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Subject: Supernatural corner

Posted by: satguru
Date: Jul 25 15

After losing the myth, legend or fact forum I thought it would be nice to have a supernatural experiences and questions thread here, I'm sure there's still plenty of interest in it.

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UmberWunFayun star

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David, thanks for sharing your amazing stories, please, please don't stop there! I don't know whether to be more impressed by your ghost encounters or your stage experiences! What an interesting life you're having.
I especially love hearing supernatural stories that have happened to children, as little kids don't have the knowledge or guile to make those kind of things up. Some people may like to explain it away as imagination, but it's easy to tell the difference if you've ever been around kids.
Your story is fascinating, can't wait to hear more.

Reply #221. May 14 18, 2:37 PM

Reply #222. May 14 18, 9:31 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Wow, David, those are great stories. I'd love to hear more. And I absolutely believe you.

I swear to God, I met President Dwight Eisenhower. I remember it so vividly. It was at my great-grandmother's house, he was making apparently a "secret visit" and I sat on his lap at the beautiful baby grand piano, and someone took our photo. I was about four. I can remember everything about it -- the pretty little dress I was wearing, what he was wearing, everything in the room, what it all smelled like, what he smelled like (pipe tobacco,) how excited but extremely forcibly subdued at the same time my parents and grandparents were -- all of it. I didn't know why this was such a big deal at the time, but I knew it was based on how everyone was behaving. I remember the photo. It's in black and white. However, I can't find it.

I have asked about this my entire life, and everyone in my family always just looked at me like I was nuts, and then explained to me why that could never have happened. And they're right. It couldn't have.

He died long before I was born. Long, long before I was born. But I remember it so vividly, and I know that photo is out there somewhere. I was certain I had it, but I've never been able to find it. And while I suppose he could have made a "secret visit" to my great-grandmother's house, I am assured he absolutely never did.

I didn't dream it. I remember it from the day it happened. I've never forgotten it, so it made a huge impact on me. And any time I see his name anywhere, I remember meeting him and sitting on his lap. And if I see a photo of him, I remember every line in that face, and his eyes. He was the nicest man, or there is no way I would have gone near him, and I certainly wouldn't have sat on his lap, no matter what, if I didn't trust him.

I absolutely met "Santa Claus" in that same house, at around that same age, and I wouldn't go near him! He completely creeped me out, but President Eisenhower and I met and bonded, and somewhere there is a photo, much like your Marilyn Monroe autograph, to prove it.

Reply #223. May 15 18, 3:54 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
We need to get David back to tell us more, more, more.

Reply #224. May 18 18, 2:25 PM
Ok, as I said in relating my theater experiences that continues and seems too be still ongoing though it branches off in 2 different directions. One branch involves one of the performers I met in those shows. I was 7 she was 25 and beautiful and I fell in Love with her and we've stayed in touch ever since and she's became my best friend and still is to this day. She went on from those shows to become on of Dean Martin's back-up singer/dancers. Through her I've met the Rat Pack and many other stars of that Genre (most of which were still alive but not all) I'll explain that branch at another time.

The other branch involves Anita if you remember her.

After the shows were over my father got transferred and we moved out of town. A few months later my mother brought us back to Chicago for a few weeks because my Aunt Katherine(Kay) was in the hospital due to cancer and wasn't expected to make it. I was very close to Kay and got to see her in the hospital one day. She was so small and fray. The adults decided that most of us younger kids (me still being only 7) Would get taken up to a little town in Wisconsin where my uncle had a house on a small lake so we wouldn't have to watch Kay waste away.

On the third day at the lake I looked out the bay windows down towards the lake and there, standing at the edged of the pier, was a woman in a nurses outfit. I knew it had to be Anita. I ran to the door, out and down the hill. I got to the pier and looked around but there was nobody there. It was dusk and in the middle of the week so there wasn't many boats on the lake so I just walked to the end of the pier and sat down with my feet in the water. While sitting there I heard a voice like it was whispering in my ear and I clearly made out it say "I going but she's here now". I jumped up and turned around knowing I'd see Anita standing there but she wasn't. Instead, standing a few feet right in front of me, looking young and healthy as ever was Aunt Kay. I heard her say "I'm with you now". I freaked and fell backwards off the pier and into the lake. When I came up from under the water I looked onto the pier and it was empty except for one thing. Lying on the pier where I knew I just saw Kay standing was a single white rose! Her favorite.

About a half hour later, I walked back up the hill and into the house where my sister met me and said that our mother had called and before she said anything I said "I know. Kay died" My sister was surprised and asked how I knew and I just showed her the rose and said "cause she told me". Anita had moved on but from then I had Kay.

