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Subject: Supernatural corner

Posted by: satguru
Date: Jul 25 15

After losing the myth, legend or fact forum I thought it would be nice to have a supernatural experiences and questions thread here, I'm sure there's still plenty of interest in it.

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Blackdresss star

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I believe you, Callie. I believe Dave, too. I don't believe in absolutely everything, but if I've seen it, or experienced it, or heard it from a trusted source, I believe it.

I believed the fairies were real, that those little girls later admitted they faked. I don't know how they could have done that. Have you seen those photos??? Houdini believed them! And a movie was made about all of that, and I believed it all over again when I saw that.

I think they confessed to something just to take the attention off them. I think those fairies were real.

Reply #141. Mar 27 18, 2:44 PM
Blackdresss: I have seen those photos of the 2 girls with the fairies. One of the girls confessed as an adult that the fairies were paper cut outs that she had sketched & hatpins were used to hold them in place. It's hard to tell from the photos if they really were paper.

I was reading some of your posts about the houses you lived in. That must have been terrifying! I grew up in a house where strange things happened but nothing like that! Like you were saying, I didn't see anything, either. I heard a lot of weird stuff & weird stuff happened, though. For example, when I was about 4 or 5 years old, a hand grabbed my ankle in the middle of the night & I thought it was one of my siblings playing a joke. There was nobody there. Utterly terrifying to a child, plus nobody believed me when these things happened. :(

Reply #142. Mar 28 18, 1:05 AM
UmberWunFayun star

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Hi Callie! Nobody ever does believe you, when you experience something at night, in bed; they automatically assume you were asleep and dreaming. They say patronising things, like, "I'm sure it seemed very real to you at the time."
Don't worry. You don't need to convince anyone, let them have their nice safe world where everything can be easily explained, if that's what they need. I can totally understand people needing to believe that there's nothing supernatural, if it makes them feel comfortable.
There are always those of us who know different, like Elle, and me, who will believe you and be excited and interested in your stories :-)

Reply #143. Mar 28 18, 1:51 AM
UmberWunFayun: I agree! There are a lot of people who don't believe in that stuff but I don't blame them. Believing in ghosts is just one of those things that a person has to experience for themselves before they'll believe. It just doesn't seem possible that ghosts exist & I highly doubt I would believe in them if I hadn't had encounters with them.

My experiences started at a very young age so I've known they exist my entire life. I don't waste my time trying to convince anyone & I don't really care if anyone I do tell believes me or not. I've even heard people talk about sleep paralysis as a way to explain away someone's supernatural experiences. I have seen a full bodied apparition when I was completely awake & I know what I saw was real. That is not a plausible explanation to me because most of the things that have happened to me were when I was awake! Thank you for being understanding & for believing me! :)

Reply #144. Mar 28 18, 12:41 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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I'm Jo, it's much easier to type!
I'm the same way, I've seen all kinds of things since I was a child, so I've always believed. I've seen stuff in the daytime, night time, any time! I never try to change anyone's mind, but it's always nice to talk with other people who've seen things, too.

Reply #145. Mar 28 18, 1:21 PM
C30 star

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With most supernatural experiences there is usually a perfectly logical explanation. However, IMO a logical explanation does not necessarily equate to the explanation being the CORRECT one.

Seen a ghost?, no.............HEARD a ghost, yes............frequently.

Reply #146. Mar 28 18, 2:15 PM
sadwings star

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I don't think I have ever wanted to see a ghost more in my entire life than I do right now. I think I am convinced now more than ever that some people are allowed to be ghosts when they die, but not others. Harry Houdini made an agreement with his wife that whenever one of them died first, the other one would try to contact them by means of a séance on the anniversary of their death every year for 10 years. I got to listen to an audio recording of the final séance when I was about 14 and I was a member of IBM - the International Brotherhood of Magicians. For real.

Anyway, Harry didn't pop up in any way, shape or form in any of the séances. Maybe there was too many people and maybe it wasn't dark enough, I don't know, but evidently Harry is one of the ones who wasn't allowed to be a ghost for some reason. If I had made an agreement like that - with my wife of all people on the face of the earth - I would surely have shown up in some way if I had been a ghost. I would not have bogarted my ghostliness from the person I loved more than anyone in the world.

Anyway, if I am not going to ever be allowed to experience a ghost, I just wish like crazy that I knew why some people go an entire lifetime without ever seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling or tasting a ghost, while half the people they have ever known are tripping and falling over ghosts and running right smack down the middle of Ghost Road in stark raving terror to try to get away from ghosts every time they get out of bed.

