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Subject: Nasty Goes To The Movies

Posted by: nasty_liar
Date: Nov 29 12

What it says up there

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The wedding was equally average but both are still reasonable with plenty of laughs.

Reply #101. Nov 03 13, 7:19 AM

Blackdresss star

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I LOVED "Source Code!"

I haven't seen "Django Unchained" yet, but I love Tarantino films.

I've seen a few of the films you've reviewed, but not all of them, so before I go to bed (yes, I am heading to bed at 8:12 a.m. MDT -- don't ask, it's purely crazy,) I've wanted to ask you about a few I have seen, just to see what you think. I won't "review" them, but I will let you know if I liked, hated or was bored out of my mind with them. (Disclaimer: I may start a mini-war in here based on the ones I just loathed and the minority I am probably in, so forgive me in advance, please! I already know I should probably be very, very quiet about the ones I really did not like, at all, but what fun would it be if we all liked the same films, right?)

In no particular order:

'Memoirs Of A Geisha' -- Absolutely loved it, which surprised me.

'Les Miserables' -- the new musical, with Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, et al. -- Hated it, barely made it through the entire mess. It was the "musical" aspect that I really, really did not like, at all.

'The Lincoln Lawyer' -- Loved it!

'Anna Karenina' -- with Keira Knightley, Jude Law, et al. -- Absolutely hated it, and this is one of my favorite books! I was so disappointed.

'Silver Linings Playbook' -- Jennifer Lawrence, Robert DeNiro, Bradley Cooper -- very quirky, and I loved it!

'Life Of Pi' -- sigh... I hated it. I know, I know, but I really did.

'Argo' -- Ben Affleck's film -- Loved it!

'Side Effects' -- Rooney Mara, Zeta-Jones, Jude Law, Channing Tatum -- Ach, this was so awful! You could drive a Mac truck right through that plot; it was that obvious.

'Trouble With The Curve' -- Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, John Goodman, Justin Timberlake -- LOVED it!

'Total Recall' -- the brand new remake with Collin Firth of a great, funky Ah-nuld film -- I lasted about 13 minutes and turned it off.

'Pitch Perfect' -- Well, The Red Solo Cup Song was cute, and Rebel Wilson was really funny, but that's about it.

'Moneyball' with Brad Pitt -- Surprisingly, I loved it.

'Lost In Translation' -- Scarlett Johansson, Bill Murray, Giovanni Ribisi -- This is on right now, and neither of them can sleep, either. This one just never gets old -- I love it!

So, what do you think, Nasty and fans of this blog, and of films?

Reply #102. Nov 14 13, 9:20 AM
Jakeroo star

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I can't remember the last time we went to a movie theatre, but I suspect it was the first segment of the Lord of the Rings movies. Hubby, who must be the only one on the planet who didn't know the story was a trilogy (plus one, if you include The Hobbit) seemed entertained by all the blood and gore until the end, when he loudly said "what?? I sat here for THREE HOURS and the thing doesn't END?". Sigh, sometimes it's best to just leave them at home lol.

Django? Sorry, really just not interested in seeing a man's naked private parts hanging upsidedown ~

Memoirs Of A Geisha - Visually pleasing but highly overrated. And not terribly factual if you research as the author of the book was sued for defamation of character by the supposed real "geisha" portrayed. She went on to write her OWN biography and did quite well with it, tyvm LOL. Not only that but all the prominent actresses were CHINESE, not Japanese, so puhlease lol.

'Les Miserables' - Well here's the thing - Les Miserables was INTENDED to be a musical (sorry if folks didn't get that part lol). However, while Hugh Jackman can handle a musical quite well, I have no idea why the rest of them were cast at all.

'Anna Karenina' -- with Keira Knightley, Jude Law, et al. I don't like either of those actors and neither one of them should have been allowed to be in a "classic"

'Life Of Pi' Didn't like the book. Absolutely hated the movie.

'Argo' Sorry, but Ben Affleck got SO many facts wrong (or more probably changed them to suit his preferred end result) that this movie might as well have been a farcical comedy. I'm Canadian and was insulted by the "poetic licenses" taken.

'Lost In Translation' Oh please. I suspect the reason this movie got so many accolades from AMERICAN critics is a) they like to make fun of the Japanese (no doubt a popular concept for US car manufacturing companies) and b) it's a really "different" kind of movie and they didn't know what to make of it so they called it "art" (similar to several Tarantino movies that are nothing but trash made to LOOK like art). Sigh. I've tried watching this movie 3 times. Although I happen to like Bill Murray, I didn't stay awake for any of the viewings. I found it boring, slow moving and highly insulting to the Japanese culture. Can you say the word "stereotype"? I knew you could....

