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65 Pride and Prejudice Trivia Questions & Answers

Pride and Prejudice
This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Pride and Prejudice, as asked by users of

There are 65 questions on this topic. Last updated Jul 26 2024.
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1 'Miss Elizabeth, let us take a turn about the room.' Who said it?
Answer: Caroline Bingley

Caroline asks Elizabeth this during Elizabeth's stay at Netherfield. Elizabeth has just gotten into a conversation with Mr. Darcy and Caroline is not happy, so she asks her this in an attempt to distract them.
trivia question Quick Question
Who says "We are all fools in love"?

2 "From this day henceforth it seems you must be a stranger to one of your parents." Who says this?
Answer: Mr. Bennet

This is said by Mr. Bennet after Elizabeth's mother threatens to never see her again as she has turned down Mr. Collins' proposal of marriage. Mrs. Bennet wants her to marry Mr. Collins, but her father, on the other hand finds Mr. Collins a pompous fool, and thinks Lizzy is right in declining him.
3 Who lives at Rosings Park?
Answer: Lady Catherine de Bourgh and Miss Anne de Bourgh

Lady Catherine de Bourgh and her daughter live at Rosings Park. Lady Catherine is Mr. Darcy's aunt, and Anne, his cousin. Lady Catherine is wealthy and very conceited. A widow, she lives with her daughter, and is surrounded by her servants. To make their evenings less dull, the Boughs often invite company to dine, including Mr. and Mrs. Collins and Elizabeth when she visits. Lady Catherine takes great pleasure in listening to music, and asks Elizabeth to play the pianoforte for her, when she visits Rosings. She declares she would've been a great musician, if she had learned to play, and that her daughter would've too, if she wasn't so sickly.
4 Mr. Collins, who is to inherit Longbourn, proposes to Elizabeth, who refuses him, but he then marries _____________, who is a close friend of the Bennet family.
Answer: Charlotte Lucas

Elizabeth is very upset when she hears that her dear friend is going to marry a man who is so "ridiculous", but Charlotte seeks the protection of marriage and knows that she cannot afford to be romantic.
5 The film opens with which character walking across muddy fields?
Answer: Elizabeth Bennet

Elizabeth arrives home to hear the news of Mr Bingley's arrival at Netherfield House. Longbourn is portrayed as a chaotic household, always full of too many giggling girls, with only Mr Bennet's study a refuge from the silliness.
6 "Oh, Mr. Bennet!"
Answer: Mrs. Bennet

Mrs. Bennet says this every time she becomes upset, which happens over and over again.
7 'I am in no mood to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men.'
Answer: Mr. Darcy

At the ball where Mr. Darcy first meets Elizabeth.
8 'Don't you dare judge me Lizzy, Don't you dare judge me!' Who said it?
Answer: Charlotte Lucas

This is said when Charlotte tells Elizabeth that she is to marry Mr. Collins.
Mr. Collins has been recently refused by Lizzy and Charlotte was the only one who gave him comfort after the refusal.
9 "You have bewitched me body and soul." Who says it?
Answer: Mr. Darcy

This is said by Mr. Darcy in one of the final scenes as he and Elizabeth meet early in the morning. He makes a second marriage proposal, not in the way he did before in April, but more gently and passionately.
10 What is the first line spoken in the movie?
Answer: "Lydia? Kitty!"

At the beginning of the movie, as we first view the Longbourn estate,
Lydia and Kitty rush past Jane, in the Bennet's house, and Jane exclaims "Lydia? Kitty!" Jane is surprised at their sudden rush, and is also questioning the reason for it. Their rush is caused by them hearing their parents talking in the study about Mr. Bingley, and they run to the door of the study so they can hear more about the single man.

The line "Mary? Elizabeth!" is never spoken in the movie.
Mrs. Bennet exclaims "Mr. Bennet how can you tease me so?" shortly after, upon hearing that her husband has already waited on Mr. Bingley, without her noticing.
11 What happens when Mr Bingley and his party arrive at Sir William Lucas's ball?
Answer: Everyone goes silent and turns to look.

