nmerr has been a FunTrivia author since Aug 31 09 and has written 185 quizzes.
nmerr is a generalist author, preferring to author quizzes across all categories, with the most common being
People, and
has earned 11,071 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
has adopted / renovated 1 quiz that required editing work to date.
last seen online Dec 11 24, and most recent quiz went online Oct 06 24.
Bio: "I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." Hippolyte Taine
Clowns have been around since ancient times. Some are funny, some creepy. This list of clowns originated on TV, stage, film, or in literature. Match the name of the clown with the actor or author who originated the role.
Do you find yourself knocking on wood for good measure? How about ladders? Do you walk around them rather than walk under them? Now try your hand at these superstitions.
This quiz contains songs from some of the greatest rock bands of all time. I'll give you the name of a song, you pick the correct rock band. Good luck.
There are many myths surrounding rock singers and their bands. Is there any truth to those myths? First you'll need to identify the artists before that question can be answered.
Remember those marketing icons that have appeared over the years on TV commercials, magazine ads, and even billboards? Here are ten of them for your quizzing pleasure.