Reply #103. Nov 14 13, 8:24 PM
Blackdresss star

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Wow, Jake...

How did you get all of that from "I loved it!"?

Reply #104. Nov 16 13, 5:43 AM
Jakeroo star

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lol - are you referring to one specific movie in this case? I was merely rattling on about a few of the ones on your list that I had seen and those comments weren't directed AT you (at least that was not my intention), but rather the movies themselves. It's quite possible I didn't like (or DID like) some of the same ones as you : )

Reply #105. Nov 16 13, 6:11 AM

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Wow, that's a long list!

Ok, further back on this blog you can see my thoughts on Django, Les Mis, Life of Pi, Argo, Trouble with the Curve and the Total Recall remake. Interesting to see how different people perceive a film isn't it! One persons favourite is another's personal Hell.

Of the others I haven't seen quite a few of them but I would divide them into three categories:
1: must see - gutted when I missed it at the pictures
This includes Moneyball and Silver Linings.
2: will see if it's on TV and I've nothing better to do
This includes Memoirs of a Geisha and Anna Karenina
3: no desire to see it
This is Pitch Perfect and Side Effects. I think Side Effects would drive me nuts in the same way that Argo does for Jakeroo since I know a lot about the subject matter professionally then it would no doubt be a frustrating watch.

I can understand why Argo would get the response it did from many but it's a great film that happens to be based loosely on a real story. Never forget that film makers pick and choose the bits they want because they're making something to (hopefully) entertain. I just avoid them if I think it may annoy me.

Finally, you mentioned a movie that I have seen but not talked about here, Lost In Translation. I really like it, not sure it deserves quite the praise it received, but I haven't seen it for a while.

Seen Gravity (very good) and Filth (very odd) earlier this week so will be posting my views on those soon

Reply #106. Nov 16 13, 6:49 AM

Blackdresss star

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Jake, if I am posting at 9:20 a.m., that translates into "I have not slept in several dozen hours now, and I AM Lost In Translation, just like they were in that film." I didn't think they were making fun of anyone; they were trying to *have fun* with everyone while neither of them could sleep. Also, I really like Sofia Coppola, to include "The Virgin Suicides." You sort of lumped me and pretty much the entire U.S. into stereotypical "meanness" that I don't think was deserved, and certainly not my intention, or my personality or style, at all. Now maybe you didn't mean it that way, but that's the way it came across. I'm not upset; it just sort of floored me, you know?

I had exactly the same reaction, verbatim, as your husband to the first LOTR film, and I did know it was a trilogy! And to make it all a little worse, I watched it at home, so I was yelling at the screen in the dark, in the privacy of my own home, all alone. I don't care! It was that maddening! I still think after 3 hours of faithful watching, they could have at least ended the darned thing. I found it wildly frustrating, and that was it for me and Frodo! I may give The Hobbit a chance, though, since it's not his fault what's-his-name (Peter Jackson?) decided to make those so mind-numbingly long. But, I didn't like the books, either, other than "The Hobbit."

And Nasty? If you do know anything, at all, about the topic and alleged theme of "Side Effects," avoid it at all costs. It will make you want to scream. Not only is it SO wrong, it's overloaded with red herrings that are pathetically obvious, and those gigantic holes in the plot. I had it figured out in about 15 minutes, and hoped I was wrong, but nooooo. Because I like the two leads, I watched all of it and hoped for the best, but only received the worst. And personally, I can't stand Zeta-Jones, and she didn't disappoint in this hot mess. She was as bad as ever.

I feel the same way about "Anna Karenina," although I don't love Keira, but I do generally like her, just like I generally like Jude Law. That is such a mess, it's indescribable, and if you care at all about the story, you will stay away from something you just can't scrape off the backs of your eyelids. Not unlike "Side Effects."

Speaking of messes and Jude Law, did you happen to catch "Closer" with Jude Law, Julia Roberts, Clive Owen, and Natalie Portman? I still don't know if I loved it, hated it, or maybe liked it. It is so hard to watch people hurt each other that much, and while once again, this is why we call it "acting," (which was my point about all the films you got so excited about, Jake -- it's called "acting!") it was still just sort of torturous to watch all that they did and went through and tried to live through and tried to escape. They got "Closer," alright, and in the process, everyone got hurt.

I do kind of recommend that one, just because it's not like anything else that springs immediately to mind, although "Brokeback Mountain" came close, in that everyone involved got hurt, to include the primary couple, trickling down through children, spouses, parents, friends, you name it, they were affected, and while I sort of felt like an eavesdropper in both films, but especially in "Closer," I also couldn't turn away. It would be interesting to hear of others' responses to this one.

