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Subject: Supernatural corner

Posted by: satguru
Date: Jul 25 15

After losing the myth, legend or fact forum I thought it would be nice to have a supernatural experiences and questions thread here, I'm sure there's still plenty of interest in it.

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terraorca star

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Ken Curtis aka. Festus
born July 2nd 1916,
died April 28th 1991

Reply #101. Feb 27 18, 12:56 PM
terraorca star

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Can we all agree to move this conversation over to the Buddy Holly thread, I'm sure that neither he, nor The Crickets, would mind.
Thank you,
Thank you very much, he says in his very best Elvis imitation.

Reply #102. Feb 27 18, 12:59 PM
Blackdresss star

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4 8 15 16 23 42

The numbers from "LOST"

Brian, I'm a lucid dreamer. I can set up my dreams before I go to sleep. If I don't like the way the dream is going, I can change it, mid-dream. If I wake up, I can go back into the dream when I go back to sleep.

If I'm not finished with a dream, I can continue it the next night. And the night after that. And the night after that.

That's never seemed odd to me. When I was little, if something was terrifying me in my dream, and generally chasing me, I would just stop running, turn around, and yell "WAKE UP!" and then I would. Or, I could just fly away, although I could only fly right above the tree tops, I had to take a big "launch" to take off, and I could only fly doing a breast stroke, so not very fast, but high enough and fast enough to get out of danger.

Or, worst case, I could just become "invisible" and whatever was after me couldn't see me anymore, even if I was standing or crouching right in front of it.

But that 3:33 a.m. thing is so specific, and so specific to just one person. It never occurred to me to look it up. It was just the time I always heard that voice and knew I was needed, so I leaped out of bed and raced to help.

But the person who needed me wasn't down the hall, or down the block, or anywhere close. He was online.

I suppose we could move this conversation to the "Buddy Holly" blog. Kevin won't mind, and you're more than welcome there, Brian. I just wanted to find you, specifically, to ask you about this. A lotta "specifics" here.

Reply #103. Feb 27 18, 3:28 PM
daver852 star

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An interesting account of real ghost photographs.

Reply #104. Feb 28 18, 10:54 AM
sadwings star

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Well, I never believed in ghosts before, but I surely do now. That was the most solid, indisputable proof of anything I have ever seen in my entire life. Even more than all of the "photographic evidence" of UFOs and Bigfoot and Nessie and blah blah. Surely is a good thing it's impossible for things like that to be fabricated. Help, Elle! I need someone to show me how to change the channel on my nightmares!

Reply #105. Feb 28 18, 3:29 PM
Blackdresss star

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Brian, you're a "Man Of Science" and I'm a "Girl Of Faith."

Come back when you want to talk about why numbers show up, over and over, in the unlikeliest of places, and why they actually mean something. It could be a very interesting conversation.

Reply #106. Feb 28 18, 3:40 PM
brm50diboll star

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Well, I'm glad you caught those numbers, Elle. As it happened, at the time Lost was on the air, I didn't really watch it (maybe a couple of episodes) but I couldn't follow it because it had a serial, arching plot full of flashbacks which didn't make much sense when you just catch a loose episode here or there. But I've been binge watching Lost on Hulu the past couple of months and I've found it to be intringing, although downright weird. As far as "the numbers" are concerned, what I like about them is that the show didn't attempt to explain every single detail about them, but left a lot open to individual imagination and interpretation. But, as you said, I am more of a "man of science" so I'm not going to get too wrapped up in them. You're not going to see me trapped in a hatch pushing buttons every 108 minutes thinking I'm "saving the world". Y'all can believe what you want about numbers, but I'm more like Jack Shephard than John Locke. Empirical, quantifiable evidence. That's where it's at.

Reply #107. Feb 28 18, 4:37 PM
Blackdresss star

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I loved and watched LOST faithfully, even believing the writers when they SWORE to Stephen King that they had a plot, they knew where it was all going, and it wasn't to end with, "And then, one of them woke up and it was all just a dream! The End!" or "And then, it was revealed that they all were dead! The End!" or "Sadly, no, we have no frickin' idea where this is going -- we didn't think we'd make it past the pilot." They swore to him they had a plot, and it wasn't going off the rails on a crazy train, before he agreed to sign all three of their favorite copies of his books. And they LIED! King was a guest editor for Entertainment Weekly at the time.

