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Quiz about Survivor 43  Looking For Clues
Quiz about Survivor 43  Looking For Clues

"Survivor 43" - Looking For Clues Quiz

In the third post-COVID-19 production, "Survivor 43" continued the trend of no theme, just a number. However, the season was still full of twists and deceptions. Let's work our way through it until we are left with the sole survivor for "Survivor 43".

A multiple-choice quiz by 1nn1. Estimated time: 4 mins.
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4 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 30 22
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Question 1 of 10
1. "Survivor 43" was off to a cracking pace when newly-landed contestants had to perform their first challenge before they could even make it to their respective campsites. What were they playing for? Hint

Question 2 of 10
2. In Season 41, a Beware Advantage was introduced that enforced restrictions upon any finder of this advantage if they removed it from its hiding place. It was used again in Seasons 42 and 43. What was included in the Season 43 Beware Advantage? Hint

Question 3 of 10
3. Season 43 saw the continuation of the summit ascent, with one tribe member from each tribe climbing to the summit and making an individual decision on the descent. Which of the following consequences did *NOT* come into play this season? Hint

Question 4 of 10
4. On "Survivor 43" the merge arrived on day 13 or did it? It was termed 'Mergatory', a play on 'Purgatory'. Why? Hint

Question 5 of 10
5. Day 17 saw a double elimination. How did this work in Season 43?

Question 6 of 10
6. One of the contestants on "Survivor43" was a Paralympian. Which one? Hint

Question 7 of 10
7. Day 21 saw a return of an old favourite immunity challenge - "Last Gasp" which resulted in an unprecedented outcome. What "Survivor" first occurred on this episode? Hint

Question 8 of 10
8. With only six players remaining on "Survivor 43" a BIG move was made: Cody hatched a plan with Karla to blindside Owen or Gabler but Cody was going to use this plan to send Karla home with her idol still in her pocket. Who actually was banished to the Jury? Hint

Question 9 of 10
9. In the penultimate episode there were two immunity challenges meaning the final five became the final three. Who played the third and final immunity idol to ensure they made the final four? Hint

Question 10 of 10
10. In "Survivor" a perfect game is one where the winner has no vote placed against him at every Tribal Council and a unanimous Jury vote. Did the winner of "Survivor 43" play a perfect game? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. "Survivor 43" was off to a cracking pace when newly-landed contestants had to perform their first challenge before they could even make it to their respective campsites. What were they playing for?

Answer: Flint, pot, machete

Because of the COVID-19 restrictions in Fiji which has been the sole setting for the last twelve "Survivor" seasons, all contestants and crew had to be fully vaccinated and quarantine periods had been used on some seasons. So the two "Survivor" seasons per year were shot back to back. To facilitate this, the duration of each season was reduced to 26 days. Typical resources given to contestants like flint, rice, and machete were not given at the start of the 26 days - Tribes had to win challenges to earn them. There were three tribes this season: Vesi won the flint through some inventive strategy by Cody. Coco and Baka had to do a second challenge at their campsite within time limits to earn a flint which they did.

However at the first immunity challenge, not only did the losing team have to go to Tribal Council, they had to forfeit their flint (and win it back at the next challenge).
2. In Season 41, a Beware Advantage was introduced that enforced restrictions upon any finder of this advantage if they removed it from its hiding place. It was used again in Seasons 42 and 43. What was included in the Season 43 Beware Advantage?

Answer: A powerless hidden immunity idol

When found, a Beware Advantage states on the outside that if opened the contents must be followed. If the finder did not want to take that risk, they could leave the package where found and walk away.

In Season 43, an idol was included but it was powerless. To activate the idol, the finder had to obtain beads that decorated each tribemates' bag and add them to the bracelet idol before bringing it to Tribal Council for protection if played. If the bracelet was missing even a single bead from the bracelet any time the finder went to Tribal Council, they were forbidden to vote. A further restriction was that each bead had to be willingly given to the finder - stealing a bead was not permitted.