And oh my goodness, look at the time! That can only mean one thing -- I have been up endless hours and must now sleep.

Nasty, I hope you don't feel we have hijacked your thread, because I LOVE your movie reviews! I can't wait to read more!

And Jake, you are SO intense!

Reply #107. Nov 16 13, 10:06 AM
Blackdresss star

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One more thing!

This answer, and 'interesting information" for a question in a quiz I came across earlier last night perfectly describes how I feel about LOTR, and I am still laughing!


In "The Fellowship of the Ring", Glorfindel is sent by Elrond to help Frodo escape from the Nazgul and reach Rivendell. I have literally no idea what I just said.

Reply #108. Nov 16 13, 10:14 AM

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I saw Closer at the cinema years ago. I thought it was very good and that it's unique style made it different, in a good way. The performances were excellent from all 4, and it had Natalie Portman which is always a plus ;)

Reply #109. Nov 16 13, 3:30 PM

Anton star
"'Trouble With The Curve' -- Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, John Goodman, Justin Timberlake -- LOVED it!"

Sorry, but this movie was awful. Well, not so much the story as the cast. Am I supposed to believe that Justin Timberlake was supposed to be some phenom pitcher? Or Mathew Lillard is an evil backhanded scout? I don't buy either of those. The worst of all? Clint Eastwood and his one character having pile of talentless garbage.

Only two things kept me from turning this movie off. One was Amy Adams and the other was I knew how it ended and I wanted to see the cocky fatty fall on his face.

Reply #110. Nov 16 13, 4:44 PM

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Well I thought Trouble With the Curve was excellent, and not just for Amy Adams although I do love watching her...not sure if that sounds creepy.

Reply #111. Nov 16 13, 4:58 PM


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Gravity (2013)

A medical engineer and an astronaut work together to survive after an accident leaves them adrift in space.

Sandra Bullock
George Clooney

I saw this in IMAX earlier this week and I really enjoyed it for what it was, a 90 minute ride that never let's up. It was good! Really sucked me in with the way it was shot, with the judicious use of an eerie score and with one bad situation after another.

After reading a few reviews online to see what others were saying I noticed how many seemed to dislike it. Although they seemed to be expecting more from it somehow instead of immersing themselves into it and trying to do what the movie helps you to do, see the situation through the protagonists eyes and try to feel helpless, vulnerable and despair. Sometimes I think people just want to hate every movie they see by comparing them all to some idea of what their holy grail of the 'perfect movie' is. Sometimes it's nice to just immerse yourself in something that is very simplistic and enjoy the ride. That's what to do here.

There's even a surprise or two along the way. Glad I saw it on the big screen. This film doesn't need great performances, characterisation or any particular depth to be good at the story it's telling. Very simple, done well.

Reply #112. Nov 16 13, 5:26 PM


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Filth (2013)

A bipolar, bigoted junkie cop manipulates and hallucinates his way through the festive season in a bid to secure promotion and win back his wife and daughter.

James McAvoy

Based on the book by Irvine Welsh

Crazy, psychedelic rampage through the streets of Edinburgh. Strange film that is not half as shocking as it intends to be. Plot meanders along utilising puerile and sick humour to keep the viewer going. McAvoy is unrecognisable as Bruce, that's a compliment. Without him I think this film sinks into banality (is that a word, well if it isn't it ought it be).

Where the first half leaves you chuckling at Bruce's perverted and depraved behaviour the second provides us with more and more of Bruce's hallucinations and provides us with material that is less and less funny as the situation becomes more serious until the rather depressing final note. The twist is predictable, but not in a bad way. The film tries to shock, but fails. It tries to play for laughs when a more serious take would have fitted the last quarter of the film much better and therefore wastes McAvoy's tremendous efforts to bring his character bursting to life.

I'd rather have seen Trainspotting again.

Reply #113. Nov 16 13, 5:45 PM

I recently saw "World War Z". Although it wasn't a horrible film, it really wasn't any different from all the other run of the mill zombie flicks that Hollywood seems to be cranking out by the dozens these days! It was an average movie, IMO. :P

Reply #114. Nov 16 13, 7:17 PM
Jakeroo star

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Elle - I wouldn't call myself intense, but I will admit to being long-winded lol. We have something in common - yelling at the screen! I yell at the tv all the time (especially during news reports). My husband just looks at me, shakes his head and says " they can't heaaarrrrrrrr you" LOL! And he's right of course, but somehow it's slightly cathartic.