I watched until they turned Sayid into a zombie and Claire was walking around with a dead raccoon on her head, and then I quit. I knew then they had lied to Uncle Stevie.

And all that fast-forwarding, and then sideways-sliding was making me dizzy. The back stories were great, though.

Only recently, when nothing in this house worked, to include my internet or DirecTV, I bought the entire series on DVD and binge-watched them from the beginning again. I still cringed over what they did to MY Sayid and poor little Claire, but I made it to the end.

You be the Man of Science, and I'll be the Girl of Faith, but no way would I be down in a hatch, pressing buttons every 106 minutes, either. But poor John Locke didn't want to leave the island. He didn't want to be back in that wheelchair. So, he did whatever he thought he had to do to stay right where he was.

Keep watching, and we can talk about this as you progress, if you want.

But there is no way I can discount the time of 3:33 a.m. waking me up, over and over and over, only to discover it was all very real. Hello, I heard a voice!

But I also believe in angels because I've seen them, I've talked to them, they've talked to me, and they've literally saved me, more than once. And I call on them when I need them. Can I prove any of this? Let me think... It's generally very personal, when I'm alone, when conversations take place, but saving me? Yes, I can prove that. I haven't always been alone when real, honest to God saving needed to happen from bodily harm. More than one person has been there for that, and witnessed how it happened.

I'm not spooky. I don't see demons hiding behind every rock. I am not meek or mild or shy or cowardly. I don't discount science -- why would I? But I also don't discount faith. Why would I?

Reply #108. Feb 28 18, 5:04 PM
sadwings star

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Here's what I can't figure out. As far as who has the power to do what to who, ghosts have the way upper hand over people. I mean, how can you fight back against something you can't see? But in the ghost world, what would be the tougher, scarier ghost - a person ghost or the ghost of a monster?

I mean, monsters are a lot bigger and tougher than people, so wouldn't their ghost be a lot tougher than a person ghost? But yet, you never hear about monster ghosts, and you know there has to be jillions of them running around. Like look at all the jillions of Bigfeets in the world. What happens to them when they die? Don't they get to become ghosts, too? Bigfeet ghosts.

Here's another puzzler. Lets say a vampire, a werewolf, a Bigfeets and and alien all bump into each other at the same time. Who do you suppose would be scared of who? Do you suppose maybe they would all run away in different directions at the same time?

And what about the ghost of Alley Oop or some other wild caveman with a big club? You never hear about cavemen ghosts or Neanderthal ghosts. They were people too, weren't they? Maybe they are all running around in some different dimension or something. I wish there wasn't so many spooky dimensions and universes with so many ghosts and monsters and werewolves and vampires and Bigfeets and aliens and elves and goblins constantly running around everywhere. Now I've gotten myself all scared! :-(

Reply #109. Mar 01 18, 1:45 AM
daver852 star

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Some photographs of ghosts have been proven to be hoaxes, but not all of them. You would not discount the entire science of physics because a couple of people claimed to have invented cold fusion and it turned out they were lying, would you? Here's another link to some interesting ghost photos. One that I find particularly intriguing is the one involving the RAF airman, Freddy Jackson.

One thing that interests me is the fact that the explanations for supernatural phenomenon by so-called skeptics and debunkers are often less believable than the phenomena themselves. Take the case of spontaneous human combustion. This has been attributed to the "wick effect," i.e., melting fat saturating the victim's clothes, which then act as a wick to burn the body to ashes. Pure hogwash. Ask someone who has worked in a crematorium how hard it is to reduce a human body to ashes.

Reply #110. Mar 01 18, 8:38 AM
sadwings star

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There are two main factors involved here. The first is that people are born with very active, very colorful imaginations. That is exactly why we are not all still living in the Stone Age. The second is simply that people love a mystery. One is solved and it satisfies and leaves a void at the same time, and it becomes natural human instinct and reflex to immediately seek out the next mystery to be captivated by. It does not require the slightest little shred of proof whatsoever for many people to believe many things, all it requires is simply someone having the thought and...........there you go. Watch it run wild and free. Not even the sky is the limit with the results on that one.