The person on each tribe who found the Beware Advantage went about the task differently:
Cody found the Beware Advantage at the Vesi camp on day 5 just hours before Tribal Council. He asked for help from his trusted tribe mates Jesse and Nneka. Between them they managed to surreptitiously persuade Dwight, Justine, and Noelle to give Cody their beads in time for Tribal Council, hence allowing Cody to vote.

On Day 6, Karla found the Beware Advantage at the Coco camp but did not want it initially, but went back later and claimed it. Without telling the tribe, that she found it, Karla obtained all her tribemates' beads by trading some of her own personal items, which retained her vote and activated her Idol.

Jeanine found the Beware Advantage at the Baka camp on day 10. She shared it with her tribe mates (except Gabler) but still persuaded him to give her his bead. She, therefore, had an active idol and kept her vote.
3. Season 43 saw the continuation of the summit ascent, with one tribe member from each tribe climbing to the summit and making an individual decision on the descent. Which of the following consequences did *NOT* come into play this season?

Answer: Get Out of Jail card

Introduced in season 41 (and facilitated by filming in the same location - Fiji - For seasons 41-43) an appointed tribe member from each tribe travelled to the island with the summit and they climbed together. They then decided on an individual decision on the descent to either protect their vote or risk it. Those who chose to "risk" their vote would play a probability, drawing blindly from a bag containing the same number of possible advantages as players who chose to "risk" their vote. One player would receive an advantage while the rest, if any lost, their tribal council vote. Those who "protected" their vote retained their vote and gained no advantage.

The three advantages revealed since Season 41 included: Steal-a-Vote, Knowledge is Power and a Time-limited Immunity Idol.

On the second day Karla, Gabler, and Dwight climbed the summit, and on the way down, Karla protected her vote, but Dwight and Gabler risked theirs. Gabler won an idol that expired after his next two Tribal Councils (he told the entire tribe about the idol but did not tell them it was time-limited). Dwight lost his vote and the explanation he gave upon his return was not believed by Cody or Jesse.

On day 7, Owen Noelle and James climbed the summit and hatched a plan. Because Noelle thought she was on the outer of her tribe, she swore loyalty to James and Owen when the merge would occur if she was the sole person to risk her vote.. Owen and James agreed and protected their votes. This allowed Noelle to take the advantage without risk of losing her vote. The advantage gained (when she returned to camp) was the Steal A Vote twist. On Day 17, Noelle, after the merge and despite her promise, used the Vote Steal to negate Owen's vote as part of a plan to blindside James 4-1.

A third ascent took place on day 11: Jeanine, Jesse and Geo, climbed and all three individually decided to risk their vote to gain an advantage. Geo won, meaning Jeanine and Jesse lost their votes. Geo was awarded the Knowledge is Power advantage when he returned to camp. Mistakenly he told Karla, his alliance partner that he had the advantage. Karla told other tribe members so Geo was blindsided at Tribal Council the same day, taking the Knowledge is Power advantage home with him. However, on day 14 the KIP advantage was put back into play and James found the clue near the well telling him to find the as-yet-unnamed advantage under the shelter which James received. However, the tribe suspected he had a KIP advantage. He was subsequently voted out on day 17 without ever using his advantage.
4. On "Survivor 43" the merge arrived on day 13 or did it? It was termed 'Mergatory', a play on 'Purgatory'. Why?

Answer: It was a two stage process involving an immunity challenge - You had to earn your place on the merged tribe

Starting with Season 41, Earn the Merge occurred at the end of the pre-merge phase of the game. Competing tribes, without tribe colours or affiliations, were divided into two teams of equal numbers and then competed in an Immunity Challenge. The winning team members (Blue - Karla, Gabler, Ryan, Dwight, Jeanine and Jesse + Noelle*) then earned the right to enter the merge. They were also rewarded with a customary merge feast, a new different coloured Buff, and immunity at the next Tribal Council where a member of the losing team was voted out. However, the collective group lived at the merge camp overnight before the tribal council. Talk about scrambling! The whole group attended Tribal Council and voted Elie out, after which the remaining players were officially merged. (Gabler threw Elie under the bus for going through his bag early in the game - It was actually Jeanine and Elie that did this). However, Elie made too many deals with the 'losers' and was consequently blindsided with 7/11 eligible votes.

