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Quiz about Thisll Test Your Questing Prowess
Quiz about Thisll Test Your Questing Prowess

This'll Test Your Questing Prowess Quiz

It is sad times for the king and queen of Greater Vache. Someone has "petnapped" their Primrosian Rhomboid named Skeeter. Do you have what it takes to rescue their pet? Try to pick the most correct answer!

A multiple-choice quiz by myrdinsasnak. Estimated time: 11 mins.
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11 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Nov 16 23
# Qns
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5 / 10
Editor's Choice
Question 1 of 10
1. Skeeter has been petnapped! The news shocks the kingdom of Greater Vache. Who would dare take the royal Primrosian Rhomboid?

The royal chamberlain, Lord FIFO, is suspected. He has mysteriously vanished along with the pet. The King and Queen appoint a new chamberlain, Lord LIFO, who quickly puts a call out for brave adventurers. The reward offered for Skeeter's return is a rich one; many adventurers are expected to come. The King and Queen will only allow one person to quest for their pet at a time and you are determined to be the first to try.

Lord LIFO asks all aspiring adventurers to form a line in the castle courtyard five days hence at the stroke of noon, so you decide to...

Question 2 of 10
2. The King and Queen open up their vaults and offer you the use of any of their numerous and most wonderful arcane items. You take the ones you judge to be the most helpful, placing them in a large burlap sack.

Before departing on your quest, you talk with Skeeter's nanny, Carla Moosehair. You learn that Skeeter really liked beefsteak heliconias. Thinking that it might very well come in handy, you...

Question 3 of 10
3. Investigating the grounds where Skeeter lived, you discover a tuft of Derlickian Narnak hair near Skeeter's toy bouncy-bouncys.

Looking through the magical items you have, you count your lucky stars that you chose to bring the Cherubian Stasis Ipswhistle of Derlickian Narnak Analysis from the royal vault.

Placing the hair in the device, you learn that it belongs to the twin henchmen of chamberlain FIFO, Bububu Narnak and Kidichi Narnak. Their last known hideout is in the Mtoni Ruins, near their home in the Red Colobus Housing Complex on the outskirts of the Jozani Forest.

You ask a nearby giant purple winged wallabee to give you a lift and it nods. You then begin the long flight to...

Question 4 of 10
4. Arriving at the hideout, you thank the very tired winged wallabee and bid it goodbye.

You are sad to find the Narnak twins long gone. They have fled through the Portal of Horror to the Dark Castle of the Bovines. You step through the Portal of Horror after them and find yourself back in time. It is January of 2005.

You find yourself in a mist filled room, the portal exit lies ahead blocked by three mysterious men. They introduce themselves as Stephen King, Edgar Allan Poe, and Charles Dickens.

A magical raven feather appears in your hand and speaks to you. "If you wish to continue," says the feather, "you must slay the ghosts by tickling them with me, the feather of death. Slay them in the order of the oldest to the youngest, based on how long their spirits have walked the earth."

You apologize to the ghosts and begin your morbid task. You take the feather and tickle...

Question 5 of 10
5. You step out of the portal and for the first time during your quest become afraid. On top of a nearby hill is the menacing Castle Bovine.

On your way to the dark castle, you are stopped by a cow dressed in green leotards peppered with funny looking black question marks. The cow, who says his name is sometimes Frank, sometimes John, and sometimes Jim, claims to have once been human. A strange bat-like creature has laid a curse upon him. It can only be broken if someone figures out who he was before being transformed into a cow.

You smile and say that's easy, you were...

Question 6 of 10
6. You enter the castle and enter a windowless tower guarded by The Fell Beast Of A Million Eyes. It is a monstrous mass of lidless eyes surrounding a single large red eyeball. Several hundred thousand of the eyes see you enter the tower. The large red eye fires a ruby red laser beam at you. You hold up your Shield of Anti-Ouchies to block its harmful affects. The laser burns the shield to a crisp. The giant red eye is charging up for another shot. Trying to recall what the word laser stands for and knowing you only have seconds to act, you reach into your bag of magic items and... Hint

Question 7 of 10
7. You find the Narnak brothers caged at the top of the tower. in the cage with them is a slug-eating ninja penguin.

Kidichi Narnak tells you that the evil FIFO took Skeeter. Bububu Narnak says that they will only tell you where FIFO has gone if you release them from their prison. You examine their cage but see no way to free them. You lean against the side wall to rest and cause a compartment to open that has a control console in it with several colorful buttons.

