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Subject: Supernatural corner

Posted by: satguru
Date: Jul 25 15

After losing the myth, legend or fact forum I thought it would be nice to have a supernatural experiences and questions thread here, I'm sure there's still plenty of interest in it.

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I have goosebumps upon reading some of these stories!!! Wow. They were fascinating to read. I enjoy them so much. It’s like I’m experiencing them with you.
Some of the scariest stories are the simplest stories. Knocking on doors… waking up in the middle of the night… it can frighten many.
There should be an anthology of all of these stories!
Some of mine coming.

Reply #281. Aug 09 18, 11:26 AM
This story comes from my old boss, a wonderful human being. She loves going on haunted tours. She traveled to Ohio to an abandoned prison and went on a tour with her girlfriends. She took lots of pictures of the place. There was one time, she said, in a cell, when the air got colder. She said she distinctly felt someone grab her leg.
After she got the photos developed, she noticed white orbs everywhere. It was dark in there, so I don’t know what to tell you. But one picture her friend took of her showed a white orb—right beside her leg in that cell.

Reply #282. Aug 09 18, 11:27 AM
In 1989, my uncle was killed in a car crash. The day of his funeral, we all gathered at my grandparent’s house together. My grandpa shared a story with us.
He said that morning, he was sitting in his normal chair in the living room. When he looked up, he saw his son, my uncle, whose funeral he was just about to attend. My grandpa told us he was wearing a striped blue and white shirt and was standing by the Hummel cabinet. The details were so specific and I believed every word of it. He’d been standing right beside the room he used to sleep in. I don’t think my grandpa lied.

Reply #283. Aug 09 18, 11:28 AM
A few months ago, my cat was sitting on my bed with me. We were just relaxing, watching TV. My cat sat up and stared at the doorway to my bedroom. There wasn’t anything there. Anyone who’s ever had a cat will tell you when a cat stops and focuses on something, there’s usually something there. But I didn’t see anything.
A few minutes later I distinctly heard someone call my name. I even called out in case someone was there, but nothing.
Finally, just a little while later, I got up to brush my teeth. I swear I felt fingertips brush against my left leg. Wasn’t the cat. I was spooked!

Reply #284. Aug 09 18, 11:28 AM
Elusive Dream mentioned this a few years ago, and I agree with this user. I believe there are several undiscovered species deep in the ocean. My only hope is that as technology advances, we’ll be able to create some type of machine that can withstand the pressure at such depths. I really hope one day we’ll get there.

In that same breath, Elusive Dream mentions we can’t be the only planet inhabited with life. Scientists argue no other planet (maybe besides Mars) could possibly support life. Um, why? Does Mercury not support life simply because it’s different from Earth? The life living on a foreign planet might not need what we need to live.
Then there’s the stereotype that any alien will have great technology and have flying saucers. But that’s not necessarily the truth. This scares me and thrills me all at once!

Reply #285. Aug 09 18, 11:33 AM
Blackdresss I agree with you. When you said “angels are warriors” I nodded. I’m a girl of faith as well!
I’m envious of your dreaming ability. So many times I’ll be having a nightmare, dying for it to end, and other times, waking up in the middle of a good dream and wanting to return to it. My sister is a little like that, she can sometimes stop a dream in its tracks, or wake up and then go back to sleep and return to it.

Daver852, thank you for those articles/videos you shared. They were entertaining! The Newby Church picture with the tall, cloaked figure frightens me to my core. I believe that there are ghosts and demons out there. Isn’t that so scary? It terrifies me, but it makes me grateful I have faith.

I thank you all for sharing; your stories are incredible.

Reply #286. Aug 09 18, 11:37 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Thanks for sharing yours, too, Jen! It can be really tough sometimes when all you've ever heard are people telling you that you're 'making it up' or you 'must have been dreaming'. Or, worst of all, that you're a crackpot. It can be hard enough just going through these experiences without being ridiculed for it. I also believe there must be life out there somewhere other than Earth; it makes no sense to me at all for this planet to be the only one out of an infinite number that's capable of sustaining some kind of life. I'm not saying there's little grey men who come and abduct hillbillies, just that there has to be something. It's very arrogant of us to believe otherwise.

Reply #287. Aug 09 18, 2:58 PM
You'll get none of that from me. I figure if anyone here has nothing better to do than tell lies to strangers, then that's just sad. So I give everyone the benefit of the doubt because really... why would anyone here lie? What would be the purpose!
Thank for sharing, everyone.

