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Quiz about Easiest Bible Quiz Ever
Quiz about Easiest Bible Quiz Ever

Easiest Bible Quiz Ever!

Since my earlier quizzes on the Holy Bible were ranked difficult or tough, I thought of making the easiest Bible quiz ever, well, almost!

A multiple-choice quiz by richie_007. Estimated time: 3 mins.
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3 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
# Qns
Avg Score
8 / 10
Last 3 plays: Linda_Arizona (10/10), Guest 73 (7/10), Guest 162 (10/10).
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Question 1 of 10
1. In the NIV Bible in the Book of Genesis, what did God create on the seventh day? Hint

Question 2 of 10
2. In the NIV Bible, which possible reason/s describe why Eve partook of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden? Hint

Question 3 of 10
3. In the NIV Bible in the Book of Genesis, God made a covenant with Noah and his sons for all generations never again to flood the earth. What was the sign of this covenant? Hint

Question 4 of 10
4. In the Book of Genesis 1:24 the KJV Bible says, "And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so." However which is the first individual mammal to be mentioned in the Bible? (Hint: Abel's profession) Hint

Question 5 of 10
5. In the NIV Bible in the Book of Judges which person had lady-like long hair and superhuman strength? Hint

Question 6 of 10
6. In the NIV Bible who was the person of Jewish nobility who miraculously escaped unharmed from the lion's den? (Hint: in the Book of his own name) Hint

Question 7 of 10
7. In the NIV Bible name the shepherd lad who slew a giant Philistine and in whose hometown (according to Matthew 1:5-6), Bethlehem, Jesus was born? Hint

Question 8 of 10
8. In the KJV version of the Holy Bible, Jesus was John the Baptist's nephew. (Hint: Mary and Elizabeth were cousins)

Question 9 of 10
9. In the NIV Bible, who is universally regarded as the Father of Faith? (Hint: Father of Isaac) Hint

Question 10 of 10
10. Last but not the least, in the NIV Bible in the last Book of Revelation, whose grace is invoked? Hint

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Most Recent Scores
Jul 18 2024 : Linda_Arizona: 10/10
Jul 12 2024 : Guest 73: 7/10
Jul 09 2024 : Guest 162: 10/10
Jul 04 2024 : scottm: 10/10
Jul 01 2024 : Guest 213: 7/10
Jul 01 2024 : Guest 99: 10/10
Jun 30 2024 : MikeMaster99: 7/10
Jun 29 2024 : Guest 104: 10/10
Jun 23 2024 : Guest 202: 10/10

Score Distribution

Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. In the NIV Bible in the Book of Genesis, what did God create on the seventh day?

Answer: Nothing, He just rested.

After completing all the work of Creation God rested on the seventh day. Genesis 2:3 says, "Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.". The seventh day being the Sabbath day for Jews and normally Sunday for Christians.
2. In the NIV Bible, which possible reason/s describe why Eve partook of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden?

Answer: She wanted to become like God

Eve was told by the serpent that if she partook of the tree her eyes would be opened and she would become like God, knowing good and evil. Genesis 3:6-7 says, "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.

She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves."
3. In the NIV Bible in the Book of Genesis, God made a covenant with Noah and his sons for all generations never again to flood the earth. What was the sign of this covenant?

Answer: The rainbow

Genesis 9:12-13 says, "And God said, 'This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.'"
4. In the Book of Genesis 1:24 the KJV Bible says, "And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so." However which is the first individual mammal to be mentioned in the Bible? (Hint: Abel's profession)

Answer: Sheep

In the KJV Bible cattle is used as a general word describing livestock, however the first mention of an individual animal sheep is in Genesis 4:1-2 "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord. And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground."
5. In the NIV Bible in the Book of Judges which person had lady-like long hair and superhuman strength?

Answer: Samson

Manoah, Samson's father, had a wife who was childless and the Angel of the Lord told her that she would have a son who was to be a Nazarite from the womb and therefore have uncut long hair. In Judges 13:2-5 "A certain man of Zorah, named Manoah, from the clan of the Danites, had a wife who was childless, unable to give birth.

The Angel of the LORD appeared to her and said, 'You are barren and childless, but you are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son. Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean. You will become pregnant and have a son whose head is never to be touched by a razor because the boy is to be a Nazirite, dedicated to God from the womb.

He will take the lead in delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines.'" Samson with his superhuman strength fulfilled the prophecy until Delilah deceived him and his hair was clipped.
6. In the NIV Bible who was the person of Jewish nobility who miraculously escaped unharmed from the lion's den? (Hint: in the Book of his own name)

Answer: Daniel

In the Book of Daniel chapter 6 king Darius of the Medes puts Daniel in the den of lions for violating the king's official decree, however, Daniel is miraculously saved. In Daniel 6:21-23 the Bible says, "Daniel answered, 'May the king live forever! My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions.

They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.' The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den. And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God."
7. In the NIV Bible name the shepherd lad who slew a giant Philistine and in whose hometown (according to Matthew 1:5-6), Bethlehem, Jesus was born?

Answer: David

David was called by God a person after His own heart (1st Samuel 13:14) and succeeded Saul as king of Israel. His claim to fame of course was when he slew Goliath and became an overnight hero.
8. In the KJV version of the Holy Bible, Jesus was John the Baptist's nephew. (Hint: Mary and Elizabeth were cousins)

Answer: False

In the KJV Bible Jesus and John the Baptist were cousins, since Mary and Elizabeth their respective mothers were mentioned cousins in Luke 1:36. However, John was sort-of elder as he was born first. Jesus on record said a very amazing fact about John.

He calls him more than a prophet and, in Matthew 11:11, He says of all who have ever lived till that moment, none is greater than John the Baptist. Yet even the least person in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he is! Jesus is implying that even the least person who believes in Him is greater than John.
9. In the NIV Bible, who is universally regarded as the Father of Faith? (Hint: Father of Isaac)

Answer: Abraham

Abraham in Romans 4:11 is called the Father of faith or of all who believe. In Romans 4:4 the Bible says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." He received the gift of being righteous in God's sight through faith and not via deeds. Also in Hebrews 11:17-18 "By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice.

He who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him, 'It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.' Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead, and so in a manner of speaking he did receive Isaac back from death."
10. Last but not the least, in the NIV Bible in the last Book of Revelation, whose grace is invoked?

Answer: Jesus

In the Book of Revelation in the last verse of the last chapter the NIV Bible in 22:21 says, "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's holy people. Amen." After all, Jesus Himself had said earlier in Mark 10:31 that the last shall be first.
Source: Author richie_007

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