Kidichi says that FIFO mentioned that they would only gain their freedom if first a chartreuse button is pressed followed by a fuchsia button.

Looking at all the colorful buttons on the console, you are not sure which one is the chartreuse button and which one is the fuchsia button. The Narnak twins do not know either.

You say that you will give it a guess and Kidichi says to be sure. If the wrong buttons are pressed, the two brothers will be turned into large slugs.

The slug-eating ninja penguin grins in anticipation as you...

Question 8 of 10
8. After releasing the Narnak brothers, they happily tell you that FIFO has taken Skeeter to his estate in the Mountains of Vrududu. You arrive at Vrududu Pass and are stopped by a singing horse.

"My name is Clyde de Maurice," he sings in a French accent. "I was born and raised in Paris where I did many good deeds, striving to be brave, courteous, and gallant. This angered an evil wizard who cursed me. Whenever I am addressed using the correct honorific and issued an order, I must obey it until someone comes along and gives me a new order in the correct manner. FIFO knows this and ordered me to defend this pass with my life."

Feeling sorry for the horse and not wanting to battle it to the death (besides it is a big horse with sharp hooves and strong teeth), you think a minute and say...

Question 9 of 10
9. Once into the land of Vrududu, you proceed to the mountains. Along the way you pass a large mechanical object built from wood and metal with a large screw at its center. It smells of linseed oil. A bit further along, you find two nurseries. One, located in a long glass building, is peaceful and quiet. The other, a red brick building, is noisy and smells of diapers.

Soon you reach the tallest mountain of Vrududu, and you find standing at a tiny kiosk, selling paintings, is none other than the evil FIFO. He snarls and draws an evil looking sword.

"You cannot defeat me," he gloats. "I have the Shield of Louloudi, used by the great Alexander himself! Only with a baby's breath, can it be pierced. I cannot be harmed! Bwahahahaha!"

There are no magic items in your burlap sack that will help with this. Seeing your cause as hopeless, you do the only thing you can: run away. Sadly you walk back through Vrududu along the path you came. You see something and have an idea. There is hope yet! Knowing that you can defeat FIFO, you...

Question 10 of 10
10. FIFO begs for mercy. If you spare his life, he will tell you where Skeeter is. You pity FIFO and agree. "Bwahahahaha! I have the last laugh," he snickers. "The Rhomboid is imprisoned in one of the paintings I was selling and even I cannot free him. Bahahahaha!" FIFO skips happily away.

There are four paintings (but you already knew that didn't you?). One painting is of St. Basil's Cathedral. It is done in a strange expressionist style where everything seems off-kilter and crooked. It is titled, "A Famous Place".

The second painting is an abstract. It consists of a swirling mass of varying combinations of four different colors. Its title is "Marriage of Fuchsia and Chartreuse".

The third painting is of a large orange winged wallabee flying amongst stars and planets. It is titled "Space Flight".

The last painting shows the statue of a green lady holding a torch aloft with one hand while clutching a tablet in the other. It is titled "Lady Liberty."

In your burlap bag you have a single Marmalade Key. It can be used but once before dissolving into tasty goo. With this key, you can release imprisoned pets trapped in canvas prisons.

Taking the key, you use it to touch the...

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. Skeeter has been petnapped! The news shocks the kingdom of Greater Vache. Who would dare take the royal Primrosian Rhomboid? The royal chamberlain, Lord FIFO, is suspected. He has mysteriously vanished along with the pet. The King and Queen appoint a new chamberlain, Lord LIFO, who quickly puts a call out for brave adventurers. The reward offered for Skeeter's return is a rich one; many adventurers are expected to come. The King and Queen will only allow one person to quest for their pet at a time and you are determined to be the first to try. Lord LIFO asks all aspiring adventurers to form a line in the castle courtyard five days hence at the stroke of noon, so you decide to...

Answer: ...time it so that you are the very last adventurer to arrive in the courtyard.

Bringing training credentials would not work. The chamberlain would assume they are forged. Everyone knows that Primrosian Rhomboids are virtually untrainable.

Public relations is still in its infancy in Greater Vache. The only public relations firm in the land, Cess Poul, Slug & Bile, Inc. have a dubious track record. Their last client was run out of town after trying to sell curdled milk.

If Lord FIFO was still chamberlain, you would have done well to have camped out in the courtyard in order to be the first in line. After all, like his acronym name, he always handled things in a (F)irst-(I)n, (F)irst-(O)ut order. But he is no longer chamberlain, so that would not work.

