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Subject: Supernatural corner

Posted by: satguru
Date: Jul 25 15

After losing the myth, legend or fact forum I thought it would be nice to have a supernatural experiences and questions thread here, I'm sure there's still plenty of interest in it.

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UmberWunFayun star

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Aw, thanks, Jen. I don't make a point of telling anyone I see ghosts - as a child, in fact, I learnt pretty early on to keep it to myself because I'd be disbelieved and called crazy. But if it comes up, that whole "who here believes in ghosts?" kind of conversation, I'm never going to lie and say no. It's ok if people don't believe, I don't expect them to unless they've experienced things for themselves.

Reply #401. Jul 31 19, 2:37 PM
Blackdresss star

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Jen, I agree, those "ghost-hunting shows" are just awful. Except the one Rob Lowe did with his kids -- that one was mostly hilarious, even though they did have a lot of "encounters." If you haven't seen it, and have access to it, I recommend it.

Jo, that story is just insanely wild. Wow... And you know I believe you, 100%, right?

My theory is that people who are empathetic are going to see and experience things that other people just do not. I'm open to it, but not overly-open to anything without proof. And I never, ever just "open myself up" to anything or anyone, since that's exactly what can and will come roaring in.

I can't remember if I talked about this in here, but the first house I lived in when I made that disastrous move back to my hometown and into my great-grandmother's house temporarily, that I haven't seen in so many years, was just 7 weeks of pure, unbridled hell. Not only is that house really old, it hasn't been cared for, so the last time I had seen it, it was still lovely. Now, it is literally broken in two, and infested with venomous Hobo Spiders I had to kill, usually by stabbing them with a butcher knife, because my kitties chased them, and Timmy ATE one. Those things are the size of my hand, and I am deathly afraid of spiders, but I'd go up against a Mother Grizzly Bear to protect my kitties, so...

But also, two people have not just died in there (a LOT of people have been born in that house, and also died in that house,) but those last two people, who didn't live there that long ago, committed suicide in that house, and there is officially, according to me, something seriously wrong with it now.

I've been terrified by the things going on in houses I've lived in before, and I've also been filled with "righteous indignation" and gone after them and run them out. I prefer the latter.

I spent one really terrifying night in there when the closet door in the bedroom I was staying in on the second floor (to avoid the spiders and to make certain my kitties were safe) kept slowly and screechingly opening on its own, while the four of us laid there and watched. I'd try not to be afraid, and get up bravely, walk over, and shut it, and it would open again after a few minutes, after I had settled back into bed to read my book. This only happened at night, mind you. And only in that bedroom -- none of the others, and there are a lot of them. I finally figured out I could lock the damn thing, thinking that would solve it. Nope. It just kept creaking open. By the end of that night, I was pretty much curled up in a ball. And when you have cats, or dogs, or any pet that is also fixated on what you are seeing, it makes it so much worse and terrifying, because I know they see and sense things we just do not.

So, when I finally wandered downstairs to the kitchen after the sun came up (I say "wandered," but really I crept slowly down those stairs, and then bolted to the kitchen through the dining room, which is massive, to try to grab some food, skipping coffee because it would take too long, to bolt back up those stairs -- I already had my kitties' food upstairs so they didn't have to deal with being down there at all, if they didn't want to,) I came to a screeching halt once I hit the kitchen, because... every single cabinet door was wide open. All of them, and there are a LOT of them. It's a huge kitchen. Both the top cabinets and the bottom cabinets -- ALL of them, wide open, all around that kitchen. Not connected, not related -- ALL of them. I grabbed a box of granola and bolted back upstairs, forget the milk.

And you know what the worst part is? When I told my sister on the phone about this, who was the "caretaker" for that house, she laughed hysterically. She thought it was SO funny. She even thought being terrorized by venomous spiders was hilarious. She thought my kitty eating one was just the funniest thing. She took absolute delight in my fear and aloneness and creeped-out factor, like a psychic vampire feeding off me.

I decided she was worse than what was going on in there, so I told her to call an exterminator that wouldn't use anything toxic to me or my cats, or I would, I told her to just leave me alone if she wasn't going to help me with more than just my raging "culture shock," I hung up and stopped taking her calls or answering her texts, and I raced back downstairs to throw deadbolts so she couldn't get in there.