Reply #225. May 23 18, 4:52 PM
Blackdresss star

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Whoa David... what did you family say when you showed them the rose?

Reply #226. May 23 18, 9:35 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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David, that's beautiful. It sounds like your Aunt Kay passed peacefully, which must be comforting.
I once knew when a relative had gone, too, but it wasn't peaceful. I'll post it in here once I get the replacement for my broken tablet.
I love your stories, they're amazing, can't wait to hear more!

Reply #227. May 24 18, 12:15 AM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Me too, Jo. I don't know if I'll post about it, though. It freaked out my entire family when it happened, but most of all, me.

Reply #228. May 24 18, 1:40 AM
Nobody knew about the rose but my sister and she believed me. (still does) We agreed no adults would believe us so we never told them. Will get to my next experience next week. Busy weekend.

Reply #229. May 24 18, 10:40 PM
satguru star

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I looked away for a while (been on the road a lot) and have pages to catch up on. I heard Garnet Schulhauser on the radio recently and bought all his books on life after death, and they have explained everything (right or wrong) as clearly as is possible from his own direct experience. One book to go which got whipped off into storage as I didn't save it in time, it is probably being saved for when I really need to read it. I'd recommend them to anyone who wants to know more about what is hiding right next to us.

Reply #230. May 26 18, 6:22 PM

UmberWunFayun star

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For some of us, it doesn't hide particularly well.......

Reply #231. May 27 18, 4:55 PM
Blackdresss star

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I'm one of those, myself. Nothing hides from me, even when I wish it would.

Reply #232. May 28 18, 5:33 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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I'm back on a proper sized screen, do here's my dead relative story (sorry for the indelicate phrasing).
When I was 12, I was asleep late one night when I woke because the bed was shaking. I sat up, puzzled, but could see nothing or no-one in the room with me. The shaking became more violent, and the whole room started to spin and warp, almost the way it seems to do when you're very, very drunk (although I didn't know that then; at that age I'd never been intoxicated). I was struggling for breath, and I fell back with a crushing weight on my chest, hanging on to the sides of my bed as it lifted off the floor and began to pitch about like a ship in stormy water. I can't say how long it lasted, but it was terrifying. Eventually it stopped, the bed set itself back down and the weight lifted off me. I sat up again, one hand on my chest, and the other on my head, trying to calm down.
As things returned to normal, and the sick, dizzy feeling left me, I heard the house phone ringing downstairs, then stop as someone answered it. Fifteen or twenty minutes later, my door opened slowly and my mom's head peeked in.
"Who's dead?" I asked, before she could say anything.
"Your Grandad." She told me, surprised, but not as much as someone in a 'normal' family perhaps might have been. (My mom 'sees' things, too). " He had a heart attack just now, your grandma has called an ambulance but he's already gone. Your dad's on his way over there now."

Reply #233. May 29 18, 4:06 AM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
That's just... it must have been terrifying for you, Jo.

My story is similar, but I was older, and it didn't have quite as much drama, depending on your viewpoint.

I was probably 19 or maybe 20, and away at school. I was sound asleep in the dead of night when something clutched my chest so hard, I sat straight up in bed and grabbed my chest to try to catch my breath and make whatever had my chest so constricted let go.

I couldn't breathe for about 10 minutes, my heart was pounding erratically, and it hurt. I thought I was having a heart attack, but knew that wasn't really possible. And then, I just knew...

As soon as I knew what had actually happened, I leaped out of bed and called my Mother, woke her up, and insisted she go check on my Grandmother. I was still having a hard time breathing and I was very upset, because I knew, I just knew...

My Mother tried to calm me down, but I told her she didn't need to worry about me, she needed to GO CHECK MY GRANDMOTHER. So she promised she would, and would call me back.

I waited and waited and waited, and the longer I waited, the more I knew I was right.

My Grandmother, my Mother's Mother, who lived next door to my family, had died of a heart attack in her sleep and when my Mother got there to check on her, she could tell she hadn't been gone very long.

She hadn't been ill, she wasn't very old, it was a complete shock to everyone.

My Mother finally called me back, completely hysterical, and wanted to know how I knew, so I told her. Then it was me trying to calm her down.

And for some reason, everyone in my family was absolutely furious with me for "knowing" this, since my Mother told everyone how she even knew to run next door in the middle of the night to check on her.

And to make it worse, the weather was terrible. Big, bad blizzard and I couldn't get home. No planes were flying, no buses were running, the mountain passes were closed. I tried to find a private pilot who would attempt to fly me home, but no one would even consider it.

So not only did I know and feel what she must have felt the second she died, I couldn't get home for her funeral.

