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Subject: Cat's Corner

Posted by: Catreona
Date: Nov 11 20

A virtual blog to post updates on my mother's illness and other thoughts

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MiraJane star

player avatar
Um... Uh ... I don't remember actually. I DVR most of the TV programs I watch and fast forward the commercials. The stroller with the keyboard is a quick shot in a commercial full of rapid pictures of odd things advertising something that isn't important to my life. That's why I don't really know what the product is. If I see it again, I'll try to pay more attention.

Reply #101. Dec 10 20, 1:41 AM
MiraJane star

player avatar
Okay, I looked it up. I sort of have an answer. Target sells keyboards for baby strollers. So it might be from a Target ad.

Reply #102. Dec 10 20, 1:44 AM
rubytops star

player avatar
Glad your mom back to taking interest. I expect things will change from day to day but hang on to the positives and best times as much as you can. Thoughts and prayers for you all continue.

Reply #103. Dec 10 20, 2:32 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Thanks Ruby. It helps more than you can know.

Mira /scratches head/ keyboards for baby strollers. Okay... Whatever. /grin/ It's a funny old world, as my dear Aunt Patty used to say. Thanks for answering my question. I listen to CNN over Sirius XM. They have their own commercials, tailored to the radio. When I'm with Mom, my attention is mostly focused on her. If I do look at the TV, the images mostly go by too fast for me to grasp. So keyboards on strollers have never impinged on my consciousness.

Reply #104. Dec 10 20, 3:44 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
I just submitted a new quiz, so be on the lookout for "Marie in the '70s".

Reply #105. Dec 11 20, 9:40 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
Just watched Engelbert's first ever streaming Christmas special. It was wonderful!

A nurse came this morning. I'm unclear as to where she's from. Don't want to speak too loud in case of jinx but *whisper behind hand* things may finally be falling into place. She mentioned a colleague coming by Monday. Let's hope this is the beginning of better, or at least more organized, days!

Mom did fantastically well with the nurse, but of course that over-excited and exhausted her. She'll probably sleep for a couple of days. Still, it was wonderful to see her so alert.

Reply #106. Dec 12 20, 3:19 PM

rubytops star

player avatar
Just played your 'Christmas Songs By Bridge' quiz. I got 11 correct. A some of the songs I hadn't heard of but it was an interesting quiz and I enjoyed it.
Glad your mom did okay with the nurse.

Reply #107. Dec 12 20, 7:54 PM
postcards2go star

player avatar
I was just reminded of that weird commercial that your mom saw, that Mira remembered. There are so many that could easily sound like someone hallucinating.

I just saw one that had the people putting wrapped presents under the bed. Then the voice-over reminds us that dogs like to go under the bed. Then there's a scene with a dog tearing the wrapping off a present. And don't get me started on weird car commercials. Half of them I don't even understand. Many of them involve dangerous driving and mood music. None of them want me to own the car.

So, if your mom can talk coherently about the news, and then starts saying something strange, out of the blue, and then goes back to the news... it was probably a commercial break :-)

Reply #108. Dec 12 20, 8:09 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Ruby, 11 for 15 is good on that quiz. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for playing.

Postie, I've been out of the habit of watching TV for so long, I missed the evolution of commercials. At this point I don't understand them and often have no concept what they're advertising. Give me something straightforward like "I am stuck on Band Aids 'cause Band Aids stuck on me" or the Oscar Meyer commercials. Now everything has to be artsy and at seizure inducing speed. Guess I'm showing my age, but I like simple and straightforward. Hmmm... I already said that.

Reply #109. Dec 12 20, 9:28 PM

postcards2go star

player avatar
Just played "Marie in the '70s". Gotta love Donny's sister!


Reply #110. Dec 13 20, 6:55 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Thanks Postie. And thanks for putting up the link.

Reply #111. Dec 13 20, 7:13 PM

rubytops star

player avatar
Only got 2 right on the Marie Osmond quiz.

Reply #112. Dec 14 20, 1:16 AM
Catreona star

player avatar
Tisk, tisk, Ruby. /grin/ That's okay. Thanks for trying it.

Reply #113. Dec 14 20, 10:11 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
A new quiz is up. How well do you know Neil Sedaka's melancholy Christmas song "A Lonely Christmas in New York?"


Reply #114. Dec 16 20, 3:49 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
Boy, time slips by! I knew my quiz for my current stage of Adventures in Authoring had been languishing for a while, like maybe seven or eight months. Imagine my stupefaction upon visiting my current stage and reading:

You have not met this requirement since you arrived here Dec 29 18 7:17 PM, 718 days ago.


Well, because of the subject matter, it had to be a twenty-five question quiz. Furthermore, for a few of the items, it was *really* hard to think of a question and/or info. Fortunately though, by today there were only three items left to be made into questions. So, I buckled down and, earlier this evening, was delighted to find that the quiz was finished! Then I had to input it into the quiz editor!

Friends, here and now, I do solemnly swear, affirm and promise never, NEVER to write another twenty-five question quiz! Inputting it was darn near as time-consuming and tiring as writing it!

BTW please don't feel obligated to play it once it's up, unless you are a dedicated Engelbert fan, intimately familiar with his album output. I'm sure glad he doesn't make a habit of issuing double albums. If I ever do a quiz on his other double album, it will be divided into two parts.

Reply #115. Dec 16 20, 11:16 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
My Adventures in Authoring task, writing a Religion quiz, is going well. I've never written a Religion quiz before, and may not be able to again. But it seemed like it would be easier than the alternative, which was History.

Reply #116. Dec 19 20, 9:40 PM

rubytops star

player avatar
I think they are both difficult topics.
Today it was my groups turn to go to a service at my church and I did the reading. It was screened on You tube live. I watched it when I got home.
If you want to watch put in Google search....SJC Colchester 20 December . It is the 11am service. I am featured at about 26 minutes in.

How are things with your mom?

Reply #117. Dec 20 20, 8:43 AM
Catreona star

player avatar
WOW! Were you nervous?

Reply #118. Dec 20 20, 8:47 PM

rubytops star

player avatar
I was a little nervous but I love reading out loud. It's something I did at school in English lit when we read the set book around the class.
I had a few people came up after the service and they said how well I read and it was nice and clear.

Reply #119. Dec 21 20, 12:56 AM
Catreona star

player avatar
Just made a personal best. I played my allotment of seventy-five questions in the Quick Quiz and scored 75 for 75. Don't remember ever getting through it before without getting at least one incorrect answer. So, I'm feeling just a touch smug, and very surprised.

Reply #120. Dec 21 20, 3:52 PM

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