Author Biography: crumbworks
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crumbworks has been a FunTrivia author since
Feb 01 03 and has written
141 quizzes.
crumbworks strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Video Games, and
- has earned 10,345 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
- last seen online Dec 02 24, and most recent quiz went online Sep 17 12.
Bio: Hey I'm Chris! I'm 39 and work in the IT sector. I have over 120 quizzes online about my fave TV shows, sports teams, books, and video games. They were written nearly 20 years ago, so please be gentle if the wording is a little wonky or if they don't hold up for other reasons lol. Enjoy!
Hobbies: Chatting, watching TV, relaxing, playing video games, etc.