Author Biography: Rowena8482
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Rowena8482 has been a FunTrivia author since
Feb 14 07 and has written
322 quizzes.
Rowena8482 writes for many different categories, but is most active in
Music, and
General Knowledge, and has won
6 Editor's Choice awards on submitted quizzes.
- has earned 17,770 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
- last seen online Feb 16 25, and most recent quiz went online Feb 10 25.
Bio: I am in the North East of England, at the Seaside, between the long fall sewage outlet and the nuclear power station. I have 5 kids, (Gothson, No2 Son, The Roving Pink Marshmallow of Havoc, Mickey Dripping and 'The Baby'), and a long-suffering husband, all of whom have the requisite number of limbs, heads and other appendages, and I triv to forget.
Hobbies: Reading, knitting, and Quizzing