Reply #111. Mar 01 18, 5:45 PM
daver852 star

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Except . . . many of the most intriguing examples of supernatural phenomena have been reported by people unlikely to have overactive imaginations, such as scientists. Things happen that simply defy any normal explanation. For example, see:

Reply #112. Mar 01 18, 8:32 PM
sadwings star

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Won't even attempt to try and explain that one, other than perhaps some kind of Divine Intervention, which in itself is a taboo subject here. One of life's many mysteries indeed.

Reply #113. Mar 01 18, 9:05 PM
Blackdresss star

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Oh, I think we can talk about Divine Intervention in here. "Religion" is a niche topic.

Have I talked about the electric blue double helix that woke me up a few weeks ago in the dead of night, hovering just to the left of the foot of my bed? I really need to talk to someone about this, and Brian, you seem like the perfect person.

Anyone else who would like to leap in would be greatly appreciated. It's one of the weirdest things I've experienced yet, and I've lived in two houses that were so haunted, I moved to get away from them. Out of one that was terrifying, and then into another that was so much worse, an old farmhouse on 200 acres in the middle of nowhere, where the scariest things happened that just cannot be explained. But I'd love to tell you about them, just to see if you'd like to try. And getting out of that house took a lot of work. I was stuck there for a long time before I could get out, and a lot of creepy things happened there.

Reply #114. Mar 17 18, 6:17 PM
terraorca star

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I live in the home that I grew up in, no one other than our family has ever lived here. My mom has been deceased since 1998. I stay up late, since I have retired, I am convinced that my mother walks the hallway here in this house. She doesn't speak, but I've spoken to her. She only visits after dark. I have hardwood floors that creak.

Reply #115. Mar 17 18, 11:05 PM

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I know ghosts are real, but I honestly don't mind what other people know. If someone doesn't believe, I'm not going to try and convince them. I know what I've seen, many times, and continue to see, and if I could explain it any other way, I would. Sure, I have a very active imagination, always have had. But if I could, I'd use that active imagination to come up with a good way to convince myself that the things I see are not what I know they are, because I have a very good reason NOT to want ghosts to be real.
It wasn't just imagination that allowed us to progress out of the stone age, it was open-mindedness.

Reply #116. Mar 18 18, 2:58 AM
sadwings star

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I'm one of those non-believers, mainly because I have never experienced a ghost, but also and probably just as equally because of what the Bible says in regards to the matter, which is something I can't go into detail about on this website or I will probably get a spanking or have to stand in the corner, or maybe even both. However, I am very open-minded, but ghosts are something I would definitely have to see to believe, and I just can't help but to have a jillion "why" questions in regard to the matter. Like why ghosts have appeared to some people and not others is a great one.

Scientists have estimated that there have been right around 100 billion people who have lived and died since the dawn of man. A little research into that clearly shows that there's no way that prediction is less than 90% accurate. That would make about 13 ghosts for every human being alive on the planet today, so it's definitely not like there are not enough of them to go around. So, as I say, why some people have experienced them and not others? Seems like the non-believers would be the first ones these ghosts go after, you know, kind of like a "I'll show YOU" thing. Maybe not everyone gets to be a ghost when they die. If that's the case, I wonder why? What do you have to do in life to be able to qualify for being a ghost when you die, I wonder?

Here's another puzzler. A person gets murdered in a house, and now that house is haunted with their ghost. We've all heard the stories a million times. The number of haunted houses on the planet have obviously got to number up into the hundreds of thousands. Here's what I just can't understand. When someone is killed in their home - or whomever's home it may be - why doesn't their ghost pop up and slam all the doors and windows nice and tight before their killer has a chance to even get out of the house, and then proceed to do their ghostly deeds to their killer? It seems to me that their killer would be #1 on their list to do their ghostly deeds to. But how many documented cases are out there of that happening? Wait, I already know the answer to that - that would be zero. Zero that have been confirmed and proven, that is. I'm sure the world is full of people who will claim to have witnessed things like that every day. Could it be that ghosts don't get to be ghosts right away, like maybe they have to go through some kind of initiation or training process first before they are free to go do their ghostly deeds? Hmmm.

