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Subject: Supernatural corner

Posted by: satguru
Date: Jul 25 15

After losing the myth, legend or fact forum I thought it would be nice to have a supernatural experiences and questions thread here, I'm sure there's still plenty of interest in it.

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Me too. This is all so fascinating.

Reply #201. May 06 18, 5:22 AM
sadwings star

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One time I heard a spooky noise late at night. :-(

Reply #202. May 07 18, 4:54 AM
Blackdresss star

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We need to breathe new life into this thread. I haven't told my haunted house stories yet!

Reply #203. May 08 18, 10:01 AM
sadwings star

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I have a haunted house story!

Once upon a time, long, long ago, there was a big, dark, spooky haunted house that sat right beside a big, dark, spooky cemetery. Then one dark night, all of a sudden.......there was a BIG SPOOKY NOISE!!

The End! :-)

Reply #204. May 08 18, 11:18 AM
UmberWunFayun star

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We need to hear them, Elle!
I'm guessing this thread was started as kind of loose anecdotal research, so the more good honest stories we tell on here, the better. I've had tons of experiences, but I'm way more interested in hearing other people's.

Reply #205. May 08 18, 11:44 AM
Blackdresss star

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Okay, I'll tell my creepiest one first.

I moved to get away from one house where too many weird things were happening, and moved into one that was worse.

This house sat on 200 acres of farmland near a big river. A very old farmhouse, heated with wood. It had two entrances on the same side of the house, but one was the front entrance, with porch, and the other was the back entrance, with porch.

One evening, I heard someone knocking at the front door. I was sitting in my living room in front of the fireplace. I didn't hear or see anyone drive up the very long road to the house, but oh well. I got up and went to the door, and no one was there. There were also no footprints in the snow, no car outside, no tracks of any kind. So, I shut the door, and heard someone knocking at the back door. I walked through the living room and into the kitchen, and out onto the little enclosed porch, turned on the light (I had turned on the porch light in the front, too,) and no one was there. No footprints in the snow, no tire tracks, no tracks of any kind. And then, what happened?

I heard knocking at the front door again. Real knocking. Not something mistaken for knocking at a door. Someone was knocking at my door. Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. I walked back to the front door; no one was there. Someone knocked at the back door. I walked back; no one was there. By now, I wasn't scared, but I was a little, hmmmm, maybe perturbed. Something was off about this, right? But my kitty was with me, and she wasn't acting like anything was "off," and I used her as my gauge for strangers, so...

Someone knocked at the front door. Again. I walked out onto the back porch to look at the front porch, and no one was there. No tracks, no footprints, no anything. So I shut the door, walked back inside, and...

Someone knocked at the back door I had just shut. Then, I was scared and the hair stood up on the back of my kitty, and she hissed, so we locked everything and called a friend. But it was night and dark, and I lived in the middle of nowhere, so no one came to my rescue, we just talked and nothing else weird happened that night.

But then the next night...

Reply #206. May 08 18, 12:42 PM
Blackdresss star

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... I was sitting in front of my fireplace with my kitty and a good book, and I heard a noise that was both familiar, but strange. I looked over, and... ergh, this gives me the creeps even talking about it. But the phone in this house was as old as everything else, so it was an old, black, funky rotary phone with the handle you picked up and the dial on the front of the phone.

And the phone was just sitting there, like a phone should, but the dial was slowwwwwly turning, as if someone were dialing a number. It would turn all the way to whatever number had been dialed, and then it would release and the dial would go back. And then it would dial again. And release and go back.

My kitty and I watched this for about 5 minutes, a long time for a phone to be dialing itself, until it finally stopped.

This time, I really didn't want to pick up that phone to "call a friend." What the heck makes a phone dial itself? And in such a slow and creepy way?

But it stopped. However, not a lot of sleep that night. And then the next night...

Reply #207. May 08 18, 12:46 PM
Blackdresss star

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... I had a HUGE wood-burning stove in the basement, and this basement was creepy, too. Nothing else in this basement except the huge stove. No windows, no anything. And it had a huge water reservoir and could burn entire logs. Handy, but I had to keep it stoked all the time in the winter. And by now, I'm not crazy about this house because creepy things are happening.

But, I had to go downstairs to put a huge amount of wood in this furnace to keep it going all night, so down I went. There was a light switch at the top of the stairs, and a light switch at the bottom of the stairs -- both turned on and off the same light, but the light was only on the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, and around the corner in front of the furnace, but also kind of under the stairs was a single light bulb with a long pull string.

I walked around the corner, reached up to pull that string, and the light on the stairs went out, plunging me into total darkness. My kitty was with me, just wandering around looking for mice or God knows what, and she wasn't freaked, but I wasn't happy to be in complete darkness in a very dark basement. So I fumbled around for the string, pulled it, and the light didn't come on.

I walked in complete darkness back to the stairs, felt for the light switch, flipped it, and the light came on. Of course it did. I tried pulling that string again, but no luck, so I assumed the bulb had burned out. So I walked back and put logs in the stove, and walked back to the stairs and the light on the stairs went out, plunging me once again into complete darkness.

