri Russell as a young pregnant waitress named Jenna who is stuck with a mean, controlling husband.
"The Break-Up" (2006) stars now broken up couple Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn. In the movie, neither wants to give up their condo, and hilarity ensues.
When Eric Dane joined the cast of "Grey's Anatomy" his presence threw a wrench in these doctors' lives. See what you know about Mark Sloan, AKA "McSteamy."
After the interns get into trouble for cutting Denny's LVAD, they must throw a Prom for the chief's niece. What do remember about the Prom and the group's previous prom experiences?
He got his start in the 1980s, suffered a dry spell, and then re-emerged as a household name in 2005 thanks to "Grey's Anatomy" and a little character known as "McDreamy". Test your knowledge about Patrick Dempsey.
The series "October Road" revolves around a young man's return to his hometown after a ten year absence in which he wrote a book and portrayed his town and friends in an unflattering light. Needless to say, they aren't very pleased with his return.