If you decided to be last to arrive, you would have been the first chosen, because the new chamberlain, Lord LIFO, like his acronym name, always handles things in a (L)ast-(I)n, (F)irst-(O)ut order.
2. The King and Queen open up their vaults and offer you the use of any of their numerous and most wonderful arcane items. You take the ones you judge to be the most helpful, placing them in a large burlap sack. Before departing on your quest, you talk with Skeeter's nanny, Carla Moosehair. You learn that Skeeter really liked beefsteak heliconias. Thinking that it might very well come in handy, you...

Answer: ...go to a botanist and purchase a vase with a flowering plant in it.

Buying hamburger meat will do you little good. Primrosian Rhomboids are vegetarian.

Giving liquor to a Primrosian Rhomboid is not a good thing. They tend to get sad and depressed, often humming old Barry Manilow tunes off-key.

Getting a book for a Primrosian Rhomboid would prove useless, since they cannot read without spectacles and Skeeter is too vain to wear a pair (a fact I neglected to inform you of). Besides, they have no ears or nose to hold the spectacles up with.

If you decided to go to the botanist and buy the flower, you made the right decision. A beefsteak heliconia is a type of exotic flower.
3. Investigating the grounds where Skeeter lived, you discover a tuft of Derlickian Narnak hair near Skeeter's toy bouncy-bouncys. Looking through the magical items you have, you count your lucky stars that you chose to bring the Cherubian Stasis Ipswhistle of Derlickian Narnak Analysis from the royal vault. Placing the hair in the device, you learn that it belongs to the twin henchmen of chamberlain FIFO, Bububu Narnak and Kidichi Narnak. Their last known hideout is in the Mtoni Ruins, near their home in the Red Colobus Housing Complex on the outskirts of the Jozani Forest. You ask a nearby giant purple winged wallabee to give you a lift and it nods. You then begin the long flight to...

Answer: ...the island of Zanzibar.

Going to the Nakatomi Plaza building would be hard, since it is the fictional setting where much of the orginal Die Hard film takes place.

Giant purple winged wallabees are not capable of space flight, so Planet X is out of the question. Please note that I did state purple wallabee and not the space fairing orange variety.

Primrosian Rhomboids do not do well in jungles and neither do Primrosian Rhomboid petnappers. Besides, whereas Cusco is the ancient capital of the Incas, it is located in the Peruvian Andes, not the Peruvian jungle. In any event; it is not the place you should be heading to.

Bububu and Kidichi are named after villages in Zanzibar. The Narnakian Housing Complex, the Red Colobus, is named after a monkey species indigenous to the East African island. The Jozani Forest and Mtoni Ruins are likewise located in Zanzibar.
4. Arriving at the hideout, you thank the very tired winged wallabee and bid it goodbye. You are sad to find the Narnak twins long gone. They have fled through the Portal of Horror to the Dark Castle of the Bovines. You step through the Portal of Horror after them and find yourself back in time. It is January of 2005. You find yourself in a mist filled room, the portal exit lies ahead blocked by three mysterious men. They introduce themselves as Stephen King, Edgar Allan Poe, and Charles Dickens. A magical raven feather appears in your hand and speaks to you. "If you wish to continue," says the feather, "you must slay the ghosts by tickling them with me, the feather of death. Slay them in the order of the oldest to the youngest, based on how long their spirits have walked the earth." You apologize to the ghosts and begin your morbid task. You take the feather and tickle...

Answer: ...first Poe, then Dickens. You only nod at King and say that you are one of the few who watched 'Kingdom Hospital'.

Only tickling Poe would do no good; the feather told you to slay all the ghosts. Standing on one foot and yelling "Nevermore!" would make you look a little strange.

Tickling first Dickens, then Poe, would not be correct because Edgar Allan Poe died in 1849, before Charles Dickens who died in 1870.

The correct order of feather tickling should have been Poe (1849) and Dickens (1870). You should not have tickled Stephen King at all, because in January of 2005, he was not a ghost.

'Kingdom Hospital' was a short-lived television series that King helped write and develop.
5. You step out of the portal and for the first time during your quest become afraid. On top of a nearby hill is the menacing Castle Bovine. On your way to the dark castle, you are stopped by a cow dressed in green leotards peppered with funny looking black question marks. The cow, who says his name is sometimes Frank, sometimes John, and sometimes Jim, claims to have once been human. A strange bat-like creature has laid a curse upon him. It can only be broken if someone figures out who he was before being transformed into a cow. You smile and say that's easy, you were...