Elle, I think I would like to take you up on your offer of coming to spend some time with you so that I can experience all of these things with you. Are you going to give me your address and tell me how to get there?

Reply #147. Mar 28 18, 6:09 PM
Blackdresss star

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Callie, if something grabbed my ankle in the night, I think I'd pass out. That's terrible! And of course, I believe you. Why would anyone make this stuff up? It's hard enough to talk about it, and then when you aren't believed, it's painful.

Jo will believe you, too. She also gets it, completely.

I have stories I swear to God will put hair on your chest, and who wants that, other than our Kebbin? I just have to be in the mood to sit down and write them out, but seriously, they were terrifying. The ones I've told are nothing compared to the ones I haven't.

And I didn't say they were ghosts. I don't know what they were when things happened in those houses. I just know they weren't there to make me happy or feel safe and sound. And I definitely did not. But at some point, at least here in the stupid Spider House, and in my first house, also a very old house built in 1901, before I moved away from here, the house with the "thing" that looked like a huge spider that ran up my stairs, so I ran after it, I decided to take action and run it right back out.

With the other houses? I didn't know how to do that yet, so I was just purely terrorized. To the point of moving to get away from all of it. And then having it get worse, not better.

Kebbin, the things that happen to me while I'm walking down the street aren't ghosts, either, but I would make a believer out of you very quickly. It's hard to dispute something when you see it and witness it, with your own eyes and ears and everything else.

I'm not sure why it happens to me, and not you. Based on what I know about you, I'm kind of surprised it doesn't. But we'll talk about all of it and see how that goes.

Sure, I'll give you my address. You can come for a nice visit, meet Timmy and Tulo and Tory, although be forewarned, Timmy will want to sleep on top of you. He's a lover, not a fighter. And he'll want to show you all his tricks, especially now that he's learned how to make the Roomba his slave. Knocking that pot of potting soil on top of it, and then making the poor thing clean up the mess it thought it had made while Timmy rode it around was sooooo Timmy.

And while he won't eat your food, or touch your food, he'll want to just be near you while you're eating. All my kitties are very well-behaved, and Timmy just loves food, no matter who is eating it.

Is this the right place to tell Ghost Stories? I don't want to get into trouble. That's become just beyond old. So if we need another place, let me know, and I'll tell you stories while we pretend we're sitting around a campfire, and the hair will stand right up on your arms and the back of your neck. Guaranteed.

Reply #148. Mar 28 18, 7:50 PM
SadWings: I have always wondered about Harry Houdini, too. He had promised her he would make contact after death but he never did. Like you said, are certain people allowed to be ghosts? Why not Houdini? Why do some people have experiences with ghosts but others don't? I've always wondered these same things myself but I have no answers. Perhaps some people are more perceptive than others, or more sensitive than others to spirits? All I know is if it is a "gift", as some people call it, it's not something I ever asked for or wanted! I wish there was a way to turn it off because I surely would.

Blackdresss: Yes, that was very frightening, especially to a child. Another thing that happened in that house was one night I was woken up by whispering voices a few feet from my bed. I couldn't make out the words but it sounded like a small group of people having a whispered conversation. I was scared to death & wanted to run to my parents' room but in order to do that, I had to pass right by the spot where the voices were coming from! I finally got the courage & jumped out of bed & ran to their room. I woke them up & of course they didn't believe me We moved from that house when I was about 10 years old & I was so relieved. None of that stuff ever happened in our new home, thank goodness!

Reply #149. Mar 29 18, 2:40 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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The spirits are someplace where most people can't see them; it stands to reason that they can't see us, either. Some living people are like 'beacons', those who are sensitive to the supernatural stand out, like a blonde in a sea of brunettes, and the spirits will head for the beacons the way moths congregate at a porch light. So the beacons see lots of spirits, while the other folk see none. Why some people are beacons and some are not is a quality that can be explained or quantified any more than any other aspect of human personality. Why do some people have masses of charisma, while others have none? Why are some folk naturally mean spirited, while others are unfailingly kind, even when it means they get walked all over? There are lucky and unlucky people, popular and unpopular people, and none of these things can be explained by science. These differences are random and glorious and make the world far more interesting. Mrs Houdini simply must not have been a bright enough beacon for her husband to be able to find her, no matter how much he might have wanted to.

Reply #150. Mar 29 18, 3:45 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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And yes, I know she was 'calling' him at those seances, but that makes no difference if they can't see where you are. I mean, I could yell through a loudhailer for my Viking, but if he's two towns away, he's still not going to hear me!

