morrigan has been a FunTrivia author since Mar 12 01 and has written 65 quizzes.
morrigan strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Literature, and
has earned 5,650 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
You've heard them through friends, family, and probably from a chain letter or two, but do you know the truth behind those urban legends that involve animals?
Have you seen that flashy black and white horse cutting those cows? That's a Paint horse-take this quiz to learn all about the American Paint Horse. This quiz covers both the American Paint Horse Association and the Pinto Horse Association.
Written by Laurell K Hamilton, the Anita Blake series has been one of my favorite series to read. Test your knowledge on some of the men in Anita's life! This is part one in my series of "The People in Her Life."
You've heard of the walk, the trot and the canter. But have you heard of the running walk, the rack and the tolt? Take this quiz and learn more about the gaits of the horse.
Have you heard of the Schipperke? If not, then take this quiz and learn about them! If yes, then take this quiz to learn more about them! We're using the American Kennel Club standard.
From the desk of MaryJanice Davidson, "Undead & Unemployed" is the story of a newly formed vampire. It's a comedy-so take this quiz, learn about the new vampire queen, then go out and read all about her!