Answer: ...the Riddler!

John Ashcroft? Really now, I don't think so.

The famous silent movie actor Lon Chaney was known for his wonderful makeup and disguises, but that's not who the cow once was.

Laurence Olivier, another famous actor of film and stage, hated green leotards, or so it has been said; that is not who the cow was.

The poor cow used to be the Riddler, one of Batman's many adversaries. The criminal mastermind often wore green leotards with question marks. In the television series, he was played by both Frank Gorshen and John Astin. Jim Carrey played the Riddler in the film 'Batman Forever'.
6. You enter the castle and enter a windowless tower guarded by The Fell Beast Of A Million Eyes. It is a monstrous mass of lidless eyes surrounding a single large red eyeball. Several hundred thousand of the eyes see you enter the tower. The large red eye fires a ruby red laser beam at you. You hold up your Shield of Anti-Ouchies to block its harmful affects. The laser burns the shield to a crisp. The giant red eye is charging up for another shot. Trying to recall what the word laser stands for and knowing you only have seconds to act, you reach into your bag of magic items and...

Answer: ...hurl a teensy-weensy miniature magical black hole high into the air near the monster's one massive eye.

Shoving a knitting needle into the 1,359th eye of the monster would only make it angry and cause it to be know as the Fell Beast of Almost a Million Eyes.

Planting the seed of very-very-very fast growing ragweed might manage to generate enough pollen in the air quickly enough to make the eyes redder and more irritated than they already are, but it won't keep the eye from shooting its laser beam at you.

The seismic wave generator would generate terrible earthquakes that would cause the rocky tower to tumble in on itself, killing the evil beast. Unfortunatley, since you are also in the tower, you also would be killed.

Using the teensy-weensy miniature magical black hole is the right answer. A laser is a light beam (the word LASER is actually an acronym derived from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emmision of Radiation). A black hole is a concentration of mass so dense that it generates sufficient gravity to suck in everything near it, even to the point of bending light itself. The miniature magical black hole disrupts the monster's laser beam causing it to miss you each time it fires allowing you to calmly walk past the ugly fiend.
7. You find the Narnak brothers caged at the top of the tower. in the cage with them is a slug-eating ninja penguin. Kidichi Narnak tells you that the evil FIFO took Skeeter. Bububu Narnak says that they will only tell you where FIFO has gone if you release them from their prison. You examine their cage but see no way to free them. You lean against the side wall to rest and cause a compartment to open that has a control console in it with several colorful buttons. Kidichi says that FIFO mentioned that they would only gain their freedom if first a chartreuse button is pressed followed by a fuchsia button. Looking at all the colorful buttons on the console, you are not sure which one is the chartreuse button and which one is the fuchsia button. The Narnak twins do not know either. You say that you will give it a guess and Kidichi says to be sure. If the wrong buttons are pressed, the two brothers will be turned into large slugs. The slug-eating ninja penguin grins in anticipation as you...

Answer: ...first press a greenish-yellow button followed by a purplish-red button.

The color chartreuse is a brilliant yellow-green. This was the first button to be pressed. Fuchsia is a purplish red. This was the second button to be pressed.

Any other combination would make for a very content and happy slug-eating ninja penguin.
8. After releasing the Narnak brothers, they happily tell you that FIFO has taken Skeeter to his estate in the Mountains of Vrududu. You arrive at Vrududu Pass and are stopped by a singing horse. "My name is Clyde de Maurice," he sings in a French accent. "I was born and raised in Paris where I did many good deeds, striving to be brave, courteous, and gallant. This angered an evil wizard who cursed me. Whenever I am addressed using the correct honorific and issued an order, I must obey it until someone comes along and gives me a new order in the correct manner. FIFO knows this and ordered me to defend this pass with my life." Feeling sorry for the horse and not wanting to battle it to the death (besides it is a big horse with sharp hooves and strong teeth), you think a minute and say...

Answer: "I see, a knight. Sir Clyde, I order you to stand aside!"

No horse named Clyde every won the Triple Crown of racing: the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont. Even if one had, it would not make the horse a king.

Clyde is a big horse and even looks a little like a clydesdale. But he says he was born and raised in Paris and clydesdales get their names from the River Clyde in Scotland from the farmers of Lanarkshire. The old name for Lanarkshire is Clydesdale. Even if Clyde was a clydesdale, it would not make him a baron.