Now I'm feeling like I'm in a Stephen King novel. But I refused to be afraid, because I was in the dark! Complete darkness. Not a good place to freak out, but a perfect place to get hurt if I did freak out, so I just didn't. I walked up the stairs, in the dark, holding the rail, and flipped the switch at the top of the stairs, certain I was having one heck of a bad wiring problem, and the light came back on.

So now I'm just mad. Plain old mad. So, with the light on, I stomped back down the stairs, just to prove that I could, and that I refused to be afraid, and the light went off. Once again, plunged into complete darkness. And that's when I said, out loud, "Okay, this isn't funny! I'm not afraid of you! Leave me alone, and turn the light back on!"

Nothing happened. I just stood there in complete, creepy darkness. I fumbled around for the switch, flipped it, and the light came back on. So, I walked back up the stairs, flipped the switch, and the light wouldn't go off. On, off, on, off, it wouldn't go off.

Back down the stairs, to try the switch at the bottom. Nothing. The light would not go off.

I headed back up the stairs, and halfway up, the light went out. So I walked the rest of the way in complete darkness, hit the switch at the top of the stairs, and the light came back on.

So at the top of the stairs, I yelled, "This isn't funny! I'm not afraid of you! Leave my lights alone!" And the light went out, and I RAN across the porch and inside my house and locked the door, with my kitty right ahead of me, completely terrorized.

The next day, I called someone to come out to check the wiring and the bulbs, and everything worked perfectly. Zero problems. It just made me look, sound and feel slightly nuts.

But I swear it all happened.

And then, nothing happened again for a long time, which is nice because moving in the dead of winter would be almost impossible. And then Spring came, and then Summer....

Reply #208. May 08 18, 1:00 PM
Blackdresss star

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... And I had two friends out to my house. We were about 50 yards from the house at the barn and horse corral, looking at the horses, when we all heard someone call from the house, "Teri, Teri, telephone!"

God knows why none of us thought this was odd, but we all heard it. I turned to Teri, and so did my other friend, and I said, "Teri? The phone is for you..." and she turned and started to walk to the house and then stopped. And turned back around and we all stared at each other.

No one was in the house. We were all outside. And while none of us recognized that voice, it didn't register immediately that it was odd that someone was calling one of us to the phone. But it was definitely a female voice.

So we all RAN to the house and through that door and to the phone, but it was just sitting there. No one was in the house. No one was on the phone. And the phone wasn't dialing itself. But they knew about the crazy things that had been happening there, so that was the day I decided it was time to move before I got trapped there for another winter, where it was beginning to play out like "The Shining."

--The End--

(Of Creepy Haunted House Story Number One.)

Reply #209. May 08 18, 1:06 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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Wow, Elle, that's pretty crazy! I remember when telephones were all like that, with the dial that made that distinctive sound as it went round. I can imagine how creepy it must have been to watch that thing turning on its own. ~shivers~

Reply #210. May 08 18, 2:08 PM
That whole dark basement thing *shudder*

Reply #211. May 08 18, 2:39 PM
Blackdresss star

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That phone completely whacked me out. But we just sat there, watching it. For some reason, that didn't scare me or my kitty as much as the basement, and .... *cries*

I'm with you, two. That basement is shudder-worthy. Blech, I have goosebumps on my arms right now, thinking about it. I have a basement kind of like that now, but when I hit the lights at the top of the stairs, that thing lights up like a spaceship. And there is nothing creepy under the stairs. I have a really old and seriously groovy wine cellar down there, so how scary can it be? And a coal room with a coal chute. But other than the little door and stairway leading up to the little hobbit entrance to that basement from the back yard, complete with a moss-covered roof, the whole basement feels like wasted space to me. But there's a chimney right in the middle of all of it, so I can't figure out a way to turn it into living space. I did move my laundry room upstairs from there, though. I can't decide if I'm doing a few little upgrades to make this more livable for me, or to make it more sellable. (Neither of those words look right, at all.)

But I digress...

Jazz, I want to read your story. If you write it in your blog, I am SO there to read it. Should I warn you before I tell any more scary stories in here? Because that one I just told was the scariest, but it's not the only one. I don't know if I attract that stuff, or what. But I do know now how to run it right back out, so I have a story about that, too, that has a much happier ending. And I don't just yell at things and tell them to leave me alone, they aren't scaring me! Especially if it isn't true. I was definitely terrified by what was going on with those lights. And that phone. And the knocking on both doors, back and forth. And the calling from the house for someone to come pick up that creepy phone!

And it was such a cute house, too.

Reply #212. May 08 18, 4:13 PM
terraorca star

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I loved that story Elle. Do you still live in that house?

Reply #213. May 08 18, 4:40 PM
Blackdresss star

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The Haunted House on 200 acres, Mark? NO!

I rented that house in a former life.

This house isn't haunted, but some unusual things have happened here. Nothing that scared me, though, or that would scare anyone else, I don't think. A little unbelievable, but when you have a reliable kitty also witnessing anything strange or unusual, and your kitty doesn't react in a way that would also make the hair rise on your very own hackles, I trust my instincts that it's not scary. But I do worry about not being believed.

