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Group Number: 34846, Team Leader: jazh2

  There are 72 members. 41 are considered active.

  Vixens is a multi national and multi gender team with an eclectic mix of personalities. We have a friendly and positive disposition and a great team spirit. Ask us for an invite to join and share the fun in Trivia. #Foreveryone.

   Seen over the last 24 Hours: Peachie13, Hedgehog101, blackavar72, europium, emmal2000uk, Steelbeatle, VoodooChile71, lemage, paxy, yaybig, Barca99, bradez, Erb1960, Mixamatosis, jazh2, rubydooby1, goodt, Plumbus, glamaris4, jetskichimp ...
Ranked #14 in League A last month.
This group is currently set as open to all. Join Now!

All Leagues : League A : Current Standings

For December we are using 8 games for the 20 team diamond elite league.
Team Heroes   Pot of Gold    Mixed Hourly    Mind Melt   Who Am I?   Who's the Expert?   Word Wizard   Who's Smartest?

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero MeltWhoPotMixSmrtExpWord Score
1. The Devious Demons 651 /20 1 /20 1 /20 1 /20 1 /20 1 /20 1 /20 2 /20 9
2. classicalmusic/mensan 332 /20 2 /20 3 /20 4 /20 2 /20 2 /20 6 /20 1 /20 22
3. Red Hot Silly Beggars 193 /20 3 /20 2 /20 3 /20 4 /20 3 /20 5 /20 4 /20 27
4. Phoenix Rising 264 /20 4 /20 7 /20 2 /20 3 /20 4 /20 2 /20 3 /20 29
5. Old Farts 445 /20 10 /20 4 /20 8 /20 8 /20 7 /20 3 /20 6 /20 51
6. Worldwide Wizards 5711 /20 7 /20 6 /20 9 /20 5 /20 6 /20 4 /20 7 /20 55
7. Triviabiz 647 /20 9 /20 10 /20 5 /20 6 /20 8 /20 7 /20 5 /20 57
8. The Calculators 998 /20 5 /20 5 /20 6 /20 12 /20 13 /20 9 /20 8 /20 66
9. Canadian Players 509 /20 8 /20 18 /20 7 /20 10 /20 5 /20 11 /20 13 /20 81
10. Funsters 216 /20 16 /20 17 /20 15 /20 7 /20 10 /20 10 /20 15 /20 96
11. CLIQUE-KICKERS 2714 /20 14 /20 14 /20 18 /20 9 /20 9 /20 12 /20 9 /20 99
12. The Moops 2012 /20 6 /20 9 /20 17 /20 14 /20 18 /20 19 /20 10 /20 105
13. Vixens 4115 /20 17 /20 11 /20 19 /20 16 /20 11 /20 8 /20 11 /20 108
14. Wisdom of the Fool 1917 /20 15 /20 8 /20 20 /20 11 /20 12 /20 14 /20 17 /20 114
15. The Cat People 8110 /20 19 /20 12 /20 10 /20 18 /20 15 /20 13 /20 18 /20 115
16. Quiz Makers Guild 2716 /20 12 /20 13 /20 12 /20 20 /20 16 /20 15 /20 14 /20 118
17. The Internationals 2918 /20 13 /20 16 /20 11 /20 13 /20 20 /20 17 /20 19 /20 127
18. The Joli Llamas 1913 /20 11 /20 15 /20 13 /20 17 /20 19 /20 20 /20 20 /20 128
19. The Bee's Knees 2120 /20 18 /20 19 /20 14 /20 15 /20 14 /20 18 /20 12 /20 130
20. Pi in the Sky 1219 /20 20 /20 20 /20 16 /20 19 /20 17 /20 16 /20 16 /20 143

: Top 5 teams win monthly trophies.    Bottom teams move down to League B at end of month.
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
Today, 9:35 AMKalibre Quizzer
complete 1000 quizzes
Today, 7:04 AMKalibre 24 Hrs of Kids Trivia
Score 200 questions correct in 24 hrs playing For Children quizzes.
Dec 09, 11:44 PMKalibre Quick Quiz
bank 100 quick questions
Dec 09, 11:02 PMKalibre Picture It
Awarded to a player who completes 18 of the following photo quizzes.
Dec 09, 7:30 PMKalibre Don't Stop
Awarded to a player who completes 15 of the quizzes listed in the challenge text.
Dec 09, 7:00 PMKalibre Medical School
Awarded to a player who plays 20 quizzes containing any of the following terms in its title: Medicin...
Dec 09, 6:04 PMKalibre Quiziversity
Awarded to a player who plays each of the 5 quizzes outlined in the challenge text and scores reason...
Newest members: RobertaSmith (Nov 30 24) xAl3xandra (Nov 29 24) Kalibre (Nov 28 24) Godwit (Oct 21 24)

Vixens are in League A. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes 228 11 of 20 1761 15 of 20
The Daily Game 95 18 of 20 1767 14 of 20
Mind Melt 199 13 of 20 1453 17 of 20
New Question Daily 303 9 of 20 1976 12 of 20
Who Am I? (hard) 221 14 of 20 2000 11 of 20
World Daily Quiz 172 11 of 20 1217 16 of 20
Pot of Gold 216 13 of 20 1227 19 of 20
Who's the Smartest Hourly 234 11 of 20 2086 11 of 20
Easy Hourly 280 8 of 20 2217 10 of 20
Mixed Hourly 46 20 of 20 1301 16 of 20
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) 398 3 of 20 2577 8 of 20
Who's the Expert 257 10 of 20 2570 8 of 20
Word Wizard 323 6 of 20 1970 11 of 20
Fill Me In 429 4 of 20 3304 4 of 20
Obscurity 50 17 of 20 1108 14 of 20
Gold Madness 59 16 of 20 737 15 of 20
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
blackavar72 Jamaica USA155306042595251
jazh2 Ireland135079002104776
Peachie13 Sussex UK171623742314384
Mixamatosis London UK157615501483395
emmal2000uk Wiltshire UK124465621663378
lemage New York USA72187671362803
bradez dudley UK55274942352742
Hedgehog101 Pointon UK86763291162705
ArchieRoss Henley Beach Australia84026781392439
Plumbus Lincolnshire UK106648071182406

You can create your own group here, and invite your own friends / family / co-workers to join it.

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