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Subject: Supernatural corner

Posted by: satguru
Date: Jul 25 15

After losing the myth, legend or fact forum I thought it would be nice to have a supernatural experiences and questions thread here, I'm sure there's still plenty of interest in it.

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UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
I also don't understand why you think ghosts would have any superior technical knowledge? As far as I'm aware, although I guess anything is possible, there's no Ghost University that they're all attending.
If somebody was dumb in life, I don't think dying makes them any smarter. And dumb people seem to outnumber smart people. By a lot.
Just watch any reality TV show for confirmation.

Reply #161. Apr 01 18, 12:54 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Wow, Jo, are you really serious about the reality TV thing? Okay, well, I definitely understand a lot more clearly why you think there are ghosts. As for the superior knowledge thing, that was just total assumption on my part, yeah. You know, the whole thing with passing into the Great Beyond and all that. I just figured one would have a lot of divine knowledge imparted to them. Don't know where I am getting all that from, just assuming. But then I have never been a ghost or seen one or had conversations with them, so what do I know. At least I'm happy and not all uptight and defensive about anything. :-)

Reply #162. Apr 01 18, 1:18 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Wait a sec, Jo, I think I just totally misunderstood you about the reality TV thing. I am really very sorry about that, so you can totally scratch my comment on that. Sorry about that.

Reply #163. Apr 01 18, 1:21 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Yeah, I meant the TV shows are evidence of dumb people, not of ghosts. The only evidence we have of ghosts is anecdotal, not scientific, but that's true of all beliefs.
I'm not being defensive, just trying to answer your questions. I never, ever try to push my beliefs on anyone, but if someone asks a question, and I can answer it, I'll try my best. I find it really, genuinely interesting hearing other people's stories, which is why I come here.

Reply #164. Apr 01 18, 7:14 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
I just wanted to say something about bad ghosts in relation to what you see in the movies. It's very true that probably 98% of the time in movies, ghostly activity is going to be bad and evil, but I was talking about the stories you hear about that are supposed to be real. Take Anne's story for example. That isn't the first time I have ever heard of a ghostly incident where the said ghost meant no harm to anyone whatsoever, and I'm sure it won't be the last, but when I take into consideration every last "real life" ghost story I have ever heard in my life, the ones about good ghosts that don't mean any harm are a way extremely small percentage. That's all I was saying with that.

Of course, I realize that that has only been my personal experience. I'm sure there are tons of people who have encountered good ghosts and playful, comforting ghosts everywhere they ever go every single day. With all of the kinds of people there are in this world? Sure, why not? I bet it would take someone no effort at all to find people out there who will claim that all the good ghosts in their life will help them out with the housework and drive them to work, maybe do the lawn and gardening work for them, you know - blah blah and all that as well. At the end of the day, I just can't ignore what it says in relation to all of this in that book that starts with a "B", you know, the top selling book on the face of the earth that is so very, very dangerous for one to dare open their mouth to say one single word about in any and every corner of that same earth? Yeah, that one. I realize just as much as anyone that the world is full of people who will believe that book is nothing but one big fairy tale from start to finish until the day they die, but when that ticking clock runs out on the Day of Man and everything in this life is all said and done, I won't be the one who has to answer for what they believe, only for the things I have said and done, and for the things I believe. Not exactly what you would call a discomforting thought for me, especially when the only two words that come to mind in regards to all of it is "bring it."

Reply #165. Apr 01 18, 9:36 AM
terraorca star

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I don't know about ghosts, but I saw a big Easter Bunny this morning.

Reply #166. Apr 01 18, 10:39 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Probably the Easter Bunny's ghost, or maybe an alien from some distant galaxy who accidentally fell through a wormhole while running from a ghost.

So are you gonna get to go outside and play and go on a big Easter egg hunt with all the rest of the kids, Mark? :-p We had been having pretty nice, sunny, warm weather lately, but today is supposed to be cold and wet with a high of only 38. It was sunny and 71 degrees yesterday.

Reply #167. Apr 01 18, 11:47 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
I became a rabbit in Duels this weekend, so I guess I'M the Easter Bunny ;-)

Reply #168. Apr 01 18, 11:51 AM
sadwings star

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I remember when I was a rabbit. I was a rabbit on steroids. Now I am an owl on steroids. I can't help it. Every time I get ready to transform into another animal, that particular animal's food supply winds up with steroids in it from out of nowhere.

Actually, that's how I have been joking around with my teammies for about a year on our team threads. None of them ever says a word when I joke around about that, and I just can't help but to be amused by it and so I keep doing it for my own amusement. Pretty weird, huh?