* There were 13 players. The odd player out, Noelle chose the blue team to win the challenge, and as such, won immunity as well. If she had chosen the losing team, she would have been up for elimination with the losing team members.

In "Survivor 41" the "Hourglass Advantage" was introduced to potentially reverse the results of the merge challenge, swapping the winning team's immunity with the losing team, including the player who broke the hourglass.

The "Do or Die" twist subjects the last place finisher of a predetermined Immunity Challenge to a game of chance based on the Monty Hall problem. If they choose wrongly they will be eliminated on the spot. If they win, they are granted immunity.

The hourglass was longer in play in "Survivor 43" - there was a specific announcement that, guaranteed the winning team immunity. . Similarly the "Doe or Die" twist was no longer an option either.
5. Day 17 saw a double elimination. How did this work in Season 43?

Answer: The team divided into two teams for an immunity challenge followed by two separate tribal councils.

Both formats have been used with the sequential voting pattern first used in Season 13, "Survivor: Cook Islands" It was modified slightly after "Survivor Redemption Island" (S22) and again in Season 23 on "Survivor: South Pacific" with an impromptu immunity challenge straight after tribal council (on survival trivia) with another person voted out.

The current format where the tribe divides into two smaller teams plays the same immunity challenge and then have two separate tribal councils first appeared in "Survivor: Ghost Island" (S36) and again in "Survivor, Island of the Idols" (S38). With the shortened game of 26 days, down from 39, it made sense to have a double, as part of the new shortened format as it was an efficient way of eliminating contestants quickly. As such it has been used in the shortened S41 and S42 before inevitably being used in S43. In this season there was a bonus for the temporary team that lasted the longest player winning a peanut butter and jelly sandwich reward for their temporary team. The two teams were divided by random draw with Karla winning for one team and Cody winning overall earning the PB&J sandwiches for his five teammates. At Tribal Council Blue team, Noelle used her steal-a-vote against Owen, then used her two votes with Sami's vote to blindside James. Sami convinced Karla to vote out James as well. James was left unaware, voting for Owen and went to the Jury to join Janine voted out last episode.

Red team, separated from Blue team after the challenge, had the second Tribal council so could see James had gone to the Jury. Cassidy and Ryan petitioned for one another but Cody and Jess brought Gabler into their alliance to make a majority and decided who to pick off, before blindsiding Ryan (4-1), who became the third Jury member.
6. One of the contestants on "Survivor43" was a Paralympian. Which one?

Answer: Noelle

Noelle lost her leg in an accident in 2016 but she said she never let it define her. She returned to playing high-level lacrosse after her accident and two years later, qualified for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Track & Field team where set a new American record in the 100-meter race.

On day 18 she got her artificial leg caught in a net obstacle making her drop to last place. She removed her leg and completed the reward challenge on one leg, coming from behind to win the reward which included a feast and letters from home for the three other people she chose (Sami, Jesse, and Owen). She received high praise from host Jeff Probst for her bravery and congratulations from her teammates on her effort moreso than the win itself.

However, that was not enough to save her after the next immunity challenge won by Cassidy. Cody engineered the votes to be split between Sami and Karla so his alliance could blindside Noelle which is what happened with Noelle attracting 5 votes Karla 2 and Sami 1.

Five of the first six eliminations were all women. The first to go on Day 3 was Morriah followed by Justine on Day 5, Nneka on Day 7 and Lindsay on Day 9. Geo was the only male sent home pre-merge. Elie was the last to go home before the merge.
7. Day 21 saw a return of an old favourite immunity challenge - "Last Gasp" which resulted in an unprecedented outcome. What "Survivor" first occurred on this episode?

Answer: Two people outlasted the challenge and won immunity

This is a particularly brutal challenge: The players must move under a steel grate which, initially, is a few inches above the water. As the tide rises, a player runs out of space to breathe. If the fear of drowning becomes overwhelming, the player moves out from under the grate to allow them to breathe again. The last person still under the grate wins.

The challenge first appeared in Palau (S10) and has since appeared in the two "Fan vs Favorites" seasons: Micronesia (S16), and Caramoan (S26).

