wjames has been a FunTrivia author since Sep 27 12 and has written 106 quizzes.
wjames is a generalist author, preferring to author quizzes across all categories, with the most common being
General Knowledge, and
Television, and has won 1 Editor's Choice award on submitted quizzes.
has earned 3,496 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
has adopted / renovated 3 quizzes that required editing work to date.
last seen online Dec 08 24, and most recent quiz went online Sep 30 24.
Adopted quiz, original author Snowbird, a member of FT Class 0 who last visited in 2006. Original had 20 questions from Weekly Games, this update contains questions from each of the 20 quiz categories.
Already given your Blood, Sweat and Tears to Trivia? Give a little bit more and try your hand at this quiz. This is an adopted quiz, original author E-Kaffeinated, put online in 2003.
Very few of the "Breaking Bad" characters were wholly "good", but these are the best of the "bad". Match the character with their identifying characteristics.
After winning fame on the big or small screen, these stars promoted charitable causes. Match the celeb with the charity, some with clues of their area of focus.
Volcanoes are some of the most spectacular and beautiful land forms on Earth. Their violent eruptions often cause humans to "head for the hills", or perhaps, head AWAY from the hills. This quiz covers some common and not-so-common volcanic features.
The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) is a charity that provides water rescue all over the U.K. and Ireland. See if you can identify these locations of RNLI stations, with perhaps some extra clues tossed in.
I'm certain that we all have song lyrics that we are uncertain of: here are a few of my favorites, see if you can pick the correct ones.
Authors Challenge title by kyleisalive - thanks Kyle! (Or is it Mr. /Ms. Alive?)
Some of the more unusual TV workplaces over the years -- don't expect to see offices, restaurants or hospitals! Match the U.S. TV show character with their place of work.
One of my favorite TV shows, and I'm surprised to see there are no quizzes on this excellent US version. Questions and information deal with the first three seasons. SPOILER ALERT! Enjoy and please RATE this quiz.
Trying something new for my 100th quiz, my first foray into poetry. Please match the author with the (hopefully) recognizable lines from their famous poem.
Storms - hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes -- are powerful and memorable weather events, and they often figure prominently in various forms of entertainment.