Reply #169. Apr 02 18, 8:52 PM
terraorca star

player avatar
The further along in the path that you traverse, the longer the stop at each of the animals along the way. I would be interested to see if the roids help in that journey.

Reply #170. Apr 02 18, 10:13 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
Roids! Ha! Mark just said "roids!"

Psst! Hey, buddy.....ova heah. You, eh.....ya wanna buy some roids?


Reply #171. Apr 02 18, 11:32 PM
terraorca star

player avatar
Don't need any, I've got the "Clear."

Reply #172. Apr 02 18, 11:35 PM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Answering your earlier post, and getting back into the supernatural topic, I WISH the kindly ghosts would do my housework and gardening. That would be awesome! We did have one once when I was about 16 that would pile up all the dining chairs in the kitchen, almost exactly like in the movie 'Poltergeist'. It made this crazy tower with them, I don't know how they balanced like that. For ages me and my mom used to go around singing a little song by 'They Might Be Giants' called "Somebody Keeps Moving My Chair".
Neither of us were ever scared by it, that kind of thing became quite ordinary for us very quickly. It's amazing what you learn to live with.

Reply #173. Apr 03 18, 1:36 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Well, I knew this was going to have to come out of me sooner or later, and I really don't know why now, but the time just seems to be right for me to make this confession. One thing I have in my favor is that I love to make people laugh, and I have been pretty darn good at it throughout my life when I'm not pi**ing people off, and this is one that will likely be good for a few laughs, Jo.

Anyway, for someone who just doesn't believe in ghosts - as in the literal spirits of deceased human beings - I would be the first one blazing a trail without looking back if I ever encountered one. No joke, I'm outta here, man. I mean, why stick around and face something you can't even see, something you have no defense against? Well, I can't leave that last statement just lie there like that. As for any kind of defense against what I am talking about here, there is always the holy name of Christ Almighty. Might be empty words to a lot of people while others know better.

Anyway, if it were something like harmless mischief like what you described with the chairs, Jo, and nothing more than that, I suppose I could learn how to live with that without packing up and moving out in one day. I can't say for sure what I would or wouldn't do until I was in that situation. But stuff like things flying across the room and terrifying images in the mirror behind me while I was shaving, or demonic voices telling me to get out like in that Amityville Horror movie - nah, I'm not gonna stick around for this thing to scare the holy hell out of me whenever it felt like it. No way, man. I'm living someplace where I can relax and be at peace ALL the time, not just some of the time.

Reply #174. Apr 03 18, 8:10 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
That one did other stuff, too, but it was all just naughty prankish kinda things, nothing scary, more irritating.
Once all the cutlery went missing - and I mean all of it, every knife, fork and spoon in the house. So we had to run to the store for plastic utensils to eat with that night. Two days later, it all appeared upstairs in the bathroom sink (wash basin).
Same exact thing with a big tin of custard powder, of all things.
I don't know why they do silly things like that, I guess just for attention, to let you know they're there.
Maybe it was trying to scare us, and just wasn't very good at it!

Reply #175. Apr 03 18, 9:36 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
I'm not saying it's never scary. Some of the scariest things I've ever encountered have been in the house where I live now. But I refused to be run out of my own home by ... well, by whatever.
There are much worse things than ghosts.

Reply #176. Apr 03 18, 10:29 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
So you just never know when and where this invisible entity might decide to pop up in who knows what kind of way. I just couldn't live a peaceful kind of life like that, and I don't see where there is anything that says I have to subject myself to that kind of thing every single day, and I would certainly not want to live like that on my own free will. Call me kooky, I guess.

Reply #177. Apr 03 18, 10:47 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
I've been called worse than kooky ;-)

Reply #178. Apr 03 18, 11:22 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
This one isn't invisible. It's not here all the time. I think there's kind of a 'door' that it wanders through sometimes, and the rest of the time it's off somewhere bothering whoever it finds through other 'doors'. I didn't ever ask it. And it's not bothering me right now, so I'm not gonna yell questions through the 'door'!!!

Reply #179. Apr 03 18, 11:26 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
I don't know when, but I know where. The 'door' is in one corner of my living room. It always comes from the same place. I'm sitting in that room now, with all my doggos.
You get over the fear very quickly ... it's hard to describe, if that's not too cliché for you. I know you want definite answers. But ... imagine it like this ... people surf where they know there are sharks, because the love to surf, so they see it as being worth the risk. They know they could be killed, or lose a limb, but ... the waves just aren't like that anywhere else, man. A lot of them go back in there even after they've witnessed an attack, or even been attacked themselves. That's a lot scarier to me than the mean old D-thing that pops by every now and again.

Reply #180. Apr 03 18, 11:34 AM

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