And this is pretty much when I learned "The Devil we know can be worse than the Devil we don't."

I should tell you guys what happened at the huge family lunch we attended, in a raised and cordoned off area of a very nice restaurant after my Father's two funerals right after I had moved there -- one in the church, and one with full military honors at the cemetery. It wasn't creepy to me, at all, and I think it actually helped everyone, and it wasn't as wild as Jo's story, but it did involve music, and every last one of us, from the oldest to the smallest baby kids, bursting into song at the exact same time. I have no idea how they even all knew this song, but they did. It was the song that was so wild, and me hearing it playing over the noise of that restaurant, and being so distracted by it that it stopped my conversation at one end of the table, and looking at the kids I was talking to, and tearing up, and having it ripple all the way to the other end of the table, until by the time the chorus came on, we all started singing at the same time. There were about 30 of us there, and we all burst into song, and that packed restaurant just stared at us. They didn't join in; they just let us sing all of it. And when the song ended (It's a long song, with a very long chorus. You would know it if I told you the name of it,) there was complete silence for about a minute, and then the entire restaurant erupted in cheers and applause for us. It was the only thing about that godawful day that finally lifted that heavy veil.

Reply #402. Aug 01 19, 1:36 AM
Jo, I think that’s why you’re so easy to believe. You’re not like, “Hi, I’m Jo, I play trivia games and want to tell you some ghosts I’ve seen, listen up.”
By the way… while I do think not all ghosts are evil and out to get you, I do think some are malevolent. Not demons, but evil ghosts. Reminds me of that exceedingly spine-tingling story you shared about waking up in the middle of the night and telling your Viking “He pushed you.”

Elle, I’m so sorry about the hobo spiders! I’m so glad you were brave protecting your babies from them. That can’t have been fun having those running amok!
I agree, our pets can *definitely* sense things that we humans cannot. There are many videos out there of animals staring at something in an empty corner. I saw one where a dog seemed to track where a possible ghost walked, moving his head as the ghost moved.

Wow! Did you get goosebumps upon seeing all of those open cabinets?!? I probably would have, and backed out of there pronto! That’s just not right.
I’m really sorry your sister laughed off your traumas… that’s not supportive. If my sister was seriously freaked out by something like that, I would support them (I’m the one they confide in if they found a large insect or spider!).
That was a beautiful story about your family breaking out into song like that! Something like that, unplanned, unexpected, was so poetic. I’m glad that happened to you all! I hope you remember that for the rest of your life.

Reply #403. Aug 01 19, 1:59 PM
I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this, but when my family dreams of a deceased family member, we say they “got a visit” from them.
Just last week I dreamt of Charlie, the Boston Terrier, who we had to say goodbye to a few years ago. The first song I heard that morning upon waking up was *his* song. We always said Hall & Oate’s “Kiss On My List” was Charlie’s song because we think it sounds happy and Charlie just loved giving us all kisses!
To top it all off, my sister picked me up from work, and she brought her other Boston Terrier Rocky with her! It was such a happy surprise! I thought that was kind of funny how that worked out.

Reply #404. Aug 01 19, 1:59 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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Aw, Jen, that's so adorable! There are definitely animal spirits who stay with us as well as people. Sometimes the connection with them is stronger. I know how much Charlie meant to you - all of you - and the kind of love you get back from that never goes away.

I can't bring myself to watch the movie "A Dog's Purpose", much as I'd like to. I know I'd just blart all the way through because it's so true. Dogs are so loyal, if you love them, they love you beyond forever.

Reply #405. Aug 01 19, 2:41 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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Sorry, that's a colloquial term. 'Blart' means cry hysterically and uncontrollably.

Reply #406. Aug 01 19, 2:42 PM
Oh, Jo! I believe that too, connections people can have with their animals—really, their family members.
Umm, a while back I read about the movie “A Dog’s Purpose” and I won’t be watching it. (The bubbles…) Indeed, I would blart over and over again watching it! And I pride myself on not crying while watching movies. I’ll cry for TV shows (I’ve known the characters longer) but never for movies.

Reply #407. Aug 13 19, 11:06 AM

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