Mr Darcy is suitably forbidding when he first appears and Mr Bingley is all smiles. Sir William Lucas introduces Mrs Bennet and three of her daughters to Mr Bingley and his friend. Mr Bingley dances with Jane but Mr Darcy does not dance at all - he has not the talent of conversing with strangers! In the film, only one of Mr Bingley's sisters is with him - Mr and Mrs Hurst do not appear at all.
12 "Perhaps we should say that Mary King is safe."
Answer: Elizabeth

Elizabeth says this upon hearing that Mary King has been sent away.
13 'I have as much right to be asked as she does! And more so for I'm two years older!'
Answer: Kitty

When Lydia gets invited by Mrs. Foster to go to Brighton with them.
14 'Oh Mr Bennet, how can you tease me so?' Who said it?
Answer: Mrs Bennet

Mrs Bennet says this after being teased by Mr Bennet about her obsession with Mr Bingley coming to Netherfield. Mr Bennet pretended not to care about Mr Bingley, while in fact, he had already called on him!
15 "Dancing. Even if one's partner is barely tolerable." Who says this?
Answer: Elizabeth

This is said by the heroine, Elizabeth, at a ball, after asked by Mr. Darcy, "What would you recommend to encourage affection?" Elizabeth had previously overheard Mr. Darcy referring to her as "barely tolerable".
16 Who is Mr. Darcy played by?
Answer: Matthew Macfadyen

Matthew Macfadyen was born in October 17, 1974. A British actor, he is best known for his role in the BBC television series "Spooks", as M15 agent Tom Quinn.

Colin Firth played Mr. Darcy in the 1995 version of the film.
Donald Sutherland plays Mr. Bennet in the 2005 "Pride and Prejudice" movie.
Orlando Bloom - is a fantastic actor, but not is in this movie (unfortunately).
17 How does Jane travel to Netherfield?
Answer: On horseback

Mrs Bennet refuses to let her have the carriage, in the hope that it will rain later and Jane be forced to stay the night. She is more than satisfied when Jane catches a cold and Lizzy takes it upon herself to walk to Netherfield to nurse her sister.
18 "I only mention it because it was the living I should have had."
Answer: Mr. Wickham

He says this to try and win Lizzy back to his side.
19 'The chimney piece in the drawing room alone cost an excess of eight hundred pounds.'
Answer: Mr. Collins

Mr. Collins mentions this fact at least three times throughout the course of the movie.
20 'Jane, I have been so blind...' Who said it?
Answer: Elizabeth Bennet

This is said by Lizzy as she is about to tell Jane all that Mr Darcy has done for their family, but she is interrupted by Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley. Mr Bingley has come to propose to Jane.
21 "Yes! A thousand times, yes!" Who says this?
Answer: Jane

After Mr. Bingley proposes to Jane she accepts by saying, "Yes! A thousand times, yes!' Mrs. Bennet, Kitty, Mary and Elizabeth listen at the door. Jane was very relieved as she was under the impression that Mr. Bingley had lost his affection for her, courtesy of his sister Caroline Bingley.
22 Did anyone else, aside from Mr. Darcy, want to marry Elizabeth?
Answer: Yes, Mr. Collins

The absurd and slightly pushy Mr. Collins is the first person to make Lizzy an offer of marriage. His original choice is Jane, but after he is advised that she is soon to be engaged, he chooses Lizzy for his future wife. Unfortunately for him, all does not go to plan and he suffers a harsh rejection. Mr. Collins then goes on to marry Charlotte, in order to fill his house in Kent. Collins is a comical character and as absurd, wacky, and just plain weird as he is, he too has a real love and pride for his profession, (he is a clergyman). He genuinely wants to help the Bennets out, by marrying Elizabeth.

Mr. Bingley never seems to have any romantic views for Lizzy, and though Lizzy at first seems to fancy Mr. Wickham, he never has any intention of marrying her.
23 Lizzie goes to visit Charlotte at her new home and is invited to Rosings on her first night there. Elizabeth is asked to do what by Lady Catherine after dinner?
Answer: play the piano

Elizabeth, Charlotte, Mr. Collins, Colonel Fitzwilliam, Mr. Darcy, Lady Catherine De Bourgh and Anne are all in the room at this time. Elizabeth says that she does not have self-modesty, but does indeed play poorly. Lady Catherine does, though, make it known that she herself would have been proficient had she practiced, as would her own daughter, had her health permitted it.
24 How many truly accomplished women does Darcy claim to know?
Answer: Half a dozen

When he tells Elizabeth the qualities he considers necessary for a woman to be described as accomplished, she wonders at him knowing any at all. And then she giggles. Keira Knightley giggles a lot in this film. I'm not sure Jane Austen envisaged her that way!
25 "I shall have to be bought new clothes."
Answer: Lydia

She tells Mrs. Bennet this when explaining that she has been invited to go to Brighton.