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Group Number: 16732, Team Leader: LeeDaMan

  There are 68 members. 62 are considered active.

  No matter if you are young or old, whether you want to chat or not, and whatever your interests are, we have a place for you. Our only "rule" is to ask that you play a minimum of one game per month. Members removed, are of course very welcome to rejoin should they wish. Try us, we are friendly, welcoming, active and a truly International Team.

   Seen over the last 24 Hours: Isipingo, Kenners158, Navyrum, red_and_blue, LeeDaMan, JGal321, C30, Debzilla, Duckay, Dorsetmaid, Maestaren, samak, bramblerose17, Rudd13, kezzabod, jogreen, rubytops, meandyou2011, Lindaj828, rlandi1 ...
Ranked #5 in League A last month.
This group is currently set as open to all. Join Now!

All Leagues : League A : Current Standings

For January we are using 8 games for the 20 team diamond elite league.
Team Heroes   GM Madness    Daily Game   Mixed Hourly    New Qn Game   Fifty-Fifty   Fill Me In   Easy Hourly

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero DailNewEasyMixFITBFiftyGMM Score
1. The Devious Demons 701 /20 1 /20 1 /20 2 /20 2 /20 2 /20 2 /20 2/20 13
2. Red Hot Silly Beggars 193 /20 2 /20 2 /20 4 /20 3 /20 1 /20 1 /20 1/20 17
3. classicalmusic/mensan 322 /20 3 /20 5 /20 1 /20 1 /20 3 /20 5 /20 6/20 26
4. Phoenix Rising 294 /20 5 /20 4 /20 3 /20 5 /20 4 /20 4 /20 3/20 32
5. Worldwide Wizards 618 /20 4 /20 11 /20 5 /20 4 /20 5 /20 3 /20 7/20 47
6. Triviabiz 626 /20 8 /20 3 /20 6 /20 7 /20 7 /20 6 /20 5/20 48
7. Old Farts 4910 /20 7 /20 7 /20 9 /20 6 /20 8 /20 7 /20 4/20 58
8. Canadian Players 495 /20 6 /20 9 /20 15 /20 8 /20 15 /20 8 /20 8/20 74
9. Funsters 217 /20 12 /20 10 /20 7 /20 9 /20 10 /20 9 /20 14/20 78
10. The Calculators 1009 /20 10 /20 8 /20 11 /20 14 /20 13 /20 14 /20 9/20 88
11. The Cat People 8212 /20 14 /20 6 /20 13 /20 15 /20 6 /20 13 /20 12/20 91
12. The Joli Llamas 1813 /20 9 /20 14 /20 18 /20 18 /20 11 /20 10 /20 10/20 103
13. Vixens 4211 /20 15 /20 18 /20 10 /20 13 /20 9 /20 11 /20 18/20 105
14. The Moops 2115 /20 11 /20 12 /20 14 /20 12 /20 12 /20 16 /20 19/20 111
15. The Bee's Knees 2217 /20 17 /20 13 /20 12 /20 16 /20 16 /20 12 /20 11/20 114
16. CLIQUE-KICKERS 2816 /20 13 /20 19 /20 8 /20 11 /20 14 /20 19 /20 17/20 117
17. Wisdom of the Fool 2014 /20 16 /20 16 /20 16 /20 10 /20 18 /20 15 /20 15/20 120
18. Faithful and True 2320 /20 18 /20 15 /20 20 /20 17 /20 19 /20 18 /20 13/20 140
19. European Players 5019 /20 19 /20 17 /20 17 /20 19 /20 17 /20 17 /20 16/20 141
20. Retired And Loving It 5018 /20 20 /20 20 /20 19 /20 20 /20 20 /20 20 /20 20/20 157

: Top 5 teams win monthly trophies.    Bottom teams move down to League B at end of month.
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
Jan 23, 8:48 PMsamak Chapter 4b: All You Need Is Love
Awarded to a player who reaches the rank of Novice 1st class and completes the scavenger quizzes
Jan 23, 1:00 PMJGal321 I'm the Smartest
score 500 win points in the Hard Game
Jan 23, 10:11 AMBaldfroggie Perfect Madness
for scoring 15 correctly in 120 seconds
Jan 22, 5:35 AMDuckay Achievement: GM Madness
for scoring 1200 points
Jan 22, 5:33 AMDuckay Obscure Knowledge
for scoring 11 correctly in 120 seconds
Jan 22, 3:35 AMjogreen Monstertastic!
complete 10000 questions in monster quiz
Jan 22, 3:31 AMDuckay Mystery Box
score perfectly on 3 mystery box games
Newest members: hungariangypsy (Jan 16 25) BrendyC (Dec 11 24) michael2024 (Dec 03 24) Soumesh (Nov 23 24)

Triviabiz are in League A. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes 348 6 of 20 7216 6 of 20
The Daily Game 143 16 of 20 5994 8 of 20
Mind Melt 172 14 of 20 5666 9 of 20
New Question Daily 485 2 of 20 8362 3 of 20
Who Am I? (hard) 129 17 of 20 4652 15 of 20
World Daily Quiz 304 5 of 20 6394 6 of 20
Pot of Gold 198 9 of 20 5298 10 of 20
Who's the Smartest Hourly 291 9 of 20 6511 8 of 20
Easy Hourly 281 8 of 20 6922 6 of 20
Mixed Hourly 310 7 of 20 7008 7 of 20
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) 268 8 of 20 7500 6 of 20
Who's the Expert 288 9 of 20 5964 11 of 20
Word Wizard 251 10 of 20 7459 7 of 20
Fill Me In 252 9 of 20 8097 7 of 20
Obscurity 244 7 of 20 6578 6 of 20
Gold Madness 341 5 of 20 8819 5 of 20
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
samak Ashgabat Asia270369463627239
Jane57 Bouldercombe Australia198088943276486
dippo London UK386271153106045
Dorsetmaid Dorset UK206530623145525
garrybl New York City USA183914092315346
Baldfroggie Huntsville USA371067282394706
Geoff565 Hampshire UK268865542784575
bmrsnr Utah USA58288203124505
jogreen Antrim UK125107622904503
rubytops Essex UK205739792694177

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