Reply #288. Aug 10 18, 11:43 AM
sadwings star

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Several times throughout my life I have seen cats perk up and stare at something that I could not see, unless they were staring at the wall or some other object. May have even seen a dog do that a time or two, but that's as far as it's ever gone as far as me having some kind of supernatural experience or encounter. I have never seen things, never heard voices, never felt anything physically touching me that wasn't there, and never felt any kind of presence - except for once, and it actually lasted for a couple of weeks or so.

You guys have mentioned angels. Can I say Holy Spirit without getting into trouble, I hope? Well, that is what I believe with all my heart that this presence was. Never felt anything like it before in my entire life before or since.

This happened about 20 years ago give or take maybe a year either way. It happened during a time in my life when I was communicating with certain people at my favorite radio station by means of hand-written letters. This was way before I ever had access to the internet for the first time. It started out as just fan letters full of fun, musically related stuff that was mostly just for laughs and good times. Much of the things that I wrote actually got responded to over the air in some way, shape or form. I will admit that it was quite exciting for me and it fueled my desire to keep writing fairly frequently, just as I had been for some time.

Gradually the things I wrote started to become a little deeper in nature, things that you could say were very thought-provoking. I gradually began to bear my soul to these people. Shortly after that began to happen is when I suddenly felt this incredibly strong presence in my life. It was there every single waking minute of every single day for a good couple of weeks. I felt this presence the strongest when I was writing to these radio station people or when I was even just thinking about what my next letter would involve. It was as if this presence was there to make sure I chose my words very, very carefully. That is the only impression I have ever been left with. One day it was just suddenly gone as suddenly as it appeared.

There's one more very odd thing about this whole experience. You guys know how hospitals will kind of have that certain smell, like bleach or ammonia, or the way your house smells right after you have mopped all your floors and maybe have cleaned other things with bleach and water? That is just exactly what I smelled very strongly, every single minute of every single day for that whole time, everywhere I ever went. Even when I went outside, I could smell it all around me just as strongly as I could when I was indoors. I asked people a few times if they smelled bleach and they always said no. I suppose that would have to be the freakiest experience I have ever had in my life.

Reply #289. Aug 10 18, 1:22 PM
Hey Umber
Aliens would never abduct hillbillies, they'd probably say "Duh, what does this button do?" and then press it and accidentally blow up the spaceship. Any aliens out there would give Earth a miss. It's a planet that makes extraterrestrials scratch their head in disbelief.

Reply #290. Aug 10 18, 2:32 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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In a normal human brain, the sense of smell is the one most closely linked with the formation and retrieval of memories (not mine; since I have no sense of smell, my brain uses mostly visual and aural memories), so spirits will very often use particular smells to try to tell you who they are. I'd say whoever was with you was someone you knew, who either passed in a hospital/hospice/nursing home, or who was well known for their habitual cleaning - maybe there was a family joke about this person constantly mopping floors, or scrubbing the sink, or something.
They made a big effort to be with you, and to encourage/guide you in sharing your thoughts and feelings, so they must have had a good reason.
As for the dogs and cats thing, well; they have a whole range of senses we can't even begin to imagine the scope of. With hearing at least four times better than ours, and the ability to hear frequencies we can't,, maybe're staring because they heard a sound inside or beyond the wall. Or maybe they see something we don't. If you get chills and the hairs stand up on the back of your neck when they do it, I'd trust gut instinct and say it's the latter. My dogs react to the sound of daddy's motorbike coming home a few minutes before I hear it, but they also sometimes stop and growl at an empty corner of the room where I've seen something........ supernatural. And the old guy I have tattooed on my leg, who died over 15 years ago? He's walked beside me many times since then, and once I woke up because my bedcovers were tight, and he was curled up on the bed right next to me.
Love is a powerful thing, and it transcends even death.

Reply #291. Aug 10 18, 2:46 PM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Haha, sectant, you posted at the same time as me!
Yeah, if aliens ever did come here, I think they'd just look at each other, say "Nope!" and fly home. We haven't really left much on the planet worth taking, and as a species, we're a little..... eccentric, to say the least. Quirky. I'm being polite. What I really mean is batcrap crazy.

Reply #292. Aug 10 18, 2:50 PM
I've been asked to come back and continue which I'm glad to do as I see the string has revived thanks to Jen and Sadwings. Great encounters to hear thanks! We seem to have lost somebody though. Haven't seen Elle in a long time. Hope she's OK.

Now if you read my earlier tales you might remember how I said I have died twice. The first time being as a baby shortly after birth. Well, this involves the second.