My Mother "felt" things, too, but that time, she was just so upset, all she felt was ambushed by me and then abandoned by her own Mother. It was always a touchy subject in my family, and it's still a touchy subject with my siblings.

I kind of hate that story.

Reply #234. May 29 18, 4:45 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Imagine you and me in a room together, Elle; there'd be spooks whirling about around our heads like moths!

Your story is so sad, I don't know why anyone would blame you. My mom told me it was best not to tell the rest of the family what I'd experienced, as they were already upset and might not believe me. She needn't have said anything; at 12, I already knew most people wouldn't believe half the stuff that happened to me.

Reply #235. May 29 18, 6:54 PM
Jo, if I entered that room with you and Elle it would get REALLY crowded. Though when I left you two would probably be free as anything there would probably follow me. I seem to be some sort of spectral magnate.

Nice to read the other stories whether good or bad experiences, makes me feel like I may not be crazy after all.

Should have my next encounter tale up soon. This one involves when I got shot.

Reply #236. Jun 04 18, 1:17 PM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
David, you're definitely not crazy. Your stories are great, and I'm on tenterhooks for the next one.
You got shot...?!?!?

Reply #237. Jun 05 18, 9:27 AM
satguru star

player avatar
I think anyone who has genuine sight into the higher levels is gifted, but when it comes without training it can overwhelm and rather than be frightened or believe you're losing your mind there are plenty of genuine teachers around who can allow you to control the power. When you have a house or a phone you need to be able to control who calls rather than have the bells constantly ringing. But for those who have read lots about it we're only too welcoming when we have any form of possible contact.

Reply #238. Jun 05 18, 8:15 PM

Sorry it's been so long But next encounters up now. Yes that was plural but all about the same situation. Now if you remember I mentioned I have been clinically dead twice with the first being shortly after my birth. Well this is not the 2nd. I know tease. :) OK, so far I've told about my encounters from birth and my encounters in my main stream at the theater from 7 yrs old. Now to flash forward.

Though I had many weird occurrences when I was a kid there was nothing I thought really unusual. Yes, I thought I would hear an occasional voice when alone or see something out of the corner of my eye that wasn't there when I turned to look but I just passed them off as my imagination as a kid. A lot of times I had a feeling I was not alone but was never afraid of that. I never saw Kay during that time but looking back from what I have gone through since I think it must have been her I was feeling as I knew Anita was gone. But I digress.

My next biggest thing came when I was 14. I was working as a busboy in a restaurant. Yes, I was too young but my Uncle owned the place and I always hung out there and helped out cause the waitresses were pretty high school or college girls and they thought I was adorable ( I used to be :) ) so my uncle got permission to just hire me.

I was working on Mother's Day, and my sister was a waitress that day (NOT one of the one's I had a crush on!!!). Our mother was supposed to pick us up after we were done and we'd go to a party at my Uncle's house. My mother arrived but we weren't done as it was busy so she sat in a back booth waiting for us. I came out of the dish area to bus some tables. This was an indoor mall so right outside our gate were other stores with a Carson's adjacent to our left and several across from us and most of the mall to our right. The mall was shaped kinda in a triangle pattern and we were near one of the points. (Carson's).

As I came out the door into the dinning area I heard a lot of screams and several dozens of people started running past our entrance gate into Carson's I saw many others run to the exit on the other side of Carson's and a bunch of them ran into our entrance and ducked down. All of sudden the whole place was a madhouse! I know this is long but supernatural coming up . Should I continue?

Reply #239. Jun 17 18, 8:31 PM
David, Jo and Elle, excellent stories

I "sense," or feel, stuff like one of you...

Creepeed me out every time because I knew something bad had happened, but not how or where... except in rare cases.

The first time is when I went to visit my great aunt and uncle; my cousin, 4, was visiting, and I was able to sense when she was right in front of me. I have nonfunctional vision, and that was the only time I had an experience like that. After, I just stood there, stunned. That was the amazing one. The others are sad.

Like... on school days I would suddenly sense a family member had passed. The one I remembber "knowing" about strongest was great grandma Esther. I guess I was more close to her than most, and that's how I knew.

When nana passed, it blindsided me. Not even sure how that happened, as I seem to sense things the closer they are to me. Like, if Minniemom is sick, I know... even if I'm not totally sure. But soon as we speak on the phone, I figure out exactly what I've been sensing all day, and I feel better.

I even have a "weather sensor." I know it's hard to believe... but I've sensed certain storms coming (Noreasters, hurricanes... even, rarely, thunderstorms).

I could sense trouble with my siblings sometimes; like the weekend they were at their mother's, I could sense chaos approaching the day they were to come home.

And I sensed 9/11 that morning at 7 AM.

Reply #240. Jun 17 18, 9:21 PM

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