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Subject: Supernatural corner

Posted by: satguru
Date: Jul 25 15

After losing the myth, legend or fact forum I thought it would be nice to have a supernatural experiences and questions thread here, I'm sure there's still plenty of interest in it.

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sadwings star

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Yes, Mark and Jo, both of you made very noteworthy points and observations. As it has turned out so far, none of my questions were ever really answered, but just like you said, Jo, some questions just simply don't have an answer. At least not yet, but there will surely come a day when they all will be. Every last one of them.

I am not, nor would I ever try to change what anyone believes, and I am not saying that you are mistaken about anything at all, Jo. I am certain that you truly believe what you believe to be real. Like you said, Mark, when people believe the things they believe, there isn't anything in the world that anyone could ever say to change that.

The Holy Ghost, also known as the Holy Spirit, is nothing more than a term. Many terms we use every day are nothing more than symbols. They were never meant to be regarded in the literal sense. Remember what Christ told his Disciples when He was asked what death was like, Jo? I can't recall the exact words but He basically told them that it was the same thing as being asleep, as in not awake and aware of what's going on around you. Maybe I'm wrong about what being asleep means, but I have never regarded being asleep as meaning that you are going around scaring people and causing all kinds of mischief and slamming doors and moving or even throwing objects across the room and all that. I have just simply never made that connection for some reason. Maybe it could be that ghosts are scared to death of non-believers and are tripping all over each other to stay away from them, who knows?

In the meantime, Jo, you know how I love to joke around and have laughs with people. I honestly love nothing more than that, so it would only stand to reason that upsetting people and making them resent me is the last thing I want to do. Kind of hard to do the former if I'm doing the latter. I keep telling myself that I really need to stop expressing my opinions about anything at all, especially ones that go against popular belief, and I probably just shouldn't have made that last post at all, I really should have just kept it all to myself, but the subject of ghosts has always just been way too tempting for me to resist. I have actually made progress in this area over the last few months and I am very proud of myself for it, but I know I am still a long way from being where I want to be with all of it. I need to keep right on stopping and asking myself is it really, really necessary for me to express my opinion about anything at all. I mean, seriously, just stop and think about it for a minute. Is it taking anything at all away from the world if I don't? Will it suddenly make the world stop turning if I don't? Hmmmm. I'm going to say the answer to those questions would be no. In the meantime, I will continue with my non-stop efforts of making my way to the place I described with the opinion thing, and I will most certainly not stopped until I have fully arrived at that magnificent, glorious place. You'll see it happen, Jo, just like everyone else will see it happen. Mark my words.

Especially you, Mark, since your name is Mark. :-p You know, you guys, what we really need to do right now more than ever is saddle up and hit that dusty trail for a spell. Our horses and our gear are just waiting for us over in the Buddy blog. That is my home and I keep thinking that is where I need to stay and just leave all these other places alone, although I truly am having a lot of fun on the Duels thread right now. Kind of hard to wander off into controversial subjects on that one, and maybe that's one of the main reasons I like it so much.

Anyway, are you going to throw on some cowboy clothes and your boots and spurs and saddle up and ride the trail with me and Mark and Elle, Jo? We can sleep underneath the stars in our John Wayne sleeping bags or in our cozy tents if we choose, get up with the sun and have some nice hot coffee and beans and bacon and biscuits, wash the trail dust off of us and our gear with the cool, clear water of beautiful creeks and ponds along the way, and who knows, maybe we might run into Varnish along the way while he is in the act of robbing a stagecoach or something. :-) What do you say, guys? I'll be over there as soon as I can!

Reply #121. Mar 18 18, 11:55 AM
daver852 star

player avatar
This is an interesting story. It was originally reported in several reputable newspapers and magazines. You will see articles in numerous sites ran by professional skeptics denouncing it as a hoax, but the skeptics never report details!

Reply #122. Mar 18 18, 1:48 PM

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No, no, please don't think I'm upset or resentful, I'm neither. I genuinely respect your opinion, and I'm actually a huge sceptic, believe it or not. I think most 'psychics' and 'mediums' are total fakes, especially if they're making money from it. All I know is what I've seen, and I have no explanations for it.
I enjoy a nice lively debate as long as no-one is getting hurt, just because I love words and prefer to see language having a fight rather than people. I enjoy flexing my verbal muscles occasionally.
I'm not in the least bit offended when someone tells me to my face that ghosts aren't real so therefore I'm crazy. I'm open to the possibility that this may be true ;-)

Reply #123. Mar 18 18, 1:54 PM
Blackdresss star

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The Holy Spirit is nothing more than a term? An expression? No, sorry. He was promised to us, as a Comforter. He's a gift. If you don't believe of Gifts of the Spirit, that's okay. But I believe in them. And I'm also fine if you don't believe me. I am not a great Evangelist. I don't care what anyone else believes. That potentially makes me a terrible person, but I only care what I believe, and what I know and what I've seen and experienced, and how it's all happened. And the things I know, I know, absolutely. Because I've experienced all of them. Maybe someday, I'll tell you why my Tulo didn't die.

