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Subject: Cat's Corner

Posted by: Catreona
Date: Nov 11 20

A virtual blog to post updates on my mother's illness and other thoughts

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MiraJane star

player avatar
Cat, to answer you about Larry King & what he is selling would violate restrictions here on giving "medical advice". I answered that, and more, privately.

The Rainbow minis were introduced recently, when you won the badges. There is one fore every category. You win a big badge, Polymath, if you win all 20 mini badges.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Remember, hold your breath near anyone not properly masked!

Reply #61. Nov 25 20, 3:22 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends.

Mom had a largely quiet night and so far a quiet day. Sis is developing a cold, no doubt from stress. I don't know how much longer Dad can hold out being the rock that supports everyone and everything.

Reply #62. Nov 26 20, 10:59 AM

rubytops star

player avatar
Glad things have been more settled with your mom. Hope your dad gpcan get some respite.
Anyway, a happy thanksgiving to you and your family from across the pond x

Reply #63. Nov 26 20, 2:11 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Thanks, Ruby.

Today I played a few quizzes and worked on a couple of quizzes of my own for the first time since I can't remember when. Well, really just looked them over but I did actually write a question or two and look up a few things. Maybe I'll actually be able to finish the one for Adventures in Authoring sometime this century. *wry grin*

Going to turn in, absurdly early though it is. Can't hold my head up any more. Good night my friends. Thank you for being here.

Reply #64. Nov 26 20, 6:03 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
Quiet night and so far a quiet day. We seem to be settling into a routine. My only complaint is that Mom always seems to be asleep whenever I go in to see her. So, I never have a chance to get her to try any kind of exercise. Sis is hostile to exercise, won't even give Mom her ball, which she likes. So the days go by and she's getting weaker instead of stronger, and there's not a whole lot I can do about it.

Reply #65. Nov 27 20, 11:25 AM

rubytops star

player avatar
Good you had a quiet night and day and you were able to work on your quiz. Today I made some allbran and fruit loaf...delicious.
Shame your mum seems to be asleep when you go to see her and she has not been able to use the stress balls especially as she seems to like them.
Re your sister not being keen on the stress balls...Sometimes we just have to bite the bullet to keep the status quo on an even keel. You are all doing extremely well in a difficult situation.

Reply #66. Nov 27 20, 3:41 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Another mostly quiet night and day so far. Things have settled down to a routine. From now on, I'll only report if something unusual or interesting happens.

Need to write notes to several people, including Mira. I'm finally catching up on my sleep, but still tired. Why should that be? Sis and Dad are the ones working their fingers to the bone. I have no reason to be tired, exhausted even. It's another thing for me to feel guilty about.

The sun just came out and is now shining brightly. That always helps.

Reply #67. Nov 28 20, 10:30 AM

postcards2go star

player avatar
Cat, there is no reason for you to feel guilty... certainly no reason to feel guilty about caring for your mother. I'm glad she's doing better, and things have calmed down a bit. You and your family remain in my thoughts.

Reply #68. Nov 28 20, 10:53 AM
rubytops star

player avatar
I reiterate as Postcards says....
plus tiredness can be caused by mental stress and worry. Fine just to update when any further news.
I will be thinking and praying for you still.

Reply #69. Nov 28 20, 12:49 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Thanks Postie and Ruby♥

Reply #70. Nov 30 20, 6:56 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
Where's the Advent Calendar? I can't find it, even by running a search.

Reply #71. Nov 30 20, 7:02 PM

brm50diboll star

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It's in the Retired Challenges section near the end.


Reply #72. Nov 30 20, 7:38 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Thanks, Brian. Sorry. I thought there'd be one for this year.

Reply #73. Nov 30 20, 9:08 PM

MiraJane star

player avatar
The Advent Calendar for 2020 will probably start tomorrow December 1st. It should be in General under Themed quizzes, I think.

Reply #74. Nov 30 20, 11:28 PM
MiraJane star

player avatar
This year's Advent Quizzes:


When the quizzes are published as new quizzes they appear on the homepage with the quiz's title. At the subcategory listing the quiz has the title of  FunTrivia Advent Calendar 2020: December 1.

Reply #75. Dec 01 20, 11:49 AM
Catreona star

player avatar
Oh, thanks, Mira. Sorry to be so helpless. My thinking isn't too clear at the moment.


Dad's finally in touch with a lawyer. Donno what will come of it, but hopefully he can take some of the strain off poor Dad.

Reply #76. Dec 01 20, 2:28 PM


player avatar
Yes, they'll appear on the homepage, with a wreath for most variations of home page, and with an Advent Calendar title. They'll stay on the main page of Thematic Fun for a while, I think until early January, and then, well, then you'll have to search for them! Once they move to their real categories, they get their real titles. We've tried a slightly different theme this year.

I want to add to what the others have said - stress is exhausting. Uncertainty is exhausting. You're dealing with both, and more. Be as gentle with yourself and your family as you can manage in this time - the time for stern self-discipline can be later.

Reply #77. Dec 01 20, 6:53 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Thank you, Agony!


The lawyer Dad contacted was sympathetic but warned that any action might "stir up a hornet's nest." In short, the state might be called in and, for their part, could easily trump up abuse charges of their own, based in part on the lack of skilled, professional nursing care. So Dad, who has been busting his butt and running into brick wall after brick wall in the effort to get proper care could be charged with abuse for not having proper care! He decided to make a tactical retreat. Jessalee knows someone who may be able to come in part time at night. That would help a little. But Mom remains without skilled nursing care, physical therapy and occupational therapy. At this point she is so physically weak and so far deteriorated mentally that PT and OT would probably be futile anyway. So she's vegetating, my sister is being run off her feet performing work she's not trained for and my father is left running the house, dealing with caring for a helpless invalid while being harassed and stymied at every turn. Why? Why is all this so difficult?

Reply #78. Dec 02 20, 12:29 PM

MiraJane star

player avatar
Cat, your mother is engaging in conversation with your family. She is watching the news on TV. That is not mental deterioration. That is mental engagement.

As long as your family is documenting all the phone calls, letters, emails, and dead ends you are running into, it will show you are not neglecting your mother.

Reply #79. Dec 02 20, 10:37 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
GRRR! I am soooooo frustrated!

The Google and Wikipedia I have access to obviously have a U.S. bias, which means I can't find what I'm looking for.

According to the liner notes in the boxed set Dickie Valentine: The Complete '50s Singles, the songwriters for "Snowbound for Christmas" are Chorney, Shrager, shrager. Nothing I search for, nowhere I search gives first names much less info on these songwriters. I can only assume I'm not getting into British Google or Wikipedia.

It may seem like a small thing, but it's *really* irritating me! When every other question in my Christmas song quiz includes complete names of songwriters, how can I just say Chorney, Shrager, shrager on "Snowbound for Christmas"? How lame! It looks like I didn't care enough to do basic research. But if the liner notes don't give the full names and no way I try to search the Internet gives anything even remotely useful, what am I supposed to do? ARG!!!

The worst part is, other than this one piece of interesting info, the quiz is finished. And, yes, I have tried looking up the lyrics, since often the lyrics page includes songwriting credits. Nada! Not under Dickie Valentine, and not under The Decastro Sisters. Why is *everything* so difficult?

Reply #80. Dec 04 20, 9:03 PM

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