Reply #151. Mar 29 18, 3:48 PM
Jo: That makes sense! I've always wondered about all of that stuff. Why do certain people see ghosts or sense them & others don't, & that whole Houdini thing. I was the only one in my family, as far as I know, who had those types of experiences in that house. Nobody believed me, that's for sure! I felt so alone & was so afraid living there. I was very happy when my dad sold that place & we moved!

Reply #152. Mar 30 18, 8:27 PM
terraorca star

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Alright boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, show of hands, who believes that there are things that happen here on Earth that cannot be explained logically by anything other than; the supernatural or alien visitation.

I believe.

Reply #153. Mar 30 18, 8:49 PM
Memorycat65 star

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Mark, I do believe. Over the years, I've had several odd experiences, but nothing matches the one I had in 1994, the year my grandmother passed away. All four of us sibs had gone to Illinois to clear out my grandparents home. They had filled their home with wonderful hand-crafted furniture made by my grandfather, and beautiful oil paintings by my grandmother. Their home was filled with love, music, and storytelling, and all of us spent many summers and holidays there - it was a home filled with treasured memories. The home was a large pre-Civil War structure and very well maintained. Once we got there and drew lots for the furnishings, etc. (I'm so proud of my family - no squabbling over anything), everyone but me left to go run some errands. I wandered into my grandfather's office and sat down at his desk (the very desk I happen to be sitting at now). I was feeling blue, missing my Nana and Papa and old times, and was near to tears, knowing that we would be selling the house, when it happened. The air in the room suddenly felt very dense, and although there was no smoke (my grandfather was a dedicated pipe smoker), I smelled his tobacco everywhere. I remember holding my breath and hoping that I would be able to see him. Fear didn't seize me, but wonder did, for I loved him very much. For a brief instant, I felt something brush my shoulder, and I remain convinced to this day that it was him, reassuring me that all things come to an end, and that all would be as it should. When my sibs arrived shortly thereafter, my grandfather's presence was gone, but the smell of heavy smoke remained - they believed me, because they, too could smell that special blend of tobacco. I'll never forget that day and be grateful for it.

Reply #154. Mar 30 18, 10:15 PM
terraorca star

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Great story Anne.

Reply #155. Mar 30 18, 10:44 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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Yay, Mark!
I believe, I have to believe. I've seen and experienced too many things not to believe.
Anne, that's a wonderful story, your grandfather must also have loved you very much to come and offer you comfort that way.
Smells are apparently a huge part of how spirits communicate who they are - unfortunately I have no sense of smell, so that's the one thing I don't experience!

Reply #156. Mar 31 18, 1:29 AM
Great story, Memorycat! Thanks for sharing it.

Terraorca: I'm not sure what I think about the whole alien thing but I'm a firm believer in ghosts. There are many strange things that happen in this world all the time & they just can't be explained.

Reply #157. Mar 31 18, 5:21 PM
sadwings star

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I wonder why the overwhelming majority of ghosts are bad ghosts who do bad things? Are they mad because they got their human life taken away from them? They don't have to worry about eating or sleeping or going to the bathroom or to the doctor or to the dentist. They don't have to worry about ever feeling physical pain or having any financial worries. Sounds like Easy Street to me. Just seems like there would be a lot more nice ghosts and happy ghosts. Ghosts that would maybe draw a smiley face on the steamy mirror while you were in the shower. That's the kind of stuff I would be doing if I was a ghost.

Reply #158. Mar 31 18, 5:57 PM
sadwings star

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Do you guys realize the potential we would have as a nation if we could just get ghosts to be our friends and cooperate with us? First of all, we could win wars without the loss of a single life on either side. The ghosts could just go and collect all the enemy weapons and ammo and float away with all of it, maybe ditch all of it in the ocean or something. What would our enemies do then? Can't very well fight a war without weapons and ammo.

Then think about the advancements in technology that we could achieve. I would think that ghosts would have knowledge far above and beyond the living. The only thing I can't figure out is what we could possibly give the ghosts as a reward for their cooperation. Any ideas?

Reply #159. Apr 01 18, 12:05 AM
UmberWunFayun star

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Who said the majority of ghosts are bad? Anne just told a lovely story of her kindly grandfather's spirit coming to give her comfort.
In my experience, they're either doing just that, or trying to warn someone about something, or ... just ... minding their own business, and I see them in passing. Younger ones are often playful or naughty, but not bad.
Maybe you mean in the movies...

Reply #160. Apr 01 18, 12:48 AM

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