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Subject: Supernatural corner

Posted by: satguru
Date: Jul 25 15

After losing the myth, legend or fact forum I thought it would be nice to have a supernatural experiences and questions thread here, I'm sure there's still plenty of interest in it.

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sadwings star

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I don't know, I think I would have to at least try giving it a shot at stepping up in its face and demand that it be gone now and forever in the name of the Lord J.C. Of course, there is one little detail about that. It would never work for anyone who doesn't believe it would work.

As for me, I rather enjoy the thought of being face to face with this thing that the scriptures refer to as the antiChrist. I mean the final one, if there have been others. Couldn't tell you what I would say to it because I really don't know until I'm living in that situation, but I do know this much, before I was finished, it would feel things cutting straight into its wormy core like it had never felt before in its miserable existence, and I would accomplish that much just like taking candy from a child. Now, maybe it could be that after I had walked away from that, maybe I get decapitated by a flying sheet of glass like that one guy in The Omen. Don't really know one way or the other and don't really care because I know what the end result will be by the time everything is all said and done, but this I do know - the only thing it would have the power to do while it was face to face with me is crap in its pants.

Reply #181. Apr 03 18, 2:40 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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Dude, it's not like I ever ran away screaming. I know how to step up, and I know how to shut that 'door'. That's why there aren't things here ALL the time. But they push and they push until they get it open again, eventually. That's the game, I guess. They open it, I close it.
It's closed right now and in not going anywhere.

Reply #182. Apr 03 18, 3:15 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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I'm not going anywhere, not in.

Demons I can handle. Technology, however .....

Reply #183. Apr 03 18, 3:17 PM
sadwings star

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Pretty much the same thing. :-p Actually there are those who believe that "the Beast" in scriptures and the internet are one and the same. I guess it makes sense in a lot of ways, but then I think that's one of the things that humans are not supposed to know the real answer to. Even the mighty angels are, once again, according to scriptures, not supposed to know certain things. I guess life is just one great big Twilight Zone episode, ay?

Reply #184. Apr 03 18, 4:16 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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I think there's lots of things we shouldn't know. If we all knew for certain what happens after we die, some folks might not be so bothered about avoiding it.
We're meant to try our best to live worthwhile lives here and now, and not be in such a rush to find out what's next.
There's so much in this world we haven't properly explored ... just think what we could do if we accepted the possibility of other 'supernatural' phenomena such as telekinesis, telepathy, and psychometry and concentrated on developing those abilities instead.

Reply #185. Apr 04 18, 2:22 AM
If anyone would like to hear about my encounter with a full-bodied apparition, just let me know and I'll be glad to share my story! :)

Reply #186. Apr 04 18, 2:05 PM
UmberWunFayun star

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Callie, I'd love to hear it! Don't leave out any details :-)

Reply #187. Apr 04 18, 2:19 PM
I'll gladly share it, Jo! Thanks for being interested! Just letting you know that it's kind of a long story so it will take me awhile to type. I'm not all that great at typing and it takes me awhile! I'll get a start on it so please keep checking back. Thanks! :)

Reply #188. Apr 04 18, 3:01 PM
Back in 2006, I went for walks a lot & there is an old cemetery around where I live that dates back to the 1800s, maybe earlier. It's a nice, peaceful place & I liked going there to walk around. There are lots of trees, so lots of birds & I like to hear them sing. I had been going in there for quite some time, a few times per week, always during the day. Nothing ever happened & I never felt afraid, until the day I saw the spirit.

It was in May of 2006, really nice weather. On this particular day, I was late getting to the cemetery for my walk. I had always gone around the same time of day but this day I got sidetracked. Anyway, by the time I was done with my walk, dusk was coming on. I mention this because I think that time of day may have had something to do with what happened. I always had a habit of scoping the place out before leaving the safety of my vehicle because other people go in there & as we all know, there are some strange & scary people in this world!
I was by my car, which was parked in the very back of the cemetery, & I decided to walk through one more time before heading home.

I started walking & when I was about a block or so from my car, I heard a voice in the very back of the cemetery yell out "HEY!" I was startled because I had already checked the place out & nobody was around. I stopped & turned around. I then saw a tall, lanky figure which I think was a man, dressed in what could have been a dark blue uniform. I don't know how else to describe it. When I turned, he started waving & walking faster, as though trying to catch up to me. I got scared, thinking it was some kook who had gotten in there behind me somehow without me seeing him!

I circled back, cutting through between the headstones & ran to my car. I got in & locked the doors, of course. After a few seconds, I decided to drive through to see who that was. The person had vanished. This cemetery is surrounded by a high fence with barbed wire at the top & there is a river behind it with another fenced off area. It's also a very large cemetery so there is no way a person could have vanished like that. After driving through twice & not finding that person, it was then that I realized I had just seen a ghost, the first & only I've ever actually seen. It wasn't transparent, wasn't floating or anything like other people say about spirits. It was solid & looked pretty much like an actual person. To this day, I refuse to go into that place!

I know other people in this area who have had stuff happen to them in there. I didn't hear about any of it until after my experience so I was glad to hear that I wasn't imagining it & that others have witnessed weird goings on in there as well.For example, 2 people went in there with a recorder for EVPS. A weird sound that was like an owl hooting right by the recorder was recorded. They didn't hear it at the cemetery, only after they played the recording back. Also, they kept hearing footsteps on the gravel & one person felt a hand touch her back. YIKES! :(

Reply #189. Apr 04 18, 3:26 PM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Wow, yikes indeed!
I love graveyards, I've always found them to be very peaceful places. I used to go to a big one near my house in my early teens to sit and read when the weather was nice. Maybe not in the one you went to, though.....