When I was 35 my first wife and I were going to a party. Penny (my wife) wanted to drive as she had gotten a new car for her birthday. After leaving the party we were struck on the driver side by a drunk driver that went though a stop light. I remember the impact but nothing after for almost a week so this is what I was told later. The other driver was a teenager and he was hauled away without a scratch. It took over an hour to get my wife and I out of our car. Upon reaching the hospital I was in a coma. My wife was declared DOA (Dead on arrival). I've been told that at one point my heart stopped and was clinically dead for a short time but they were able to bring me back. Am told it was 7 days after the accident when I woke up. Battered bruised and several broken bones and internal injuries but I was back.

After a couple more weeks when I was feeling and looking better my sister-in-law who was staying at my house taking care of my daughter brought Michelle(my daughter) to see me. Michelle (who at the time was 3 years old) came in and gave me a hug saying how much she missed me and asked when I'm coming home. Told her it would be at least a few more weeks. She said that she couldn't wait and that mommy was home waiting for me. Jill (sister-in-law) tried to explain to her how her mommy was gone and she said she knew but she's also at home waiting for me. She said "Mommy is on the couch with some lady saying tell daddy "Go to the Doctor" " Tried to tell her that was silly cause I'm already at the doctor but she insisted and over the next few weeks she would say the same thing "Mommy's at home and wants you to go to the Doctor" . Finally after a couple months in hospital I was allowed to go home. Legs weren't hurt so I was able to walk. When I got home I entered the living room and I saw Kay! She was standing between the couch and the TV that Penny would sit on and watch respectively. Under Kay's outstretched right hand was a grey shadowy form and her left hand was pointed at my video shelf where I had my collection of my favorite show Dr Who videos. I looked at Kay but could see right through her as I heard the words "Go to the Doctor" out of nowhere but I swear it was Penny's voice. After hearing that both Kay and the shadow faded away and were gone. My daughter came up behind me and said "Mommy's gone now"

I heard or saw nothing for months. Then a friend of mine from college called me and said he had a job for me. He was working for the BBC and said they were restarting DR Who and he could get me a position helping with CGI if I wanted to move to England. It would not be physical so wouldn't hinder my recovery plus I'd work for my all time favorite show and get to finally see England. I jumped at the chance so Michelle and I moved to England.

At the set one day while out on lunch Michelle saw a lady wearing a Cubs shirt and ran over to her. She brought the lady back to our bench and we started talking about the Cubs. She was from Yorkshire but she loved American baseball and was a big Cubs fan. She told me that a friend asked her to drive her down to Cardiff to see her sick mother. She (Denny, I know they rhyme) said she told she didn't like hospitals so what would she do while her friend visited her mother. Her friend, knowing Denny liked Dr Who, told her in these exact words "Go to the Doctor"!!!! We married in less than a year later and are still together today.

Reply #293. Aug 11 18, 12:49 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Wow, David, that's amazing! It's terribly sad about your first wife, Penny, but what a fantastic story about how you met your Denny!
And as for you, well, I guess you must be an honorary cat, because you seem to be working your way through nine lives!

Reply #294. Aug 11 18, 1:37 AM
Your story gave me shivers. Thank you for sharing, it was incredibly touching. I’m happy for you that you were able to find love again!
Please keep sharing if you have more!

Reply #295. Aug 16 18, 10:24 AM
Jen, real creepy stories. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, there's definetly life "somewhere." We just don't know where, and are sort of afraid to find out (some more tthan sort of). Me? Well, I... have this system of personalities inside my head, so why not? Different doesn't have to be scary.
I reserve judgment about truth or falsehood because you really can't tell. Besides, if one is going to lower one's dignity and lie... that's on him or her. I am too dignified a person to stoop that low, and I put judgment in that category also.
Kev and Jo, thanks for sharing. Strange indeed how the spirits (for lack of a better word) work. For me, they use primarily every sence but sight (but sokmetimes, they will use my nonfunctional vision... in the form of lots of light. Or darkness and a little light. That light comforts me. I think there are times it is there (on walls) specificly to comfort me. No , this is not a reflection. I often experience this where there are no reflective surfaces).
Wow, David, thats amazing... and sad... and a bit freaky.

Reply #296. Aug 16 18, 6:33 PM
I have one last tale to tell on this strain and is about this year. Lot's of activity this year and possibly my final year. Remember 7.

Reply #297. Aug 16 18, 10:55 PM
BTW if anybody wants to know me I have several videos posted on youtube for my family. Just me singing karaoke. Not my best but did win a contest with one.

Reply #298. Aug 16 18, 10:59 PM
That's awesome

Reply #299. Aug 17 18, 5:42 AM
Yes to another story!
Yes to some videos, karaoke is fun!

Reply #300. Aug 17 18, 10:08 AM

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