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The Calculators
Group Number: 14657, Team Leader: katytusa

  There are 2728 members. 105 are considered active.

  Add yourself to our growing numbers!

   Seen over the last 24 Hours: Taltarzac, fivish, verbatimsa, solent787, debray2001, Lynniepaw, ninjafoot, goesting, SLAPSHOT4, Tas_E_Devil, MsVee11, Jennifer84, cosechero, GBfan, saradu, Catreona, cken55, james1947, hockeypaul9, petroboy ...
Ranked #7 in League A last month.
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All Leagues : League A : Current Standings

For December we are using 8 games for the 20 team diamond elite league.
Team Heroes   Pot of Gold    Mixed Hourly    Mind Melt   Who Am I?   Who's the Expert?   Word Wizard   Who's Smartest?

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero MeltWhoPotMixSmrtExpWord Score
1. The Devious Demons 651 /20 2 /20 1 /20 1 /20 3 /20 1 /20 1 /20 2 /20 12
2. classicalmusic/mensan 333 /20 1 /20 3 /20 4 /20 1 /20 3 /20 7 /20 1 /20 23
3. Phoenix Rising 275 /20 3 /20 4 /20 2 /20 2 /20 4 /20 2 /20 4 /20 26
4. Red Hot Silly Beggars 197 /20 4 /20 2 /20 3 /20 4 /20 2 /20 3 /20 5 /20 30
5. Old Farts 454 /20 9 /20 10 /20 5 /20 11 /20 9 /20 6 /20 3 /20 57
6. The Calculators 1052 /20 7 /20 6 /20 8 /20 14 /20 11 /20 9 /20 6 /20 63
7. Worldwide Wizards 5913 /20 8 /20 8 /20 6 /20 5 /20 7 /20 8 /20 8 /20 63
8. Triviabiz 6312 /20 6 /20 9 /20 7 /20 8 /20 13 /20 4 /20 7 /20 66
9. Canadian Players 4811 /20 5 /20 19 /20 9 /20 9 /20 5 /20 16 /20 10 /20 84
10. Vixens 4210 /20 14 /20 11 /20 16 /20 17 /20 8 /20 5 /20 19 /20 100
11. Funsters 226 /20 16 /20 18 /20 18 /20 6 /20 6 /20 13 /20 18 /20 101
12. The Moops 208 /20 10 /20 7 /20 15 /20 20 /20 19 /20 11 /20 11 /20 101
13. CLIQUE-KICKERS 2719 /20 17 /20 14 /20 14 /20 10 /20 10 /20 12 /20 9 /20 105
14. The Cat People 809 /20 15 /20 13 /20 10 /20 15 /20 14 /20 18 /20 13 /20 107
15. Wisdom of the Fool 1915 /20 12 /20 5 /20 20 /20 7 /20 20 /20 15 /20 15 /20 109
16. The Bee's Knees 2114 /20 13 /20 17 /20 13 /20 12 /20 16 /20 17 /20 12 /20 114
17. Quiz Makers Guild 2816 /20 19 /20 12 /20 12 /20 18 /20 12 /20 10 /20 16 /20 115
18. The Internationals 2720 /20 18 /20 16 /20 11 /20 13 /20 18 /20 19 /20 17 /20 132
19. The Joli Llamas 1818 /20 11 /20 15 /20 17 /20 19 /20 15 /20 20 /20 20 /20 135
20. Pi in the Sky 1217 /20 20 /20 20 /20 19 /20 16 /20 17 /20 14 /20 14 /20 137

: Top 5 teams win monthly trophies.    Bottom teams move down to League B at end of month.
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
Today, 12:01 AMrustic_les New Question Quiz Winner
win your new qn set 10 times
Dec 02, 9:00 PMsaradu I'm the Smartest
score 1 win points in the Hard Game
Dec 02, 6:50 PMGBfan Chapter 1: Home, Sweet Home
Awarded to a player who reaches the rank of Recruit and completes the scavenger quizzes
Dec 02, 5:05 PMGoodwinPD Chapter 2b: Riding a Wild Pony
Awarded to a player who reaches the rank of Initiate 1st class and completes the scavenger quizzes
Dec 02, 9:36 AMwwwocls Quizzes of the Hour
complete 720 quizzes of the hr
Dec 02, 9:34 AMTimlotus Authoring: Matchbox
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 2 match quizzes
Dec 02, 9:34 AMGBfan Authoring: Ballot
Author and receive a star (of any color) for 2 multiple choice quizzes
Newest members: Harmattan (Oct 02 24) Madalyn27 (Sep 17 24) eddy999 (May 26 24) WatsonUrWallet (May 22 24)

The Calculators are in League A. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes 518 1 of 20 784 2 of 20
The Daily Game 479 3 of 20 1054 2 of 20
Mind Melt 358 5 of 20 622 7 of 20
New Question Daily 416 5 of 20 881 4 of 20
Who Am I? (hard) 257 10 of 20 641 6 of 20
World Daily Quiz 549 1 of 20 991 3 of 20
Pot of Gold 219 12 of 20 652 8 of 20
Who's the Smartest Hourly 303 6 of 20 409 11 of 20
Easy Hourly 366 5 of 20 696 4 of 20
Mixed Hourly 197 11 of 20 334 14 of 20
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) 334 7 of 20 920 3 of 20
Who's the Expert 308 9 of 20 552 9 of 20
Word Wizard 249 10 of 20 615 6 of 20
Fill Me In 495 3 of 20 1005 3 of 20
Obscurity 414 4 of 20 741 5 of 20
Gold Madness 525 1 of 20 891 2 of 20
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
GoodwinPD Bedfordshire UK586918973258553
james1947 Oregon USA581806093287077
sam388 Ottawa Canada207519363506823
kysus Deming USA403627662366086
Reveler Indiana USA180248013024795
buckeye52 Florida USA389046891534764
RJOhio Ohio USA338502312104706
ZenRocks Brussels Belgium217787122324633
agentofchaos Surfers Paradise Australia106074203204558
goesting Belgium214133161984169

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