Additionally, Cody had won an advantage: "Choose Your Champion" which meant if he correctly named the event's winner before it started, he would also receive immunity.

In this particular version of the challenge, both Karla and Owen outlasted the incoming tide and as the tide receded, the challenge became obsolete. Both received immunity as did Cody who correctly picked Owen as the winner. (We also learned that a second immunity necklace is always available - but it took 43 seasons for one to be used).

Sami paid the price for lying about who he voted for previously and other indiscretions and was sent home unanimously at the subsequent Tribal Council.
8. With only six players remaining on "Survivor 43" a BIG move was made: Cody hatched a plan with Karla to blindside Owen or Gabler but Cody was going to use this plan to send Karla home with her idol still in her pocket. Who actually was banished to the Jury?

Answer: Cody

Six players remained - two girls and four boys. Karla lied about not having an idol; further, Cassidy wanted her one-time ally gone because Karla was gunning for her. The four men made a deal to oust Karla. As Cassidy won immunity, the males confirmed Karla was the one to be voted out.

Cody devised a plan with Karla for both of them to state at Tribal Council that they would both play their idols but then retain them so that Gabler or Owen would be blindsided. Kody told his closest ally Jesse about the plan as Jesse held Cody's idol (in case a Knowledge is Power advantage was still in play). At Tribal Council, Jesse played Cody's idol for Owen, making Karla nervous, so she played hers to save herself.

Cody voted for Karla (immune), Karla voted for Owen (immune) and Jesse organised a coup against his closest ally, Cody, with the other three contestants and they voted 4-0. This was the biggest move in Survivor 43. The Jury was impressed with Jesse's skill in ousting, arguably, the game's biggest threat.
9. In the penultimate episode there were two immunity challenges meaning the final five became the final three. Who played the third and final immunity idol to ensure they made the final four?

Answer: Jesse

All three immunity bracelets were active in episode 2. Two came out in the penultimate 12th episode and the final one came out in the last episode. This is perhaps the longest that idols have been retained in the game. The only other idol that was in play was Gabler's time-limited idol which expired after two tribal councils.

Jeanine initially held the third immunity bracelet but gave it to Dwight to negate any Knowledge is Power advantage being played. However, Dwight was sent home with the idol at Tribal Council. However, in the next episode, it was revealed that Dwight told Jesse where to find the idol at camp. Jesse had held the idol since that time and he displayed it before the vote to show he had it. A live Tribal Council then took place. Karla was voted out as Jesse played the idol for himself. The Jury were mightily impressed.

Cassidy won the final immunity challenge and took Owen to the Jury with her (presumably because she perceived him to be the weakest of the three remaining males). Gabler and Jesse were relegated to a fire challenge which was 'regarded as a "million dollar fire" as all Jesse had to do was win that challenge because it was widely accepted that if Jesse got into the final three his two big moves would have almost guaranteed him the winner's cheque.

However, Gabler won the challenge, sending Jesse to the Jury, leaving the final three as the unlikely trio of Cassidy, Gabler and Owen.
10. In "Survivor" a perfect game is one where the winner has no vote placed against him at every Tribal Council and a unanimous Jury vote. Did the winner of "Survivor 43" play a perfect game?

Answer: No, Gabler had no Tribal Council votes but he won 7-1 from the Jury

When "Survivor 43" was aired in 2022", only JT from "Survivor: Tocantins" (S18) and Cochran from "Survivor: Caramoan" (S26) had been the only players in to be credited with a "perfect game".

Gabler was considered an unlikely winner. He got off to a shaky start with eccentric behaviour and he was ill from exposure to the elements - He was probably saved by his idol which he told his tribemates about. (But not that it was time-limited), However, he steadied and played a 'middle game' where he was social enough around camp and could be brought into alliances when needed, allowing him to know what was transpiring across several alliances and be on the right side of the majority of the votes. He was never considered a threat so no one ever wrote his name down at Tribal Council. At the Final Jury meeting, he charmed the Jury and took out the vote 7-1-0 with Cassidy getting James' vote.

During the after-show, Gabler pledged to donate million dollar winner's cheque to the Veterans in Need Foundation under his father's name.
Source: Author 1nn1

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