pinkblush2 has been a FunTrivia author since Dec 20 01 and has written 39 quizzes.
pinkblush2 strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Celebrities, and
has earned 3,436 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Bio: I love making tests about everything! Especially the cutie Ben Affleck!
Beagles are one of the best dog breeds in the world! I have one...I should know! Take this quiz to find out if you know as much about beagles as you think you do.
A quiz is on the tragic history of the millions of people murdered during WWII because of their religion, race- or because they didn't fit in with the Nazi scheme of things.
I will give you a few clues, and you have to guess what animal it is! All are simple animals that an everyday person should know. All are also found on land only. No fish or water mammals.
"Men in Black 2" is the sequel to the blockbuster hit "Men in Black". Let's see if you paid attention to the second one and know anything about the people in it!
"Never Been Kissed" came out in 1999 and starred Drew Barrymore as a journalist who goes back to high school to research a story. Here is a quiz to see if you were paying attention when you watched it!
This is about the 2002 thriller "Murder by Numbers". Some of the questions you can answer by just watching the movie, but others are about the movie's background. Enjoy!
This is my second quiz on Isabel Allende's books...this book in particular is called 'Portrait in Sepia'. If you haven't read the book yet go to your local library or bookstore and get it!