You'd love my haunted house stories. They are so creepy. Those I will tell, because they make for great conversations. Even better if we were around a campfire. The scariest stuff happened when I was home alone, but some of it happened with other people there, who freaked out more than I did, and believe me, I freaked out.

But I'll tell you this, with absolute certainty. Angels have absolutely shown up at rock concerts and sporting events. Those are two of the most dangerous places on earth, if you aren't careful. I know this because they've shown up at both venues for me. And they aren't little cute cherubs with wings and arrows and pink, sticky hearts. That's ridiculous. Angels are more like Jo's Viking. HUGE warriors, who mean business.

I'll tell you this, too, and then I have to go feed my bunny boys and hope the tiny bit of coffee I drank doesn't hose up my entire night.

If you are ever in serious danger, dire need, and even if you don't know it yet, if you believe in angels, and you know why you believe in them, and you understand why they exist, and how to call for them, they are absolutely going to be there for you. I don't know if they will show up, though, if you aren't a believer. I've never witnessed that, and I've never heard of that. Other things will, though, if you aren't careful.

And if you don't believe me, just come spend a day or two or a month with me, and watch what happens. I've had friends say to me before, "So........ does this happen like every day with you?"

"Should I have done something back there? I think I should have, but for some reason, I was paralyzed. Oh my God, I didn't even try to protect you, and then... what WAS that???"

"So wait... WHAT did that homeless guy just say to you?? Do you KNOW HIM?"

"Wait... that was terrifying, but you didn't seem to be afraid at all. What just happened???

"Sweetie? That guy was really creepy. Do you need me to have one of my employees walk you to your car? Do you know him? How did he know all that about you? You must be terrified! Wait, you're not? Really, but..."

"Okay, so I know that didn't really just happen, but I swear, I saw that person just climb up the wall and across the ceiling to get away from you. That didn't really happen, though, did it?"

"How did you know what to say to that crazy person who just came out of a dark alley at you??? And why didn't he touch you, but came within inches of you? And why don't you seem even slightly shaken, because... what just happened????"

If you really want to see this stuff LIVE! And in action, the best places I have found so far are Boulder and Seattle. I don't know why. Well, I kind of do. And anywhere I go with my best friend on the planet, where it all just doubles, at the very least. She and I just look at each other, roll our eyes, and continue with what we're doing or where we're going, just minding our business and not causing any problems, except for things you can't really explain, unless you can.

Do you know what righteous indignation is? Not self-righteous, mind you. Righteous. Maybe look it up. We could talk about this allllll day, trust me. It's fascinating.

And again. You won't insult me or hurt my feelings if you don't believe me. I don't care, at all, what you believe. I only care what I believe. My mind is open, but it's not open to just anything. If you open up to just anything, that's exactly what will come roaring in.

Okay, gotta fly.

Reply #124. Mar 18 18, 7:37 PM
terraorca star

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Now we're getting into religious beliefs. I don't like where this is headed.

Reply #125. Mar 18 18, 7:45 PM
Blackdresss star

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Wait, I have to say one more thing before I go.

Kevin, I don't know about anywhere else, and I don't even know if it's everywhere here, but when I was buying this house, and this wasn't the first house I bought before I ended up in this one, because everything about this move was like pushing a boulder uphill, the people I was buying from had to disclose many things, to include "Has anyone been murdered in your house?" and "Has anyone committed suicide in your house?"

Creepy, no? The answer to both questions was no, and they had to tell the truth under penalty of I don't know what.

But the first house I lived in for 7 weeks? Both were true of that house, and that thing just freaked me out so completely, but mostly because of those godawful spiders. But also closet doors opening in the middle of the night, or getting up to find every door in the house, to include all the cabinets in the kitchen, wide open. My cats were terrorized, but they loved those venomous spiders. I was freaked at first, but then I just got mad. That righteous indignation I was telling you about. And then, I did something about it, and not just getting the hell out of there as soon as I could.

My sisters don't believe me, and I just do not care. But they never have to worry about that house again, unless they invite something in there that shouldn't be in there.

But like Mark, that's a house that has been in my family forever. My family homesteaded this Valley. Many members of my family were born in that house. And died in that house. And I never want to go near that house again, ever, in my life. And at some point, we have to sell it. That should be fascinating, because I will only use the Broker who helped me buy this house.

Okay, now I really have to fly. Coming to you LIVE! It's Elle, over and out.

Reply #126. Mar 18 18, 7:53 PM
Blackdresss star

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Okay, Mark. We don't have to talk about any of it. We don't want to get into trouble, even though Religion shouldn't land us there. But at this point, let's not take that chance.