Another stumper. Why don't ghosts ever appear to huge crowds of people, like at a big sporting event or concert or a crowded shopping mall or whatever? How many cases like that have happened? Wait, I already know the answer to that as well, and hey, what a funny coincidence - the same big fat 0 all day long. All day strong, all day bong. Do you suppose the ghosteses have strict rules they have to go by regarding them making an appearance, like only one person at a time and always and forever on a dark, spooky night in a big, dark, spooky house? Once again, I'm sure the world is full of people who will boldy claim that they saw ghosts pop up at a sporting event right in front of 100,000 people, and everyone ran away screaming and more than 400 people were trampled to death, which added that many more ghosts to the ones already there scaring the daylights out of God and everybody. Here's the funny thing about that - these claimers are always and forever the only people on the face of the earth who have any recollection of that horrific incident happening on that terrifying day. Hmmmm.

The stumpers really go on and on, you guys. They surely do. In regards to people haunting the houses or buildings where they die, what particular structures would you say that more people have died in far, far more than any other on the face of the earth? Think there might be some kind of crazy outside chance that the answer to that would be hospitals? I've been to 9 of them in the last 26 years, and I always ask the nurses and other employees if they have ever seen or even heard of anyone ever once seeing or hearing or smelling or feeling a ghost anywhere in that hospital at all. I already know the answer to that, I guess I just have to satisfy my own curiosity. One of those hospitals has existed for over a hundred years. Can you imagine how many people have died there in that amount of time? That place must be crawling with all kinds of spooky, terrifying ghosts, but every last one of them is certainly quite a ghostly expert at keeping to themselves for all eternity. Hmmmm.

Honestly, I haven't even scratched the surface, but I thought I'd throw those few thoughts down. Anyone have any sound, logical explanations to any of that at all? I'm all ears and I would absolutely love to hear it! :-) Gotta go play my Duels now!

Fun Trivia Duels! :-)

Reply #117. Mar 18 18, 6:49 AM

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I stayed off this blog because I have no desire to try to change anyone's mind about the supernatural. Then I gave in to temptation, popped one little teeny post in, and the same thing happened to me that happens in 'real life'. I'm bombarded with reasons why I'm wrong and should stop believing, right now, this second! I don't want to defend what I believe, I really, really don't mind what anyone else believes. It's a very personal thing. And I don't want this to turn into a fall-out, there's been enough of that :-)
So, let's keep it friendly, but...since you asked...

Bible, huh? Big book full of supernatural happenings? Miracles, talking animals, witches, spirits, folks living past 900 years, two places where every person who's ever existed goes after they die? (Guess they both must be pretty full by now.) The holy....oh, what is it now, I know this, I know this... oh, yeah. That's it. The holy ghost.
That the book?

Some folks see Angels. The ones from that book. Not everyone sees them, I mean, I haven't ever, and probably not you, either, but people do, and I'm not arguing. I believe them. Far as I know, an angel has never turned up at a rock concert or football game, either. I haven't researched it, so maybe they have.

I'd just like to stress that I'm not making fun of religion. I would never, ever, tell anyone what to believe. I have a great amount of respect for each person's faith, and went to Christian schools and Sunday Bible classes myself as a child.

The reason angels - or ghosts - don't provide indisputable proof of their existence is not something anyone can explain, or understand, not really. But faith isn't worth anything once you have proof. It's not faith anymore then, just... knowledge.

I don't want to make you believe in ghosts, and I certainly don't want to persuade you to stop having faith in the Bible. I just wanted to answer your questions, with, as it turns out, more questions. Because sometimes there are no answers.

Reply #118. Mar 18 18, 7:38 AM

player avatar
If you become a ghost at some point in the distant future, Kev, I give you permission to come haunt me. Unless I'm already dead, in which case we can join forces and go haunt Justin Bieber together :-)

Reply #119. Mar 18 18, 7:54 AM
terraorca star

player avatar
I can't understand the need to change someone's belief about ghosts or anything supernatural. People are going to believe what they believe, nothing I say will change that. Different opinions and beliefs make for lively discussion.

Reply #120. Mar 18 18, 10:09 AM

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