Reply #214. May 08 18, 6:24 PM
daver852 star

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My story would have been much shorter. As soon as the phone dial started moving by itself, I would have been out of there!

Reply #215. May 08 18, 6:41 PM
No need to warn us. We could always decide to walk away if it gets too scary (and it wasn't, just reminded us of ours).

Wouldnt it be creepy if the reason we stared at that void so long was cos some spirit or whatever compelled us to? Or... whatever. We are not strangers to strange stuff. We just might be the least likely to read "supernatural" or "paranormal" into it. Except for that story involving blinking lights, and the physical manifestation of the war between light and dark. Can't remember the word for that, but there is an actual scientific term. If I hear it, I can recognize it; for some strange reason, I have a hard time remembering it.

When it freaked us too bad, we repeated stuff like, "Hope will find a way" or "expect the unexpected."

It happened a lot at Minniemom's. Think it sometimes happens where we live now. Lights coming from the walls... chasing patches of darkness away. And, I mean, we can see this in a room with no windows.

Or there are times we stare down the hallway... and see a big abyss before us

Then we stare at it until it "goes away"

Reply #216. May 08 18, 7:32 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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Daver, you'd be surprised. When stuff is actually happening to you, you never react how you think you would. That's part of what makes it so hard for people to believe you when you tell supernatural stories - they just can't get their heads around your reaction. I've never run from any of the things I've seen (and I've seen a few) and it's like, 'so, you saw this creepy, terrifying demon-monster in your house, and when it disappeared, you went to sleep? Like nothing happened? Okay, sure.'
But honestly, that is what happens. Your brain just files it and says, okay, carry on. Sleeping is the most common thing to do after an experience, rather than running. I think perhaps your brain wants some quiet time to go over it and see if it can figure out what happened, and you can 'feel' if it was dangerous, and when the danger is over. I guess it's primordial, like if a sabre toothed tiger came into your cave, you'd have chased it out but you wouldn't have left. You'd have stoked the fire a bit higher and gone to sleep wondering how to kill a tiger, and if they taste good....

Reply #217. May 08 18, 11:37 PM
terraorca star

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I don't dare link you to the site that I have just visited regarding the battle between light and dark forces, but the name of the group sponsoring the site is SSRF (Spiritual Science Research Foundation). Try googling it.


Reply #218. May 08 18, 11:55 PM
Thanks, Mark. I got the shock of my life when the computer went onto the page (this thing is particular what sites it goes on). Sometimes I swear it's possessed.

Reply #219. May 09 18, 4:58 AM
OK, since my first post here about my haunted tour of Haworth England I've had several requests to hear of some of my other paranormal experiences so I'll start at the beginning. First off I should say that I seem to have a very hightened sense of perception in both vision and hearing. My vision is no longer 20/20 but I do notice things that most people don't and can process images very quickly. (I've been know to complete a 1000 piece puzzle in less than 20 minutes.) My hearing is still ok but again I can hear things most others don't. (Yes, I can hear dog whistles) Now I have been told several times that a possible cause for these things is because I have died. Twice! First when I was only a few days old I got very sick. In trying to get me better I was given a shot of penicillin and when my heart stopped they realized I was allergic to penicillin. I was clinically dead for over a minute but a Dr and a nurse were able to revive me. When I was 3 yrs old my mother was telling this story to a friend of hers and when she said they saved me I apparently said "Anita saved me." My mother was stunned and asked me what I said and I repeated the same thing. I later learned that Anita was the name of the nurse who helped revive me and that the first thing the Dr said when my heart restarted was "Anita, he's back". She died in a car accident a month after I was born, but apparently she didn't leave just then....

Now for my first paranormal experience (that I remember). When I was 7 yrs old I had a lot of weird things happen.An off Broadway play came to Chicago and they needed background people (mostly kids) so they found my sister at her ballet classes and me since I had to wait in the lobby during her class. We got to be in Showboat with Mickey Rooney and then Oklahoma with John Davidson at Arie Crown Theater for 10 weeks. I met a bunch of other actors and actresses. Some were famous, some went on to be famous and 3 I'm told were never there. I remember meeting three ladies that when I asked where they were later nobody knew who I was talking about. I never have found out who 2 of them were but I did find out the third one but nobody would believe me even though I had gotten her autograph (Yes, it was authenticated years later). At the time people said it must be fake or I got it from Mickey Rooney as the woman used to be a friend of his. It was Marilyn Monroe who had died 7 yrs earlier. I still have the autograph but since I'm the only one that saw her I can't prove where I got it from.

At one point during a performance of Showboat I was supposed to go sit at the edge of the stage looking at the audience til I was tapped on the shoulder to get up and get on the "boat".When I sat down there was a lady in front of me standing right next to the front row who smiled and waved at me. She was wearing a nurses outfit and a name tag that said.... Yep "Anita". I got my tap as my cue and turned around. As I got up I looked back and she was gone.
That's not the end to this story and to this day it seems it may still be ongoing. Yes, it is 100% real. Let me know if I should continue on.
Thanks, David

Reply #220. May 14 18, 1:39 PM

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