Author Biography: lowtechmaster
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lowtechmaster has been a FunTrivia author since
Jun 17 15 and has written
300 quizzes.
lowtechmaster strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Brain Teasers, and
General Knowledge.
- has earned 12,439 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Bio: After 40 years in public higher education as a teacher, academic administrator, and union officer, I retired at the end of 2002, and I have forgotten at least 90% of what I once knew. Although I registered at Fun Trivia long ago, I only recently became active (April, 2015) and joined Triviabiz. Despite my dotage and slow reflexes, I hope to help the team.
Hobbies: I've had many, but I now use crosswords, trivia, and reading to keep my ancient brain alive.