I'm quite well aware that it's "acting", but all too often, the wrong actor is cast in roles they should never have been considered for (simply because they're the actor du jour), even though in other genres/situations/characters they'd be perfectly fine and probably shine.

I don't 'hate' Jude Law (I don't even know him lol). He plays "over the top" roles (such as in the Sherlock Holmes movies and "Midnight In the Garden of Good and Evil") very well. And at the opposite end of the spectrum he does "ice cold" rather effectively (see "Enemy At the Gates"). But a character like Alexei Karenin? Not so much. Then again the movie itself was pretty much devoid of emotion or character development and, to me, sort of just looked like a bunch of pretty people standing around like ornaments in pretty settings biding their time until the well-known ending. I blame the director on this one as I think he made it hard for ANYone to do a good job (I have a feeling we agree on this part at least lol). When the cast was announced for "The Talented Mr. Ripley" I actually presumed the two actors/characters would be opposite to how it turned out. The scriptwriting was good in that one, so I think it could have worked either way (although perhaps not as challenging for either Law or Damon lol).

Anyhoo, hope you get some well deserved sleep (and pssssst? Don't watch the Hobbit, at least not yet, or you'll be even more mad than after the first LOTR lol. Whereas Jackson made one movie each out of each of the "trilogy" books, he actually made/is making THREE movies out of The Hobbit!) Oh and excellent quote from the quiz btw! : )

Anton: I wasn't thrilled with that movie very much either, but I thought it was made watchable by the daughter character (really the only element holding it all together). It was an okay time-waster as I recall (although it's been awhile since I saw it).

It's been snowing like crazy here, so am going to curl up with my quilts and pillows and watch a pile of movies on satellite.

Sorry for how much space I used up, Nasty!
Have a good night all.

Reply #115. Nov 16 13, 10:25 PM
Just watched "The Purge" which was awful & "The Conjuring" which was worth watching!

Reply #116. Nov 21 13, 9:51 PM

player avatar
Please don't worry about taking up space Jakeroo. I don't mind at all.

I haven't seen The Purge or The Conjuring but I saw a trailer for the latter and decided that it wouldn't be for me.

I have recently seen the following but need some time to write about each:
The Butler
Monsters University
The Shining
No Country for old men
And Don Jon

Reply #117. Nov 24 13, 11:53 AM

You're right about that, Nasty. "The Conjuring" is not for everyone. It scared the crap out of me & movies usually don't have that effect on me. I've been wondering if "The Butler" is any good so I'll be watching for your review of it! :)

Reply #118. Nov 28 13, 10:07 AM
Nasty: Have you seen the movie "Lovelace" yet? How about R.I.P.D.? I just watched both of those the other night & was curious what your thoughts are?

Reply #119. Dec 07 13, 1:15 AM
Blackdresss star

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Oh, how I love "No Country For Old Men." Now that's one I own, along with "Enemy At The Gates," and I do agree, Jake, an ice-cold Jude Law is fairly terrifying. (I'm sure I mentioned that I loathed "Anna Karenina," so enough about that.) Jude was interesting as Gigolo Joe in "A.I.," that ghastly Stanley Kubrick film that Steven Spielberg had to finish when Kubrick died. I liked Joe, I liked little A.I. kid, but that movie was just painful for soooo many reasons.

Nasty, which version of "The Shining" did you watch recently? I have a moderately-interesting story about that one, but I'll wait to hear your response first.

(And if it's the Kubrick version of "The Shining" that you watched, we've come full-circle!) (But I still have a story to tell you.)

While being laid up for various and assorted reasons the last few weeks, I watched "The Words," which I loved, and "Limitless," which was almost the same film, but also reminded me of "The Matrix" meets "Cosmopolis" with Robert Pattinson, and I loved all of those, too. And speaking of pretty Robert Pattinson, did anyone see "Remember Me"? I loved it and have watched it a few times, and I love it a little more every time. It's considered "controversial," but so is "Cosmopolis," which is really just a little odd; not what I would call controversial. And that one reminded me of... hmmmmm, I can't remember now. There is a little bit of "The Matrix" (any of that trilogy) in that one, I suppose.

I watched Halle Berry in "The Call," too, and I wish I could unwatch that one. It's not that it wasn't well-done, it's just that it was so brutal, much like "Kiss The Girls" or any of those films that just don't ever truly end well.

I have "The Fighter" sitting here, and one of these nights, I'll watch it, too.

I know I'm forgetting one, but it will come to me later.

Reply #120. Dec 10 13, 2:29 AM

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