Author & Editor Biography: Bruyere
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Bruyere has been a FunTrivia author since
Feb 03 01 and has written
125 quizzes.
Bruyere strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Brain Teasers, and
Humanities, and has won
4 Editor's Choice awards on submitted quizzes.
- is a member of the FunTrivia Editing staff, and is tasked with editing, reviewing, and maintaining FunTrivia quiz
- has earned 16,399 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
- last seen online Dec 10 24, and most recent quiz went online Nov 29 23.
Bio: I am known for my eclectic interests. I am interested in just about everything but my main focus is on the visual arts, literature, world languages, and music. I have been a volunteer editor at FT for twenty-one years now and love seeing others enjoy it. I teach, edit, translate and tutor.
Hobbies: Drawing, painting, flute playing, singing, writing, making woven rugs and a few others.