Clyde is obviously male, so using the honorific of mister is not too far wrong but it is not the proper one that should be used in this case. Besides, the answer using 'mister' asked a question which is not a command.

The correct action is to address Clyde as 'Sir' and then order him to let you pass. Clyde said he was born and raised in Paris so he is obviously French. In French, a horse is a 'cheval'. There once was a very famous French singer named Maurice: Maurice Chevalier. A French chevalier was a mounted horseman or knight. Clyde also said that he strived to be brave, courteous, and gallant; all knightly virtues. Clyde must be a knight. The correct honorific for a knight is 'Sir'.
9. Once into the land of Vrududu, you proceed to the mountains. Along the way you pass a large mechanical object built from wood and metal with a large screw at its center. It smells of linseed oil. A bit further along, you find two nurseries. One, located in a long glass building, is peaceful and quiet. The other, a red brick building, is noisy and smells of diapers. Soon you reach the tallest mountain of Vrududu, and you find standing at a tiny kiosk, selling paintings, is none other than the evil FIFO. He snarls and draws an evil looking sword. "You cannot defeat me," he gloats. "I have the Shield of Louloudi, used by the great Alexander himself! Only with a baby's breath, can it be pierced. I cannot be harmed! Bwahahahaha!" There are no magic items in your burlap sack that will help with this. Seeing your cause as hopeless, you do the only thing you can: run away. Sadly you walk back through Vrududu along the path you came. You see something and have an idea. There is hope yet! Knowing that you can defeat FIFO, you...

Answer: ...enter the glass building, find a tiny white flower, return and toss the flower onto FIFO's shield.

The object you passed was a printing press. A heavy screw was used to press a printing block against a sheet of paper. Linseed oil, along with other vegetable oils were used to improve early kinds of ink. Too bad the book written by Dr. Benjamin Spock, "The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care", would only bounce harmlessly off the shield.

Wrapping your sword in smelly diapers would only result in you becoming a stinky coprse.

Kidnappping a baby from the infant nursery and having it breathe on the shield would do nothing. Well, it might work if only because of the laughter it would induce from FIFO, but nice adventurers like yourself would never kidnap or endanger an infant.

FIFO has the Shield of Louloudi, wielded by Alexander the Great. Knowing that Alexander was Greek and louloudi is Greek for flower, you go back and enter the glass building, a plant nursery, and find a small white flower called a Baby's Breath. When you throw this at the shield, it shatters.
10. FIFO begs for mercy. If you spare his life, he will tell you where Skeeter is. You pity FIFO and agree. "Bwahahahaha! I have the last laugh," he snickers. "The Rhomboid is imprisoned in one of the paintings I was selling and even I cannot free him. Bahahahaha!" FIFO skips happily away. There are four paintings (but you already knew that didn't you?). One painting is of St. Basil's Cathedral. It is done in a strange expressionist style where everything seems off-kilter and crooked. It is titled, "A Famous Place". The second painting is an abstract. It consists of a swirling mass of varying combinations of four different colors. Its title is "Marriage of Fuchsia and Chartreuse". The third painting is of a large orange winged wallabee flying amongst stars and planets. It is titled "Space Flight". The last painting shows the statue of a green lady holding a torch aloft with one hand while clutching a tablet in the other. It is titled "Lady Liberty." In your burlap bag you have a single Marmalade Key. It can be used but once before dissolving into tasty goo. With this key, you can release imprisoned pets trapped in canvas prisons. Taking the key, you use it to touch the...

Answer: ...painting of the cathedral.

Skeeter is a Primrosian Rhomboid. You are not really sure what makes a rhomboid Primrosian, but you know that in geometry a rhomboid is a parallelogram with adjacent sides that are of unequal length. Its angles are oblique - they are not right angles.

None of the paintings really seem to fit that description in any way. You wonder if FIFO lied. Then you remember that St. Basil's Cathedral is located in Moscow in RED SQUARE. All the lines in the painting are uneven and at strange angles.

When you place the key on this painting, out pops Skeeter!

You return to Greater Vache where the Queen rewards you with a moo-berry pie that she baked herself. The king presents you with a tin bell that he places around your neck. Tired but happy, you head out to the pasture and do some grazing content in knowing that for a few days anyway, you are the greatest adventurer in Greater Vache.
Source: Author myrdinsasnak

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