Except my electric blue double helix hovering at the foot of my bed. That, I want to talk about. That was so bizarre, mostly because it didn't scare me, and it didn't scare Tulo, either. He just came and sat beside me while we watched it.

And the two haunted houses I lived in. We won't include the last one, because that one doesn't deserve our time. But the other two were just so whacked!

Reply #127. Mar 18 18, 7:57 PM
sadwings star

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Elle, if you think that there is even the possibility that I don't believe in God, then you have clearly not listened to a single word about a great big buuuuuuunch of things that I have posted in conversations with you all over this website. But the really wonderful thing about it is, for the first time, it honestly makes absolutely no difference to me whatsoever. You have just given me something that I will cherish very, very dearly for the rest of my life. The place in my life that I was just describing to Jo where I truly longed to be with all my heart - you have just zipped me right up to the front door in one seriously stylin' limo. I have arrived, baby! :-) Thank you so very much, Elle! I love you!

Jo, remember what I was just telling you that you would see? Well, from the 18th day of March, 2018, watch this................

Reply #128. Mar 18 18, 8:10 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Kevin, never have I ever thought you did not believe in God. I was just responding to this:

"The Holy Ghost, also known as the Holy Spirit, is nothing more than a term."

That's not the way I read it, or studied it, or learned it. Why do you imagine it's called The Holy Trinity? It was very specific. I can find that entire passage, if you'd like to read it?

Or, maybe we just shouldn't talk about this, although "The Bible" and "Bible Characters" and "Bible Quotes" and "Christianity" and "Bible Everything Else" comes up as quiz topics all the time. But if this is also forbidden, I really do need a list.

Maybe I'll try another cup of coffee today, and this time I'll remember to drink it.

Reply #129. Mar 19 18, 11:30 AM
sadwings star

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Gotta love that cold coffee. Mmmmm.

Reply #130. Mar 19 18, 11:57 AM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
I put about 4 heaping tsp of brown sugar and almost more cream than coffee in my extremely large cup of dark, French-pressed and finely-ground coffee, Kebbin. It needs to be consumed while it's hot, or it turns into something like a lukewarm curdly dessert pretty quickly.

Packed somewhere are my thingies that keep my coffee hot, but I may not find them in this lifetime. I really have zero desire or motivation to unpack.

Reply #131. Mar 19 18, 5:09 PM
terraorca star

player avatar
Elle, remember what I was just telling you that you would see? Well from the 20th Day of March 2018 watch this..........

Reply #132. Mar 19 18, 10:09 PM
sadwings star

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We're watching and waiting..........

Reply #133. Mar 20 18, 3:59 AM
terraorca star

player avatar
As are we !

Reply #134. Mar 20 18, 7:37 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Get that camera ready. Compare notes carefully.

Reply #135. Mar 20 18, 8:27 AM
daver852 star

player avatar
How do you explain EVPs? Definitely a real phenomenon.

Reply #136. Mar 20 18, 11:56 AM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Mark! I don't remember!

I hit my head, really hard. Really, really hard. I'm having a hard time remembering words, and I'm a wordsmith.

Is it supposed to start getting brighter, with more daylight? I don't have daylight where I live. In this house. That is not my home.

But I have a bruise that is slowly moving across my forehead now, and I parted my hair in little pieces, all the way back to almost the back of my head where I hit it so hard on the window frame, and this bruise is alarming. So is the lump.

I see a doctor on Thursday, but not a doctor who will care. She will probably think someone threw me down the stairs, though. But no one did. That I know of... Since this is the supernatural thread. No, no one threw me down those stairs. I just passed out. Again. On the fly. Which seems bizarre to me, but no one medical has ever taken this seriously, so I have no reason to think anyone is going to start now.

Reply #137. Mar 20 18, 6:43 PM
Blackdresss star

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And Dave, I'm behind you all the way. There is very little I don't believe in. And especially if I've seen it, or heard it.

I wish I had been able to record what happened to me one day in one of those houses. Being able to record what happened one night, and then another night, and then another night, would also have been handy. It was all way too creepy, but for some of it, I had people there who also experienced it.

So how can you pooh-pooh that away? You just can't. If it happened, it happened.

Reply #138. Mar 20 18, 6:46 PM
EVPS were mentioned in reply 136. They are very real. I have several recorded that I captured back in 2008. I can't explain them & I never believed they existed until I recorded some myself as they can be easily faked. The ones I have are genuine.

Reply #139. Mar 27 18, 12:23 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Hey Mark? Read my Post #124 again. That's what I'm going to be telling you about, but this time, it was even wilder than all of that, and all of that has been completely wild, but mostly for the people with me who could not figure out what just happened.

Reply #140. Mar 27 18, 2:17 PM

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