Reply #190. Apr 05 18, 6:59 AM
Hahaha! No, you wouldn't want to sit in there to read, trust me! Especially after dark! That seems to be when the place "comes to life". Pardon the unintentional pun there. LOL!

Reply #191. Apr 05 18, 10:00 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
One of the strangest full body apparitions I've seen was a couple of years ago, in daylight. The Viking (my husband) and I were on the bike, and we passed this young guy walking along the side of the road, going the opposite way. Nothing particularly odd about him, just a young man, around 20 or so, in normal clothes, with short dark hair, carrying a rucksack. Not spooky at all.
Then, about a half a mile later, we passed him again ... same guy, same clothes, same bag. And a couple more miles later, and there he was again, just walking, in the same direction. Three times we passed him, going the other way. Carrying his bag, just minding his own business. He didn't look at us, he just walked, with that rucksack on one shoulder.
There's no way he could have got in front of us; it's not like we ride slowly. And it was definitely the same guy, we both saw him.
Now, I guess it's possible that it could have been someone playing an elaborate prank meant for somebody other than us, but still ... it was super weird!

Reply #192. Apr 05 18, 12:54 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
One thing is for sure, there is a perfectly logical explanation out there somewhere.

Reply #193. Apr 05 18, 1:29 PM
Jo: YIKES! That is creepy! I can't think of it right now, but I've seen a movie or tv show or something where this very thing happened. Somebody was traveling on a road somewhere & kept passing the same person! There are so many strange things that happen in this world that cannot be explained. It's especially scary when they happen to you.

Reply #194. Apr 05 18, 6:51 PM
terraorca star

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That's a great story about passing the same guy three times. What did you and the Viking say about it at the time?


Reply #195. Apr 05 18, 10:27 PM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Actually, it's funny, Mark, because the Viking is always saying how he'd love to be able to see ghosts (and whatever else) but he just doesn't. He's been crazy interested in the subject since he was a child, but being desperate to experience something doesn't make it happen, and he gets frustrated every time I see something. He loves to hear about it, but it drives him nuts!
So, that day, when we got where we were going and got off the bike, I said, so, you saw your first ghost, then, hon, how was it?
And he looks at me puzzled, so I say, remember that guy, walking down the road? And he goes, "Do you mean that guy with the rucksack that we passed three times?"
I just waited for a minute to let him figure it out. The look on his face was priceless!

Reply #196. Apr 05 18, 11:19 PM
terraorca star

player avatar
That IS funny. Save that one for Elle, she would love that when she gets back.

Reply #197. Apr 05 18, 11:40 PM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
How about this one....

We were in bed once, it was really late, and we were both asleep. I woke up the Viking, still only half awake myself, and said,
"You didn't trip today, he pushed you."
He asks me what I'm babbling on about, thinking I'm just talking in my sleep, which I've been known to do.
"At work, today, you tripped and fell into this huge long bench, all the guys were joking about you tripping over your own big feet, because there was nothing there. You remember."
He did. He asked me how I knew, and I just shrugged and described the place where it happened, although I've never been to his workplace. He's wide awake now, asking me all kinds of questions.
"You didn't trip." I tell him again. "He pushed you."
"Who pushed me? There was nobody behind me."
"No, not a person. The man ... the man with the big hands. The ghost man. He put both his big hands on your back and shoved you really hard. I don't know why. He doesn't like you."
Well, by now the Viking is out of bed, pacing back and forth, and I'm still mumbling and yawning, almost asleep again. The Viking is firing questions, hyped up and freaked out, and I'm going,
"Let me go back to sleep, honey, I don't know anything else. Just be careful - he doesn't like you."
And I went back to sleep, like nothing had happened, because weird stuff is normal to me.

I drive that poor man so crazy! I feel so lucky, he always believes everything I tell him, he's never, ever doubted me. But it can't be easy, living with me and all the spooky crap I bring....

Reply #198. Apr 07 18, 12:34 PM
Was told I should post this true story here:
I once took the Haunted Haworth tour in England. I recorded all of it that I could. (Recording is not allowed in the Bronte House) After leaving the Bronte house we were taken through the cemetery. The tour guide said we'd go up the hill to what is said to be the most haunted part of the area. My camera was working fine until we started up the hill when my battery died. I took the battery out and cleaned the connections as that sometimes helped bring back a little bit of power. I even took the tape out to make sure it wasn't jammed or damaged. After a few minutes of cleaning during which we were told we were entering the most haunted area of the graveyard I put the battery back in to no avail. We left that area and came back down the hill towards the church. I had put the tape and battery back in the camera. Halfway down the hill my power light came on slightly and I was able to record the rest. My wife and I stopped at a local pub after the tour and I looked at the camera. The battery showed it was fully charged. My wife and I reviewed the tape and found that the camera recorded everything!!!! Including the parts when there was no battery or tape in it!
But that's not the end. I still have the original mini-VHS tape from the camera. I have recorded onto regular VHS several times with no problem but every time I have tried to transfer it to DVD everything EXCEPT the part where the tape and battery records. Not a blank space. It just goes straight from when I took out the battery to when I put it back in. The VHS copies are 12 minutes longer than the DVDs.

I've had several other paranormal encounters if anyone wishes to hear of them.

Reply #199. May 05 18, 6:50 PM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
I'd definitely be interested in reading them!

Reply #200. May 05 18, 11:47 PM

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