tjoebigham has been a FunTrivia author since Dec 05 00 and has written 140 quizzes.
tjoebigham writes for many different categories, but is most active in
Movies, and
has earned 5,491 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
last seen online Mar 05 25, and most recent quiz went online May 11 20.
Long before Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones assumed that title, the Three Stooges used it for one of their looniest shorts, where they turn a hospital into a madhouse!
For my third marketing quiz, I've included the origins of some well-known slogans and brand names along with a few logos. Also, it will have more true or false questions than my other quizzes.
Boston has its own special cachet among the capital cities of the world. If you're a Bostonian, this quiz should be a snap! But even Londoners or New Yorkers can learn something here!
After "Dark Star", John Carpenter made his name with this 1976 urban horror tale about a police station besieged by a murderous street gang. Next came "Halloween"...and fame!
Like those on the stage, movie props (short for "properties") are material objects used by the characters, such as clothing, weaponry, etc., and sometimes help to tell the story.
In May 2002, "TV Guide" published its 50 All-Time Best TV shows. And in July 2002 it ran its 50 All-Time Worst TV shows. This quiz is about a selection from this 100. "TV Guide" fanatics should breeze through it!