mrbell has been a FunTrivia author since Oct 28 07 and has written 27 quizzes.
mrbell strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
People, and
Video Games.
has earned 2,616 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Bio: :D
Hobbies: Hobbies? I'm supposed to have hobbies????
How well do you know pirate language? What's the difference between a caulker and a cackle fruit? Let's find out. If you have read "Pirates" by John Matthews or "Pirateology" by William Lubber, then you will probably ace this quiz! Good Luck1
Do you really know Robert E. Lee? You've heard of him, you know about his legendary failure at Gettysburg, but what about Lee's life before the Civil War?
This is yet another installment in my new series. By now, we have entered the 1800's and are experiencing more change and war than ever.
Up next- Generally Speaking: The Seminole War
Welcome to Who Was I In History?#5! If you've played my other four quizzes in the series, then you know the drill. If not, it is quite self- explanatory.